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Quite the College Career Pt. 05

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The saga continues.
5.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 08/31/2020
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I wake up in a room dim and heavily perfumed. Smells a lot better than my dorm. The bed is soft beneath me and the comforter heavy on top of me. I sigh. Aside from the slight throbbing by my eye and the aching bruise on my side, I feel amazing. Part of me thinks I should grab my phone to check the time, but I feel like I've slept for two years and I don't want to ruin the bliss.

I hear a slight sound... trickling water? I remember the little waterfall she has by her bed and reach my hand out to touch... nothing.

She's gone.

Now would be a good time to catch up on all that has happened. Not that there is a huge amount. Sure it feels like it's been a long time, but in reality? It was just one night.

Mack and Jasmine wait with immense patience for my shift to end, and after I drop Alex off at Rosy's I join them at a small coffee shop and bookstore, the kind of place that can only justify being open as late they are because of their location in a college town. I'm starving and buy myself a biscuit, offer the girls something but they say they just want tea. We settle in a corner table in a book-crammed nook.

"No trick or treating for you guys tonight?" I ask. Mack chuckles. "We had our share of costumes last night. Kept it pretty low-key."

"I get it it," I say, about to follow up that genius thought with another when I lock eyes with Jasmine. She smiles at me, and for a moment I can't remember who or where I am. I break eye contact so I can regather my thoughts. Mack looks t me with a questioning gaze.

"So how did you wind up working at the Nipley?" She asks. I tell her about me and Alex finding our way to the bar, during which time my biscuit shows up and the three of us fall into an easy conversation, thank God. Both of them are good conversationalists, funny and witty. Maybe too much so. I wince more than once as I laugh, my aching side protesting my mirth. Jasmine is the first to notice.

"You okay?" She asks. "That prick last night popped you pretty good."

"I'm fine," I say, only partially lying. "Good thing for him my buddies took him down before I reall laid into him." The girls give me a sympathy giggle. I eat it up. I had finished my food some time ago, and the dish hits me then like a firetruck.

"I cannot tell you how glad I am both of you came back," I say. After a moment's hesitation, I take the plunge. "I've been kicking myself all day for not getting some sort of contact info last night."

"Yeah," Jasmine says. "We were wondering if we did something wrong. Did we dress too sexy? Not sexy enough?"

Her questions take me back to the previous night, their barely-there princess costumes. "Not sexy enough definitely wasn't the problem," I say. "I was just too stupid to say anything."

"I figured you were just too gentlemanly after rescuing us," says Mack. I think about it. "Yeah, we can go with that one. It sounds better." Mack chuckles, rolls here eyes. Jasmine giggles and leans towards me, her blue eyes bright.

"Well, we wanted to say thanks," she says. "So we came to find you. We're definitely glad you were working tonight." She shoots a glance at Mack, who gives her an encouraging nod. "We have a little something for you, back at our place. We wanted to talk to you a while first, make sure you seem like a decent guy."

How do I respond to that? "I mean, I try."

"You sure we don't owe you days of non-stop sex because you helped us out last night?" Mack asks.

"What? No," I say, master of repertoire. "I mean, I probably wouldn't say no, but..."

"I think Mack is trying to say we were curious if you were going to be a douche or not," says Jasmine.

"Oh. Did I pass the test?"

"It wasn't a test, we just had an idea but we wanted to get to know you a bit before we tried it out." Jasmine says. I nod, waiting for her to continue. She doesn't.

"What's the idea?" I ask. Mack and Jasmine look at each other.

"Want to come back to our place?" asks Mack.


I follow them to their house. I am exhausted, but also not going to pass up on the offer. Not that anyone has made an offer yet, other than the invitation to their residence. But in my overarching wisdom, I thought just maybe something might happen after we arrive that is worth the loss of a few hours sleep. The drive is a short one to their apartment, not far from the school.

"We can bike to class most days," says Jasmine as she unlocks the door of 2D. I am struck immediately by the warmth and comfort of the place, something usually lacking in college apartments.

"This is amazing," I say, feeling immediately at home with the soft lighting, warm smells, and decor. "Just the two of you here?"

"Yeah," says Mack, kicking off her boots by the door. I hurriedly remove my shoes. "My dad is a bigtime defense lawyer."

"Really?" I ask. She laughs. "No. Lawyer yes, big-time, not so much. Jasmine's mom is actually the hotshot."

I glance at Jasmine, who blushes. "She kind of is. Works a bunch of international deals for her company."

"Nice," I say. "That's really cool." She shrugs. "It's fine." She disappears into the kitchen. I glance at Mack, but she has already made her way down the hall. I stand in the small foyer until Jasmine steps out of the kitchen, a small plate of sliced fruit and vegetables in hand.

"Snack?" She asks. I chuckle. "Do you always have a snack ready in the middle of the night?"

She blushes, and I kind of feel like an ass. All of her confidence from last night and earlier this evening seems to have evaporated.

"Always try to be a good host," she says, her voice uncertain. I grab a handful of apples and celery from her plate.

"I love it," I say, hasty to correct the situation. "Where'd Mack run off to?"

"Probably getting ready," she says. "Maybe I should see what she's doing. Grab a seat on the couch, alright?" She nearly runs down the hall, and I sit on the overly stuffed and overly comfortable couch, kicking myself for making Jasmine feel uncomfortable. Everything had felt so comfortable at the coffee shop, maybe she was hit with nerves once we got here? Whatever it was, I felt like a jerk, even though I don't know if that is warranted. I sit on the couch, taking in the apartment. Even a guy like me, who knew nothing about interior decorating, could tell this place was well-done. Art, plants, throw rugs, the lighting, everything was gorgeous. If it was my guess, it was professionally done. A lot better than my dorm room, which smelled like sweat and had three posters on the walls wilting under flourescent lights.

Honestly, the couch and warmth was affecting me too much, and I let myself sink into the cushions. My exhaustion was catching up to me, and I let my head drop onto the back of the couch.

From the edge of my fading conscience, I hear a door open and soft footsteps in the hall. Not enough stimulation to get me to open my eyes.

"You still with me?" A soft voice asks. I open my eyes and see Mack in the hallway, standing in a light green silk robe that doesn't reach mid-thigh.

There's the stimulation I need.

I pull myself up from the couch, try to make my excited run look like a cool swagger. Mack bites her lip, gives me a small smile, kisses me on the nose. "Come on in," she says, gesturing to the door to her left.

She lets me lead the way into a dim room, heavily perfumed with the soft sound of running water. Those details really don't matter though, because standing next to the large bed is Jasmine wearing a robe embroidered with flowers and whose cut rivals Mack's in length. Her fingers are clasped in front of her as she sways slowly back and forth, a bright smile on her face.

Mack puts her hands on my shoulder and leans close into my ear. "We want to say thank you for last night. Could you use a massage?"

I nod, struck dumb. I notice then the candle placed by the covered lamp, no doubt the source of the room's scent. Jasmine reaches for my hand, pulls me to the side of the bed. Like Mack, she gives me a chaste kiss, this time on the cheek. She grabs the hem of my shirt and I let her pull it over my head. Mack reaches around and undoes my belt and unbuttons my pants, leaving me standing between them in only my boxers. Jasmine giggles and guides me onto the bed so that I am lying on my stomach.

"We know you're tired," she whispers in my ear. She turns my face gently to face hers, so that I am staring into her sparkling blue eyes. "We know you're stressed. Just relax, okay?"

I nod into the pillow, give her a smile. Both girls kneel on the bed next to me. I hear the squeeze of a bottle, gel slathered onto hands. Soon those hands, four of them, press into my back and I try not to groan into the pillow. Mack and Jasmine run their hand all across my back, working every muscle, every kink. Their hands feel so good that I can almost handle not being able to see them. Almost.

I open my eyes and turn my neck as far as I can go, which earns me a spank. "No peeking, that will come later." Mack says. I am about to protest before I think better of it, changing it to a shrug. Someone rewards my assent with a deep rub of my both shoulders.

"Aw baby," Jasmine whispers, and a finger runs lightly over my bruised side. I flinch at the unexpected contact. "Sorry!" She cries.

"It's fine," I say. "It really isn't bad. Just wasn't epxecting the touch."

"It's turning purple," says Jasmine. I think for a minute. "Well, yeah, it isn't great. But it's fine."

"Those guys were reall assholes," says Mack, before (I assume it's her) leaning down and kissing the back of my neck. "We really can't thank you enough."

"You're doing a pretty good job," I say, burrowing deeper into the plush mattress beneath me. Both girls continue their ministrations on my back. Their touch, the warmth of the bed, the scented candle, the running water... all of it is lulling me into an easy rest, an exceptionally relaxed state. I hear a faint whispered conversation me but can't bring myself to focus on it.

"Erik," says Mack.

"Hmm?" I say, unable to muster any more of a response.

"We have a question for you," Mack continues. There's a sudden pressure on my back, as if someone straddled it. I feel soft silk against my skin as the person leans against me, their breasts pressed againt me. Hot breath against my ear as she brings her lips inches from it.

"Tell us a fantasy," she says.

"Fantasy?" I mutter.

"Yes," she breathes into my ear.

It takes a moment for me to collect my thoughts. As I do so, I realize I feel nothing but hot flesh where Mack sits pressed against my back, and just a slight dampness. I realize she's bottomless, and if reading my mind, Mack grinds against my back, moaning ever so softly in my ear.

"Tough to think about anything else right now," I say, as my mind drifts back to my first threesome the night before. No way a guy gets that lucky twice, right?

"I don't know. I love going down on a girl. Maybe being blindfolded, with her on my face?"

Mack nips my earlobe. Jasmine giggles. "That does sound like a good one. Do you know who she is before you're blindfolded?"

I think on that one for a second. "Maybe? Maybe not. A litte mystery could be hot."

"Certainly could be," says Mack. She readjusts so she is crouching at my side. It's silence again as four skilled hands rub my back, fingers slipping under my boxers when their palms reach my lower back. My arousal, so prominent as a bottomless Mack whispered into my ear and ground against me, fades as I succumb to utter relaxation.

Someone pinches my ear. "Hey, we'll be right back, alright?" It's Jasmine whispering now. I nod to show I heard her. Someone slips something over my head, my eyes; a blindfold. Slight movements on the mattress as the two stand. They lay a thick comforter over me before I hear light footsteps walking to the door, followed by the soft click of the door closing.

Now it's just me, the bed, the waterfall. The sound of the water lulls me, sends me on a wave of fantasy as I imagine what the sirens in the hallway have in store for me. God they're beautiful. God I'm lucky. God I'm tired.

I think about the blanket, the weight pushing me into the bed. I think about Jasmine's eyes. I think about the scent of the candle. I think about Mack grinding her pussy against my back. I think about the waterfall. I think about the girls' hands, rubbing me until no stress remained in my body.

I think about...


And so we return to the beginning of the story.

My mind clears, and I remember where I am. I jerk upright, horrified at the memories of last night. I mean, not really all the memories, most of them were great, but horrified that I fell asleep. I clench my eyes shut tight. Did I really fall asleep before I had (what I assumed was about to be) a threesome? What would have been my second threesome in two days? I would have become a legend in my time, though no one would ever believe me. Doesn't matter. I would have known the truth.

I bury my face in my hands, and that's when i feel the face mask covering my eyes. I am about to reach for it when I hear the giggle.

I freeze.

Footsteps, ever so soft, then movement on the edge of the bed. Fingertips against my chest, pushing me back. I don't resist. I lay back without resisting. When I am on my back, the fingers leave my chest.

For a moment, all is still. I hear the running water. I remember the giggle, try to place it to Mack or Jasmine (I hope those are my only two options). I can't do it. I try something else.

"Who's there?" I ask. The only answer is a finger pressed against my lips. Despite my lack of awareness in the situation, my lack of knowledge of who is sitting next to me, and my overall lack of clothing, I grin.

A rustle of covers next to me, a quick dart of a tongue against my lips. Further movement. Hands pressed against my chest, what I can assume is a leg thrown over my abdomen as warm flesh meets my abdomen. I settle back into the pillow, hoping I know what's about to come.

"May I?" A whispered voice, too slight and breathy to identify. I nod. "Please do."

The knees on either side of me move up the bed until one swings over my shoulder, then the other. I lay back, blinded, two legs belonging to someone unknown pressing my shoulders against the mattress. I wait for the next move.

Nothing happens.

Both of us wait, our breathing barely audible. I lay still until I can't anymore.

I lift my head up, a fraction of movement at a time, my tongue extended. At my first encounter with flesh, I stop. Whoever is above me gasps, and I run my tongue along the familiar feeling of a woman's labia. I stop when I reach the clit, hold my tongue in place. My mystery visitor, she, whoever she may be, moves against me so I make further contact. A soft moan from above me. A gentle undulation of her hips as she grinds her clit against my tongue. I sit immobile as she takes her time, moving her pelvis in a slight circle.

When I can't stand it anymore, I grab both thighs on either side of my head. A louder gasp from her this time because I pull her pussy tight against my face and I go to work on her labia, her clit, any piece of flesh I can reach with my tongue. I clamp her close to me with one hand and run the other up her torso, grabbing onto a tight breast. I try to decode with that touch who might be on me, but I don't know either girl's body anywhere close enough to know. So what? I tweak the nipple between two fingers, I squeeze her breast, I run fingers across her chest. The whole time I am licking her, sucking her, probing her with my tongue.

My efforts do not go unnoticed. Her hips move with more force against my face, her moans grow louder. I move the hand gripping her thigh to her ass, squeeze it tight. She moans in appreciation, and I do it again. She raises herself off my lips, making renewed contact with every forward thrust of her lips. Her breath comes in short gasps. I try to judge my timing right, then pull her against me again and lock my lips around her clit.

Her body goes rigid and she cries out. I lap my tongue around her clit as fast as I can, my arms locked around her thighs. Both of her hands grab my head and pull me against her. I moan into her. Her hips buck against the suction of my mouth.

In a final effort, I shake my head against her and groan, adding the vibrations to the work of my tongue. Her fingers twist into my hair and her gasps becomes guttural, her hips digging hard againsty my face. Then she stops, pulling my face as hard against her with all of her force, her breath coming in staccato gasps. Then she jerks my head away, breathing deep. I can feel her pussy moving back and forth just above my lips, and I dart out my tongue for a quick lick. She gasps and pulls away, pushing my head into the pillow.

We remain like that while she catches her breath. Once she does, she pulls her legs away from my face, lowers her body against me. She licks my upper lip before kissing me, slipping her tongue into my mouth. We make out until I start grinding my crotch against hers, and she pulls away. Light pressure against my chest, a rustling of sheets, a pattering of footsteps, and the slamming of the door.

I pull up the blindfold. She's gone.

I look around the dim room, then reach for my phone. Damn, just after 2:00 PM. I defintely slept. And I have work in far too few hours. I find my clothes. Leave the room. The apartment is quiet. I think about knocking on a door or two, then decide against it. I head to the front door where I see a note taped at eye level.

Two phone numbers, one for Mack, one for Jasmine.


I show up at work a few hours later, rested and refreshed. Alex's opposite. He looks terrible.

"Lisa kept me up all night," he mutters.

"I'm sure that was terrible for you," I say.

"If you asked me three days ago if I would be too tired for sex, I would have laughed in your face," Alex rubs his eyes.

"So you had to turn her down?" I ask. Alex stares me, incredulous. "What? No."

"Oh. Cool." We get distracted with our tasks setting up for the nightly band. Once that was done I'm at the bar with Sue.

"Hell of a weekend," she says.

"For sure," I say. "You holding up alright?"

"I've been through worse kid," says Sue. "I made my rounds through Washington back in my day."

Not entirely sure what means, I push forward. "On a positive note, I got some phone numbers."

Sue arches an eyebrow. "Some?"


"The two from the costume contest that you so bravely saved?"

I stare at her. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Who else? You get lucky?" I think about that. "Kind of."

She pours me a glass of seltzer water. "Good enough for government work."

I take that as a compliment, head to the sound booth. I spend a lot of my shift trying to deduce who I ate out earlier. Not a question I thought I would ever need to answer. I remember every feeling, every sensation of the body that used me that afternoon. I had never been used in such a way. I had never even thought about it.

Not gonna lie, it woke something up in me.

I had use of my hands, but what if I didn't? What if I was tied up, completely at the mercy of the vixen who entrapped me. The dominatrix? I thought about a video that I pulled up a few months prior, decided against going that far. Some restriction, maybe a little light paddling, sure. Actual pain and humiliation? A bit much. But I digress.

Was it Mack or Jasmine who was on me earlier? After an hour or so of debate, I realize it may not have been either. This either scares me or arouses me, not entirely sure that far into my shift. Who could it have been? I run through the list of the usual suspects. Okay, not the usual ones, but the fantasized ones. I settle on Emma's friend from the contest, the one with the mask. And her body...

Alex nods off beside me. I try to ignore my arousal. We somehow make it until 2:00, we clean up. Brendan rounds us up, talks less than normal, but gives me and Alex a shout out.


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