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Really? As Simple As That?

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Just a little blackmail.
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"There was this blind man and he was out walking one day with his seeing eye dog. They reached the corner of a busy intersection and the dog led the man right off the curb and out into moving traffic. Tires screeched, horns blared and people rolled down their windows and shouted curses at the pair. They made it safely to the other side and the man took out a doggie treat out of his pocket and offered it to the dog. A woman who had seen the whole thing walked up to the blind man and said:

That stupid dog almost got you killed and you are giving him a reward?"

"Not really," said the blind man. I'm trying to find where his mouth is so I can kick his ass."

It got a luke warm laugh and he handed the microphone back to Bobby Denton. It was Wednesday night and open mic night at the Landing Strip Lounge. I glanced again at the table where Jason Edwards wife was holding hands with a man who was most definitely not her husband. I was taking pictures of them with my phone and I hoped they would turn out okay since I had the flash turned off. I hoped like hell the ones of them kissing turned out.

It was just luck that I was sitting where I was when Mandy Edwards came in and sat down with the man. Normally I would be sitting at the bar, but that night the bar was full. I usually sat at the bar because that was the best place to be able to see Bobby Denton's wife.

I had the screaming hots for the woman and I was waiting for a chance to make a move on her. She was a gorgeous blond and she hated blond jokes and for some reason Bobby Denton told blond jokes whenever she was here. I just knew that one day he'd go too far and she would jump up and leave and when that happened I would follow her out and make my move. My thoughts being that she would be so pissed at him that she might give me a tumble just to spite him. I was thinking that tonight might be the night because I saw her start to get up, but one of the women sitting with her grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.

Apparently, there were no more wanna be stand-up comics that night so Bobby told the closing joke. A blond one of course and I listened to it as I watched Mandy and her lover. Maybe ten minutes after Bobby finished Mandy and her paramour showed signs of leaving so I got up and headed out to my car. Once there I sat and waited for Mandy and her boyfriend to come out. I was hoping I could get shots of some backseat action to add to the ones I'd already taken. I pulled up the ones I'd already taken and was pleased to see that most of them had come out okay.

The two came out and they walked to a car and embraced and then kissed (and I caught it on camera) and then Mandy got in the car, but didn't go anywhere. The man walked to another car, got in and then drove out of the parking lot and Mandy followed along behind him. I decided to tag along. They drove to the Motel 6 on Perry and the man went in and got a room and then Mandy followed him into it. I got four good pictures of it and then decided to call it a night.

When I got home I uploaded the photos into my computer and then printed them. I put the pictures into a folder, turned off the computer and went to bed.


It was almost two weeks before the opportunity I was looking for came around. Amanda Edwards and I worked for the same company, but in different areas. We knew each other, but not well. One of those 'we knew who each other were, but not much else' kind of relationships.

One thing we had in common was that we usually ate lunch at the B&B Cafe which was right across the street from the building we worked in. Most days she sat with two or three others, but once in a while she sat alone and it was one of those times I was looking for.

It was a Tuesday and I walked into the cafe and saw Amanda sitting alone. I walked over to the booth and slid in opposite her. She gave me a look that screamed out "What the hell are you doing sitting there" but said:

"I'm sorry, but I'm expecting some friends and they will be needing that side of the booth."

"That's okay. Just an answer to a quick question and I'm out of here. Was the guy you went into room 106 with two weeks ago just a fling or are you planning to leave Jason for him?"

I could tell she was getting ready to get all indignant on me, but then it was like she just deflated.

"What do you want?"

"Just an answer to my question."


"Just curious" I said as I slid the folder over to her. "Just wondered is all. If it was just a fling you might not want Jason to see those, but if it is serious and you plan on leaving Jason for that guy you probably won't care if he sees them or not. Think about it. You know where to find me. Enjoy your lunch" and I got up and left.

I wasn't surprised when she came up to my desk a little after three and said "We need to talk."

"Bud's Bar after work?"

"I'll be there."

She was there waiting when I got there and I sat down at the table with her. She went right at it.

"What do you want?"

"An answer to the question I asked."

"Why? Why do you want to know?"

"It will help me decide what to do."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Not until I get my answers."

She gave me a long look and then said "Stan was just a fling and no, I don't want Jason to know."

One more and then I'll answer yours. Was, or is, Stan the only one?"

"No he isn't and he was history as of last Saturday. So why the questions?"

"Before I answer I need to be up front with you about something. I'm an asshole. Knowing that upfront will help you understand me. The reasons for my questions are simple. If the man I saw you with was someone you were going to leave Jason for my showing him the photos wouldn't bother you at all. If it was just a fling and you didn't want Jason to know it would give me something to work with."

Once I said that it was like one of those cartoons where they showed a light bulb going off over the head of one of the characters as they suddenly realize what's going on.

"Seriously" she asked. "You are going to try and blackmail me?"

"That pretty much sums it up."

"How much?"

"I don't want money."

"What do you want?"



"If you have flings with other guys why not me?"

"You can't be serious."

"Of course I am. Look at it from my perspective. Meet a girl. Take her out seven or eight times at forty or fifty bucks a pop and not score. Do it again with another girl with the same result after having laid out six hundred or so bucks for nothing? Why wouldn't I like to score for only the cost of a dozen sheets of computer paper?"

"You wouldn't get much out of it. I'd just lay there like a blow-up doll."

"Maybe, but it would still be better than looking at porn and using my right hand. So, what will it be? Me or Jason seeing the pictures?"

"You overlooked one little thing."

"What's that?"

"Jason and I have an open marriage. We are free to do whatever as long as we come home to each other."

"You're right. I didn't think of that. I guess when I show Jason the pictures he will just shrug and say "So what." It will be interesting. I've never talked with a man in an open marriage. At least not that I know of."

I took out my phone, pushed the necessary keys and said "555-137-2345, right?"

"What are you doing?"

"Calling Jason to set up meeting."

I started pressing keys and heard "Stop it! Don't do that! You win."

"I win?"

"You called my bluff. I can't have Jason seeing those things."

"Then all that's left is seeing to the logistics. I'm free every night so it comes down to your availability."

"I can only get free on Mondays and Wednesdays."

"Why only those days?"

"Jason bowls on Mondays and has a lodge meeting on Wednesdays."

I took a piece of paper out of my pocket and wrote my address down on it and gave it to her and told her I'd expect her at six-thirty.

"I can't do it."

"You will do it or else."

"You don't understand. I can't do it. Jase gets home from work around five-thirty. I have dinner ready, we eat and he doesn't leave for the bowling alley until six-twenty or so. I can't get to your place until around seven. Same with his lodge meeting. And I have to be home by ten on Monday and by eleven on Wednesday."

I looked at my watch, said I needed to get going, got up, told her I'd see her the next day and left.


The next day a little after two she showed up at my desk and asked me for my phone number. "I need it in case something comes up and I can't be there."

"No problem. You don't show and no matter the reason and you know what I'll do."

"But what if I'm running late?"

"As long as you show up and we have enough time to take care of business."

She gave me a nasty look and stormed off.

My doorbell rang at five to seven and when I went to the door I found an unsmiling Mandy standing there. I stepped aside and she waked in. She was wearing baggy jeans, an oversize sweatshirt and had no makeup on at all. It was an obvious attempt to look as unappealing as possible, but it was effort that was wasted on me. I didn't intend to fuck her clothes and I didn't give a rat's ass if she was made up or not. As long as her pussy wasn't stitched closed I'd get what I wanted.

I just said "Bedrooms down the hall, first door on the left. She gave me a nasty look, but headed for the bedroom. I followed along and when we were in the bedroom I said "Lose the clothes" and I took off the robe I was wearing. She shed what she was wearing and then looked at the bed. I'd already turned the covers down in readiness for the evening.

She got on the bed, spread her legs and then looked up at me with a facial expression that said "Come on; use your blowup doll and get it over with so I can get hell out of here." Her intension was to just lay there and be unresponsive. She was a good-looking woman with a pretty decent body, but what caught my eye was that she had a bald pussy. It was my first. I'd seen them in pictures and in some of the porn I'd watched, but this was the first one I'd seen in the flesh.

As I got on the bed I could see the indifference on her face as she waited to be used. I saw that indifference change to confusion when instead of shoving my cock in her pussy my face headed straight to her hairless beaver. I just HAD to find out what it would be like to munch on a hairless pussy.

I licked and sucked, found the 'little man in the boat' and went to work on it. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it wasn't much more than a minute before her hands were gripping my head and trying to pull it inside her. I worked away at it until she had an orgasm and as she was coming down from it I moved up and slid my cock into her.

She moaned and her legs came up and locked on my waist and she pushed her pussy up at me. She certainly wasn't behaving like the blow-up doll she had intended to be. I fucked her to a second orgasm which hit her just as I had mine. Another first for me. I'd never before cum at the same time as my partner.

I don't know what 'Miss I'm Going to Just Lie Here Unresponsive' was expecting next, but I'll bet that it wasn't what happened. I pulled out and went back down on her. Her hands gripped my head again and she pushed her pussy up at me. I didn't bring her to another climax, but I did get an "Oh yes, oh sweet Jesus yes" out of her.

Along the way my cock got resurrected and I pulled her up on and got her on her hands and knees and then entered her doggie. She got off twice more before I got mine. By then it was time for her to get ready to leave."

"Do you need to shower before you go" I asked.

"Is it that time already?"

"Unfortunately, it is."

"I don't need to shower. I always shower before I go to bed. Jason won't think anything of it."

I watched her dress to leave and just before she went out the door I said "Next time wear high heels."

She acted as if she hadn't heard me and walked out the door. The evening was worth it even if I had to miss going to the Landing Strip and lusting after Bobby Denton's wife.


I saw Mandy at work on Thursday and Friday, but we didn't interact. Monday my doorbell rang at ten to seven and I found Mandy standing there wearing a dress and high heels. I stepped aside to let her in and once in the door she headed straight to the bedroom. I closed the door and followed her.

By the time I got there she head removed the dress and was unhooking her bra. She was wearing thigh high nylons along with the heels and as I watched her take off her bra and panties I wondered why her husband put bowling and lodge meetings above staying at home and taking care of his wife. If she was mine I'd damned sure do my best to keep her home.

Once she was down to just to just heels and hose she asked if I wanted her to take off the heels or leave them on and I told her to leave them on. She got on the bed and spread her legs and waited. In anticipation of her visit I had already undressed and was wearing a bathrobe. I shrugged it off and moved to the bed.

There was a huge smile on my face as it went to her naked pussy. I ate her pussy until she orgasmed and then I moved up and slid my cock into her sheath. I fucked her slow and steady until she got off again and the drove for mine and giving her another along the way.

As she was getting ready to leave she asked "Heels next time too?"

"No need for a next time. I've done what I set out to do. You are free of me and my threats."

"Care to explain that?"

"Jason moved in on my girlfriend when we were in college and I swore that someday, somehow I would get back at him for ruining that relationship. You gave me the opportunity and I seized it. He won't ever know but I will and it's enough for me."

"That simple?"

"Just that simple."

She shrugged and left.


Wednesday found me sitting on my favorite barstool listening to a wanna be stand-up comic telling a joke while I kept my eyes on Denton's wife. I tensed as I saw her stand up, but I was distracted when someone sat down on the stool next to me and said:

"Buy a girl a drink and then maybe take her back to your place and fuck her brains out?"

I turned to see Mandy sitting there. All thoughts of Denton's wife were gone as I said "I'm not silly enough to say no, but I am curious as to why you would approach a lowly slimeball of a blackmailer with an offer like that."

"Better the devil you know, right?"

"Mine is "Never look a gift horse in the mouth." Do you really want that drink or do we just get out of here and go to my place and get it on?"

She got off the bar stool and said "Let's get out of here."

She followed me home and she was shedding clothes as she came through the front door. After a repeat of the last two times I glanced at the clock and said:

"Much as I hate to say it, I think it is time for you to go."

"Not tonight stud. Jason is out of town until Friday evening. It won't bother me at all to wake up here tomorrow."

"Care to tell this lowly blackmailer how he has become worthy of such a magnificent gift?"

"Simple. We both want the same thing where Jason is concerned. Revenge! You wanted to get back at him for what he did to you and I have my flings for the same reason. I caught Jason cheating on me twice and decided that if sex outside the marriage was good enough for him it was good enough for me."

"Simple as that?"

"Simple as that."

"Still doesn't explain why me?"

"At the risk of pumping up your ego the reason is also simple. Both times, even though you were blackmailing me, you made sure that I got mine. You didn't get on, get off and the get off. All the other guys I had my flings with were only interested in getting what they could and didn't care if I got anything out of it or not. I didn't care all that much because I was just doing it to get back at Jason.

Then along comes a slimy blackmailer who gave me more orgasms in our two meetings than I'd gotten in the whole of last year. It may come as a surprise to you, but women like orgasms. Since I now know I can get them from you here I am."

"Simple as that?"

"Simple as that!"

I set the clock for six because we both had to go to work, but the clock didn't wake me up. Mandy did by sucking my cock. I looked over at the clock and saw it was ten to six. Mandy started to bitch when I pushed her away, but stopped when she saw I was moving into a sixty-nine which ended up making us both late for work.

Before she left she said "Tonight? Maybe dinner and dancing and then come back here?"

"I like the way you think."

I gave her a ten-minute head start as I didn't want anyone to to see us arrive together and get the right idea.

Over dinner that night Mandy asked me why I wasn't married. I told her I had been, but the wife didn't think I had the kind of money to give her the life she wanted and had decided to trade up. She left me for the owner of the company she worked for. I did get the last laugh there. Two years after she married him his company went bust and he had to file bankruptcy. Last I heard they were living in an apartment and both working for not much more than minimum wage.

"That relationship and what my fiance did to me when Jason came around has soured me on having a relationship with someone. What about you? Wy haven't you just divorced Jason and moved on?"

"Two failed relationships in high school and college, a fiance who I caught cheating on me two weeks before the wedding, and then Jason. Why bother divorcing the asshole just to be able to go looking for someone who might not be any better? Just stay married to Jason and let him support me while I just go on getting even.

"We sure is a pair ain't we."

We didn't go dancing. I wanted to, but she said she had to get as much as she could before Jason go home from his trip and she would have to go back to only two nights a week. We went home and she damned near reduced me to a quivering lump. I fell asleep next to her totally exhausted.


That was the beginning of an affair that lasted a little over a year. Mondays and Wednesdays and every time Jason had a business trip which usually happened once a month and gave us two or three days to play house.

Then, one Wednesday in May Mandy told me she was ending our affair. I told her I was really going to miss her and shy asked me why. I summoned up the courage to tell her I'd fallen in love with her and I was going to hate to see her go.

"That's the answer I was hoping for. I served Brad with divorce papers this morning. If everything goes as smooth as I expect the divorce will be final in ninety days. That means we can have a late August or early September wedding. Think you can be ready by then?"

I was, but her timing was a little off. We had to settle for a November wedding. On our honeymoon she damned near fucked me to death. But if I would have died I would have had one hell of a smile on my face when I went.


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LizziepeeLizziepee22 days ago

Thoroughly enjoyed it Bob here's a joke a lady gets pulled up by a motorcycle cop he looks at her license and says you're supposed to be wearing glasses the ladies says I have contacts the police officer says I don't care you know g'day from Australia

AmbulAmbul24 days ago

Fabulous and fun love story!

chasbo38chasbo38about 1 month ago

Who the hell is Brad ?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The lead off joke sold me, the rest of the tale was pure gravy! Thanks Bob.

somewhere east of Omaha

TexMan1970TexMan19703 months ago

Loved the story. Really enjoy most of your stories JPB. Keep 'em coming!

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