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Quarantined with My Sisters Ch. 01


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Only THEN did her words filter into my brain: "It's okay. I don't mind you looking."

I didn't have the brain power at this moment to process that, so I hurried into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

And my damn hard-on wouldn't go away.

"I don't mind you looking"? Seriously. What the hell is going on? Is my little *sister*... like... interested? In *me*?

We had been in quarantine WAY too long.

Am -I- interested in my sister? Da fuq?

This was so WRONG.

My erect column of meat bobbed and weaved unceasingly as I tried (and failed) to focus on shampooing my hair and then washing my face. I grabbed it a couple of times, half-heartedly giving it a few jerks before letting go to concentrate on soaping my body. But once everything was rinsed off, I sighed and bent my head forward, taking a firm but supple hold of my shaft and stroking it with the intent to get myself off as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, dirty thoughts of Michelle rubbing herself off in this very shower just minutes prior kept invading my mind. I tried to recall the physical features of my internet porn vixens. I *tried* to remember exactly what Avery looked like naked. I even tried to subtly morph the image in my head of Michelle's body to put a pornstar's face on top of it, to no avail. Somebody had inceptioned the idea of my little sister masturbating into my mind, and I couldn't get it out!

I realized I wasn't going to spurt anytime soon, not without thinking of Michelle that is. Not wanting to waste water, I switched off the spray and started drying off. My massive schlong refused to go down, and I resolved to cueing up internet porn or perhaps opening one of my favorite erotica stories as soon as I got back to my room. I just knew I'd have to do it fast, because Michelle would be waiting for me to start Game of Thrones soon.

I wrapped my towel around my waist, chuckling at the obscene tent I was pitching at a 45-degree upward angle. Eager to get to my masturbation session, I grabbed my dirty clothes with one hand and opened the door with the other to hurriedly step outside...

... and nearly ran into Alex. My big sister had been passing down the hallway, and she yelped in shock and jerked away when my face suddenly loomed just a few inches away from hers. I jerked away myself, taking a quick side-step to avoid bumping into her, and we both came to a stop a couple of feet away from each other, eyes wide open in surprise.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I apologized.

"Jeezus, you scared me!" Alex exclaimed, holding her hand over her heart. But then her eyes dropped down my torso, taking in my bulging pecs and tense abs. I really did have a six-pack, and was quite proud of it, which was why I continued to do all those core workout videos. And then my sister's eyes got REALLY big as she saw the bulging tent in my towel.

Right then, my towel slipped off completely. In my haste to side-step a collision, I had apparently stretched the limits of friction a single towel tuck can make. With my hands held up and to my sides in a defensive, apologetic posture, I was helpless to stop the terrycloth from puddling to the floor, revealing my throbbing manhood in all its glory.

Not that I stayed in that position to let her ogle away or anything. I felt the towel slipping down my thighs and had frantically tried to grab it before it fell, to no avail. It only took a second for me to duck down, grab the offending fabric with my right hand and hoist it over my crotch. My left hand likewise pinned my dirty clothes over my crotch, and I was left standing there, blushing beet red in embarrassment trying to cover my nakedness.

Alex blinked twice, still staring at my midsection as if she had X-ray vision and could see straight through both the bunched-up towel and my dirty clothes. Either that, or the sight of my naked dick had been burned into her retinas and she could still see afterimages of the thick column of mushroom-headed meat. Whatever the reason, it was clear she wasn't about to move, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I chuckled nervously and scampered down the hallway to my room, nevermind that I had to show my big sister my naked butt the whole way. And it was only once I was in the privacy of a room with a closed door that I finally began to exhale.

On the bright side, being scared shitless was not the most arousing sensation in the world, and when I tossed my dirty clothes into the hamper and looked down at my crotch, I found that it had nearly gone soft all on its own.

At least now Michelle wouldn't have to wait for me long to start Game of Thrones.


Something tickled my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Oh, holy *shit*!" a girl gasped in the darkness, followed by a thump as she stepped back onto the floor. I felt the mattress shift as her body weight no longer pressed into the pocketed-coil springs beside me.

Blinking a few times, I stared into the dim illumination, trying to identify who was in my room. "Lex? Chelle?"

Without another word, whoever she was quickly walked to my bedroom door, cracked it open just enough to let her fit through, and she slithered outside while closing the door behind her.

Shaking cobwebs loose from my brain and scratching crusty bits from my eyes, I turned to look at the clock on my nightstand. It was after 3am, not an hour when I did my best thinking. In fact, I was so addled at the moment that I couldn't be sure I hadn't imagined that one of my sisters had come into my room for some randomly weird reason.

But then I noticed that I wasn't under my bedcovers. Further, I noticed that I was sporting an 8-inch erection, standing up like a tilted flagpole through the flaps of both my boxer shorts and pajama pants. I was pretty sure it hadn't gotten out on its own.

*What the hell is going on?*

Mr. Happy throbbed at me, bobbing slightly as if silently complaining that he wasn't getting any attention. Letting my head flop back onto my pillow, I half-heartedly gave it a few pumps. But it was after 3am in the middle of the fucking night, and I was *tired*. I left my hand wrapped around my meat, let my brain drift away, and soon fell back into slumber.


Alex was extra-bitchy the next morning. She complained about being stuck in quarantine during breakfast. She complained about being stuck in quarantine during lunch. She complained to her best friend via video call that her boyfriend didn't have enough time for her. And she complained AGAIN about being stuck in quarantine during dinner.

Michelle complained about Alex complaining so much, especially since the video call with Emily was once again in the kitchen instead of upstairs in her room. Alex started yelling that Michelle didn't know what it was like to be immunocompromised and scared to death of the virus - that if Michelle caught it, she would get nothing more than a mild cold.

Michelle complained it wasn't *her* fault Alex was immunocompromised, and complained further still that if she hadn't been saddled with an immunocompromised sister, she could've gone out and about like so many of her classmates and friends who were pushing the boundaries of "social distancing" since it "didn't really matter if they got it or not".

Both girls got fucking *livid*, and while it never quite came to physical blows, it was pretty close. Alex ultimately stalked upstairs to her bedroom and violently slammed the door shut. Michelle stalked into the TV room, snatched a throw pillow off the couch, and planted it over her face to muffle a primal scream.

Having done my best to placate both girls during the fight, I was pretty drained myself. But after a couple of minutes to calm myself down, I went to join Michelle on the couch and gave her a big hug.

"You know Lex loves you, just as much as you love her," I told her reassuringly. "She's being a terrible bitch right now, but it's the situation getting to her, that's all. We've all been cooped up inside for far too long."

Michelle sighed and shook her head. "I know, I know. She just makes me so... UGH!" She grabbed the pillow again to muffle another scream.

I hugged my little sister tighter to my side while she let her frustrations out. She screamed again and shuddered. But in the end, she started to settle down and let the pillow fall away. Tears in her eyes, Michelle twisted to bury her face against the crook of my neck and hug me back, and I simply held her in silence for a long several minutes while she calmed down.

Eventually, Michelle spoke. Once again though, it was to speak words I did NOT expect.

"She's right about one thing, though," my little sister began. "She just gets so fucking *horny*."

I blinked twice in surprise and pulled my head back to look down at her. But Michelle was glassy-eyed, staring off into space at some point past my shoulder. "Umm, what?" I croaked, certain I had not heard what I'd just heard.

She sighed, absentmindedly rubbing my chest with her free hand while the other cinched tighter around my back and held my waist. "I get why she's so cranky, that's all. She's used to getting plowed on a regular basis, but now she's stuck here, feeling a million miles away while her boyfriend is out macking on other girls."

"Wait, *what*?" I pulled back and Michelle sat up straighter. "What was that about Lex's boyfriend?"

"You weren't listening? This afternoon when she was yelling at Emily?"

I blinked and shrugged my shoulders. "Once she starts screaming that loud I just sort of tune her out. She was talking about her boyfriend?"

Michelle nodded. "He's sick of being cooped up, and his friends keep telling him he has 'rights' or some such bullshit - that the government can't keep him locked up, and they can't stop him from going out to see his friends. Or at least that's what Alex was telling Emily. Supposedly he didn't say anything specific about flirting with other girls, but Alex's convinced herself he's already banging someone else. It would explain why he's been so much less available. She said they haven't even had phone sex in like a week."

I shook my head slowly, processing all of that.

Michelle started chuckling. "As it stands right now, if they don't come up with a vaccine until next year, she's staring down a future where YOURS is the only dick she'll have within reach until 2021."

I grimaced immediately at the thought.

Michelle gave me a funny look. "What? Grossed out by the idea of your sister coming onto you?"

My scowled deepened. "She's my *sister*, Chelle."

Michelle shrugged and stood up from the couch, wiping the last traces of tears from her eyes. She turned around, staring out the sliding door into the darkness outside, muttering, "Well when you're out of options, you're out of options." And with that, she went upstairs.


Feeling a little weirded out by the whole situation, I stayed on the couch and tried to process everything that had happened. And I thought about Michelle's words about being out of options and everything.

It was true, we were all out of options. For as much as the girls fought each other, I knew deep down that they loved each other. I certainly loved them both. It was why we had never questioned our parents' orders to obey strict quarantine and not risk exposing Alex to something that could quite literally kill her. But what if Michelle was right, and the lockdowns wouldn't get lifted until a vaccine was developed? Could the three of us really be stuck together like this for the rest of the fucking YEAR?

The idea of that sobered me. I suppose I had always known in the back of my head that this thing COULD last a lot longer than any of us realized, at least in theory. But didn't people say this would all blow over by summer? Didn't all the scientific theory say the virus wouldn't do well once the weather warmed up? I well and truly loved both my sisters, and porn videos and my right hand could keep me busy for a while, but no way was I gonna go a whole fucking YEAR without having real sex with a live, human girl. The virus wouldn't last that long. It just couldn't.

'I ain't fuckin' waiting a whole fuckin' year!' my dick informed me coldly.

But what if the virus did last?

I thought about Michelle and I starting to check each other out while exercising, something I *never* would have thought I'd do in a million years. I thought about the illicit thoughts of her masturbating in the shower and my incomprehensible inability to make those thoughts go away. I thought about the memory of one of the girls slipping into my bedroom and pulling my dick out through my pajama pants in the middle of the night, half-disbelieving it was real and half-believing (but 100% terrified) it WAS real.

I realized my thoughts were going in circles and not going to amount to anything but more confusion, so after a while I finally got up off the couch. The girls' fight had come at the end of dinner, so I busied myself clearing off the table and loading the dirty dishes into the washer. The girls did most of the cooking and I did all of the cleaning, a fair trade in my estimation.

But once everything was put away and I'd started the dishwasher, I checked the clock and realized it was almost time for Michelle and me to start our evening TV workout and I still needed to change. So I headed upstairs, intending to go straight to my bedroom; but as I passed by Alex's bedroom, I heard the muffled sound of her obviously sexual moaning through the locked door. Normally when I heard such a thing I would always quickly move on, but not tonight. I paused, closed my eyes, and listened a little harder. I wondered if Alex was rubbing her clit with just her fingers, or if (more likely) she kept a vibrator in her nightstand and was currently pushing it in and out of her soaking wet pussy. I wondered if maybe... just maybe... she was imagining it was MY dick pushing inside her.

Guilt hit me immediately, and I shook that thought from my head as I softly padded down the hallway. My bedroom was next, the door open as always. But right next to it, separated by only a couple of feet, was Michelle's closed bedroom door. For some reason, I found myself pausing just outside it, closing my eyes, and listening a little harder. And sure enough, muffled moans came floating from behind the door - the sounds of a young woman in heat.

Once again, the guilt hit me, and I swiftly entered my room and closed the door. I took deep, calming breaths, long enough to let the blood flowing into my growing erection reverse course. And then I changed into my workout gear, just a t-shirt and gym shorts. Perhaps five minutes after entering my room, I emerged and rapped my knuckles twice on Michelle's bedroom door.

"Hey, Chelle," I called in a neutral voice. "I'm going downstairs to pick out a new workout vid. No rush. Just come down whenever you're ready."

There was a short delay, but Michelle's voice came back just as neutrally. "Okay, see you in a bit."

Forcing myself to NOT imagine what my little sister was doing in her room, I quickly headed back downstairs.


Nobody came into my bedroom that night, nor the next several nights after. Every morning, I awoke to find everything in order, with everything tucked in where it was supposed to be. Well, there was one day when my morning wood managed to sprout itself through the flap of my boxers, but it was still safely inside my pajama pants. By the next week, I was much more thoroughly convinced that I had dreamt up the whole thing about a 3am visitor.

Alex also calmed way down after that big fight. The next morning she apologized to Michelle for being such a bitch, explaining that she was PMS'ing like crazy on top of stressing about distance learning exams. This was supposed to be her victory lap semester before graduating and getting her degree, but now the whole world had flipped upside-down. Michelle was quite gracious in accepting her apology, all things considered. In my opinion, Michelle actually had it worse, missing her high school victory lap in addition to senior prom and all the other high school rites of passage.

What followed was perhaps the best week of quarantine for us. I scored a fresh stash of toilet paper. Alex spent more time with us, even hanging around to play board games a bit. And even the furtive, decidedly un-sisterly glances my sisters had been giving me went away.

I got both my big and little sisters back. My mind stopped wandering into dangerously incestuous imagery. And I poured a quart of semen into various tissues fantasizing about pornstars, plus a few busty blonde bisexual beauties that love eating creampies in erotica.

Everything had gone back to normal...

... until the night that "normal" went completely out the window.


I was sitting up in bed, slowly jacking my rod while reading a story about this Wall Street investment banker whose heretofore unknown father died and left him to inherit a few billion dollars, when a knock sounded at my door along with some muffled question that I couldn't quite hear.

I was rather engrossed in a part when the main character woke up in his new penthouse apartment spooned behind his busty Australian personal assistant, started making out with her, and started to burrow his thick shaft deep into her wet tunnel, so without looking up I called out a querying, "Yeah?"

My bedroom door opened, Alex walked in, asking, "Hey squirt, have you seen my—- HOLY SHIT!"

I jerked my eyes away from the iPad, gawking in shock to find my big sister in my bedroom while I had my hand around my dick. I was dressed only in my pajama pants, but those had been pushed down to mid-thigh to give me free access to my upright shaft, and then it was my turn to exclaim, "Holy shit, Lex! What are you DOING in here?"

"I ASKED if it was alright for me to come in! You said 'yes'!" She waved her arms for emphasis but made no move to leave the room. Instead, she continued gawking at my crotch, and more specifically at the erection still bobbing around seeing as I was incomprehensibly more embarrassed about the sex story and was busy trying to hit the iPad lock button and make it go away. Only then did I remember to yank my pajama pants all the way up.

"I don't remember saying 'yes'!" I squawked, blushing bright pink.

With my dick now out of sight, Alex finally brought her gaze up to my face. "Well you DID," she said defensively. "I would NEVER just barge in here without asking. I know for SURE there's a 50/50 chance of you doing... well... exactly what you were doing... just now."

"Okay, okay, whatever. Let's try to pretend you never saw anything." I grimaced, recognizing that I had been distracted and quite possibly had replied in the affirmative without realizing it. "Whaddaya want?"

"I... uhhh..." My big sister looked stumped for a moment, having clearly forgotten what she'd come here to ask. She frowned and furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember as she stared off into the middle-distance. But then her gaze tracked across my bare-naked torso, down my six-pack abs, and to the bulge in my pajama pants that hadn't gone away, and her mouth went slack a bit.

I sighed, still on edge. Realizing that this is what it must feel like to have really big boobs while wearing a low-cut top, I gestured with both hands and muttered, "My eyes are up here, Lex."

My big sister blinked twice, jerked her gaze up to my face, and winced. And then without another word, she fled the room.


Our parents had always told us not to go to bed angry. Residual animosity from a fight would fester overnight and become even worse. When lined up like a set of dominoes, each tile slightly bigger than the last, even the smallest offense could ultimately bring down a mountain... or something. I was never sure about Dad's analogy.

As a whole, my sisters and I hadn't been doing a very good job of listening to that advice. For weeks now Alex had been holing herself up in her room, stewing in her own hatred and frustration at our situation, and neither Michelle nor I had done much to draw her out. We used to be good at that sort of thing back when all three of us lived at home. But after moving out to go to college, I suppose we had gotten out of the habit.

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