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Queen Yavara Ch. 08

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Yavara and the gang come upon unexpected visitors.
7.4k words

Part 8 of the 62 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/01/2019
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I had seen Elena naked hundreds of times. During our early teens I'd been horribly envious of her woman's form, and I often admired it. I remember how she used to blush when she caught me staring, but she never attempted to hide herself. I knew why then, but I never said anything. Homosexuality was disgraced in Highland society, and I feared for her sake. Truth be told, I feared a little for my sake, for even at the age of thirteen, I'd felt an odd tingling when I gazed upon the perfection that was Elena Straltaira. Now I'd grown into a body whose curves surpassed hers, but not by much, and what I surpassed Elena in voluptuousness, she gained in athletic elegance. Oh, two years of being a ranger had done wonders for her; her back was a splendor of lean muscle, her abdomen was a soft washboard, and her thighs were tonal trunks that creased perfectly below her supple globes. Now her flesh was rich and bronze, strikingly contrasting the near-whiteness of her hair and the piercing blue of her eyes. She had a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheek, and they only served to elevate her exoticness. Exotic. Yes, Elena certainly was one of a kind, and I stared unabashedly at the dangling uniqueness between her legs.

"So, you can remember being both Alkandi, and yourself? But aren't you the same person?" Elena asked as she packed her things into her bags.

"Not exactly." I said, "Alkandi was always a part of me, but she wasn't me. We were together all my life, but we split once Zander took me to the astral plane. When we came back, we were two different people, but neither of us was..." I gestured to myself, ", if that makes sense. One half was the idea of Princess Tiadoa, and the other was Alkandi. Neither could exist without the other, but Princess Tiadoa didn't want to be Yavara anymore. Alkandi had to force the issue."

"And after that you transformed? Your past-self took over Zander's body and raped you?" Elena gave me quizzical eyebrows, "All this rape, Yavara; no wonder you have a complex."

"Careful, Elena." I smirked, "I've shared that head of yours, and there are some naughty-naughty thoughts in there."

"Like...?" Elena smiled back, blue eyes sparkling.

"Well, that fantasy you have about my dearest elder sister for one." I grinned, "The one where she's recently been crowned queen, and decides to inspect Castle Thorum's barracks. The one where she catches you masturbating in the bathroom?"

"And then what happens?" Elena grinned back, completely unashamed. She had no shame anymore; I'd sucked it out of her.

"And then..." I giggled, closing my trunk, "...she blackmails you into eating her pussy."

"Your sister's such a cunt in real life, I couldn't have her break character." Elena's smile was crooked now, "But come now, Yavara, that's not nearly the worst of it. Go on."

"And after you make my bitchy older sister come." I said, strutting lasciviously to Elena, "I burst through the tower window to rescue you from her."

"But she has palace guards waiting in the wing, and they hear the commotion." Elena said, taking me in her arms.

"They're all female of course, and all so beautiful." I gasped, feeling Elena's cock growing between my legs, "They hold me down, and Leveria makes you eat my pussy too. I fall prey to the prowess of your tongue, and confess my undying love to you."

"Don't end it there, Yavara." Elena whispered on my lips, one of her hands snaking between my thighs.

"Leveria calls her guards away, and looks at me with this... dominating expression. You both do. You've been in league with her the whole time; it's a trap! There's a ruffle behind the window curtains, and my own mother is revealed, bound and gagged!" My voice shook with desire, "And you, Elena Straltaira, love of my life; you and my sister force me to ride my mother's face. And when I come, and my mother and I both tearfully confess that we are depraved whores who love incest, then you and Leveria have your way with us."

"I was in a dark place when I conjured that fantasy." Elena whispered, her fingertips finding my petals, her eyes staring heatedly into me, "It was my first night in Castle Thorum, and my mind was still fresh with the party you'd thrown me the day before. Your mother had been there to send me off, and Leveria had been there to laugh at me."

"I remember." I hissed on Elena's lips, lost in her sapphire depths, "But why them? Why the incest?"

"I guess I just have an appetite for Tiadoa women." Elena's breath was raspy, her fingers were pushing inward, "I guess I just wanted to see you all feel a fraction of my shame, the shame I felt for who I loved."

"Shame me, Elena!" I was drifting in a pink haze of desire, "I'll even call you 'Leveria' if you want."

"But what do you want, Yavara?" Elena's eyes twinkled, her cock throbbed between our pressing bellies, "What does my little fantasy about your sister and mother awaken in you?"

"You think I'm that depraved?" I asked with a laughing gasp.

"Oh, I know it." Elena growled in my ear, and I almost came from her words alone. Was I attracted to my sister and mother? I certainly recognized their beauty, but I couldn't say whether my new self would delve to such lows; I'd have to see them in person to know, and that was unlikely to ever happen again. What I could say, was that the idea of Elena Straltaira having such a depraved fetish aroused me to the point of torture.

"Oh, I'd fuck my sister; is that what you want to hear?" I bit Elena's lip, drawing it outward, "I'd lick that uptight bitch's asshole until I could see my reflection in it, then I'd take this cock," I gripped Elena's manhood, "and I'd watch you fuck her until she prolapsed."

Elena hissed a shuddering breath. "Change of plan." She said huskily, "You're going to be 'Leveria' now." And in one motion, she spun me around, tossed me on the bed, and pressed herself to my back, her cock parting my cheeks. I bit the bedsheets, wriggling in anticipation, feeling her throbbing heat become wet with my secretion, traverse the length of my taint, and press to my wanting anus. Finally.

"Ranger Straltaira!" I cried, affecting my older sister's voice, "What are you doing?! I'll have your head for this!"

"Oh, you'll have it, Your Highness." Elena whispered, her tip pressing into my filthy center. I inhaled through my nose and closed my eyes, savoring every inch she- "Yavara, we can't do this now." Elena sighed, and withdrew.

I laid there in disbelief. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'WE CAN'T DO THIS NOW?!'"

"We need to get ready to go." Elena said, pulling herself off me.

I spun around like an enraged cat. "You get over here and fuck me right now, or I'll-"

"What, take over my mind?" Elena smirked, "You know what you need, Your Highness? You need to learn discipline, and as a ranger, I'm the best person to teach it to you. Prestira can impart all the magic in the world, but it won't mean a damn thing if you can't control yourself."

"What the fuck is this?!" I screamed, "A fucking lesson?!"

"You, my dearest love, are a spoiled brat." Elena sneered, dawning pants to cover the gift I'd given her, "You've spent your whole life being pampered and doted upon, and even after you transformed, you're still the same rotten little girl who raided the bakery when your mother denied you sweets. You're impulsive, ambitious, greedy, and prone to violent outbursts when you don't get what you want." Elena gave me a frank look, "Those are hardly qualities fit for a queen, much less the ruler of a nation that is the sworn enemy of our homeland."

If I'd learned telekinesis, I might've thrown Elena out the window. That impulse gave me pause, and I realized she was right. I sighed, feeling the passion dissipate from me, and the disappointment set in. "You're right, of course." I muttered, "I'm not nearly ready to be the ruler of a kingdom. I don't blame you for not trusting me."

"Hey," Elena said, sitting topless beside me on the bed, "I trust the woman you could become to do amazing things. Yes, you're all those things, but you're also compassionate, strong, and possessed of great vision. If there's anyone who can resurrect Alkandra without shedding elven blood, it's you. You will be the bridge of peace between our old home, and our new one."

"Our new home." I muttered, linking fingers with Elena.

"Yes." Elena grinned, "You and me," she winked, "and maybe some others."

"Many, many others, but always you." My fingers unlaced with hers, and walked up her thigh.

Elena clasped her hand over my two fingers, and brought them to her lips. She sucked one, then the other, then guided them between my legs. "When we get back to the Great Forest," Elena whispered, sliding my finger past my pussy, and pressing them against my favorite hole, "I'm going to fuck this slutty little ass of yours until you beg me to stop."

I shuddered at the idea of it, looking at her with half-lidded eyes. "Can't you give me something to hold me over until we get there?"

"No, Yavara." Elena grinned, "Discipline, you understand? I like the idea of you begging. I want you on your knees and begging for it once we get there." Elena pushed my own fingers into my ass. I gasped in pleasure as she worked them deeper, twisting until I felt my knuckles pressing into my dilated rim. She was erect, Elena was, curved backward with need in her pants, but she would not relent to her own desires. She stood up, and left me there to violate myself like a fool.

"Time to get dressed Yavara." She said, smiling at my disappointed face.

"You bitch." I growled, withdrawing my fingers. I instinctively sucked them clean, then realized with a sigh that I'd have to brush my teeth again.

I slipped on my black dress as Elena dawned one of Zander's overly-large cloaks. With the hood up, it would conceal her face, ears and hair well enough, though her stature was still unmistakably elven. We walked downstairs as Prestira, Brock and Zander were finishing up breakfast. Brock eyed Elena warily.

"You look different."

"You're a very perceptive orc." Elena replied.

"Oh great," Brock said as he tore a piece of bacon with his teeth, "another smartass in the group. You and Zander should get along just fucking fine."

We finished breakfast and walked out the door. I daresay we made an odd group, but in Ardeni Dreus no one noticed. Brock had an extra spring in his step as we walked, and he filled the air with stories about his tribe.

"Sherok is my wife; you'll like her, my queen, she's a lot like you. Trenok, he's my eldest son. He stands up to here on me," Brock pointed to his forehead, "He's still basically a boy, so when he's fully grown he'll be at least half a foot taller than me. I put him in charge of the tribe while we were here." He chuckled fondly to himself, "I may have to fight him to get it back."

"Would he challenge you for tribe leader?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, ambitious little bastard. I still have strength on him, but not for long. It'll be the proudest day of my life when he finally kicks the shit out of me."

"That's an endearing father-son moment." Zander snorted.

"The tribe is only as strong as its leader, Zander. If we operated like royalty and just passed all the power to some weak little cunt, the orcs would be extinct by now."

"If you advanced from tribalism and did away with archaic methods of power brokering, the orcs may actually have their own nation. Instead you fight amongst each other for which tribe gets what acreage of forest." Prestira replied coldly.

"That's what she's for." Brock said, gesturing to me fondly, "The Dark Queen can unite all tribes of all races into one nation. We won't have to work for scraps in Ardeni Dreus, or kill for land in the Great Forest when we have a powerful empire to unite us."

"That message you sent to you tribe," Elena cut into the conversation, "I shot that eagle down in the Spruces; they never got it."

Brock's demeanor turned grave. "Then we must move quickly." We turned the corner to an empty lot. One of the city's ancient inner-walls lined the back of the lot, and I realized it was the same wall we'd walked through to enter the city two days ago. Zander revealed the enchanted door hidden within its bricks, and pulled on the handle. It didn't budge. He pulled again. Nothing.

"Highland mages!" Prestira hissed. I whipped around, my heart leaping in my throat.

"Zander Fredeon!" Roared one of the men. There were five of them, all wearing white and gold cloaks with the Highland emblem stitched across their chests. Ten rangers followed behind them, their bows drawn and aimed at us.

"I thought you said we had until nightfall!" Zander hissed at Elena.

"They must have used a portal to get here; I didn't think they'd bring mages!" Elena replied as she reached into her cloak.

"She's lying!" Brock growled, "She fucking sold us out! Ranger bitch, I told you she'd-"

"She's not fucking lying!" Prestira hissed, for both her and I had scanned Elena's open thoughts the moment we saw the rangers.

"Prestira, unlock this door and get everyone through it. I'll stall them." Zander said as he stepped toward the men. "What can I do for you?" He called.

"Put down your staff and weapons, and step forward, all of you!" The mage roared.

"You have no jurisdiction here. Is this action approved by King Dreus? Does he know that Highland mages are arresting Ardeni citizens within the confines of his walls?"

"Put down your staff, Fredeon!"

"I'm not doing a thing until you have a warrant signed by an Ardeni judge."

"Last warning, Fredeon!"

"If you don't have a warrant, then you can go fuck yourse-"

A bolt of lightning erupted from the mage's hands. Zander collected the lightning onto his staff, then shot it back at his assailant. The mage exploded into pink mist. There was a moment when everyone just stared at each other, the haze of gore dissipating in the morning sun. Then everything went to shit. The rangers fired their arrows as the four remaining mages launched their arcane attacks. Zander stopped the arrows mid-flight and redirected the arcane attacks skyward, sending three jets of flame high into the air. The fourth breached his defenses, hit him squarely in the chest, and sent him sprawling against the wall. His head hit the bricks with a sickening crack, and he was still.

I rushed to his side, an arrow barely missing my head. Elena cried out and loosed two volleys in quick succession. One met a ranger's neck, and I heard Elena let out a wail of despair, but she did not relent. She pressed her attack, firing arrow after arrow, making the mages concentrate on blocking their flight. Brock roared his war cry and charged the elves, heedless of the arrows that stuck into his flesh. One, two, three, four; the hafts stood from his forearms and legs, but they didn't slow him a step. Prestira frantically cast spells into the lock to no avail, streams of obscenities flowing from her lips with each passing failure. Zander regained his consciousness just in time to cast an arcane shield around Brock. Four blasts of fire engulfed the orc, forming an infernal orb about the shield. I saw the terror in the mages' eyes, and I sympathized; I knew what it felt like to be on the lethal end of Brock Terdini. He took one of the mages into his massive hands, and he tore the elf's head off, wrenching the spine out with it. The mages retreated in horror, but the rangers just set their expressions with grim determination. Elena shot an arrow into one of their eyes, his head wrenching back to reveal the length of the haft. There were tears in her eyes as she drew another arrow, and notched it to the string. She aimed down the haft, then fell shrieking to the ground, an arrow protruding from her shoulder. Elena. ELENA!

Hot rage lanced through me, electrifying my muscles, stoking the power within. I reached into the mind of the ranger who'd shot Elena, and made him stab one of his brethren in the back. The rangers were quick to react to the new development, but one of them wasn't quick enough. My doomed surrogate ran a suicidal charge into his closest brethren, disemboweling himself on the lad's sword, but also driving his blade into the ranger's throat. A nearby mage set the pair of them aflame, and I released control of the ranger as his pain became unbearable to me. They went down in a withering dance of fire, their screams echoing in the street.

Zander was locked in combat with the remaining three mages, countering their spells as he flung his own attacks from his hand and staff. He gained the upper hand, killing two mages with a disintegration spell and forcing the last to the ground. Then there was an arrow in his thigh, and he crumpled to his knees, clutching at the imbedded haft. Brock threw his spear at the ranger, and the missile carried its victim ten feet before pinning him to the wall. The remaining rangers harried the orc with volley after volley, and he picked up the closest one to use as a screaming meat-shield as he came sprinting back to us. I tried to cover his retreat by connecting minds with one of the rangers, but my attention was too divided. Elena was lying weakly against the wall, attempting to pull the arrow out of her shoulder.

"A Nadi arrow." She grunted, looking at the bloodless wound, "Who..."

I didn't have time to ponder the mystery, for that very second, Brock came crashing down, carried forward by a propulsion spell cast by the final mage. He landed on the poor ranger he was carrying, and the man splattered like a watermelon across the cobblestones. Prestira finally unlocked the door, and pushed me inside. I ran out and threw Elena through the door as Brock barreled through it.

"Get in!" Prestira screamed.

"Zander!" I screamed back. I rushed over to the wizard, and the world exploded. My ears rang, I saw stars, my head met the cobblestones. Debris rained down on me, chips of brick too small to be called rocks. I saw elven boots stepping before us. The mage lifted the unconscious Zander off the ground as the rangers bound Prestira's hands together behind her back, forcing her fingers together so that she couldn't cast a spell. A familiar face filled my vision. Where had I seen that face before? It was shrouded by a ranger's cowl, but the features were discernable. Such austere features they were, the elven beauty weathered by years of hardship.

"Princess Yavara Tiadoa?" Head-ranger Adarian asked, kneeling to my level.

I weakly shook my head.

Adarian pressed my cheeks together and forced my mouth open. Even in my compromised state, I felt a flutter in my nethers. Run, fight, kill, fuck; those old primal instincts comingling once more. He reached to his belt and pulled out a satchel, powder clinging to the fabric. I shot into his mind and took control of him. I felt his shock, and then I felt his horror as I reached down with his hand and grasped his blade. I made him bring it to his throat. I'm sorry, Elena.

"All of you, get on the ground!" A commanding voice cut through the air.

Forty armed humans encircled the eight of us. The rangers put down their arms and raised their hands, dropping to their knees. I let go of Adarian's mind, and dropped my head in strengthless surrender. Adarian's body wavered before he was violently tackled by a guard. For a moment, our eyes connected over the cobblestones, and I saw the wrath etched in them. Then he was dragged off. I felt my hands and legs being bound together, then the humans roughly picked me up and threw me into the back of a caged carriage. Zander and Prestira were thrown in next to me before the caged door slammed shut behind us.

Zander was still unconscious and bleeding heavily from his wound. No Nadi arrow to petrify the flesh here; this was an artery shot by a jagged arrowhead. Prestira frantically screamed at the guards to help him, but they ignored her. I shot myself into the wizard's brain and woke him with a jolt. Zander, thought to be near death, had been left unfettered. He gritted his teeth, tore the arrow free, then healed the hole it left. A fist shot through the bars and slammed into Zander's jaw. He pitched forward, the cage door opened, and he was dragged unceremoniously out. They beat him with clubs as they subdued his arms, but Zander didn't fight back. Through the hail of fists, he yelled, "I am Zander Fredeon of the Great Forest, honored consul of the Highlands, and I demand to see your superior officer!"

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