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Pussy, Peckers, and Pizza Ch. 02

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Peckers and pizza - or penises and pizza.
780 words

Part 2 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/21/2017
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I can't decide. Both titles flow off the tip of the tongue rather well. And some how tongue and flowing is appropriate in these stories.

No, it's not always all about Dollie. All of those things I wrote about her dressing like a slut, teasing other men, and me watching little strippers caused my manhood to often wake up. It was a new opportunity for young Dollie and she wouldn't leave my penis alone anymore than I'd leave her alone. She used and abused me in public too!

Remember, until lately, there were no surveillance cameras, phone cams, or small digital cameras. I wouldn't recommend these things now. Life was simpler way back then.


Don't you dare lie. Everyone does it!

We didn't always play games in pizza places. Cum along as we practiced in other public places first. Yes, right in public. Anyone can have sex in the privacy of their home, car or other places. Just like those early sneaky tittie photo shoots, secretly doing these things within a short distance of others, in public, is the ultimate turn on.

Even office sex, adult book store sex, or sex in private is exciting if no one can see you when you think they might. For some reason even doing it in a motel seems more exciting! Well, doesn't it?

When young we fucked at home in full view of many of Dollie's family, for years at secluded semi-nude beaches, even regular public beaches hidden behind bushes, sand dunes, or maybe a beach blanket. Also we fucked on trails in the woods. Yes people sometimes saw us at all of those places doing it. Sometimes accidentally, sometimes they were planned 'accidents'.

Masturbation is the next best thing to intercourse. As much as we've tried, you just can't fuck everyplace you'd like to! While Adam was climbing apple trees Eve was masturbating. I'm sure he was jackin off behind the bushes whenever he got a chance! So fooling around in a dining establishment makes sense when Dollie is already showing a lot of skin.

Way back in the 60's, 70's even the 80's when tit and pussy flashing was in it's prime for us, this was an off shoot pastime. (SHOOT!) Mostly, because I had an erection or semi permanent erection at all times, usually because of those tit and ass games of Dollie's. My partner and I were always hungry for sex.

Although I rarely mentioned this in my other early stories, intercourse and masturbation of some sort was often a side product to the other games. One of us masturbating the other, one or both masturbating ourselves. Maybe it was a combination of it all. Lots of finger-fuckin and jackin-off went on under the restaurant tables when it could be performed on the sly.

Never keeping score or really thinking about what we've done, I'm betting in our 50+ years together these masturbation games have been performed hundreds of times in restaurants and Clubs. Before that we did it in my cars and trucks.

But that's nuther story. Also, just because I'm using pizza places as samples, doesn't mean we haven't practiced in B.K., McD's, KFC, Taco Daddy's, and other places where table clothes or anything for a bit of privacy was there.

Small old truck stop dining rooms were one of my favorite places to masturbate Dollie behind the table cloth. Especially when dirty ole truckers were staring at her tits above the table. That's yet another story!

It didn't stop just because we got old and I retired. These stories will show how I even got masturbated in several pizza places and I ejaculated under the table right near the town we live in now. I remember at least two restaurants in the Florida Keys where they had small simulated partial boats where we were able to play around as nearby diners had no idea I was getting masturbated.

At other places, just a raised dining area with a low wall around it or a simple skirted table cloth is all that's needed. The table cloths proved to be the best shelters and we'd choose those more private sections to eat, usually because of what Dollie was wearing in public. While staring at her tits I couldn't resist temptation.

People normally hear only about me playing with Dollie and her flashing. In the real world she was just as ornery as I. Since playing with her or looking at other gals caused erections, she couldn't leave my little pecker alone!

So this leads us to fun at pizza parlors.

There will be repetition. I repeat, I wrote some of this more than once.

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