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Radiance Ch. 89

Story Info
Raymond and his team travel to the Avian city.
5.9k words

Part 115 of the 125 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Chapter 89: Home Among the Clouds.

Raymond had never in his life imagined anything like what he was seeing from the deck of the small airship that had descended to retrieve his delegation from the surface.

The small airship looked like something out of a steampunk novel or film, it was like a small boat that had been fitted with a large leather balloon and leather wings on the sides while two large slowly turning propellers pushed them through the air.

Honestly, Raymond found himself more amazed that the small craft was actually able to lift the considerable combined weight of half a dozen super mutants, a claw girl and assorted others as it flew into the clouds but it didn't seem to miss a beat so it was obviously the definition of small but mighty.

As they drifted lazily upwards Raymond began to see something hiding among the ever-present clouds above them but thanks to the white mist he was unable to make it out until they got higher but when they did his eyes nearly fell out of his skull.

There floating in amongst the clouds hidden nearly perfectly from the ground while also aided by what appeared to be a series of angled mirrors mounted all along the bottom of it which seemed to act as some form of crude but effective camouflage was a full-sized city.

The whole thing seemed to be sat atop of large ballast bags much like the one that held them aloft currently but with far greater thickness and also redundancies, they were grouped into masses so rather than rely on one large bag they had many much smaller ones and Raymond guessed this was for safety incase one or more of the bags suffered damage the city integrity would not be compromised.

All around the outside and underneath in strange rotating glass pods they could see what appeared to be gun turrets designed with the sole intention of defending against encroaching aircraft, they even seemed to have what appeared some shoulder-mounted rocket launchers that had been fitted into quad-shaped frames so they could be used like makeshift SAM turrets.

Raymond really couldn't be more amazed at these people's ingenuity, they seemed to really like to reuse and recycle everything they got their feathery little hands upon, he instantly recognised captured Brotherhood equipment mounted inside of those turrets in the form of things like laser miniguns.

Given that these people could fly Raymond found himself why they needed airships like the one in which they rode, the only use he could see that they would have for them would be for retrieval of non-flying people like them and also picking up captured equipment from the ground.

The airship circled the city before taking up a waiting pattern in a queue of other similar ships that were waiting to enter the city docks which appeared to be through a pair of large gates into what appeared to be a large glass dome of some kind.

From where he stood at the bow he could see what appeared to be a security checkpoint of some kind that dispatched officers to each ship to check both the goods and people aboard before fluttering back to their station to allow the ship to enter.

When it finally came to their turn four security officers who all looked like oversized humanoid Magpies to Raymond fluttered onto the ship stopping short when they saw both himself and Lia looking at them and their bright sharp eyes all locked onto Lia with a look of alarm plastered on their Avian features.

"Greetings," Lia said putting on her best smile as Raymond had instructed her to do to make a good impression on their hosts.

"Ummm greetings, I am going to assume you are the delegation that the honoured ambassador spoke of that is here to parlay with the Elders?" the closest Magpie officer who appeared to be a female by her body shape asked in a very high-pitched and sing-songy voice and Raymond nodded.

"That would indeed be us my name is Raymond," he said and she looked at the paperwork that she had been given and nodded approvingly as obviously the name she had been given matched what he had said.

"I am to relieve you of your weapons and issue receipts for all individuals that then can be collected upon leaving the city as we do not allow firearms within the city limits, given the nature of our city I am sure you can appreciate this," the female officer said and Raymond nodded instantly hearing a low murmur of disapproval from Jack and his men as well as his own people.

"Indeed I can and mightily impressive it is I must say and honestly I am sure we will not need them given the ambassador gave his word to us that we would be treated with both respect and honour but I must impart a warning, neither a super mutant like myself and my allies here or my beautiful Claw girl here need weapons to be dangerous and will not hesitate to defend ourselves if we must, also while you may take our weapons our armour stays with us, I will not be rendered defenceless," he said making sure the woman understood that this was not a threat but merely a warning to make sure that civility was observed and she nodded.

"Understood and we appreciate your cooperation," she said nodding her narrow head before issuing a series of whistles and chirps to her comrades in what was obviously their own language.

The group moved forwards and Raymond's group handed over their weapons though Raymond noted that the Ronin seemed to have been prepared for this occurrence and he had noted that many of them had rather subtle blades hidden among their armour which would be invisible to all but the most vigorous pat down or the sharpest of eyes.

Once the weapons were handed over and the inventory taken receipts were written for all of them and handed to their owners, "These will be held in our lock up here at the port and can be retrieved once you leave our fair city, please be welcome here," the security officer said before the group turned and fluttered their way back to their office and opened the gates for the ship to proceed inside.

The docks themselves were just as impressive as the outside, wood reinforced with steel and brass surrounded them and a plethora of berths were stacked towards the top of the dome in long rows.

The shift drifted lazily upwards towards a long berth above them off their port side before slowly slotting the ship into a V-shaped cradle that was fixed to the side of the dock, folding in her wings and her fans as she did.

The two additional crew members who had accompanied the pilot stepped out onto the bow and caught the thrown lines from the dock hands in order to pull the ship into the berth itself where it slotted perfectly into the V and some large clamps came up from inside the metal housing and locked onto the hull allowing her to settle into place.

"We are here if you will please head to the end of the berth the ambassador will meet you there and escort you from there," the seagull-like pilot said and Raymond nodded and thanked him and the crew for their efforts before disembarking with his team.

The whole group walked down the suspended dock to what looked like a dock office and there waiting was the ambassador and his entourage.

"Ahh Raymond I am happy to see you arrived with no problems, please walk with me I'll give you a quick tour of our city and then we will go to see the Elders," he said doing a dramatic gesture with his arms turning them briefly into wings and then back into arms which confirmed Raymond's suspicion that their wide hinged wrists were what allowed them to extend their arms into wings.

"Thank you Oliver and I'm sure my people would appreciate that I know I do," he said and a warm smile lit Oliver's short beak as he began to lead the way while also walking at Raymond's side.

"So what do you think the chances are that I will be able to convince your people to come to the negotiation table?" Raymond asked.

Oliver seemed thoughtful for a moment then he turned to look out of the corner of his large eye at Raymond, "Well I believe it will all depend on the Brotherhood now won't it because I believe we would not be opposed to it but we will not back down to them, we will not allow them to simply roll over us unopposed and unchecked just the same as we wouldn't allow any group to do so," Oliver said and Raymond nodded in agreement.

"On that, we agree I do not believe anyone should have the right to act against any group of people aggressively without any form of an answer and it is part of the main fundamental ideas behind my group itself, we stand for those who cannot stand for themselves for whatever reason, Seven our leader and another called Wisp along with a number of the Claws in our group were subjected to horrendous experiments by a group that calls them the Enclave and now they wish to ensure that things like that never happen to anyone whoever they are or whatever species they belong to ever again, our leader Seven is mated to a Claw called Visa like my lovely Lia right here and together they try to stand as a symbol for what different species can achieve together as one and when we stand together there nothing that we cannot achieve and that this is the first step to making this world a better place in which to live for everyone," Raymond said.

Oliver looked at him with both an amazed and fascinated expression on his features, "Lia here is your mate? he asked.

"I am indeed and happily so, I fought hard to show Raymond that I was the superior choice for him to make and I am happy to say that he made it correctly and now he is mine and only mine," Lia said proudly puffing out her chest as she spoke.

"Fascinating indeed, you do raise a valid point and it does seem to work for people from what I have observed in the limited time that I have conversed with you and it also pleases me that you can see our point on not simply giving in to them, I do believe we will have many things to discuss and it is indeed my hope that we can bring them to the table as I believe diplomacy should always be our first option, not our last resort," Oliver said and Raymond nodded.

"Exactly and this is our belief as well, violence should always be our last option in my opinion but our enemies should always know that we are more than prepared to use it and will stand our ground but words should always be the first things exchanged," Raymond said and Oliver let out a very happy sounding hoot noise and ruffled his feathers.

"Then you and I are of a very like mind Raymond, I believe we will have much to discuss at the table and I do believe you will be a definite benefit to have at the table," Oliver said with a smile.

They spent the next two hours touring around the city, Oliver took great pride in showing them the floating farms they had that grew their grains and vegetables, onto their smaller but obviously no less important animal farms that raised Brahmien and other smaller livestock, it seemed that they had done everything they possibly could to become self-sufficient, even down to making large water capture traps that fed into aqueducts that ran all over the city.

Raymond couldn't help but be heavily impressed by what the Valkyries had achieved in the time that they had walked this earth, this city was nothing short of a technological marvel, where they meshed together both modern technology and the simplicity of village life and it was beautiful to see, he could also see why they were so determined to protect it and the land on which it orbited as he could see that from underneath it would be supremely vulnerable despite being so high in the air maybe Malakai could help them out there?

As they walked through the main city centre Raymond could have sworn that just for a brief moment he saw a human man walking with what looked to be a female Valkyrie who looked to be either of the Eagle or possibly hawk genus but given the distance, he couldn't be sure at all and it was only a brief glimpse, one that did not repeat itself so he just shook it off as his mind playing tricks as it searched for the familiar among the unfamiliar.

Eventually, it seemed that the Elders were now ready to receive them and their tour ended right at the hall of the Elders which turned out to be a large building at the centre of the city surrounded by very interesting statues depicting various parts of Valkyrie life from the search for knowledge depicted by a large Owl genus holding up a large book, through to the fighting for what was there which was depicted by an Eagle genus holding a large sword and shield, it truly was a sight to behold.

Oliver asked them to wait in a dimly lit lobby which to Raymond's mind was supposed to represent peaceful reflection by how quiet it was not to mention dimly lit, it had an odd sense of tranquillity and order to it, as all around them were what appeared to be scribes working away at little desks writing into huge ledgers.

Raymond and his group stood patiently waiting as they listened to the chirps and hoots which was obviously Oliver speaking to the Elders in their native tongue, "I gotta say laddie I never imagined seeing something like this in my lifetime," Jack said in a low whisper and Raymond nodded.

"I know right? The Brotherhood described them as savage tribals but they are anything but if anything they are more civilised than just about any human settlement we've seen along our path," he said.

"Ain't that the fucking truth," Spectre said from his left as she looked around high shelves filled with what appeared to be handwritten books and he found himself wondering if these were some of their history in written form?

Suddenly Oliver appeared out of one of the side rooms and gestured for them to approach, "The Elders will see you now," he said and gestured to the room beyond.

Raymond took a deep breath as on the inside he was shaking like a shitting dog, he desperately did not want to let Seven and the others down here, Seven had placed a great deal of trust in him and he was determined not to betray that trust by fucking this up, this could be the true start of something amazing if only he could find the common ground for them all to tread.

As they entered Raymond instantly noticed the group of figures all gathered together and the first thing he noticed was the other Owl genus that turned to face him.

The Elders looked remarkable like tribal Elders with their large ornate headdresses and silken robes, Raymond couldn't help but be impressed by the refractory mirrors that bounced light around the room giving it an odd glowing aura that made it hard to pinpoint where the light was coming from exactly, it was all very impressive.

"Greetings you must be Raymond of the Free People of the Wastes," the large male who looked like a horned owl said rotating his head slightly as he spoke.

"Indeed honoured Elder and I must say it is good to meet you, this city of yours is very impressive, I find myself quite in awe of what you have achieved here it is quite remarkable," Raymond said extending a large hand in greeting.

The Elder looked at it and then reached out and took it in his much smaller hand causing Raymond to have to be careful of how much pressure he exerted when he shook the Elder's hand.

"Thank you your kind words are appreciated, now young Oliver here has informed us that not only have you shown great respect in your initial meeting of our people at our borders but that you have proposed a rather intriguing proposition regarding our Brotherhood problem?" the Elder said gesturing to a table that had been set up for them and by the look of it the thing had been dragged in here especially for them because Raymond had not seen a single one of them sitting yet.

No seats had been provided for Raymond's group only for himself and the Elders so the rest of his group took up positions behind him as Raymond sat facing the elders at the circular wooden table.

"Indeed I have honoured elders, I am here as you have stated representing a group that calls ourselves the Free Peoples of the Wastes and our singular purpose is a remarkably simple one, we wish to show the peoples of this wounded world that the only way we are going to heal it is by working together as one, now we do not for one moment believe that this is going to work in all cases as some people are simply too set in their ways, but we hope that if we can at least change enough minds that our mission will begin to spread to others like us and then it will not be our mission but everyone's," Raymond said proudly.

"Indeed young one, this seemed like both an impossible but also noble goal that you have set for yourselves, what if I may ask does it entail and how does it benefit us?" one of the other Elders this one kinda looked like a female swan asked.

"Simple honoured elder, it works by showing all peoples that they do not have to fear each other, we aim to try to end suspicions and fear of what's different by showing understanding and spreading knowledge, while also aiding those that need us and therefore showing that we practice what we preach, our leader Seven says that the more people who see us stand for them then they will learn to stand together not apart and this will make them stronger in the long run, on how this benefits you I believe we may be able to help you end this war you seem to have found yourselves in with the Brotherhood of Steel, therefore ending the vile bloodshed that has come with it," Raymond said.

"They invaded our lands with impudence and arrogance, they started this!!" one of the elders this one an Eagle snarled and Raymond nodded as he turned his attention to the large male Eagle.

Suddenly a little voice spoke up in his head, "They are dubious give them examples they can understand," Zixxy said.

"Oh this I believe wholeheartedly honoured Elders we have quite a history with the Brotherhood ourselves, take myself and my friends here for an example, one of the Brotherhood's primary missions is to rid the Wastelands of what they see as abominations or perversions of nature this includes us despite us not having a choice in what we were made into as it was done to us against our will, but as you can see unlike the vast majority of our feeble-minded brethren we are not violent simpoltons driven by a sense of superiority and anger, we are educated men and women who had unspeakable things done to them but now strive to show the world that not all of us are vile or evil, that we are as individual as they are, this includes the Brotherhood," he said.

"That's good they are thinking about that, press the issue," Zixxy said telepathically.

"Take a long look at my group honoured Elders, it contains super mutants, humans, Claws, even an alien from another world, while the larger group contains other species as well like Arachnakai, Night Stalkers and Ghouls and we all work for a singular purpose, to show the world what we can do when brought together, how our unique strengths and talents can benefit one another and make almost any take we set our minds to so much easier, we have engineers, scientists, tailors and soldiers all working together for a common cause and we believe that we can apply this here too, that we can help you overcome your problem and broker a peace with the Brotherhood that would stop the killing and end the loss of your young soldiers and defenders, then who knows maybe you and the Brotherhood may even find that you have enough common ground to be able to aid one another because believe me when I say this there is far worse out there than they," he said.

"You really have their attention now," Zixxy said.

"How do you aim to achieve this Raymond?" the horned owl asked.

"One of two ways, we bring the Brotherhood to the table and we like all civilised beings should use our words to discuss this like the civilised beings we all claim to be do," he said.

"And if they refuse to talk?" the Eagle asked curiously.


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