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Remembering Becky Ch. 04

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David continues to be amused & amazed.
1.4k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/20/2004
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Thank you for sticking with the story so far, and for all your kind words and encouragement.

Chapter four of David and Becky's story...


I awoke with a nasty case of cotton mouth, a mildly throbbing head and an incredible soreness in my back and knees. That's when I realized that last night had not been a dream after all. The pleasant pain that comes from suddenly taxing muscles that had been laying dormant for so long felt great.

That, combined with the pleasant aroma of brewing coffee that filled the air, helped bring me back to earth. The space next to me was empty, the impression Becky left in the bedding still fresh. The scent of our lovemaking still lingered as well, and that along with the promise of coffee got my butt out of the bed.

I grabbed my bathrobe and staggered out of the bedroom into the living room. Becky had opened the drapes which drenched the place in sunlight. Funny thing is if I was here alone, I would have left the drapes closed, keeping the place dark and dismal and effectively sealing myself off from the world as had been my custom. I liked it so much better this way.

Becky was in the kitchen, sitting on the counter on top of the dishwasher, reading the paper. She heard me coming and peeked out from above the paper, and I knew she was smiling even though I could only see her eyes.

"Good morning!" I said in the most chipper voice I could manage. "I see the paper came already. Anything interesting?"

"Good morning yourself you sleepyhead" Becky exclaimed. "Interesting? I don't know about that. Let's see...What do you think of this?"

With that she raised the paper, revealing that behind the paper she was very naked. Her swirling bright red bush was square on top of the dishwasher, her thighs spread slightly.

"Oooh, that's very interesting" I said. "Price Chopper has tuna on sale."

"That's not tuna, that's red snapper you turd" Becky giggled while looking down at the little tent erected inside my robe. "You better have some morning wood down there."

The paper went flying across the counter as I shed the robe and moved up between Becky's legs. My cock was indeed hard and I swirled it vigorously around the lips of her pussy. In the glow of the morning light her pussy hair was so bright it was almost phosphorescent, and she moaned softly when the head of my cock slid inside her slightly moist opening.

Comfortable, it wasn't. The metal handle of the dishwasher was cold, and my balls slapped against it as I moved in and out of Becky. I only had about half of my cock inside her, alternately rubbing it around her clit after every few jabs inside.

Becky began to get wetter as we continued, thus allowing for a little more peneration. The combination of my modest endowment and the configuration of the counter restricted my motion a bit, although the handle whacking against my nuts was becoming pleasant in a most strange way.

"Sorry... sorry I can't get any deeper" I said between strokes, our tempo picking up. "Not big enough."

"Good... it's so good ... good right there keep doing that" Becky said as she pulled me tight to her.

It was pretty much just the head of my cock sliding in and out, but she must have manuevered to the right place because in seconds she had pulled me tight next to her and was sinking her teeth into my collarbone. The magnificent sounds of her orgasm were somewhat muted by my neck, which would become another Becky battle scar area as a result of her teeth, but the squeals and gurgles that did come out were still enjoyable to me.

I kept poking Becky as she released the stranglehold she had on my neck. She leaned back a bit and put her hands on the counter, looking down at my cock dipping into her pussy.

"Ummm... look at that Dave," Becky said with almost wonder in her voice. "That looks beautiful, doesn't it? Of course, you can't see all that much tree for the forest!"

This felt so fantastic I didn't want it to end. There wasn't enough pressure down there inside of Becky to force me to come, but there was just enough to keep me very interested.

"I love the forest" I said. "The problem is that the tree isn't big enough."

Becky frowned and reached over and pinched my nipples...hard!

"Stop putting down your pecker, it's perfect!" Becky snapped. "It's just the right length and it's thick as hell. I like that. I was examining it this morning when you were sleeping. It's beautiful, no weird bumps, lumps or strange discolorations. It's a beautiful penisoarus, and I never want to hear another discouraging word about it."

"You sure keep yourself occupied when I'm sleeping, don't you? I asked with mock indignation. "What else were you doing while I was dreaming about you?"

"Well, you didn't have any donuts or anything," Becky said while shifting her butt on the counter, "and by the way you can come whenever you want now Davy me boy."

"No I think I like this too much to come" I said while continuing the gentle motion. My hands went to her thighs and I enjoyed the delightful feel of the soft, silky down that adorned them as my fingers slid merrily along.

"My butt is starting to hurt now, buddy. This counter is as hard as you are" Becky said while scrunching up her face in discomfort.

"You should have thought of that before you got up there" I told her bruskly.

"Okay, then I'll just relax until you come" Becky said, and with that she leaned back against the cupboard behind her. "I'll just sit back in agony and be forced to watch your hard throbbing cock violate my sweet innocent pussy while my ass goes numb."

"Good idea" I said approvingly. "I think I'll count your freckles while I'm at it" I said admiring the multitude of them that covered her upper torso.

"17,453" Becky said confidently. "That census has been done before and confirmed by an independent auditor. How are you doing down there babe, you just about ready to blast off?" she said rather hopefully. "My ass is starting to fall asleep!"

"No, not nearly ready," I said, "and I'd better count them again just to be sure. Is this a freckle or a crumb here?" I asked while touching her collarbone.

Becky promptly put her hands behind her head and started to softly whistle "They'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain."

I started laughing and looked over to the window. Becky grabbed me by the chin and turned my head to face her.

"Come on stud" Becky snapped while grinning wickedly. "Betcha can't look and not come" she said while leaning back again. She was obviously challenging me to look at her armpits, which were in their most radiant furry glory.

"You think that if I look at something that excites me, something that I love, something that I can't get enough of, just that alone will make me come?" I asked.

Becky nodded. And she was right. When my cock exploded into her a minute later, my eyes had remained fixed. Never for a second did they leave those sparkling green eyes.

When she realized that I was looking at precisely what I was truly crazy about, she drew close to me and kissed me as I came. Becky held my face in her hands as she felt my orgasm slowly subside, our eyes never having lost contact with each other the entire time.

"Understand?" I asked softly while trying to contain my emotions, having tried to say in actions what I felt but could not say, not yet at least.

Becky stared back at me and with her lips persed, nodded slowly and broke into a smile.

"Understood" she said and dropped down from her perch, gingerly feeling the ridge the counter had gouged into the backs of her thighs.

She padded off the the bathroom and I got to experience the magnificence of her body from the rear as she left.

"It would have been perfect... so very perfect, if you had only gotten donuts" Becky said while standing at the bathroom doorway looking back at me. "Those little ones with the coconut on them? Yum!"

"I wasn't sure you would even show up for dinner last night, much less breakfast" I exclaimed with dismay as she winked and closed the door behind her.

"It's going to be a beautiful day Dave" Becky yelled from the bathroom. "Why don't we go on a picnic, that is unless you have other plans."


chapter 5... sharing secrets and baring souls

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AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Wonderful Inspiration

David, great story, all of it. I got my wife to read it with me and she has agreed to stop shaving for the winter at least. We both think your style of writing and your way of explaining the sexiness of it all is excellent. She enjoyed the effect your story had on me several time since we read it, to inspire me she just starts talking about your sexy Becky's hairy underarms as she stretches her arms high and tells me what they will start looking like in a few weeks. I suggested we send you an email picture when they are grown out and she agreed. Thank you. Keep writing my friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

David, your story is wonderful. I have enjoyed all three chapters. Your graphic descriptions and her wonderfully hairy underarms have me very interested and standing at attention. I have gone back and read all of your stories and hope you continue. Please continue.

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