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Reclaiming His Balls Pt. 02

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A faithless wife submits.
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Reclaiming His Balls

Part 2 of 9


In Part 1, we learned how Ted caught his faithless wife, Michelle. In Part 2, we see what Michelle must do to keep Ted from destroying her life.


The blowjob Michelle gave Ted represented a turning point in their marriage. It happened after she'd withheld sex for weeks. Ted had such a backlog of sexual frustration that he was growing frantic. In all the years they'd been married, she'd never been willing to give him a blowjob, so it felt amazing to get something he'd been denied for so long.

But the main reason it felt so good was that Ted was angry with Michelle, and he relished the opportunity to force her to give him sex without consent. He came, and came, and came, making Michelle swallow it all.

"After you pull yourself together, go downstairs," he told Michelle as she wiped drops of cum from her lips. "Henry will be home soon. Starting tonight, you are responsible for helping him with his homework. I'm going to work in my study."

Ted pulled up his pants and left. Michelle went into the master bathroom and saw that her makeup was a mess. Cocksucking was hard work. She needed to wash her face and apply fresh cosmetics.

As she finished, she realized that her belly felt like it contained a large amount of warm cum. No one had ever forced her to swallow cum before. Now, she imagined that it was about to become a regular occurrence.

When she walked by Ted's study, she looked inside and saw him sitting at his desk. He'd connected her cell phone to a cable that ran to his computer. The sight sent a chill through her. He's going to find the text messages I sent to Jake! she realized. He's going to find my nude selfies!

Ted already had a mountain of evidence proving Michelle betrayed him. There was nothing on her phone that changed that. But she worried how he'd react when he saw things like the pornographic text messages and emails she and her lover exchanged over the months since their affair began.

"Hello, little man," Michelle said to her son Henry when he got home from school.

"Where's Dad?" Henry asked. His father was the one who usually greeted him.

Henry didn't like being called "little man." That was a nickname he asked them to stop using years ago. His father had respected his wishes, and never called Henry "little man" anymore, but it wasn't surprising that Michelle still did. Henry realized long ago that his mother never listened to anything he said. She didn't think he was important enough to her to pay attention to him.

"Your father has work to do in his study," Michelle said. "How about if I help you do your homework tonight instead of Dad?"

"Can we wait until he's finished?" Henry asked, making it painfully clear to Michelle that Henry preferred his father. That was the moment when Michelle fully appreciated how neglectful she'd been. Ted proved she was a lousy wife. Henry was demonstrating that she was also a lousy mother.

"Dad asked me to help you," Michelle said. Henry rolled his eyes. Because he was only 10 years old, he didn't realize how hurtful that gesture was.

He got out his books and began studying with his mother. Michelle had worked for several years teaching elementary school. She was good at it; that's why she was eventually promoted to principal at the school where she formerly taught. She realized that because of her training, she should have been the person to help Henry with homework. That should have started on the day he entered kindergarten.

What was I thinking? she asked herself. How did I ever justify making Ted responsible for Henry's homework? Why did I ever think he should shoulder so many burdens around the house? The truth was that Michelle fooled herself into believing that her time was more valuable than Ted's. The belief got worse when she was promoted. She'd forgotten that her most important job was to be a good mother.

It didn't take long to finish Henry's assignments. He was a bright student who didn't need much help. Michelle repeatedly made little comments intended to draw Henry into a pleasant conversation, but Henry resisted her overtures.

Michelle had seen this behavior before in students who weren't interested in engaging with some adult. It meant Henry had given up on her. Michelle thought she could probably repair their relationship eventually, but it saddened her to discover that she'd let her son become so distant.

I should be ashamed of myself, she thought.

When they were finished, Michelle invited Henry to play a game of dominoes. He loved the game, and played often with Ted. Henry turned her down, saying he'd rather play video games by himself. Michelle sadly gave him permission to go to his room.

After he left, Michelle went to the kitchen and looked to see what she could fix for dinner. She'd done so little cooking for so long that she didn't know what ingredients were available. She found a package of ground beef Ted purchased so he could cook burgers. Michelle remembered that Henry loved spaghetti with meat sauce, so she began preparing that.

Soon the aroma of spaghetti sauce spread all through the house. Michelle hoped the scent would be so tempting that it would draw Ted from his study, but he remained at his computer examining the fresh evidence of Michelle's affair.

For months, she and Dr. Brianson had exchanged a series of X-rated text messages. When Ted assembled it into one long document, it told a story that would have entertained readers of the website Literotica.

Michelle sent dozens of nude selfies, showing her naked body from every possible angle. There was a particularly graphic image showing her pussy and asshole from behind; she'd used a self-timer to take that photo.

They exchanged explicit emails that talked about all the dirty things they wanted to do to each other. Michelle's little missives were loaded with comments that described Ted as a weak, timid, clueless fool. It was challenging to read it all, but Ted wanted to know exactly what had happened to his marriage.

He believed in facing facts. Ted downloaded every byte of this pornographic material from Michelle's cellphone, and he stored it in a cloud account accessible only to him. He permanently deleted the incriminating evidence from Michelle's phone. He wanted her to have as little control as possible over their future.

When he finished, Ted leaned back in his chair and stared into space. He could hear the sound of Henry playing video games, and it reminded him that he wasn't the only victim of this sordid affair. It was horrible for him to discover Michelle was a dishonest slut, but he knew it would be much worse for Henry if he ever figured out the truth about his mother.

Ted felt that Henry would eventually figure it out. When Ted was a child, his father had an affair that hurt his mother deeply. His parents did their best to hide this news from Ted, but he was a smart boy who gradually realized there were lots of signs of trouble between his parents. He was in high school when he finally put the pieces together. It caused him to lose almost all respect for his father.

Henry was a bright kid. Ted intended to do everything possible to shield his son from this news, but he doubted it would remain secret forever. He had no faith in Michelle's ability to behave in a way that never made Henry suspicious.

Like Ted, Henry was smarter than Michelle. Perhaps, Ted thought, he should start thinking about what he'd say when Henry came to him demanding answers.

"Dinner's ready!" Michelle said. Henry came running because he could tell what his mother had cooked. "Spaghetti!" he said. "Smells great, Mom!"

Ted came next. Without a word, he put Michelle's phone next to her purse.

Ted sat quietly, serving Henry a plate of the pasta and pouring on a scoop of sauce. He made himself a plate, never looking in Michelle's direction. Although he didn't say or do anything that betrayed any emotion, Michelle noticed that a vein on his forehead was bulging the way it always did when Ted got angry.

"Why don't you tell us about your day, Henry?" she said. "What happened?" She wanted to avoid having everyone eat in silence.

"I got in a fight," Henry said.

"A fight!? What kind of fight!? Were you hurt!?" Michelle said.

"Nah. Nobody got hurt. Billy Milgram threatened to kick my butt, but he didn't."

"How did you get into a fight with Billy Milgrim?" Ted asked.

"I saw him and his friend Jack Jameson bullying a bunch of first graders in the cafeteria. Billy is a big guy, and he frightened the little kids. I yelled at both of them. I said if they didn't stop being bullies I'd report them to the teacher.

"He called me a snitch and said he'd beat my ass," Henry said.

"What did you do?" Ted asked.

"I told him he could beat my ass all he wanted, but I would still tell the teacher unless he quit being a bully. We were both yelling pretty loud, and a bunch of people came over to watch us. I think Billy realized that everybody in school could see he was being a bully, so he walked away."

For the first time since dinner began, Ted smiled.

"Let's review," he said. "You stood up to two bullies. One of them was much bigger than you. You made them knock it off. You chased them away."

"I didn't chase them," Henry said.

"Metaphorically," Ted said. Realizing Henry wouldn't understand such a big word, Ted said, "I mean, you chased them away with words."

"I guess," Henry said.

"I'm speechless," Ted said. He'd let Henry know he was proud of him countless times. If he said it again, it wouldn't mean much. Maybe, Ted thought, this was a chance for Michelle to give Henry some much-needed praise.

"Since I'm speechless, maybe your mother could say what we think about all this," Ted said.

Michelle realized what Ted was doing. She took the hint immediately. "We're very proud of you, Henry. You did the right thing. That was very brave, little man."

Ted and Henry both grimaced.

"I think Henry would like it if we didn't call him 'little man' anymore," Ted told Michelle.

"Yeah. I'm not a kid," Henry said. Hearing a 10-year-old declare that he wasn't a kid almost made Ted laugh, but he managed to keep a straight face.

"You're right. We agree," Ted said, hoping Michelle would remember this time.

Michelle watched Ted closely, looking for signs that he was angry about the horrible things he must have found on her cell phone. She saw nothing but that throbbing vein.

After dinner Ted and Henry turned on the television so they could watch one of Henry's favorite shows. Michelle wasn't familiar with the story or characters because she'd never bothered to watch the program, but she felt it was best if she joined them for once.

Henry curled up next to Ted on the couch. They both ignored Michelle, who felt like an outsider in her own home.

It's my fault, she thought. I've got to do better.

After the show ended, it was time for Henry to go to bed. As always, Ted took Henry's hand and led him to his bedroom. He helped his son put on pajamas, tucked him under the blankets, and then sat down to tell Henry a story.

Ted never read to Henry from a book. He created stories that were custom-made for his son's enjoyment. It was something he started doing as soon as Henry was old enough to understand, and it became a ritual they both enjoyed.

"OK, tonight's story is about a little boy named..."

"Henry!" his son said.

They'd done this so many times it was automatic.

"... a little boy named Henry. Henry was smart and brave. He did very well in school. One day Henry stopped a couple of bigger boys who were bullying some little kids. That's the kind of boy Henry was.

"Henry had a father who worked as an..."

"Engineer!" Henry said.

"That's right. An engineer. Henry asked his Dad if it was hard to be an engineer, and his Dad said the job took a lot of work, but that it was fun. His Dad said engineers have to study hard in school, and they have to learn a lot of math, so Henry made a special effort to study math in school.

"Henry was such a good student that when he graduated from college he got a job as an...."


That was different. Henry had mentioned the idea of being a fireman, a cowboy, a teacher, and many more. He'd never expressed interest in going to space.

"That's right. NASA hired Henry to be an astronaut. Because Henry was so smart and so brave, he was a very good astronaut. One day his bosses at NASA asked him if he could be in charge of a mission to explore...."


Jupiter. There's no surface on Jupiter. There's no way to land. That complicated things. Hmmm....

"That's right. Jupiter. NASA asked Henry to take a spaceship out to explore Jupiter, which is the biggest planet. One of the coolest things about Jupiter is it has four HUGE moons! Their names are Ganymede, Calisto, Io, and Europa. They are much bigger than Earth's moon. They are actually worlds! NASA asked Henry to be the first person to explore those four big worlds.

"He landed on Ganymede, and Calisto, and Io. He took a lot of pictures and collected a lot of samples, and found out as much as he could. Then he landed on Europa.

"The thing about Europa is that it has a HUGE ocean! The ocean is covered with ice, but under the ice is an ocean as big as the oceans on Earth.

"When he got to Europa he drilled a hole through the ice and sent a little robot submarine to go down and explore the ocean. But when the little robot got there, it found things moving around! The robot found Europa had..."

"Life! Life!"

"That's right! Henry was the first person to discover that there are living things in the ocean of Europa! The submarine took pictures that showed the creatures looked like dolphins that had arms and hands. They had a bright spot on the tips of their snouts, and they talked to each other by flashing their light. Kind of like Morse Code. Do you know what Morse Code is?"

"Yes, Dad. Everybody knows that," Henry said.

"Good. Morse Code is kind of old-fashioned. I'm glad you know about it.

"Anyway, Henry was a very smart astronaut. Because he knew so much about math, he was able to figure out the language of the creatures of Europa. He used a flashing light on the submarine to have long conversations where he told the Europa creatures what Earth was like, and they told Henry what Europa was like.

"They showed him HUGE cities on the bottom of the sea! They showed Henry their books! They played their music! They said they were very happy to meet a man from Earth. They said that Earth must be a wonderful place if everyone there was as smart, brave, and kind, as Henry."

They'd gotten to the part of the story Ted liked best. Henry was getting tired, but he struggled to keep his eyes open because he wanted to hear more about Astronaut Henry and the Moons of Jupiter. He looked adorable. It was touching to watch Henry try so hard to hear more of his father's story.

"By the time Henry got back to Earth, everyone knew what he had done. They'd seen his pictures of the creatures from Europa, seen the cities under the ocean, and heard the beautiful music. They were grateful to Henry for discovering that we have such nice neighbors.

"Earth people didn't feel so alone after that. Lots of little kids decided that when they grew up they wanted to be astronauts just like Henry so they could build a colony on Europa and get to know our neighbors there."

That's when Henry gave up and closed his eyes. Ted hoped his "little man" had pleasant dreams about exploring the untamed wilderness on Europa and discovering what lived in the ocean beneath the icy surface. He's such a great kid, Ted thought for the millionth time. I've got to do whatever I can to make sure he grows up in a home with a mom and a dad.

Ted went back to the living room and found Michelle watching a rerun of Seinfeld, a sitcom the creators famously described as "a show about nothing." Ted thought the show had funny moments, but he preferred programs that were about something.

Ted sat next to Michelle and watched. There were many jokes that Ted felt were amusing, but none of them made him laugh out loud. He wasn't sure if it was because he was in such a foul mood over what he'd found on Michelle's phone, or if the kind of humor on Seinfeld didn't appeal to him.

His thoughts drifted as he watched the show. He reviewed the events of the day, looking for something worth celebrating.

It was good that he'd put a decisive end to the months of emotional abuse he'd suffered at the hands of his wife and their therapist. That had become intolerable. Plus, he had a nice new car. Ted thought Porsches were cool, but not worth the price. The coolest feature of Ted's new Porsche was that he'd forced their asshole therapist to sell it for only $1.

He turned off the TV as soon as the sitcom was over. "Let's go to bed," he said.

Michelle didn't usually turn in this early, but Ted spoke to her in a way that implied he wasn't making a request. She followed him to the bedroom, wondering what would happen when they got there. Ted didn't make her wait long to find out.

"Take off your clothes," he said.

Without a word, Michelle did as she was told. She felt a mix of nerves and excitement. Michelle knew that Ted was going to demand sex again, but she had no idea if he'd want another blowjob, want to fuck her, or demand some other sex act.

She knew it didn't matter. Ted no longer needed permission. She'd withheld sex from her husband and engaged in a clandestine affair. Ted could do whatever he wanted to her, and she had no choice but to accept it. If she spurned him one more time, he'd surely destroy her life.

Ted took off his clothes and stretched out on his back. "Come over here," he said in a commanding tone. Michelle climbed into bed, and Ted took her hand and placed it on his cock. He didn't need to explain that he wanted Michelle to make him hard.

She began to pump his cock up and down. Ted laid back and closed his eyes so he could enjoy how it felt. The sensation was thrilling. It gave him a feeling of deep satisfaction to demand his unfaithful wife jack him off. It felt powerful to know he could make her do whatever he wanted.

"Here. Use some of this," Ted said, handing Michelle a tube of lube. She poured some of the lotion on her hand, then spread it over Ted's hard cock. "Much better," he said softly, moaning as he reveled in his growing feeling of arousal.

She thought he intended for her to use her hand to make him cum. That's not what Michelle wanted. Being forced to give Ted a blowjob earlier left her feeling sexually frustrated. Feeling his hard cock in her hand made things worse.

She wanted his cock in her pussy. She wanted him to fuck her. But she didn't dare ask for that. Ted was still too angry. Michelle didn't feel comfortable doing anything except following his orders.

Fortunately for her, Ted decided that he wanted more than a handjob. He grabbed Michelle by the wrist. "Stop," he said, pulling her hand away. He pushed her down on her back and poured some lube into his hand.

In the past, Ted never applied lube to Michelle's pussy because he was always able to make her wet with foreplay. But he wasn't in the mood to do anything that nice for her. Since he wanted to fuck her without foreplay, Ted decided to apply enough lube to make her pussy slippery and wet.

Ted got a surprise when he touched Michelle between her legs. Her pussy was already hot and very, very wet. This bitch is ready to fuck! Ted realized. She needs more lube about as much as Florida needs more hurricanes!


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