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Putty in my Stepmother's Hands

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Tragic circumstances pull a son and his stepmum together.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, this story was inspired by a video I saw on-line, and as it is described below I won't give any details here. As for the category within which I've placed this tale, especially with the tragic circumstances of the muse, this action between the leading male and female characters wouldn't probably be considered immoral in any way. And would be totally legal, certainly within the U.K. where i live. So, that is why I've NOT placed it within the Incest/Taboo section.



I hadn't been eighteen for long when my mother died. Cancer. And it took us all by surprise at the sheer speed at which it invaded her body, literally within weeks of the disease being diagnosed, she was dead. Just like that. To say it shook my father and I to the core would be the complete understatement of the Century.

But, after a respectful period of mourning, life had to go on. Dad resumed his full duties running, very successfully it must be said, the company he owned, whilst I went off to university, to study for a degree. And then about a year later, something happened that put a massive smile on dad's face, in fact for the first time since mum had died. He met Cheryl.

My own first meeting with her occurred at the next break of term, Christmas, as it happened, and I was both very pleasantly surprised and delighted when I did so. It was clearly abundant for anybody to see the utterly real positive effect that she had on dad, those two really did gel. It was crystal clear that, despite being nearer to my age than his, that she was full of respect and love for him, I'm sure that there were many who purely saw her as a 'gold digger,' dad owned and ran a highly successful business and was very rich. And the thought did cross my mind too, I'll willingly admit. But very shortly after meeting her, those thoughts soon left my head completely. As I quickly discovered that not only did Cheryl have the utmost respect for him, but she also did for me as well. For instance, she never insisted on me referring to her as 'mum,' and was perfectly content at myself addressing her simply by her name, Cheryl.

Although I never said anything whatsoever to either of them, a wry smile did appear on my face when I heard them having full blown sex one day, with neither of them aware that I was in the house, so their bedroom door was open. And it became absolutely clear to me that Cheryl was definitely putting him 'through it' alright, although what I didn't know was that, with his full agreement, she'd tied him securely to the bed! Just what the old 'fox' needs and deserves, I commented to myself.

I moved back into the house with them once I graduated from university, starting work at dad's firm, his trade was electronics, as was my degree. I worked hard, certainly putting in the graft, as he very much appreciated, all of his staff being left in no doubt that I was fully expected to earn my position within the company, which, in all fairness I did. I didn't expect to, or receive, any special favours, and thus said staff began to respect me in my own right.

This then was the situation when, on that awful Saturday morning, dad drove off in his car, a top of the range Jaguar, to the golf course for a round with some good friends, and never returned. The two traffic Police officers informed me, when bleary eyed after good Friday evening down the pub, I opened the door to them; that I wasn't the only one who'd drunk heavily the night before. But, whilst I hadn't attempted to drive however, the person who lost control of their own vehicle and crashed into dad killing him outright, most certainly had. Four times over the limit the Policeman had told me, she, yes it had been a woman, had hardly been able to walk properly let alone drive. Eventually with me distraught, but concealing it to a large extent, the Police officers left me alone. And, then it hit me. I'd have to tell Cheryl! Something I was dreading. I mean what would I say to her? Just like me, her world had now been turned right upside down. And it was up to me to inform her. As you can imagine my stomach turned itself inside out with the prospect. As if I didn't have my very real own grief to contend with!

If dad had intended to spend much of the day playing golf with his friends, then his wife had sought the company of hers as she partook in some 'retail therapy.' Thankfully one of them entered the house with her, and I guess that the look upon my face, together with my own tear-stained eyes told them that something was very wrong indeed.

With no experience at this sort of thing I just blurted it out. "Dad's dead, Cheryl! The Police have been here, and he's been slaughtered by a drunk driver." She immediately dropped to her knees, collapsing into the kind cuddle offered by her good friend, Joanna. Who really rose to the occasion, immediately offering to stay with Cheryl for the night, to my eternal gratitude. Because I now had to go and officially identify the body, which as you can imagine was not a task that I enjoyed at all.

Returning to the house, having ordered a takeaway Chinese for the three of us, not that either Cheryl or I were in the mood to enjoy it, I cuddled my stepmother, and consumed with grief, she kissed me on the lips for the very first time in our lives. Now, I'm sure there was no intent there, and it was only much later when I occurred to me, just how electrifying that kiss, very brief though it had been, had seemed. At this moment of death, it had made me feel so alive. Obviously, I attempted to dismiss the idea, but I simply couldn't.

Because there's one thing I need to explain here. Cheryl was just simply, I believe the expression is, 'drop dead gorgeous.' Tall, slim with golden hair and bright blue eyes, this woman if she had chosen to, could have been a model right out of the very top drawer.

She was dad's lady, not mine and I'm being fully truthful when I say I'd never considered her in any way that could be considered carnal, as I fully respected their relationship. As did she, there was never any hint whatsoever that she'd been unfaithful to my father in any manner at all.

For the moment my mind did allow me to dismiss any thoughts towards her, other than support at all, as things needed to be organised. Like a funeral for example. And the business, under the terms of dad's will I became the owner and boss there. But I was intelligent enough to know that I was nowhere near experienced enough by far to take on that role, so I wisely asked his highest ranked employees for help. And they responded superbly, with their help we steadied the ship, and kept the company going.

Also, according to said will, the house would become mine. But, and I had no problem with this, Cheryl would have the full right to live there, and be granted a generous living allowance out of dad's estate. Although she would be required to move out if she re-married. However, as we watched dad's coffin being lowered into the ground, my hand in hers, there was one question that neither dad, nor his very competent solicitor, had considered, but Cheryl had most certainly done so by now. What if the person that she did re-marry was me?

Was it her first move in that direction? I didn't believe it at the time, but when I look back, I just might well have been so. For you see, after the funeral and the wake, once everybody else had left, Cheryl asked me if I would sleep with her that night, and no she didn't mean sex, as it was because she didn't want to be alone. A reasonable request that I gladly agreed to. And when I awoke in the morning, I found her hand clamped around my cock, which was in the form of a real boner. Naturally she apologised fully, claiming her subconscious must have believed it was dad still in the bed. A very feasible explanation, that I accepted without question, although with the benefit of hindsight, now I'm not so sure.

As the weeks started to pass, and the pain began to ease just a little, Cheryl made no moves at all. Although, and I had absolutely no idea of this, the idea of having me take dad's place as her life's partner HAD occurred to her, she never gave any hint of it whatsoever. But, she asked herself, how to go about achieving that aim? For whilst I wasn't a virgin by now, I was still very inexperienced when it came to the subject of the 'pleasures of the flesh' and completely lacking an any form of confidence when it came to sex. And, although I was not really aware of this, I was quite submissive, I'm one of those males that needs a strong, confident woman in my life, one that is perfectly happy to take the lead, especially regarding sex, in a relationship. A very good description of the lady who shared my home as a matter of fact. Remember, although I didn't know it, she'd tied dad to the bed. With his total permission, and she began to wonder, correctly as it turned out, if I had the same submissive tendencies?

And, with no intention of this at all, I ended up giving her some great clues about just how to achieve her aim of getting me into her bed and making me hers. For, another thing I shared with dad, I delighted in nylon stockings, the sheerer the better. And, to my shame I guess, I'd pinched a pair of hers, together with a sexy suspender belt. Dressing myself in them quite often, but only when she was out, she never actually caught me wearing them. However, she did find them one day, when putting some fresh laundry away for me, clearly I hadn't hidden them away well enough. However, Cheryl said nothing, just clocking the fact away in her head, for use when it became appropriate, in the meantime even washing the bloody things every now and then, something I was totally oblivious to, by the way. Males, eh?

But her real breakthrough came one Saturday morning, when a friend rang with some tickets he'd managed to obtain for the local Premier League Football Team's next home match that very afternoon. If I wanted to go however, I very much needed to get round to his place, pronto. I was gone in a flash, but in my haste, I'd failed to shut down my computer properly.

Like all human beings Cheryl has her faults, her vices, but she also possesses many qualities that are completely positive. Like her smashing looks and the ability to choose clothing that just accentuates her style. She's damn good in the kitchen too, but one thing she REALLY excels at in life is her knowledge and use of computers.

With mine being left on, so without the need to enter my 'password' to enter, she soon started to take a little look at my browsing history, to see if she could gain any useful knowledge of my likes and dislikes within. Couldn't she just, eh?

It soon became crystal clear to this utterly astute lady, that I was very much like my father in many ways, with those ways suggesting a situation that suited her down to the ground. Just as he had wanted her to, and then thoroughly enjoyed it when she'd obliged, I wanted to be tied to a bed by a powerful and confident woman, who would then proceed to shag me into the middle of next week. Like father, like son, it occurred to her, who was an almost perfect example of the above description. Next up, she then discovered a short video, and she, correctly, deduced from the number of times I'd viewed it, that what sexual action occurred during it was something that REALLY turned me on. The answer to her own question of how to seduce me, in other words!

There were only two people involved within, a young girl dressed as a French maid, and a young man, lying on a bed, dressed in just a pair of boxer shorts. They don't stay on very long though. With some leather cuffs and rope she soon has him secured to the bed.

She fastens his wrists together and to the upper bed frame, then strips him of his shorts, all the time using her hands, and various other implements, clothes pegs, some sort of vibrating device, etc. to completely tease him. Having silenced him with a gag that's a bit like a horse's bridle. Now comes the full bondage part, although we, the viewers don't get to see the act itself being performed, only the aftermath and the effect. Two more leather cuffs are fastened around his ankles, and then his legs are tied, not to the lower bed frame, but back to the upper one. Holding his legs open, and his arse exposed. She now penetrates his backside using a combination of dildos, all whilst she's 'hand pumping' his fully erect cock.

Cheryl smiled to herself as she viewed this short piece of cinematic delight, and then began make a few adjustments to the basic plot in her own mind, there were no stockings worn by either the male captive or 'Mademoiselle,' for example, in her plans for my seduction. Beginning to almost play with herself at the excitement of purchasing, and then dressing in a sexy French maid's costume.

It arrived shortly afterwards, so she was now ready. She just needed the ideal opportunity to arrive. Again, it did so on a Saturday morning. I'd been so busy at work, and especially one Friday afternoon, that I didn't even bother to go to the pub as I normally would. No, I came home, had a quick bite to eat, and went straight to bed, that's how shattered I was. And slept, a very deep sleep.

So, I was still in the state of slumber next morning, as the 'Gallic' Cheryl crept into my room. She looked at my body with something approaching love, which was to a large extent how she regarded me now. And then struck, with the speed of a cobra!

Suddenly she grabbed one of my wrists, snapping one of a pair of steel handcuffs around it, although it was covered in black fur, swiftly she moved to also imprison my other wrist in the matching other cuff of the pair. In fact, this pair of cuffs had a slight addition to normal, one of the centre links of the chain connecting them had a smaller version of the cuffs already attached. So as Cheryl pulled my arms up and over my head, she them used the other end of this smaller version, to securely lock the whole assembly to one of the vertical stays of the solid and secure bed frame. Where it formed a decorative 'loop' at the top, with then prevented any vertical movement as well as horizontal. Therefore, I was now firmly chained to the bed, and wouldn't be leaving it until Cheryl said so. I'd just been carnally captured by my very sexy stepmother!

As you can all imagine, the above actions did rather bring my state of slumber to an immediate halt, as I awoke still in somewhat of a daze, to find my arms chained in captivity, and the delicious smile on my captor's face! "Bonjour, Cheri. Time to re-create a little video, one you've been watching a good few times." ( Cheri being a French term, equivalent to 'darling' or 'honey' and i apologise for it being so similar to the name i've given the leading female of this story. )

"Cheryl, what's going on? What the hell do you think you're doing?" As I, uselessly of course, tagged my bound arms against their secure bond, quickly realising that I was now completely captured, and that I belonged to Cheryl now, I was utterly in her hands, and she could do precisely what she wanted to do to me.

"Like I say Cheri we're going to reproduce for ourselves a little film I found on your computer, one you appear to have watched quite often. Oh, how do I know? Remember that football match you rushed off to see? You left your P.C. running, and well, I know my way around a computer. Had a very good look, so now I know what turns you on!"

She smiled, the smile of a sexual predator, as one of her hands started to stroke my cock, still covered within my boxers. "First these need to come off, and then there will be a slight 'edit' to the original script. She allowed me to see her legs and in particular the top of them as she lifted the hem of her French maid's uniform, so I could quite clearly observe the suspenders holding her stockings up. Now she got off the bed proceeding to where 'my' stockings and suspender set were, and my heart sunk as I now knew just what she was doing. She opened the drawer of a chest of such, and almost lovingly pulled the items out.

"Well Cheri," continuing to use the French form of endearment, "how long have you had these for eh? I did wonder if I'd lost a set a few months ago. And don't worry, I've known for a while, so they have been regularly washed! Bet you never even noticed, did you?" The crestfallen look on my face told her all she needed to know as an answer to that one, make no mistake.

"So, I was right! Never mind then, it's time for you to wear them again, now. And for me to be the one who puts you into them! Won't that be fun?"

"Well, I can't stop you, Cheryl. Although I'm not sure it's a good idea."

She paused. "Look Darling," dropping the 'Gallic' term, "I never once betrayed your father, I stayed utterly faithful to him, as I would have continued to do had he lived. But he has gone now, no fault of either you or myself, and won't be coming back, as much as we want him to. I know that I love you, as you do me, and don't deny it, you do! However, if you wish it, I'll release you right now. But you don't want me to, do you?"

Her words made complete sense and were totally true. And, by God, did I fancy her or what? "Mais non, Mademoiselle! You're right on both counts. Dad isn't coming back, and I do love you! So, do your worst! Why shouldn't we enjoy ourselves, and fair play to you, yes, you've really caught me by surprise! Please proceed, Mademoiselle!"

"Oh, I WILL do, don't you worry yourself about that! And then, once we've had some fun here, I'll move things onto my bed, and then the sex can REALLY begin!"

Naturally I didn't resist at all then as, first the suspender belt, followed by the sheer stockings found their way onto my legs. While yes, this wasn't for the first time that my legs had covered in this delicious material, but I'd done so myself, in secret before. This was so much more exciting, the owner of said stockings was the one putting me into them. And then stroking her hands all over my, now nylon coated pins. WOW!

Which she then fastened to the bed posts, but not those of the lower bed frame. Using two more fur covered hand cuff sets, but with a chain far longer than the normal, at least half a metre long. With those she fastened my ankles to the upper bed frame, bending my body upon itself, my arse sticking right up in the air. Just as had happened to the male 'actor' within the aforementioned video. However, Cheryl had somewhat altered the order of events, in said video said male had found himself gagged before his legs became 'confined,' but here Cheryl had fastened my lower body first. Didn't mean I wouldn't be silenced by her though, she did so right now, removing from her own body and then using, her panties, tied in place with another stocking, instead of the horse type 'bit' gag used in the film.

She was ready therefore to begin the fun. With me completely in her power and at her mercy. With the dirty smile on her delicious face suggesting that particular commodity was the very last thing that she now intended for me. One of her hands clamped itself firmly around my rampant cock, that had never been harder in its entire life. Her other?

It reached out and grabbed one of those vibrating 'wands' just like the girl of the video had used. And, just like her, she attacked my balls with that. And unlike the video, she continued this process until the inevitable occurred. Resulting in her hand becoming completely covered in my 'product' as one of the most intense orgasms that I'd ever been subject to took me over absolutely. Life as Cheryl's captive could be good indeed, thought to myself, as I slowly returned to a state where such thought was actually possible!

Cheryl waited for me to become hard again, but not in a manner that could be described as patient at all. For during the twenty of so minutes it took for this desirable state of affairs to arrive, and she wanted to be sure that my tool was REALLY hard, her hands were all over my body, very much including my stocking covered legs. Teasing me beyond measure, stoking me up like nobody else had ever done to me. So, when she was finally satisfied with foreplay and repeated her earlier actions the result was the same, as I'm sure will surprise nobody!


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