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Rent Wives Ch. 07


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"Plus..." Jia Li said softly, "there's this rumour in the building, see, about you. Some people say you've been a naughty landlord, participating in some....extracurricular activities with some of the married women in the building, for some rent discounts..."

"WHAT!!" Steve almost shouted. "Who said that!!?? I need names, missy....There could be....umm....trouble...."

"That's not the point..." Jia Li scoffed. "The point is, I'm fucking 21. I want to punch my v-card. I want get good at it so I can fuck the socks off a guy when I want to....The point is, YOU have experience and are a laid back, low key, safe option for what I want..." she trailed off.

"Whoooaaaa...." Steve raised his hands, warding off the idea. "No way, Jia Li. No way. We can't start that!! Besides, a woman like you could walk into any bar in the city and have a bunch of guys slobbering all over themselves to come home with you....."

"I don't want some slobbering drunk asshole from a bar, probably all diseased up...." Jia Li scoffed. " don't have any diseases, do you?"

"Nope, I'm clean, but....that's not the point. This can't happen, honey....things are...complicated," he said. [Like how I'm planting seed in your MOTHER every weekend!]

"Oh, no. No complications. This will work," she sounded more convinced as the spoke. "Only, I don't need or want a rent discount. Would it interest you if.....what I think I need know....a coach. A mentor. Like, a sex consultant to show me things. YES...That's it. I'll hire you to be my sexual consultant!!"

"Are you crazy?" Steve shook his head. "Think about what you're saying!!"

"Ohhhh, this will WORK," Jia Li nodded. "Look, I know that when I moved in, my parents weren't convinced if we could afford this apartment. The truth is, I've ahh, put away quite a nice amount of money and I'm getting a scholarship and things...I've got money! That's IT!! I'm hiring you as my 'adult activities consultant!'" Jia Li smiled at Steve like a satisfied cat and moved to crawl off the sofa towards him.

"Plus," Steve kept shaking his head, "you've been drinking, and I refuse to take advantage of a drunk woman, so, ha, there, otherwise I would, but, you know, drunk!"

"Well then," Jia Li purred quietly, "I guess it's a done deal. Agreed," She extended her hand towards Steve's. The landlord, thinking that was the end of it, shook the young beauty's hand with gusto.

"Done." Jia Li smiled. "Where do we start? On the sofa? On my bed?"

"Buuuuutt...." Steve stammered.

"I'm not actually drunk," Jia Li said. "Sam got us these shitty whiskey mixed things and I've been nursing mine all night. I had maybe a third of it before I left it on some table. I wanted to be fully aware when I fucked Mark for my first just said you would otherwise. You promised!" She slunk over to Steve and pressed her hands on his shoulders, seeming to take control of the man.

"I....I didn't really promise," Steve stuttered, at a loss...

"Bullshit," the determined young lady teased. "A deal is a deal. Now, for consultancy services rendered, I'm prepared to offer...." She whispered an amount in Steve's ear.

"PER session?" Steve said. "You want to pay me that per session?"

"Sure!" Jia Li said. "I'm not a big shopper or anything, I can spend my money where I want, and.....I want.....experience and skill....."

Steve's head swam. [This doesn't make sense...] he thought. [She wants to pay ME to have sex? I normally pay the women!! That money could go a long way towards being part of the solution with Ana, Amrita and Maddie's money situations though. Shit, can I risk it? Just like with Veronica, I'm also fucking Jia Li's mother!! This is getting dangerous...]

"I'll take your silence as a 'yes'" Jia Li grinned sexily. She assertively pushed Steve back down the short hallway to her bedroom door and opened it, then backed him up to the double bed in the middle of the room. Backed up against the bed, Jia Li pressed his shoulders so he sat on the bed, still looking poleaxed.

"Soooo...." She cooed, "My lessons start now. I've never done any of this. I want to know what guys like, you know, how to make them totally lose their shit. I've seen some porn movies, but they're so stupid. Do guys really like all that super fake moaning?"

"Uh, n-no....not me anyway," Steve said. With her choice of topics, the girl was skilfully leading Steve to a place where he was going along with her.

"So," she continued, "I should start out by getting a guy hard, right, like, with oral?" Jia Li undid Steve's belt and jeans, and forcefully yanked them down, so Steve barely had to pop his hips up to help her. Now that she had Steve naked from the waist down, the pretty Asian slid his knees apart and eyed her target.

"Shit, are you, like, average sized or large or something?" she smiled.

"Uh, a-average I guess," He replied.

Jia Li carefully lifted Steve's shaft with her right hand and gazed at it, as if figuring out a puzzle.

"Ok, foreskin, check, head, check, balls, check, what's the best way to start, you know, getting you rock hard?"

"Uff...well this talk is helping," Steve said as his member rose to partial attention, as Jia Li gently rubbed it up and down. "I guess....I guess start by licking and when you're ready, gently sucking on it, but honey, I don't want you to do anything you don'tttttSHITTTTT!" his voice ramped up as the girl ran her hot tongue up the underside of his cock like she was licking ice cream, and suddenly sucked it into her mouth, where the insides of her cheeks clamped down on the head. A sluuurrrrpp sound reverberated through the room as Jia Li inhaled powerfully.

Steve reared his head back and gasped, and Jia Li lifted her head off Steve with a mild popping sound.

"Too strong?" she asked.

"Huhhff...m-maybe a bit," Steve whispered. "Go slow, honey, it's extremely sensitive. Imagine if I was sucking on your clitoris, it would make you hurt if I just dove in there like a rabid dog...go....go slow and gentle..."

"Hmmm..." the girl smiled, excited to try this for the first time. "It tastes a little salty, was that your, you know, precum or whatever?" Steve nodded and Jia Li bent down to her task.

"Ok, going slow and gentle, thanks..." And with that, a hot wetness engulfed Steve once more.

"MMMmmm....ohh, honey, that's better," he murmured. Now, if you want to drive a guy nuts, gently bob your head and use your tongue and the insides of your cheeks to massage the head. that." Steve's hands rested lightly on the sides of Jia Li's head as she slowly bobbed, breathing heavily through her nose. He ran his hands through her long, dark pony tail and gathered her hair up, moving his fingers to softly stroke her head.

"Hmmmm...." Jia Li popped off again, "that feels good when you do that...yeah, gentle like, like I'm giving you head but you're also stroking me, like a good little kitty!" she laughed and gave Steve a flirty look.

"Lots of guys go crazy if you make eye contact while you're giving them good head, too," he directed. As he finished speaking, Jia Li slowly took the head of Steve's shaft with her tongue, and, looking him deeply in the eyes, pulled her tongue, with Steve's shaft on it, into the hot recesses of her mouth, and with a little "MMmffff," began her gentle bobbing, all the while looking straight into Steve's eyes.

"Ohh,'re going to make me....uhhh.....go off in your mouth....mmmnnn, we should stop...."

POP, Jia Li came up again, "No way!! I'm paying you for this, I want experience. I've never tasted cum. Some of my friends say it's horrible, but Sam likes to swallow it when she gives head. I wanna try! Come on, if you can get it up again after, I'm the paying customer here!!!"

"Huh...well....I usually can get going again...." Steve grinned.

"Oh, I'll get you going again..." Jia Li flirted. "Come on, I'm trying to learn to be kinky here...ha, is this where I ask you to throw me a bone!!??" she joked.

"Ha ha haaaaAAAA!!" Steve gasped again as Jia Li dove down on him again. Steve groaned as the pace of her bobbing started again.

"Ohh, yeah, honey, now if you can give some strong...uhhh....suction and keep the eye contact...." Steve urged the girl. "Don't...don't worry about trying to do deep throat yet, that's where you take the guy all the way down his shaft and the head goes into your throat...if you're not used to that, you'll gag and vomit or something. Just....ooofff, yeah....just work on the tip for now."

Jia Li undulated her head at the neck, pulling Steve's member into her face and slurping up her accumulating spit, while gazing at his eyes. Jia Li's bright green eyes opened wide and sparkled as Steve's shaft started to throb and grow more rigid, as it prepared to deliver its load into the young woman's hard-working mouth.

"Ohh....gawd, I'm....I'm gonna go, honey" Steve gasped. "If...if you feel a guy tense up like this, hon, you can use more force to drive him over the edge...." And the determined girl complied, pumping her head with increasing abandon while staring into his eyes, seeking out the reward of having Steve give himself up to her ministrations.

Hot semen bubbled up deep inside Steve as Jia Li sucked away on him. "Now..." Steve frantically directed, "hum with your mouth and make some vibrations with your throat to really make him...huff..."

Suddenly a deep "mmmmmMMMMMMMM" sound filled the room as Jia Li moaned into Steve's turgid pole. The vibrations, coupled with the girl's frantically bobbing head, hot saliva running down her chin, and her bright green eyes reaching into the depths of Steve's skull pulled him over the edge.

"HHHAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!" he yelled into the room, as a great mass of slick seed shot forth and filled the young woman's virgin mouth. Steve's hips gave a little leap as he pumped a heavy load into Jia Li's expanding cheeks, and he gently held her head as he emptied himself into her skull.

For her part, Jia Li was expecting the hot load, and closed off her throat as Steve began unloading into her face.

"Hmmmmmnnnnn!!!!! NnnnnnmmmmmmnnnN!!!" The girl moaned through lips closed tightly around the cock lodged in her mouth.

As Steve lay back on Jia Li's bed with a gasp, spent for now, Jia Li "Mmmmmmed," slipped her face off Steve's cock, and rose up, mouth closed, to lie beside Steve. Their heads inches apart, she audibly swallowed with a great gulping sound. "Gaaahhhhh!" she finished.

"Ohhh, honey, that was did great!!" Steve complimented her.

"Oooo....I.....I don't know if I like the taste..." Jia Li said thoughtfully. It's really salty, but a bit, I don't know....bleachy too...I suppose I could get used to it...That really drives a guy bat-shit crazy, right, when a girl swallows his load?"

"Oh, yeah, very much," Steve said, "It's like the ultimate act of acceptance...if you take a guy's seed down your throat, to digest it and make it part of your body. There are also lots of positions to do oral in, you know, it mixes it up a bit...."

The two lay there for a while, talking about positions suited for giving head.

Eventually, the girl looked at Steve and said, "Ok, well, are you ready again? I still have this fucking v-card that needs punching!"

"Oh, honey, that...that was probably good for one night, right?" Steve asked her, trying to get away from the "deal" he supposedly promised her. "Besides, what about birth control? I don't have any condoms with me, and I doubt you're on the pill or anything..."

"What!! No way!!" Jia Li insisted, not fooled. "You promised! Ok, I can now say I've given head, but that's not the same thing...I want to experience, you know, the real deal!! Besides, I've got a shiny new diaphragm, so no worries, ok!!?"

Jia Li reached down to carefully clutch Steve's shaft again, and softly stroke it to life. "I know how to make this faster...." She whispered. She moved down to hover over Steve's hips and again placed his cock in her mouth, practicing her bobbing technique with suction, and presently, Steve's shaft stood rigid again and Jia Li popped off it.

"Now...." The girl cooed, "let's finally do this..." she quickly slipped out of her slutty dress, to show a tight fitting, black lacy panties and bra set. She deftly doffed the lingerie and crawled over her landlord, playfully teasing his member with her long fingernails.

"Ok....what....what position is best to, you know, how do guys say it, "pop my cherry?""

"Ah, listen, Jia Li, we really don't have to....I don't want you to be hurt...."

"Gawd, will you shut up!!" Jia Li scolded. "We agreed! I agreed! YOU agreed! I want this experience, and I feel good and safe doing it with you, here in my own apartment, rather than with some asshole who's just using me for sex or something, ok?"

"Well, it might hurt, so....maybe something where you can control what you're doing?" Steve suggested. "What about, ahh....cowgirl position?"

"Ooooo, that's riding you, right?" Jia li smiled. She straddled Steve's torso and placed her hands on his chest for balance. "What now?" she asked, again piercing his gaze with her bright green eyes.

"Ahhh, well, first, move your body down a bit...You need to be a bit lower. Oooo, yeah, that's it," Steve said encouragingly. Jia Li slid down on Steve's body coquettishly and smiled at her impending defloration. She rose up a bit on her thighs...

"Ok, honey, you could take me with one hand..." Steve murmured, as Jia Li obediently lifted his shaft with her right hand, "...and place my tip right at the hole of your, you know, sweet spot..." Steve's tip came to rest snugly in the tight folds of Jia Li's slit. Anticipation had caused it to become soaking wet, and Steve could feel the liquid warmth of her wetness at the tip of his shaft.

"Ok, honey, ONLY if you want, you could, you know, lower yourself slowly on me....go at your own might hurt a bit..." Steve droned on in a monotone to reassure the girl. Jia Li's eyes closed tightly as her body dropped slightly. Steve started to slip into the coed's tight folds, and she gasped, her mouth hanging open, and she shifted her weight to more firmly rest on her hands, still pressed to Steve's chest.

" hurts a little," she said, halted over Steve, a modest inch of him stuck in the young woman.

"Just do what you want to, ok??" Steve reminded her. "Stop any time you want..." His own thoughts were chaos. He started that day wondering if there would be a new problem raised by one of the women he was seeing, but he never thought that the day would end with him about to deflower a university coed!

"Aaaa!" she moaned, pushing herself down a little farther on Steve. Her hips trembled, her eyes still clenched shut. Slowly, slowly, she dropped down on Steve's slick, rigid shaft. Her breath came in quick huffs, expelled through tightly clenched teeth.

"Ooooo, you're really tight, hon...go easy....go easy..." Steve soothed. The girl's hot tightness seemed to make his cock reach further into her on its own volition, trying to stretch up to open the woman up.

" hurts a bit..." Jia Li grated.

"Just stop whenever you want, mmkay??" Steve murmured.

" haaaa....way!" she snarled. "I'm fucking....doing.....this....haaaao...right NOW!" and with a growl through her gritted teeth, the young woman forced herself down the rest of the way on Steve, her hips and butt slapping into his thighs, coming to rest hard on her landlord's lap, forcing Steve to bottom out completely, deep into the woman's gripping folds.

"Aaaaawwwwww!!!" Jia Li cried.

"Ooooaahhhhhh..." Steve groaned, his tip feeling its way hard up in the woman's midsection. His hands rested gently on the youth's hourglass waist, softly rubbing her belly. "Are you...ok, hon?"

"Yuh...yeah..." Jia Li panted, holding herself still. Her bright green eyes opened and looked down at Steve, beaming her smile at him. "I...I did it!! Oh my gawd, I did it....I'm....I'm not a virgin anymore....even if we were to stop now, I'm not a virgin...just give me...a minute....oooo....(huff) a little."

"Honey, you take it easy....just hold still while you get used to it...don't go farther than you want... Steve implored the girl. " want to just relax and let your body, you know, accommodate me...."

Steve started to gently run his hands up Jia Li's front, smoothly cupping the outsides of her pert, small breasts. "Just get used to....feeling good here....and it should get better...."

"Mmmmm..." Jia Li purred. "That helps...yeah, keep doing that."

"You want to get a guy to not grab at your breasts like a cave man, ok? Get him to...mmmmm....softly trace his fingertips around the outsides like this.....then...slowly move in to your this....and then gently use the palms of his hands to just lightly trace around on this..."

As Steve followed suit and executed each step he told the young woman perched atop him, she closed her eyes and lolled her head from side to side, her long pony tail swaying like a pendulum. Little electric jolts started to zap through Jia Li's chest under Steve's gentle rubs. "MMmmmmm....yessssss.....that's nice...." The young woman arched her back in response.

Soon, Steve could feel added warm wetness run down the crevasses that joined their bodies, and Jia Li's moans reached a higher pitch.

" wanna move around on you....." she hissed. She made good on her words, juking her hips side to side at first, and a bit back and forth, as if she were seeking different angles for stimulation.

"Mmmm, yeah, honey, that's good..." Steve said. "Just go slow and you can make sure I'm hitting the right spot in you, you can control the pace like this." The girl started to ride Steve, raising herself up on her thighs and dropping herself down onto him over and over.

"Uhh...this....this is how I ride you??" She smiled hopefully.

"Well, can, you can go up and down like that...and I'll tell ya, a lot of guys like stimulates us pretty directly. You gotta be careful know....cocks can actually break if you come down hard and force it to bend, honey!"

"Oh my gawd!!" Jia Li gasped, "That's terrible!!" she stopped her dropping motions. "How do I, you know, do it better?"

"Well," Steve instructed, "Instead of just rising and falling, try just writhing your hips forward and back, like you're grinding on me without lifting yourself high off me...that's it....scoop going forward and pull your hips going backward...mmmm....yessss..."

Jia Li followed Steve's instructions closely. Her trim belly flexed as she glided forward and back on Steve, pulling his sensitive member deep into her coral folds.

"Oooo....I like this way better...." The young woman cooed, "It's less strenuous...I more energy like this...I can.....haaaaa.....make you rub my g-spot like this...."

The two relaxed into a calm, sensual pace, Jia Li riding her landlord and savouring the feeling of his rock-hard shaft digging deep into places she had never reached. The solid pole was teasing at nerves that had yet to be awakened, and the pretty Asian gasped at the rising warm feeling spreading out from her belly.

As the two puffed away in their cadence, Jia Li smiled down at Steve. "Yeah....a nice breast massage totally made me feel more into this....mmmmmmm.....but.....if my parents EVER find out about this...." Her thin eyebrows climbed her forehead, "My dad will calmly rip my arms off and throttle you with them. My MOTHER..." the young woman continued. "Will be PISSED...."

"Hufff....well....Steve grasped the lithe hourglass waist rolling over him, "we'll just have to make sure....that doesn't happen....."

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