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Rent Wives Ch. 09

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Wives in an apartment building get a rent discount!
8.8k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/12/2021
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Rent Wives Chapter 9

This story is purely fictional and contains themes of extra and premarital sex and cheating. If readers do not want to read a story containing those themes, please perhaps think about reading another story. All characters are above the legal age of consent. If you're a new reader I'd also highly recommend you read the earlier chapters, they will explain who's who!


"Ooooaaaww!" Jia Li gasped as her landlord Steve had her propped up against the wall in her apartment. Wearing only her soft purple bathrobe, the lithe Asian coed wrapped her arms around Steve's neck, and had lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist. Steve was more completely dressed, although his pants were pooled around his ankles...

"And...(huff)" the landlord panted, "...if you wanna get a little naughtier with a guy...(huff) can, you know, have him take you against a wall like this..." he moaned, pumping deeply into the pretty girl. Jia Li had hired Steve not long ago to give her a sexual consultant. The young lady had wanted to get more sexual experience, and to her, Steve was a safe and convenient choice.

"MMmmmm..." the beauty cooed, her long dark hair wrapping around her neck and shoulders, "I can....ooofff..feel you deep like this..."

"Like this, the guy can....(huff, huff) prop you against the wall and push hard into you, like he's fucking the wall...mmnnn!" Steve grated out, between powerful thrusts.

"Hooaaahh....." Jia Li moaned, "I'd rather you fuck ME than the wall...Ahhh...keep....keep going right there! It's hitting.....RRrrrnn....hitting a spot.....ggahhh!" she almost shrieked. Steve kept up his pace, partly lifting the thin woman's light frame up and down, and partly anchoring her against the wall with his chest.

"I'm....(huff huff huff)....sinking so hard onto you....I'm gonna.....gonna...HAAAAAAAIII!!!!!" Jia Li closed her eyes tightly as her muscles clenched in orgasmic shudders all around the man prodding into her belly. She felt Steve's bar solidly deep inside her, triggering a soft spot that had caused her to open up and gush.

Steve felt warm wetness soaking down along his rigid shaft as he mercilessly kept driving into the college student, seeking his own release. The helpless groaning that Jia Li surrendered into his ear was bringing him to his own climax. As Jia Li relaxed in post-orgasmic bliss, her legs came down to either side of Steve, causing her tight wetness to shift in a new way along his turgid cock. Its sensitive head was massaged in a way that made him feel so deep in the woman that he was skewering her cervix. Hot, pulsing energy built up in his groin, surprising Steve with its immediate need to jet forth. With a growling grunt, Steve heaved his hips tightly up into the woman and let go....

"UUURRRRRRNNNNNNN!" he grated, as a powerful gush of hot, white semen slammed up into Jia Li's thin frame. Another strong pump, and another gush of seed filled the beauty's slick tunnel...

"Ooooooaahh..." Jia Li moaned, feeling the pulsing release in her belly. As Steve's pumping slowed, Jia Li rested her feet firmly on the floor and hugged her landlord close to her.

"Stay....stay in me for a minute...." She whispered, "It feels good...Thanks for showing me the...HA.."ins and outs" of doing this..." she joked.

"My pleasure, hon..." Steve said quietly back. "You're sure your....your diaphragm is in, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Worrywart..." Jia Li playfully scolded him, as a dollop of semen began to slide down her right thigh. "No worries...."

Suddenly, the front door to the apartment swished open, and Jia Li's roommate Samantha walked in!

"Oh my gawd, Samantha!!!" Jia Li gasped, her and Steve's heads whipping around to look at Samantha, Jia Li still stapled to the wall by their landlord. "Shit, I'm so sorry!! I thought you'd be back, like, this evening!!"

"Oh!! Hi bff! Hi Steve!" Samantha smirked. Jia Li's roommate, best friend and fellow coed was well aware of Jia Li and Steve's "sessions." Samantha quickly closed the door in case anyone walked by in the hallway, and locked the door behind her. "Yeah, I was supposed to be back later, I'm sorry! I should have texted..." The attractive brunette shook her head. " you were then," she laughed and scooted down the hallway to her bedroom.

"Shit, I'm sorry!!" Jia Li said to Steve, looking apologetically up at him. "I really didn't think she'd be home!!"

"Huh...well, it's ok, no worries, kid, it's not like, you're married or something, and we just got busted by your husband!!" Steve joked, but was just horribly confronted with the very real possibility that that would happen with one of the several wives he was having discreet "sessions" with in the building! He tried to diffuse her embarrassment by saying, "You know, sometimes, it's the thrill of getting caught, or almost getting caught, that can make it really spicy! In fact, a lot of people find that the spiciest!"

Steve slipped out of a giggling Jia Li and busied himself getting dressed. Jia Li had wrapped her sated hourglass body up tight in her robe and padded to her own room, quickly returning with a rolled-up wad of bills in her hand.

She slipped it into Steve's hand and said in a trilling voice, "Thank yoooouu, Mr. Landlord, for my "lesson"! What about, um, on Monday around 3:00 for my next one? I don't have classes in the afternoon then..."

[Well, that's the day after I pump your mother full of semen in my apartment...] Steve reminded himself, but said, "Sure, kid! That works!" Steve playfully flicked the youth's chin and left.

The next day, a frantic pounding on Steve's door interrupted his watching a football game. Opening the door, he saw Andy from apartment 1302 on the 3rd floor, a frantic look on his face. Andy was the one he had caught about a year ago, having sex with Mary in Mary and her husband Dean's apartment, when Dean was at work. Mary had gotten into some trouble with gambling debts and Andy had offered to help Mary with money in exchange for sex. Steve had walked in to the apartment to do some repairs but ended up filming the pair rutting on the marital bed. Chasing Andy out, Steve had begun his own sessions with Mary in exchange for a rent discount. Mary's new baby was the result of her reluctant participation in their sessions.

"Shit, Steve!!" Andy gasped. "You've gotta help me!! Listen, I need to talk to you..."

Steve let Andy in and closed the door behind them. "What's up, Andy?" he asked.

"I'm in trouble, man...." Andy continued. "Do you a year ago, uh, Mary from across the hall from me and I were, uh....." Andy said awkwardly.

"I remember!" Steve rolled his eyes. [Shit,] he thought. [Did Andy find out somehow that I've been doing Mary?]

Andy interrupted his thoughts, "My wife Jen found my cellphone open, and she swiped through some old messages. She found the texts I was sending to Mary to, you know, get it on with her!!"

"Well, shit!" Steve commiserated, secretly relieved that he was not the one in the center of the storm.

"Jen's gonna divorce me!" Andy almost wailed. "It was just for some stupid sex! I never did it with Mary again after that one or two times, you, you know, caught us on film!!"

"Uhhh, shit Andy, I'm sorry to hear that!" Steve lied. "What do you want from me?"

"Do you still have that video?" Andy asked. "Steve, you've gotta erase that, or...or...keep it under wraps or something! Jen doesn't know who it was that I was fucking, I had blocked out the name and number, but I think she thinks that you know who it was!"

"Why the fuck would she think that??" Steve asked his panicked guest.

"Well, I guess when she found out, and we were screaming at each other, I....I might have mentioned that I thought you knew something about it, you know, I was just trying to deflect some of the heat! Shit, please, if Jen comes down here, you can't tell her anything, ok?? I'll....I'll do anything! I don't wanna end up divorced in the poor house paying alimony and shit. I want to work things out with Jen. Please, Steve, tell me you erased that video or something?"

"Well, actually, I think I still have that footage..." Steve admitted.

"Steve..." Andy implored. "Please....what if I....what if I pay you to keep it secret?" Andy asked.

"Pay?" Steve considered, "Well, I don't much were you thinking?"

Andy told him an amount that he was prepared to pay.

"Oh, I don't know, Andy..." Steve shook his head, seeing an opportunity here. "I....I might need an amount each month ongoing to keep that secret. Maybe, you know, a little less than the amount you just said, but I think I'd need ongoing.....compensation...."

"Fuck!!" Andy swore. "Ongoing? guess.....fine. Fine, but I swear, you'd better not let Jen know anything. Agreed??!"

"Agreed!" Steve grinned, shaking Andy's hand. After the frantic tenant left, Steve considered his new deal with the man. [Shit!] Steve thought. [With that money coming in, plus the little stipend from Jia Li, I can give Maddie, Mary and Ana a bit more financial help for the babies I put in them. This might work!!]

Sure enough, the next day, another frantic knock brought Steve to his apartment's door. Opening it up, he was not totally surprised to see Andy's wife Jen standing there, looking angry and flustered. [Uh-oh] Steve thought. [Looks like she and Andy have been fighting...]

"Steve...." Jen said angrily, "You know why I'm here. I need to talk to you...let me in!!" With that, the irate wife stalked past him into his apartment. Her long bouncy brown hair was bound up in a pony tail, and her tight, feminine body was wrapped in a white t-shirt and tan shorts, which left her supple, curvy legs visible as they wound down into summer sandals.

"Uhhh...come in?" Steve said, rolling his eyes.

Steve and his guest sat on the sofa in his family room and Jen, wasting no time, started in on her problem.

"So obviously you know what the problem is. I know Andy probably came to talk to know something about how that bastard cheated on me!! What do you know? Who was he fucking??"

"Uhhh, Jen....look..." Steve started cautiously, "This isn't really my business to get in to, ok? Look, I agree with you totally...Your husband was a dick. You should of course get some payback. But, um...I don't want to influence you on this, and, uh, I'm not at liberty to say any other people's names are, uh, other factors involved...I'm sorry..."

Jen looked down sorrowfully. "I...I know it's not your fault, or your problem...or....or..."

Seeing that the woman might be on the verge of tears, Steve wanted to help her get back at her husband...

"Well...look, Jen, if you really want to get some payback..." he began.

"Yeah??" Jen looked at Steve hopefully. "Yeah...yes I do!! What...?"

"Well..." Steve continued. "There is this little, ah, program, see..."

"Program...?" Jen prompted him.

"Well, you might not be interested, and, uh, if you're not, that's totally ok, just don't, uh, get mad or anything..." Steve smiled at her.

Her curiosity piqued, Jen urged him on, "Well, what?? Out with it!! I do, I do want to get him back..."

"Uh..." Steve explained. "Well, I can find it in me to, uh, discount your rent for you each month if...ah...Have you ever heard the term, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander?"

"You mean, since Andy fucked around on me, I fuck around on him...?" Jen asked.

"Well, think of it like a fun little arrangement," Steve encouraged. "I could discount your rent each month, oh..." He whispered an amount in Jen's ear. "And for that, you get payback on your husband! We meet up, maybe a time or two a week, you know, have a little adult playtime...? What do you think?"

Steve could see the wheels turning in Jen's mind. A part of Jen's brain lit up at the idea. [Steve would PAY me...] she thought. [He would basically pay me to be getting payback on my husband! I could fuck him a time or two a week, and get MONEY for it...My bastard husband would never know!]

"M...maybe.." Jen started. "Maybe this would work!! But, Steve, I....I really don't think that deep down, I want to divorce Andy. I think...I think we'll make it work, but I just want to put him in his place, you know? Make him pay, so he knows he can't just fuck around behind my back and I'll just take it or something.'re not looking for anything....serious, are you?"

"Oh hell no!" Steve assured her. "This would just be, you know, something fun, just between us, and you get some cash to boot!" [Actually,] Steve thought to himself, [You'd be getting some of your own husband's cash!]

"Cash for BOOTY you mean," Jen smiled. "That..might actually work!!! Yeah, I'm sure not telling Andy this right away, but I think...I think I want to stay with him. In fact, I've been thinking about talking with him about having a baby...I think that would do a lot to bring us closer together, you know?"

"Sure, um...great!" Steve said, but thought, [woah, having a baby with someone you're that pissed at? Not a good way to cement a relationship!]

The two left Steve's apartment and Steve went with Jen up the elevator to the third floor, he wanted to check on an ongoing problem with the floor's ventilation. As the pair stopped at Jen and Andy's apartment door, Jen looked coyly at Steve.

"I've locked Andy out of the apartment," Jen said. "I took his key and he's at his brother's for a few days. I...I still think I want to go ahead with arrangement though...Let's see...what about um....we start tomorrow?" she asked with a playful look.

"Tomorrow eh missy?" Steve returned the playful look. He quickly reviewed his day tomorrow. He had a session set with Ana for the afternoon the day after tomorrow while her husband Viktor was working, and another that evening with Sophia before she went to bed with her husband Francisco. "Tomorrow works, milady!" He said. "Um....this is so cliché it hurts, but.....your place or mine?" he smirked.

"Oooohhh." Jen teased. "I'll bet you were a real hunk in college with lines like that. Um....I think I'll be more comfortable in Andy's and my place. No one will be here, so...Andy won't figure it out or anything..."

As the two were talking, Andy and Jen's across-the-hall-neighbor Mary stepped off the elevator, pushing her baby carriage!

[Oh shit...] Steve thought...[This is awkward...Mary pushing the baby I planted in her behind her husband's back past Jen and me here!]

As Mary quietly approached, Jen didn't seem to notice her, since her back was to the elevators.

"And if I ever figure out who the whore was that my husband was fucking, I'll kill her too!" Jen said vehemently.

Mary's eyes shot wide open, overhearing Jen and knowing exactly who had been fucking her husband! Mary flashed a panicked look at Steve, thinking that Steve might reveal her very short affair with Andy, but Steve caught her eye and discreetly shook his head.

As Mary jangled the keys to her and Dean's apartment, Jen finally noticed her and said, "Oh, hey Mary..."

"Hey..." Mary replied, then turned to Steve. "Oh...uh...Steve....don't forget you have to...uh...fix the pipes in my now a good time?"

[Pipes?] Steve thought. [Her husband Dean never mentioned broken pipes? Maybe...] Then he realized that Mary wanted to talk privately with him. He hadn't had a "session" with Mary for a few weeks, since their baby was born, but the woman needed a month and a half or 2 away from sex to recover...

"Um...yeah, yeah Mary, I'll take a look at those pipes," Steve smiled, then said to Jen, "Uh...ok then? I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Fine...." Jen mumbled, retreating into her apartment.

15 minutes later, Steve was sitting on Mary and Dean's sofa while their baby slept in its bedroom. Steve's head had lolled back on the sofa and he groaned a deep, "Uuuuuhhhh...."

"Squelch...squelch...squelch" noises filled the family room as the baby's mother bobbed her head in Steve's lap. Steve's lipstick-smeared shaft was buried in Mary's throat as she took his whole shaft into her face. Powerful, hot suction had engorged his cock and Steve lazily ran his hands through the pretty woman's long blond hair. As she bobbed, she kept running her hot, moist tongue up and down over the mushroom-shaped head of Steve's cock. Her tongue and the insides of her cheeks played against Steve's sensitive nerve endings, drawing him near to an impending climax.

"I'm...uhhhh...." Steve grated. "I'm there!!" and with that, he clutched Mary's head and pushed his hips up, prodding his shaft deeply into the married mother's gullet. Hot electricity flashed through his hips as a soft explosion filled his mind, filled his midsection, and filled Mary's mouth. Semen fountained up into Mary's throat, and the desperate woman had to clamp her lips down tightly on Steve's cock to avoid spilling his seed all over her and her husband's sofa. The audible squelching noises were replaced by the sounds of hard-gulping as Mary tried desperately to get rid of any evidence of her ongoing infidelity. Finally, the watery-eyed blond popped off Steve and raised her face up to look at him, wretchedly moaning a deep "Uuuuuuuhhh" herself at her hasty meal.

"Ooohh...shit, honey, you're getting so good at that..." Steve murmured.

"I told, you, asshole, don't call me "honey." And you'd better have my rent discount," Mary growled at Steve. Although she desperately wanted the rent kickback to pay for her online gambling habit, she treated Steve's arrangement like blackmail, although she was free to stop it at any time.

"Ok...ok," Steve soothed. "Listen, I told you, I haven't said anything to Jen about you and Andy last year..." Steve slowly pulled his wallet out and peeled out a few large bills, passing them over to Mary.

"You'd fucking better not!!" Mary asserted, fanning the bills out and counting them. "That was only, like, two times anyway, and Andy is a dick. You're both dicks!" she scowled. "Um...if....if I want some more rent money back, can I come to your place I can....I can still use my mouth until I' know....recovered..." she frowned cutely.

"Uh....fine, Thursday it is," Steve grinned.

"So two things then," Mary snipped. "One: Jen. You'd better not fucking say anything. I don't want to get in the middle of whatever shit they're going though, and I don't need Dean finding anything out along the way, you got that?? And two: You'd better get the fuck out of here. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking, Dean could be home any time, so unless you want us to get caught....I just needed to make sure you didn't spill anything to that bitch across the hall. Fuck her, calling me a whore!"

"Well, um, she doesn't know it was, you know, you who...." Steve began.

"Shut up!!" Mary stopped him. "Zip up and get out!"

5 minutes later, Steve was riding the elevator back down to his own apartment.

Around 2:00 the next day, Steve was ringing the bell of Jen and Andy's apartment. Jen squeaked the door open and grinned when she saw Steve. "Oh, hey there, Mr. Landlord. I suppose you can come in..." she said sassily.

Steve entered and locked the door behind him. "Well, I didn't bring a bottle of wine or anything since this isn't romantic..." he joked. He was pleased to see that Jen went to some effort to look good for him though. Her long, wavy brown hair was pulled back in a high pony tail and her light makeup accentuated her pretty features. Her slim hourglass body was hugged by a white t-shirt that strained to hold in her large, pert breasts. Her long, supple legs flowed down from a tight pair of denim short shorts to a pair of sexy high heels.

"Um...." Jen began shyly. "Where do we....uh....start? I've never done this kind of thing before...not sex, I mean, of course" she fumbled, "I mean, you know, the cheating..."

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