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Remi and Anna

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A late teen, her mother's friend love accepted and consumed.
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Remi stood in the corner of the bus shelter doing her best to hide from an intense summer squall. It in turn was doing its best to ruin the best efforts of her hairdresser's new style that had left her hair short and highlighted with silvery shades and pale golds. The rain had been unexpected and heavy and the increasing wind and distant sounds of thunder, laid down a clear enough warning that it was going to get worse before it got better.

Remi muttered to herself,

"So much for the bloody weather man's promises,"

She had left home that morning without a jacket or umbrella, trusting in the Met office belief that London's summer heat wave had at least a couple more days to run. She shuffled her feet and fidgeted in impatience. She's been waiting for twenty minutes already and the heavy traffic meant she was probably going to make her late in meeting Anna.

"Where's that bloody bus?"

She was becoming restless and annoyed that her best efforts at looking all fresh would be soon turned to 'drowned rat'. She kicked her foot against the side of the shelter, only to mark her pale lilac shoe with a dark and dirty line.

"Great. That's just about the icing on the cake now."

She cursed, looked up and then saw the bus turn a distant corner into the High Street and even from a distance she could make out that it was absolutely jammed packed. She wondered whether she would even be allowed to board. Through the traffic the bus crawled, until seemingly an age later it stopped at the shelter. Two dozen people spewed forth into the rain and the bustle of the busy shopping street, each in turn picking their own path through the gathered mass of those impatient to embark and reluctant to move in case they lost their place in the queue.

Remi managed to side-step the scrum and entered first. Quickly showing her pass to the driver she made a beeline for the single empty seat right over the rear axle of the double-decker bus. In a well practiced and graceful movement, she slid down sideways into the seat. She opened her small black shoulder bag and replaced the bus pass into a side zippered pocket and then, after clicking the bag shut, settled herself and looked out of the window at the bus queues and busy pavement. She turned her head to face forwards and then remembering her dirty shoe, she reached into her bag to retrieve a tissue to clean it. Fearing the rain had ruined her new look, she making a brief inspection of her new cut and much to her relief saw that the rain had done less damage to her hair than she had feared. She reached down to her shoe and after a few hard rubbing strokes managed to remove most of the greasy line from it. Remi settled back into the seat and then in an effort to make her self more comfortable, she resting her head on the glass and quietly drifted off with her thoughts.

Remi was both nervous and excited. The truth of it was the visit to the hair dresser had been little more than a time killing activity to while away a couple of hours before she met up with Anna. In the last few months meeting Anna had left Remi anxious with a feeling of butterflies in her stomach and a tingling sensation lower down.

Anna was her mum's friend from the time when they were both at college. She was about four years younger than her mum and they had shared interests and been part of big social group that had partied and had fun together. She had returned to their area two years ago and since being introduced, Anna and Remi had become close friends. The age difference had meant little to either of them and Remi loved Anna's company and spirit of adventure. Anna's eyes seemed to light up every time she saw Remi and they had recently spent a lot of time doing 'girly things' together. When work allowed, her mum would join them and the three of them got on very well. Remi enjoyed their times together and she could recall many a day of endless laughter and evenings when the three of them would be at their home drinking wine late into the evening, talking about all sorts, but more often than not, just laughing at some life story or silly event.

Remi had grown to love these home spent evening times together. Her relationship with her Spanish mum Marina was easy and relaxed. Anna's return to her mum's life had been a lovely addition for both her and Remi. Anna seemed so very comfortable around her mum and there was something about Anna that at first Remi had found curious, but of late had left her with feelings far deeper and more complex than Anna being 'just my mum's friend.'

Marina had noticed it to. One evening last winter, they had been at home together drinking wine watching a film together. Remi was curled up on the sofa behind Anna who was sitting with her back on the floor just in front of her. As the film progressed Remi became more and more aware of Anna's presence so close to her. Remi loved the smell of her soft perfume and as she lay on the arm of the sofa she could see down Anna's cleavage. That evening had become the start of Remi's almost obsession with Anna's breasts. At one point Anna had leaned slightly forwards and Remi had seen the top of her small pink nipples. That one look had set her heart thumping and had sent an instant signal of arousal to her pubic region. For the rest of the film she had tried to look again, desperate not to be noticed, but so aware of how much she wanted to catch a further glimpse of Anna's breasts. She was so aware of the ache between her legs and sensation of heat coming from her leggings.

Several times through the corner of her eye, Remi had seen her mum glancing at her and more so when Anna would laugh and lift her left hand up to touch Remi's arm. That evening in the living room Remi felt a huge tension within her. As the film's credits ran, Anna had twisted her head to turn and speak to Remi and at that moment she had seen her mum give her a deeper more intense, almost calculating look.

If Marina did ever wonder about her daughter's thoughts or feelings towards Anna, she never asked her directly but Remi guessed that her mum must have been wondering what her daughter was thinking. She had on occasion wondered if her mother thought she was a lesbian. Mind you, she had often wondered that her self, but it tended not to be women in general Remi thought about, it was just one particular woman. Remi constantly thought of Anna and at times she was like an incessant background hum of thought in her life.

That night, as with many nights before and after, Anna stayed over in the spare room, or as they all came to call it, Anna's room. Soon after the film ended Remi said good night and she kissed both her mum and Anna and went to her room. She closed the door and then, free from her clothes, her hands went straight to her dense thatch of thick pubic hair and she masturbated to an intense orgasm with thoughts of touching and sucking Anna's nipples. It was the first of many such occurrences and it wasn't long before Remi was imagining doing things with Anna far more kinky and far more involved than just sucking her nipples.

Remi was the kind of young woman it would be easy to look at and miss. She was just over five feet tall and her stature could best be described as boyish. She was average weight with a slight widening of her hips and completely flat chested. Remi would be the first to say that she had no boobs at all. As an early teen in school she had a hard time with the other girls and some of the boys had been really horrible to her, but Remi did not let it bother her too much. She had a pretty face, the pale brown eyes of her mother, 'Spanish looks' and a smile that was warm and generous.

Remi liked to dress in a certain way. She was certainly not the average 'teenage slob' and she preferred close fitting dresses with a low neck lines and slight heels. She adored the Audrey H look and she felt her most comfortable when she colour matched. Today's outfit was a pale lilac shortish dress with matching kitten heels and a spaghetti belt with matching bag. Her newly tinted hair gave her just that little bit of contrast and interest to the classic style, enough to show her as young and not some wannabe stylized thirty year old.

The hot and humid bus ride had made Remi feel sleepy. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander. Soon enough it had turned to thoughts of Anna. Anna, forty three, never married, broad hipped and narrow waisted, pale as porcelain with strawberry blond hair, fine lines around her eyes and breasts large and carried in bras that let them swing from side to side and shiver as she moved. Anna's breasts, Remi's mind could not get away from Anna's breasts.

Remi dreamed of Anna's breasts. Many times since that movie night last winter she had fantasised about holding and squeezing them and often she had masturbated herself into a hot and slippery frenzy at the thought of sucking her breasts hard until they were red raw and inflamed. Sometimes, at the moment of her orgasm she would call out Anna's name.

"Fuck me Anna, stick your fucking arm up me. Make me cum."

She wasn't so lady like at those moments.

Remi would rub her clitoris hard and almost rip at her thick pubic thatch and try and cram as many fingers deep into her pussy as she could. Sometimes afterwards, when she was soaking wet and utterly spent she would roll on to her side and slide two fingers deep into bottom. It was post orgasm when she loved most to dig into and stretch her rear end wide. It was her favorite erotic depravity and she loved it.

Remi, for all her slight manner and seemingly demure ways was deeply into her bottom. She had discovered the pleasure of dilating it, fingering it is, stretching it and making it wet and greasy. of course, living at home with her mum had presented issues with regards to her actions and she had over the last couple of years she had become very good at having almost silent orgasms whilst stretching her bottom with the biggest dilation toys she could get her hands on.

Remi had first started experimenting with her waste about the same time she first masturbated over Anna. It had been so random, so unexpected, but one day when alone in the house busting to go to the loo she had a sudden compulsion to watch herself defecate. She was full and desperate to go, but she quickly left the bathroom and returned with her table stand makeup mirror. Placing it on the floor in front of the bath she put down almost half a toilet roll on the floor and then, lying on her back she positioned herself so that with her legs open she could see her bottom. She lifted her legs, held them like a frog and then relaxed her bottom and pushed.

She had been rewarded with a mirrored view of her waste leaving her body. She'd pushed harder, forcing out all that she could and then, after lowering her legs so that the pile of shit was almost touching her pubic hair, she had touched herself with furious lust filled energy. Her orgasm was intense and then sitting up afterwards, she had lifted the heavy mass of the coiled waste to the toilet and let it slide off her hands into the bowl.

She cleaned herself, had a quick shower and then returned to her room. She lay on the bed with a sense of sexual contentment that she had not experienced before. She turned on her side and with her bottom facing the bedroom wall with her left hand, reached back and let first one finger, then a second enter her bottom. The feeling of penetration had been wonderful and Remi pushed hard so that three fingers could just about enter into her anus. She felt full and the sensations around her bottom were as intense, if not more so than those around her vagina.

From that day forwards, Remi had taken every opportunity to repeat her bathroom experience. She became more adventurous and at nineteen purchased various toys and dilators to maximise the sensations she received from her bottom pleasure.

One spring day, just a few months before, when her mum was at work and she knew she was going to be alone for a few hours, she stripped naked in her room. Several days before, on her way home from college, she had bought some plastic disposable tablecloths. She tore open the plastic wrapping and then laying it on the floor in from of her full length wall mirror. She looked at herself. Her nipples were hard and her vagina was already soaking wet in anticipation. She squatted and then, on a plate taken from the kitchen, emptied herself. She stood and then lifting the plate up she picked up some of the soft coils with her fingertips. The smell of her waste filled the room and then Remi rubbed the shit all over her chest and her nipples. She took more and rubbed on to her stomach and then with her clean hand, in front of the mirror she frigged herself to an intense orgasm, calling out,

"Fuck me Anna, cover me with your shit... Rub it on to my tits. Fill my cunt with your shit Anna. Fuck me with your shit. Fuck my arse. Anna, fuck me everywhere."

As her orgasm spasmed through her body she took a handful of waste and smeared it in to her dense pubic thatch. Pulling at he thatch, she smeared it all around the tops of her thighs and then, at the most intense moment of her orgasm pushed her shit filled fingers into her mouth. She gagged, but in the intensity of her orgasm forced herself to suck on her fingers. She swallowed her shit, spluttered on her gag reflex, tasting the bitter sticky semi solid mass in the back of her throat as she felt it slowly slide down and into her stomach.

Remi's heart was pounding, Her orgasm seemed to have consumed her completely and in the moment of utter lust she bent down and reaching for the still half filled plate, she scooped up more of her waste and pushed it into her mouth. Her other hand was pulling at her clitoris and Anna stood in front of the mirror, with mouth open and her shit so clearly visible inside it and forced her self to swallow. She chewed, small bits fell out. A brown saliva trail dripped down her chin to mix with the shit sticking to her nipples and all the time Remi kept on chewing. She came a second time watching herself swallow her waste until then, utterly spent, she dropped to her knees and panted. She closed her eyes and out loud spoke in a voice breathless and hoarse,

'Remi you fucking dirty bitch. You fucking dirty cunt... you fucked up dirty bitch.'

She panted with her heart beating fast and her stomach in knots and then taking a deep breath lifted her head to look at herself in the mirror.

Her mouth was stained brown, her nipples and breast bone were caked in shit and glistening with sweat. Slowly and with deliberate action Remi moved her dirty hand to rub her still hard nipples. She felt utterly depraved. She felt deliciously dirty and wanton and as she kneeled in front of her mirror, her only thought was of Anna and what she wanted her to do to her.

It took an hour to clean up everything and a good few hours with the window open for Remi to remove the 'evidence' of her afternoon's play. By the time she was finished she was hot and thirsty. She showered the evidence away and then walking down the stairs stopped half way and said out loud to the empty house,

"Hi, i'm Remi, i'm a shit fucker."

She paused a moment, then as if acknowledging her true self and deeper needs, nodded and continued down the stairs to the kitchen. Several cups of strong coffee did a good job of removing the lingering taste of shit from the back of her throat.

Remi had other twists to her perversions. Recently she had discovered the sustained erotic pleasure of filling her pants. One of her favourite 'sex treats' as she called it was to go for a walk late at night. She would wear extra tight underwear and then, as she walked along she would try and expel the waste from her bowels. Of course, with no where for it to go and with such tight underwear, it was never a quick thing. In fact, with some skill, Remi could make the act last a full half an hour. She loved walking the last few hundred yards home with her pants full and her sphincter in a state of semi open evacuation. Just once her mother had almost caught her, having returned from work barely moments after Remi had managed to clear up the mess and put her clothes into the wash.

Remi woke from her daydreams with a start. The bus was close to her stop and she jumped up to reach the bell. it groaned to a halt and on her way out she thanked the driver. Her daydreams of Anna had left her aching to touch herself and as she stepped off the bus, she could feel the warm tingling wetness in her pants and she had felt that familiar lustful pleasure of wanting to stretch her bottom wide and stuff things inside it.

She turned to walk towards Anna's house, the butterflies of excitement growing inside her.

"Remi, Remi, over here. Turn around."

Anna. Remi turned to see Anna standing in a shop doorway, full bags in hands and a bunch of flowers hanging precariously over the top of one of them. Remi walked quickly towards her. Anna was wearing a white low cut summer dress if Anna wasn't mistake, she had no bra on. Her stomach jumped at that thought.

"Hi Anna, here let me."

Remi reached for the flowers and took a bag from Anna.

"Thanks darling. Love the new hair."

Anna spoke breathlessly.

"Oh yeah, thanks. You been running Anna?"

"Yeah, I wanted to avoid the rain and it looks like we just might make it before that thunderstorm hits. Come on quick."

They fell into a quick step and a few minutes later they arrived at Anna's house.

"Here, grab the keys from my bag Remi."

Anna's bag was tucked under her arm and Remi carefully reached for it to try and get her keys. She felt butterflies in her stomach as in reaching for the bag she had no way of escaping touching the sides of Anna's breasts. Her hands grasped the sides of the bag, pressing in the soft breast flesh. Anna was hot and sweating and the dress was clammy and wet and Remi felt her heart pounding. Anna had no bra on and the soft flesh of her breasts yielded to her touch. Remi felt a surge of arousal. Her vagina throbbed and she felt her own braless nipples harden under the soft cotton of her dress.

What ever was going on inside her, Anna was oblivious to. She looked up at the gathering clouds.

"Quick hun. Come on, get in, here it comes."

As if on cue the heavens opened and the rain fell in torrents.

"Well, that was lucky, just in time."

Remi didn't reply, her mind was still recalling he sensations of touching the sides of Anna's heavy breasts; the first time. They felt so soft and yielding and wonderful and heavy. Remi felt her heart pounding. Anna continued,

"Hey, I like the new hair, it looks great, it really suits you Remi."

"Yeah?' You think so?"

"I do. In fact, I think i've got just the thing upstairs that will go with it. I've got a vintage wrap that would suit you perfectly. Lets get this stuff into the kitchen and i'll get it for you. Here, put the kettle on, i'm gasping for a coffee."

Remi took the bags in to the kitchen and together they put the shopping in the fridge and the cupboard.

"Here, You make the coffee whilst i go find it."

"Sure, no problem."

Remi put the kettle on, readied the mugs and sat at the dark oak kitchen table as the kettle boiled. She heard Anna clattering around upstairs and the sounds of cupboards opening and things being dragged across floors. After a few minutes she called down.

"Found it Remi, it'll look perfect on you."

"Bring it down, you've got me all curious now."

"Hold on... i've found something else as well."


"You'll see. Be patient."

The kettle boiled. Remi rose, made them both a cup of strong dark instant roast and then taking the two pale blue mugs to the kitchen table, went in search of Anna's not so secret biscuit supply. Anna used to hide the barrel - a game played by two people happy in the knowledge that they both had a sweet tooth. She found it under the kitchen sink. She smiled - too easy Anna, that's hardly even a hide! She was tucking into her third biscuit as Anna turned the bottom of the stairs with shoes in one hand and wrap in the other.

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