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Queen's Mate Ch. 02

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Loren awakens to her new reality, alone but not for long.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/25/2019
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When she woke up that first day after her examination and modification procedure her initial response was to scrabble to the back of the cushioned dais she'd woken on and gather as many of the covers around her as possible taking some small comfort in being able to cover her nakedness. She took in her surroundings noting a substantial alcove in one of the walls where the floor appeared to have steps descending down into a depression in the floor and there was also the slightly darker hexagonal area in the opposite wall that indicated the only doorway. Staying in her little nest she tried to take stock of her situation finally prioritising examining her own body.

The first thing she realised with some relief was that she was no longer in pain although there was a heaviness in her belly and a little discomfort, like mild cramps. Running her hands over herself her eyes widened when she looked down at her breasts, now at least a bra cup bigger. She weighed them in her hands, the ample flesh now truly overflowing the manipulation but not to a grotesque degree. The larger breasts would have been disconcerting enough but then she noted that her areolas and nipples had also grown and not just to keep in line with her breast size. Where before she had had small and taught darkish pink areolas with pale pink nipples about the size of a large marrow pea when she was aroused, her larger breasts now boasted much darker, quite large and soft and puffy areolas and her now almost reddish nipples jutted out to the size of extra -large raspberries even in her current unaroused state.

Curiosity got the better of her and she squeezed around her breasts before gently running her fingers over her perked but soft nipples. The squeezing sent a tingle of pleasure through her but she actually hissed when she rubbed the nipples and she felt the sensation shoot straight to her clit. The strength of sensation made her pull her hands away in shock. She had always found her breasts reactive and pleasurable but they'd certainly never been that sensitive. Wondering if it had been a fluke of some kind she tried again, immediately clenching her legs together when the sensations once again shot straight to her clit. The strange reaction brought her attention to her lower half and she furtively glanced around the room before opening the blankets enough to properly see her lower body.

Loren blinked in surprise when she looked down at her mons now covered by a considerably thicker bush of dark sandy blonde pubic hair. She'd never completely shaved her pubic area but had always kept it neat and trim for easier hygiene if not ascetics and she knew there was no way that she'd naturally grown that much hair in a matter of maybe a day. She noted the hair was on her mons only and not her outer lips which were smoother than she remembered. Curiously she brushed a hand through the soft hairs the action taking her mind momentarily back to the elder mantis stroking her head during her ordeal. Blinking she wondered if this strange enhancement had something to do with the creature's obvious fascination with the hair on her head.

While Loren thought she continued to absently stroke through her bush, gently tugging the hair and scratching the skin until she yelped when something on her wrist caught and truly pulled on the pubes. She had been so concentrated on her breasts and mons she'd somehow failed to notice the amber band that circled her left wrist. Twisting her wrist and bringing it up to her face she realised she probably didn't notice it before because it didn't feel like there was anything on her wrist no matter which way she moved her hand. Examining it more closely she saw that it was like a thin, pale amber watch strap but she could see no clasp or buckle holding it together. It melded so neatly to her wrist she couldn't get even a fingernail between it and her skin which made her wonder what had caught on her pubes so strongly. She ran a finger over the surface of the band coming to some rough spots on the inner wrist where the smooth hatched pattern on the rest of the band gave way to three triangles that were raised slightly from the surface. She pressed the triangles wondering what they might mean or maybe do, but nothing seemed to happen no matter how she manipulated them. She looked closely at the triangles spotting one tiny hair proving that was what had pulled at her.

Shrugging when nothing happened with the wristband, Loren went back to her self -examination. She ran her hands carefully down and over her smooth outer lips using her fingers to feel for the softer inner labia. Despite the tickle of arousal the touch brought, Loren made herself concentrate on her examination. She was able to note that there appeared to be little or no change to her labia in size or colouring but what became quickly apparent was the change at the top of her inner labia where the head of her considerably enlarged clit stood proud poking well out from its hood. Tentatively she ran a finger down the hood and just onto the exposed head shivering in intense pleasure when she merely ghosted over the tip, she also noted an answering tingle in her nipples echoing that earlier connection between the two erogenous zones.

Moving her inspection lower the young woman became concerned and then quite agitated when she discovered the opening to her pussy was completely sealed over and blocked by something that she couldn't identify. Heart beating fast she used her fingers to try and pull at the strange membrane but was unable to get any purchase on the completely skin tight seal. Not thinking her action through to its possible consequences she frantically tried pushing at the blockage inward trying to dislodge it that way and thinking if she could just get a finger in around its side she would be able to remove it, but it made no difference at all, the plug stayed firmly in place. Desperately she even tried scratching at it with her fingernails but as far as she could tell this made no more difference than the other attempts. Frustrated and worried Loren slumped back against the cushions.

"What the hell have they done to me?" Shuddering and clutching the blankets tighter to her chest her internal thoughts jumped to the much more worrying thought of what they were intending to do to her. Her action of pulling the covering over her chest caused her to rub her nipples and she whimpered at the pleasurable feeling she had no control over. She carefully re-adjusted her position so that she wouldn't brush any of her overly sensitive areas. All the years of study and training just to end up captured and apparently valued only for her biology. The silence was wearing and with sinking despair she couldn't help but give way to the tears that began a slow but constant stream down her cheeks. Unwilling to deal with her jumble of emotions, Loren lay down and pulled the blankets over her head.

Several hours after her initial awakening she received her first visitors. The elder mantis accompanied by two smaller drones carrying trays of various foods entered through the single doorway. When the drones had put the trays down on the side of the dais they moved back to the door but stayed in the room. The elder mantis came forward chittering gently to the hiding woman. As before Loren heard the communication within her mind. 'Wake,' 'Feed,' 'Drink,' 'Feel well?' She couldn't bring herself to respond not even inside her head. The mantis stayed for a considerable time trying to cajole her into eating before finally departing leaving the trays of food behind and the final thought admonishments, 'eat,' 'drink,' 'rest.' Loren stubbornly turned her back on the food and again sought oblivion in sleep instead.

Sometime later the young woman woke to the sound and feel of her grumbling, traitorous stomach. She looked around to see she was still alone and then grudgingly moved to look at the contents of the trays. An array of strange looking plant matter some cooked into unfamiliar dishes and small bowls of liquid filled the spaces. Tentatively she picked a small orange ball from one plate carefully smelling it before taking a small nibble. It tasted sweet and juicy and she popped the rest in her mouth chewing slowly. She waited a few minutes to see if it agreed with her before having another and going on to try other things in the same way, noting the variety of flavours and textures some more pleasant than others. Well she thought once she was sated, at least she wouldn't starve on this planet.

After eating her fill Loren started to explore the room in closer detail, running her hands over the walls and though she didn't expect any success pushing and prodding the doorway to see if it would open. When she walked over to the large alcove she noted the steps led down to what looked like a very large sunken bath about seven by five feet, but she couldn't discern any taps, nozzles or apertures that indicated plumbing of any kind. She also noted a square of raised floor in one corner of the alcove, about a foot high and three foot square. She stepped up on the platform onto what felt like cool tiling, her new vantage point allowed her to see dozens of small holes arranged in a triangle at the centre of the space.

Turning her attention back to the larger feature, she took a few steps down into the tub jumping back in surprise when clear liquid began to appear at the bottom of the rectangular depression. Continuing to look down she noticed the liquid stopped when she had moved off the step leaving the entire basin filled with a few inches of what looked like water. Loren stood by for several minutes and watched as the liquid eventually disappeared though she couldn't make out from where it was draining away.

Growing bolder, she stepped back into the bath going down two of the steps causing the liquid to once again begin filling the space. She took a further step and stuck a toe into the liquid which felt heavier and more viscous than water should be. The liquid was comfortably warm but its strange consistency gave the woman pause and she pulled back once again watching the bath drain away. Content for the moment with her explorations she returned to what she now thought of as the bed on the main dais. Settling down again she kept her legs carefully parted and her covering sheet from touching her groin to address a side effect that had become apparent as she walked around the room, namely that her enlarged clit was hyper sensitive to the friction that simply walking had created and had caused her considerable pleasure as she moved but now meant she was quite aroused, whether she wished to be or not.

With a furtive glance toward the door first, Loren reached down and swiped a gentle finger across the unfamiliar bulk of her clit, gasping at how good it felt. One more sidelong look out for unwanted interruptions and she reached one hand to a breast and fluttered the fingers of the other over her pussy. The pleasure was instant and powerful, accompanied by a surge of arousal she knew would have been evidenced in dewy inner thighs were it not for the strange obstruction sealing her pussy and its juices tightly shut. Her respiration quickened and a lovely rose blush began to stain her chest and cheeks. Part of her was appalled that she was touching herself this way, but it was drowned out by the pleasure growing with each stroke on her oh so sensitive skin. Her arousal quickly became the only consideration and she shrugged off the blanket she had draped around her shoulders to allow for uninhibited access to her body.

Leaning back she sighed and groaned when she plucked one large nipple and then the other instantly pressing her thighs together at the respondent pleasure in her clit. Rolling both her nipples at the same time she almost purred in satisfaction when she felt them harden and grow even larger. Her groans deepened when she moved one hand lower and took the base of her clit firmly between her thumb and forefinger pulling the skin of her hood with her movement she squeezed forward over the clit but didn't let her fingers slip onto the exposed head itself. It was absolutely glorious; she couldn't remember ever feeling so much pleasure just from touching herself this way.

Heartbeat increasing and her breathing becoming a staccato series of gasps and mewls, her touch became firmer, faster and more focused. She fondled and stroked each breast before tugging at her now truly distended and reddened nipples trying to milk herself with each pinch. The pinches worked in tandem with the furious squeezing and rubbing she was administering to her clit. Groaning loudly she felt herself reaching for the climax she could feel building low in her belly. Her clit had grown with her attentions, engorged and throbbing she couldn't quite seem to find just what she needed to send her over the edge. She tried rolling onto her stomach and pushing a large cushion between her thighs, keeping her fingers moving over her slit she began humping the cushion with wanton abandon, hips thrusting into her hand and the cushion she rutted for ages but couldn't reach her climax. The pleasure did not abate but seemed to stagnate at a plateau just below what she needed to orgasm and find oblivion.

Still struggling to bring herself relief, she rolled onto her back once more her legs falling wide and bent at the knees she continued to rub, stroke and pinch her clit, switching hands when one would start to cramp with the action. Lost in her physical need Loren didn't hear the elder mantis enter the room, she just kept up her self-pleasuring. The elder mantis looked on silently, not interfering but watching closely. Her antennae undulated in excitement, their tips lipping the air at the faint scent coming from the writhing woman. The mantis knew the scent would have been much more powerful if she hadn't been sealed after her treatment, but the seal was necessary and wouldn't be removed for several days. The elder thought this might be for the best, though her own breeding years were behind her, her pleasure stimulus was still alive and functioning. She could feel her breeding slit moistening as she continued to watch Loren pleasuring herself and she knew she would be spending the evening in her inner chamber with her life mate.

Loren's desperation became acute and she abandoned her breasts to concentrate on her clit, sliding the index and middle fingers of one hand in a V shaped hold she put pressure either side of her clit and rubbed furiously with her other hand. Tears leaked from her shut eyes and she cursed loudly at her despairing lack of climax. Suddenly she lifted the hand rubbing her slit and smacked it down on the offending clit in a burst of utter frustration. When her rigid fingers made hard contact with her raw and tender flesh she cried out at the jolt of pain that instantaneously morphed into incredible pleasure. Moving on instinct born from her need she brought her hand down onto her clit with another smack, her pelvis rising up to meet the assault instinctively. Her mind on automatic she reacted only with her body to the new intense sensation and continued to smack her pulsing clit sobbing in joy as her pleasure grew and finally, finally threw her into the most intense and lasting orgasm she'd ever experienced. Shuddering for several minutes from pleasant aftershocks her body eventually relaxed back into the cushions and drained from her exertions Loren slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

When she woke some minutes later her first sight was the elder mantis who had moved to the side of the dais. Startled by the intrusion Loren blushed and immediately covered her still flushed body as she wondered if her captor had seen her furious masturbatory antics. Under her blanket her legs instinctively squeezed together in memory causing her to gasp when her clit reacted to the pressure with a new buzz of pleasure. God she thought am I permanently horny now or what?

As that thought ran through her mind the elder mantis cocked her head to the side and made a chittering sound Loren could swear was laughter. Her suspicions were confirmed when directed thoughts appeared in her head, 'why upset?' 'Pleasure good,' 'good for you,' good for breeding,' 'good for young.' The mantis moved her attention to the obviously depleted trays noting what had been eaten and what left behind and how much had been eaten. 'Good eat,' 'liked fletry,' 'not like G'kin.' Loren wondered if the sweet orange fruit she'd eaten all of were fletry and if the slimy grey dish she hadn't even tried other than to poke her finger in it and recoil from the consistency and smell was G'kin. Picking up on her thoughts the mantis made the same chittering sound and picked up the dish of grey slime, 'G'kin,' she confirmed Loren's suspicions.

The elder mantis pushed the trays aside and looked at Loren again, noting how she occasionally moved under the blankets. 'Bathe?' she thought her question to Loren. 'Feel better if bathe.' She continued. Loren shook her head and thought, 'I'm fine right here.' The chuckle/chittering came again and the mantis moved toward her. 'No, must bathe.' 'Clean feel good.' She waved an arm toward the alcove and continued, 'bathe now.' Loren stubbornly refused to agree or to move, despite the mantis' gentle cajoling. Finally shaking its head again the mantis clicked her hard mandibles in an obvious sign of impatience and disappointment. She held one arm out to Loren and continued her thoughts managing to indicate her firmness, 'Bathe now.' Loren erupted at this obvious command verbalising her ire.

"I don't want a god dammed bath! Just leave me alone. Let me go! Please, please just let me go."

Stepping slightly back from the agitated woman the mantis reached for the amber band on one of their wrists. While she manipulated something on the band she thought to Loren, 'must bathe,' 'I will bathe,' 'do not panic,' 'necessary,' 'no struggle,' 'calm.' With the end of those words Loren felt her body go suddenly limp, she tried moving her arms and then her legs but they didn't respond, though she did discover she could move her head.

"No! God, what now?!" She whimpered that out loud but even as she said it a part of her simply gave up, there really was nothing she could do she was completely at her captors mercy. Closing her eyes she tried to dissociate herself from what was happening around her. She ignored it when two drones came in and began clearing and cleaning around the dais. She shut her eyes against the close proximity of the elder mantis' face when they picked her quiescent body from the cushions and took her over to the alcove.

The mantis stepped down into the bath continuing easily to the bottom where they stood and waited as the water rose around them. It was only when the water reached the lower part of the mantis' breast plate it halted and Loren realised the bath much deeper than she had thought. Though she couldn't move she could feel the thick warm liquid moving over her skin. The mantis cradled Loren in one set of arms and used a small cloth they had retrieved from a small niche in the far wall of the bath to gently wash the woman's body with their second set.

Carefully they dipped her head back into the liquid pausing in fascination to watch the woman's hair fan out in the liquid and obviously unfamiliar with hair they used the cloth to wipe along the length of the strands as best they could manage. Then using the damp cloth they washed her face, her ears and down around her neck, shoulders and arms. Loren felt like an infant being gently bathed by a parent and couldn't help mentally relaxing into the sensation to add to the forced relaxation of her body.

This restfulness didn't last long though as when the cloth was swept across her breasts and nipples Loren gasped at the immediate pleasure pulsing through them and her clit. It felt so wonderful she didn't even resent the chuckling chittering the elder Mantis made or the thought intrusion. 'Yes, good,' 'pleasure good,' 'needed.' As the thoughts came the mantis carefully rubbed over Loren's nipples again and again enjoying the woman's obvious reactions before continuing to bathe the rest of her body. They washed her back and buttocks, belly, thighs and lower legs leaving the areas between her legs till last.


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