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Radiance Ch. 56

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The new Claws settle in to their new group.
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Part 82 of the 125 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 56: New Claws on the Block.

Vess leaned her rather sizable frame back into the comfy human seating and heard it creak in protest as she shuffled her large very solid scaly rear end about on the soft leather, she was most definitely not accustomed to all this luxury and this whole notion of not only being treated with respect but as an equal by humans was absolutely insane to her.

Was this for real?

Was this something she and her beloved children could truly have with these people?

They seemed truly genuine on the outside and she could see that both her niece and nephew truly loved their chosen humans, it was plain as the horns on her head to the Alpha matriarch Claw's eyes to see that Visa truly adored Seven, she worshipped the ground the surprisingly pretty little human walked upon.

The same was true of Ven and Gregory though she was somewhat surprised to find out that her nephew liked males and not just males but human males, but in all honesty, the pair of them looked really good and comfortable together, the way Gregory seemed to just melt in her nephew's arms showed that he truly loved him.

Then there was Seven and boy was that boy a hard one to read, he was young even by human standards but spoke with the voice of ages, he was far more mature than his young-looking face portrayed, but he plainly seemed to adore her niece and seemingly proudly so as he certainly was not shy about showing it, in the way he touched her, the way he kissed her, hell he stoked her horns in public for the Great Pack's sake!

An image suddenly wormed its way out of the back of her subconscious mind and wormed its way right through her consciousness and as it overrode her sight and made her see it, in this image Seven was not stoking Visa's horns, he was stroking hers.

Vess shook her head to clear it and snarled at herself menacingly, no she would never ever take love away from another Claw, that was a truly dishonourable thing to even attempt let alone do and she was an honourable Alpha matriarch Claw and she would never sully her honour by injecting herself into another Claw's love and trying to muscle herself in on another's lifemate and that was how the pair had described themselves, lifemates.

No, if she was truly to try this human love thing out for herself she would hunt and catch a tasty human for herself, which was a train of thought that actually shocked her, after all the things not just her pack but all Claws everywhere had suffered at their hands she would have never thought that she'd be able to look at them in a favourable light.

But after seeing this strange but also wonderfully open-minded group or more accurately pack she was finding her worldview challenged somewhat or more accurately rather a lot, they seemed to be creating this narrative all of their own that showed the world around them what could be truly achieve when humans and non-humans at the very least just let one another be unharmed, but more so what they can do when they work together, live alongside one another, fight together for what is theirs, but also if they can do so take it a step further and live together and love together.

This brought her mind back to the thoughts of what it would be like to love a member of another species, all of this group did not have a single member that was paired off with another member of their own race, which was truly fascinating especially as it seemed to be humans that were the truly popular ones among these non-humans here.

There was her niece and nephew who had humans, Malakai that oddly pretty spider human hybrid boy who was paired up with the odd female human called Wisp, the NightStalker girl who had herself a handsome red skin human male called Runs-With-Nightstalkers a more perfectly ironic name she had never heard in her life and now as she witnessed right before her their group newest member Timothy who was apparently and ex-member of the Brotherhood of Steel.

The mere thought of those metal-encased tail holes made Vess growl with anger, though not as much as the Enclave did, now granted she could understand the fear and even some of the anger of regular everyday humans, they did not have the armour or the weapons of these groups to protect themselves so when confronted with something vastly superior in terms of strength, size and natural armour and weaponry such as a big healthy Claw boy or girl then yes this fear and paranoia they exhibited was understandable, despite most Claws just wishing to be left alone to live in peace, whether it be a lone Claw or a pack.

And these ideas and ideals could be both be both poisonous and cancerous and could indeed grow rapidly in communities where people tended to band together to protect themselves, but then this group was coming along with a cure for it, they were showing the world what could be achieved if humans and sentient non-humans worked together to achieve a better future, now granted this wouldn't always be possible for one reason or another, but that was not a reason not to try, it was an honourable quest and path this odd little pack had set themselves on and now she was determined to be a part of it, to build a better world for her children to live in, so she could hold up her large horned head with pride and say "I helped change things for the better."

But she could already feel in her heart that to her it was more than that, she wanted more out of this new world they were trying to build, there must be something to this human love and to be fair now that she'd truly had a chance to look at them close up there were not an ugly species at all really, they might be small and weak compared to a proud Claw female such as herself, but at the same time that mere fact triggered all sort of instincts like the want to mother one of them which was kinda confusing but also kinda exciting at the same time.

Infact it was creating all sorts of tantalising images and scenarios in her head, like in one, she hunted down a tasty looking little human and caught in and in return for her sparing his life he did all sorts of services and delicious things for her to win her favour and of course she being an honourable Alpha Matriarch Claw she rewarded his submission with such wonderful things.

The fantasy sent a very pleasant shiver right down her spine from the tips of her horns to the very tip of her tail making it swish with pure want and more curiously need, she got to her feet climbing out of the chair and deciding to take a little walk around this concrete human nest, maybe it would help to clear her mind, though after venturing into the corridor that led to the bedrooms her mind was pretty far from clear, well in all ways except for one, on one thing it was completely made up.

No sooner had she stepped out into the corridor than her sensitive Claw hearing began to pick up the sounds of very healthy intimacy taking place behind the various closed doors along it, she began to walk slowly down the corridor letting her senses guide her, infact it wasn't just her hearing that was pulling her but it was her sense of smell as well.

The air was thick with musk, both male and female, the first door she reached hid both Malakai and Wisp behind it and straight away she could hear the soft and highly pleasant moans of pleasure being given off but the large spider hybrid boy and by the soft muted slaps of human flesh on furry flesh indicating Wisp was mating with him and by the soft growls and snarls of pleasure that she could also hear she was seriously enjoying herself at the hands or possibly legs of the young hybrid.

Vess could not help the smile that broke out on her face showing off her large fangs, young love was such a wonderful thing and was such a necessary thing, to bring wonderful new life into this world whichever face it wore and she couldn't help but wonder what faces the hatchlings born of this group and all those they touched with their way of life would wear.

Next, she reached the door of Runs and Riss and once again she heard another set of soft moans and hisses in this case, but by the tempo of the slaps of flesh meeting fur they were really going at it and she could even hear their bed creaking under the stress that they were putting it under.

Next up she found herself standing between the two doors where her niece and nephew had squirrelled their human loves away to and by the sounds that were coming from both sides were truly incredible, on one side she could hear the soft moans of Gregory as he was obviously on the receiving end of Ven's very intense passion and honestly, she was impressed that the little human could even take the length of her nephew as he was a very healthy Claw boy indeed and by the snarls ven was giving off he was really enjoying what his human was giving him.

Then there were the sounds that had drawn her heart like a moth to a flame, the sounds of Visa and Seven, the pair that aligned themselves to what her fantasies were calling to her with ever since she'd realised that such a thing was possible and now she found herself both curious and eager to explore strange new feelings and thoughts and what she heard did not disappoint her whatsoever.

The first thing she heard was Visa growling and panting, these were noises she recognised very well, these were the noises of a healthy female Claw's passion, well that and the very happy snarls she was giving off, but unlike the others, there were no wet slaps as of yet, infact the noises she did here were very strange to her and at first, she couldn't identify them, they almost sounded like.....licking maybe?

That's when she heard Visa's muted voice and without her powerful Claw hearing she would have never heard her but her words struck Vess's soul like a gong sending resonating ripples outwards throughout her entire being.

"Ohhh that's it, my beautiful human!! Right there!! Right there!! Oh please do not stop!! I cannot get enough of your tongue! Oh no Claw boy would ever do this for his female and definitely not the way you do! I am so blessed to find a being that loves me the way you do, who worships every bit of me like I am his most sacred treasure, I never would have ever imagined a male using his tongue upon my mating hole with the sole intent of giving me the most mind-bending pleasure before I met you, let alone tasting my tail hole with the same intent, nor did I ever imagine that such a dirty thing would feel so fucking incredible!!" Visa snarled and Vess's heart began to hammer like a hatchling breaking out of its shell in her chest.

"That's because you never a met a Claw loving human before my sugar tail and speaking of tail's lift this big sexy one higher for me, I want a really good look at these sweet treats your hiding under it and in answer to your statement no part of you is dirty or disgusting to me and it never could be, because it is all part of you and I love every single scale of you, " Seven purred in a voice so seductive and sultry it made Vess's loins burn like someone had just lit a flare inside her so goodness knew what effect he was having on her beloved niece.

"I never even knew that such things even existed until I met you and you don't have to worry about my tail my sweet human, no other male on this earth could have the effect on it that you do, a rampaging angry Claw boy could not lift it with all of his strength but you, you make it go up all on its own, it's like I have no control over it, it's like one of those bloody human flag poles raising up to wave the flag of my surrender to you, now please put your tongue back in before I pounce on you" Visa growled.

"Don't threaten me with a good time my sugar tail" Seven purred in such a sultry voice that Vess's tail began to swish and dance behind her, holy shit she had no idea that human males could be so fucking seductive! No wonder her niece had fallen head over tail for this pretty little one, his voice along carried with it such incredibly indecent promise let alone what his actual words were implying.

The wet sticky popping noises she heard reminded Vess of the sounds they made when Seven kissed Visa back in the lounge, that's when her mind assembled the whole image both their words and the sounds were forming, was he truly tasting both her mating hole and possibly even her tail hole!!?

Her mind began to take this information and form it into imagery that set her soul aflame let alone her loins, the image of a little human with his head tucked under her massive tail seeking out her forbidden place and her most sacred place with his lips and tongue both astonished her and filled her with a truly powerful yearning, what could such a forbidden thing even feel like?

But the wet sounding noises did not last for very long as pretty soon Visa's growling and snarling overshadowed it and pretty soon she could stand whatever it was he was doing to her any longer, "It feels too gooooood!! Fuck I need this! I need my male within me where he belongs!! Brace yourself my beautiful one because your Claw is fucking pouncing on you!!' she snarled and that when there were a flurry of quick sounding movements and a loud thump which indicated that Visa had indeed pounced on Seven and the image of her niece pinned her helpless little human to their bed filled Vess's mindscape and made her tail swish even more despite her knowing that Seven was far from helpless or defenceless given that power of his, but it was the implication of his submission to his love-hungry Claw girl that was important, that such a powerful male was willing to do so for his female meant more than words could ever tell.

Only seconds later the air was filled with a crescendo of wet sticky slaps, human moans and groans along with Claw snarls and growls and that bed in their nest was really asking for some punishment by the way it was creaking with the obvious rhythm of Visa's very healthy passions for her beloved human male, the pair were truly lost in one another in a way that Vess could not even ever remember having been with her lost but still beloved mate, but this, this was something that had invigorated her with new hope and new life, she was discovering a part of herself that she had never known had even existed, she was ready to love again and she was ready to explore the depths of herself, or rather she was ready for a beautiful open-minded human to explore them, she had heard enough because as the final roars of pleasure came from both of them indicating that they had a very mutual climax together Vess staggered away towards her own nest.


Seven panted hard as he looked up at Visa squatting over him with her horned head hunched over and pressed into his neck, "Think that little performance was enough to convince her?" he panted and Visa lifted her head and looked at him with glazed pleasure-filled eyes.

"Oh yeah and how, if that doesn't convince auntie then nothing will" she panted.

"You sure? Not that I actually need a reason to make love to you my sugar tail but that sure was an interesting idea to show your auntie what she's missing and what she can have with us if she truly embraces our way of life but how can you be sure it worked? She is an Alpha Matriarch you know?" Seven asked curiously.

Visa grinned slyly, "Yeah and she's not the only one with Claw senses you know, trust me she heard every word, every kiss you put on my scales and my flesh and every truth-filled moaned of ecstasy that we both gave, I could hear her heart beating in her chest through the door and trust me when I say I could have smelled her arousal if we were still in Nevada, you should know what a healthy aroused Claw girl smells like by now my love, you spend enough time basking in my pheromones" Visa purred and Seven laughed.

"Trust me when I say pretty much everything I own smells of you even to my shit nose, but I wouldn't have it any other way," he said and she grinned from horn to horn.

"Neither would I my love and now hopefully neither will auntie, she deserves to be happy, she has been through so much, sacrificed so much for her pack, that woman deserves to be happy, she deserves to have a human to worship her and love her the way you do for me and believe me when I say this, she will worship him the way I worship you, she needs to have someone to protect, someone to guard, she is a proud alpha matriarch claw it is ingrained into her very soul and who better than a physically weaker human? She can protect him, guard him, defend him and fulfil her every maternal instinct and in return, he can her with delights and pleasures that she never even dared to dream existed for her as a Claw, now she can have it all and hopefully, the love of this good man can begin to undo all the damage bad humans have done to her by showing her what a good one can do" Visa said and Seven smiled warmly reaching up to stroke her horns.

"You are a good woman you know that Visa? A true alpha claw, one who knows how to protect her pack and how to care for them, you know what they need and find the most delightful ways to give it to them I must say" he said glancing down his body to where they were still connected with his manhood still throbbing away happily inside her passage which was clamped down tight on his flesh.

Visa growled proudly, "One step closer to becoming an Alpha Matriach myself, you are this group's alpha patriarch and I am your life mate so that makes me it's alpha matriarch and it is a position and responsibility I take very seriously," she said wiggling her hips a little and Seven smiled seductively.

"Up for a second round?" he purred and Visa growled throatily.

"Is that a trick question?' she growled and before she could say another word Seven flipped her over onto her back with his telekinesis and he bore down on her.

"My turn to show my big strong alpha claw just how much her little human loves and worships her" he growled and with that, he began to thrust making her howl with passion.


Vess staggered back to the nest that they had assigned her and she flopped down onto the human bed fluffing up the pillows and blankets burying herself inside them, but try as she might she could not chase away the images flooding her mind, images firstly of Visa and Seven but that were rapidly morphing into ones of herself at the hands of a curious and passionate human, of all the delightful things that curious and submissive human would allow her to do to him, of the pleasure their vastly different bodies could wring from one another.

Before she even knew she was doing it she realised she was on her back with her massive legs spread far apart and her crotch angled upwards, she had slid her protective scale flap to one side and now the pad of her finger was stroking the hidden flesh under it.

It had been a very long time since she had to relive sexual tension within herself, not since her most beloved one had died, since then she had been so caught up in everything else what with keeping the pack together and safe that she'd neither had the time, the energy or even the drive to need to do it, but now her libido was back with the vengeance of a scorned angry claw and boy was it making its presence known.

Doing this particular activity was not exactly an easy prospect for a female Claw given the long claws tipping her fingers had the distinct effect of slicing through flesh with the ease of a freshly sharpened razor blade, so exposing one's sensitive flesh to that risk was not something any self-respecting Claw girl wished to do, but sometimes need vastly outweighed want and this was one of those times.

The soft pad of her index finger sought out her sensitive and blood-filled flesh that until very recently had been safely tucked away hidden below her protective flap, but now thanks to all the images in her head and all the sounds and smells she'd been exposed to was exposed fully to the cooling air of the bunker, not that it seemed to care as she swore that so much heat was coming off her that she could see heat haze around it.


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