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Quarantined Due to Futa Virus Ch. 06

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My sister and Aunt want to fuck my straight ass!
16.1k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/11/2022
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This is my longest story to date, so buckle up for a longer and more relaxed pace than usual. Have fun!


Jan 11th 20xx

"Scientists alerted the President this morning of a new strain of COVID that appeared at a local Florida hospital. According to the doctors we were able to speak to, this new strain leaves behind extremely life altering after effects. So severe were the effects that one doctor compared it to a mutation. His colleague said there was an 'addition' to patient zero but refused to elaborate. So after collaborating with our inhouse medical staff at FAUX NEWS, we will henceforth be referring to this new strain as the Forced Unusual Transformative Addition Virus. Or the FUTA virus."

Dad turned off the TV with an annoyed huff. "Fucking fearmongering. At least this time they didn't work with the overpaid scientists to name it something boring. Like... Like... Like the Ibex variant."

I rolled my eyes at his poorly thought out, and really outdated, attempt at social commentary, and glanced over at my dad. With his XXL Hawaiian shirt and balding pate, he looked like your average Floridian retiree. However, dad refused to retire, he had spent the past forty years of his sixty, building up his burger joint from the ground up, and he intended to work there until he died.

"Honey, maybe we should close the restaurant this time if a quarantine is declared. After all, you just had your heart surgery, and covid might kill you." Mom cuddled up to dad to try and convince him. With her supporting exercise bra, tight yoga pants, and teary doe eyes, she was pulling out all the stops.

During the last round of quarantines and lockdowns, dad had kept the business open the entire time. Either paying the imposed fines, or bribing the local officials to ignore his rule breaking. Of course, since it was a family business, myself and the rest of my family had been forced to work through the pandemic without so much as a vacation.

"I agree, honey. We should really close the restaurant. You are working yourself too hard! You should take a break and take care of my dear sister." Aunt Val spoke up from the couch she was lounging on. Her words were much less sincere than my mom's, and spoken with a sarcastic drawl.

To emphasize her point and push for a vacation, Aunt Val leaned forward to accentuate her impressive and nearly bare tits. As long as I had known her, she preferred to walk around in a bikini top and beach skirt, most of the time she wore panties or a bikini bottom under the skirt but sometimes she 'forgot'. When I was a kid, she always said it was so she could go to the beach whenever, but once I turned 18 she dropped all pretense and told me that it was so she could nab the perfect man whenever he appeared.

"Yeah, dad! Let's take some vacation!" My twenty year old elder sister Brenda enthusiastically copied our aunt and added her own twist. Using her arms to coyly push her breasts forward and shaking them about. Causing her bikini clad D cup breasts to bounce and jiggle. She was wearing the same thing as Aunt Val, both to copy her, and because she was too lazy to do laundry.

After glaring at Aunt Val and Brenda in annoyance, Dad turned to me. "Well, Martin? As the only one here to graduate high school, what do you think?"

I paused for a minute before replying. Dad rarely asked for my opinion so I wanted to make sure that I didn't give something half assed. Although considering I was the skinniest one in the family, almost a beanpole in comparison, half an ass would be an impressive effort.

"Well," I pushed up my glasses nervously. "I think that since we are still in the winter, and most of our sales are local, we should probably wait until there are government mandates to do anything like masks or shutting down."

"Go figure." Brenda scoffed at my suggestion. "Your idea is to wait around and do nothing. No wonder Sally ditched you for Brett before you could even get up the courage to ask her out."

I winced at the cheapshot, and prepared a counter volley. "Yeah, well at least I don't have a customer value card for the abortion clinic. What is it now? Get ten and you get a free sandwich?"

"You fucking twerp!" Brenda threw the TV remote at my head, which I dodged easily.

"Children!" Mom clapped her hands and glared at us, and we went silent. We both knew that as a hispanic mom, her word was law, even though we were both adults.

Satisfied that she had her children under control, mom returned to loving wife mode and looked up at dad. She had married dad when she was in her late teens to get a green card for herself and her younger sister Aunt Val, so she was still only in her late 30s and still looked very beautiful for her age. She kept herself in shape and wore revealing clothing to make sure dad didn't lose interest in her, or cheat on her with Aunt Val.

"Well, honey? What should we do?" Mom asked in a gentle voice. "You need some rest, and I could take care of you while you recover."

Dad thought for several minutes before shaking his head. "This time, we will take Martin's suggestion." He ignored the whines coming from Brenda, and sighs of disappointment from Mom and Aunt Val. "It's only just been reported to the President, and it might turn out to be nothing. Besides, I'm fitter than a fiddle! No piddling heart surgery is going to be enough to take me out."

"Hey, dad." I spoke up before he could either launch into a long half drunken story or turn the TV back on. "What should we do about employees? You may be healthy, but anyone living outside the family is a possible infection point that could force us to shut down due to sickness."

"Hmph. Your fancy pamby words aside. You're right." Dad took a sip of his beer while he thought. "If it turns serious, then we can offer anyone who really wants to work here the guest room. Any objections, family?" Brenda was the only one who spoke up with an evil grin.

"Sara isn't gonna talk to you, even if she lives here. Not even if you were the last surviving man on Earth."

"Shut up, Brenda!" I threw a pillow at her, which she caught and made kissy faces with to further annoy me.

Sara was a waitress at the restaurant who had recently joined. I worked with dad in the kitchen and back management, while she worked with Aunt Val and Brenda in the front, so I hadn't had much chance to speak with her. But from what I had seen, she seemed nice and extremely hot. To get better tips, she had copied the dress style of Aunt Val, and her C cup breasts stuck out in all the right places for me.

"Kids. Stop." Dad gave his warning a bit louder, and a bit more forcefully than mom had, but we both still shut up at his words. After glaring at us for a bit, he made his decision. "We'll stay open, even if it turns into a big deal and everywhere else closes. Because juicy burgers and cold milkshakes is the undying promise of The Sidewalk Burger."

His ultimatum delivered, dad gave a small burp, took another swig of his beer, and turned the TV back on, but he turned the channel over to an old TV show's reruns instead of the news.

The only employee who agreed to move into our guest room was Sara. Apparently she said she would only do it in exchange for overtime, which dad agreed to. Less than a week after she moved in though, all of us got infected with the FUTA virus. Dad unfortunately succumbed to the virus, and left me to manage a business that I seriously did not want.


Jan 30th 20xx

"Martin." Brenda whined and extended each syllable in my name. "I wanna go on break! Can I please go on break? Please! Pretty please! Pretty please with a cherry on top!"

I sighed in annoyance. It had been a couple weeks since dad had passed away and we were working together in the kitchen of The Sidewalk Burger. There was some family talk about closing for safety and grieving purposes, but we needed to pay for dad's funeral expenses. Also we found out that the SOB had left us with a small mountain of gambling debts. Nothing too big, around $30K, but still enough that we needed to keep the restaurant open. So I used up my pocket money and personal college savings to set up the business with an online presence and we were now doing a decent business with pickup only.

As for the emerging FUTA virus, it has definitely turned into a big deal. Last time I checked, President Diben is planning on declaring a nationwide lockdown on Feb 1st. Apparently he's giving a couple days warning to give everyone time to stock up on supplies.

"Martin!" Brenda's whines brought me back to earth. "I really want to take a break! Can I take a break yet!?"

"No! Stop whining!" I spoke in a clipped tone to get her attention. "And put your tits away! I don't want to look at my sister's tits!"

"Aww, what's the matter? Are you getting turned on by your sister's tits?" Brenda leaned forward a bit and shook her completely bare tits. When she had gotten infected with FUTA virus, her previously D cup breasts had grown to F cup, and she complained that her bra and bikini top were now too tight.

"N-no! I just don't want to see them. C-could you maybe put on a shirt or something?" I turned my eyes awkwardly away to avoid seeing her gigantic tits. If my virginal dick saw them right now then I'd definitely get a boner, and like the annoying older sister she was, Brenda would then probably tease me for weeks.

"I don't want to. A cute boy might walk by and fall in love with them. Now can I have my break or what?"

I sighed in annoyance at my sister's laziness. "No, you can't have a break yet. We still need to clean up from the lunch rush." Brenda began making her usual whining noises, so I decided to hit below the belt. "Besides, what boy would look twice at you with that monster between your legs."

"Fuck you, Martin! Just because you didn't get a big dick from the virus doesn't mean that you get to make fun of me for having one!"

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. But where's order #32?" Sara knocked on the order counter to get our attention. "The asshole is threatening to withhold his tip for the delay, even though he didn't tip on the app."

"Let me see." I looked at the pile of receipts that the printer had blasted out for lunch rush. "Is this him? The one who set his profile name as Muskyboy?"

"Yea, that's him. He ordered the avocado, mayo, pickle and sour cream burger. Don't forget the honey mustard side for his garlic fries."

After a little searching on the preorder counter, I found the order. Mom had put the foul smelling combination in an airtight bag but forgot to put it where it should have been. "Here you go Sara. I put an extra order of the garlic fries in there for his trouble. No one but him gets them anyways."

"Alright, boss." Sara took the bag, put it in the take out area and stepped back behind a line. We had set up protocols to try and limit the spread of the virus and the app had a check box people had to select to acknowledge that they understood their food was being prepared by infected people. A lawsuit for withholding information was the last thing I needed.

"What were we arguing about again?" Brenda asked me with metaphorical question marks floating over her head, seemingly having forgotten what we had been talking about less than thirty seconds ago.

"Your dick? And that no boy would want to go out with you due to it?" I braced myself for the resumption of hostilities over my comments. Instead, she just slumped over the counter and cradled her head in her hand.

"Yeah. With this between my legs, I'll probably never get laid again." Brenda heaved another depressing sigh. "It just really sucks that I'll never get fucked by a dick again."

While Brenda was in her slump, Sara walked up to the order window again. I did my best to smile in a friendly manner as her cute face that was outlined by her short blond hair half smiled at me. "Hey, boss. That was the last order, can I take a break out back?"

"Of course, take all the time you need, and here. Take this, I made it just for you." Sara took the handmade burger I had made for her and walked out the side door without another word. Brenda snorted in amusement.

"You seriously have the hots for her, don't you?"

"Shut up." I grumbled. I did like Sara, but I didn't want Brenda to know about it. Every time when I was in school and fell for a girl, I had received unrelenting teasing from my older sister. As well as a barrage of suggestions and ideas that all failed completely and usually got me branded as a weirdo.

"Sara and Martin, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Although I doubt your virginal ass could even get as far as kissing." Brenda grinned with a devilish smile. "Maybe you just need some practice."

"Practice?" My internal alarm bells were starting to go off from her evil grin.

"Yeah, practice." Brenda cupped her large breasts in her hands and gave me a playful seductive look. "You just need to touch some real boobies and then maybe, just maybe, you will grow some balls big enough to talk to Sara."

"No! Why would I touch my sister's boobs!? Just put them away already!" I closed my eyes and waved my hands frantically. Not to say I was repulsed by the idea of touching her boobs, even though my dick hadn't gotten any bigger from the FUTA virus I had still gotten the increased libido that came with it, and the primitive monkey in my brain was jumping up and down to urge me to take advantage of the opportunity.

"C'mon! You know you want to!" I could tell from Brenda's voice that she had gotten closer, and then I felt the springy softness of her bare breasts rub against my chest. All of a sudden, she backed off. "Fuck! I just got this down!"

"What?" I slowly opened my eyes, and wished I hadn't. A giant 13 inch dick was sticking out from her beach skirt.

"Seriously!?" I shouted, my voice cracking for the first time since middle school. "First you come to work late with your tits out and now you have your d-d-dick out!"

"Quit stuttering." Brenda glared at me while trying to push her dick back under her skirt. "The only reason I came in late was to prevent this exact thing from happening. I had to jack off several times in the shower to get rid of my morning wood, and I hoped that I'd be satisfied for the rest of the day. My last boyfriend was usually satisfied by my handjobs so I figured I'd be able to keep my dick away."

"Please don't talk about your sex life! Please, just take a break, and do whatever you need to do to put your dick, and your tits, out of my sight!"

I expected Brenda to do what I do when I have an awkward boner, go into the bathroom and rub one out. Instead, she just gave me a look that I did not like.

"Hey, remember what I said about you needing experience? I was kinda being serious." I stared at her in shock while she grimaced. "What? It's not like I'm gonna find anyone one else to stick this in while the whole fucking nation is in lockdown. And since mom and Aunt Val are probably already fucking, I figure I should give you a chance."

I was taken aback by the news of mom and Aunt Val fucking. Granted, the two of them had been spending a lot of time together since dads death, but I had assumed that Aunt Val was helping mom through her grief. Mom may have married dad to get a green card and to bring her sister over to the US, but she was still very attached to him.

"Well, what do you say?" Brenda elbowed me in the ribs, somewhat more forcefully than usual to cover her embarrassment. "Wanna fuck me?"

My eyes bounced between my sister's giant tits, and throbbing cock. Tits, cock, tits, cock, tits, cock. My own cock was very confused by the dilemma. Eventually, Brenda got tired of my indecision.

"I guess I need to put things in a way that a book nerd like you can understand." Brenda cleared her throat like she was going to explain something to an idiot. "If you suck my dick, then you can fuck my pussy or ass from behind. Either say yes, or give me a break to take care of this!"

Brenda gestured downwards at her dick that was standing straight up and leaking pre cum in anticipation. It took a disappointingly short amount of time for me to come to a decision.

"Fine. But we can never tell mom about this."

"No duh, idiot. Just like you don't tell mom about my weed, and I don't tell mom about your porn stash. On a side note, who has a porn stash these days? There's way better stuff online."

"It's called manga." I rolled my eyes at Brenda's assumption. "Also, since when do you smoke weed? Mom's gonna kill you if she finds out."

"That's why she's never gonna know. Now get sucking. You aren't getting my ass until you get me to cum at least once, maybe twice, and if you can get my cock all the way down then you get my ass for the rest of the week. No questions asked."

With a sigh of resignation, I got down on my knees in front of Brenda's groin. Despite what she had said earlier, I did know about porn on the internet, so I knew how to suck a dick, but only from straight porn! I never watched dudes sucking dicks, or ever imagined that I'd be the one sucking a dick, much less my sister's dick.

"Well? Are you gonna suck my dick?" Brenda asked in a sarcastic tone. "Or are you waiting for Sara to come back so she can watch? Are you hoping to impress her in a different way to get her to fuck you too?"

Brenda's taunt had a good point. I definitely didn't want Sara to catch me like this, so I needed to get this over with fast.

Tentatively reaching up to grasp Brenda's cock, I maneuvered the throbbing rod into a horizontal position and stared into its dripping eye. I could see Brenda prepping another taunt or insult, so I took a deep breath and put the massive member in my mouth.

It had a weird, salty, and a little musky taste, but I didn't have long to focus on the taste. I had to keep going deeper, or at least that's what I thought I needed to do based on the internet videos I had seen.

4 inches, 6 inches, 8 inches, 10 inches! I got up to 10 inches before I hit my limit and couldn't fit any more in my mouth.

"Fuck! This feels amazing! Now I know why guys always wanted me to give them a blowjob!" Brenda put a hand on the back of her head, while her other hand cupped her breast. "But you need to go deeper! Just ignore that gag reflex, and go deEPER!"

My head was forced forward until my nose bounced against her navel. Every alarm bell in my body was blaring red alert, telling me to back up, and get this giant 13 inch dick out of my mouth. I went back a little, but Brenda's hand on my head had full control.

"Fuck yes! Your skinny pale throat is so tight! This feels way better than a handjob! Keep doing that with your mouth!" I couldn't see anything except Brenda's stomach bouncing against my nose again and again, but it sounded like she was enjoying this. Somehow I was still able to breathe, and the gag reflex that I had heard about wasn't kicking in for whatever reason, so I felt like I could do this for a while. However, her cock was so big that I couldn't do anything with my tongue or lips and this was getting a bit boring.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck yes! I'm cumming!" Brenda smushed my face against her body as she trembled in pleasure and let the baby batter go nearly directly to my stomach. It had taken less than five minutes for her to cum, and since she had asked to cum multiple times, I mentally prepared myself for this to continue for a while.

After more than twenty minutes of this pattern repeating multiple times, Brenda finally released her grip on my curly hair. I immediately reached for the strongest soda possible to wash the taste of dick out of my mouth. Taking a long swig of Mtn. Do, while Brenda leaned against the counter, panting for breath.

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