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"Please, I'm sorry. Please fuck me, Daddy. I need you sooo bad. Please?" she begged.

"Oh. Well since you asked so nicely." William guided his cock head to her entrance again. He hesitated momentarily before slowly penetrating her.

Natalie lay back, her mouth open in a silent moan, as her father's cock inched excruciatingly inside her, filling her like none before. It just felt so right.

She had been in love with her father for so long. He was always so tender and caring as she grew older. It would have been difficult for her not to fall for him. Even in this, her most vulnerable of situations, he was so gentle and loving. She would do anything for him, was doing anything. Giving him what he needed, what she wanted.

William grunted as he reached full penetration. He was encased in his daughter's velvety warmth. It had been so long, William just stood there. He was so close, but he didn't want it to end so quickly. Natalie could feel his tension. She just smiled, relishing the sensation of having him inside her finally.

After a minute or so, William slowly pulled back out. Natalie frowned, feeling empty.

"Please. We can make love later. Just fuck me now. I'm so close . . ." she cried softly.

"As you wish." William thrust into her, causing her to yelp in pleasure. That sound, more than anything, caused him to speed up his thrusts. Every time he thrust into her, she yelped.

"Unh! Unh! Ah! Uh! Ah! Oh god yes!" she cried. "Oh I'm gonna . . . Aaaahhhh!" The intensity and suddenness of her orgasm caught her by surprise. She curled up, clenching her stomach muscles and grabbing William's arms. She released a beastly growl, feeling it come from somewhere primordial within her.

The spasming walls of her pussy set William off. He slammed into her, holding her hips tightly. He now understood the term 'cumming like a freight train'. His knees shook as he spurted load after load of cream into his sweet daughter. They grasped each other in mutual orgasm.

Natalie collapsed first, falling back onto the bed. Then William fell forward onto her. They were both breathing hard. William propped himself up and looked his daughter in the eyes. There were unshed tears of joy and satisfaction there. He was on the verge of crying in gratification as well.

"Wow." A voice came from the doorway behind them. William and Natalie froze. They hadn't thought to shut the door when they came in here. Neither of them wanted to look away, knowing the moment was lost but not wanting to let go.

Finally, William straightened and tore his eyes form Natalie. In the doorway stood Michelle.

"Michelle . . ." William began.

"Don't even try to tell me that this is not what it looks like." She held up her hand.

William hung his head in shame. He was at a loss for words. There was no explanation for what had been going on.

"It's about time." Michelle smiled. William's head whipped up in shock. He looked at Natalie. She was shocked as well.

"What are you . . .?" He turned back to Michelle. His limp cock slurped as it fell from Natalie's gooey cunt. Embarrassed, he tried to cover himself up.

"I knocked but no one answered. I guess you were a little busy. How about I let you two clean up then we'll talk." Giggling, she winked at them and shut the door.

William was stunned. Michelle hadn't seemed to mind that she had just caught her best friend fucking her own father. It was almost like she had expected it.


Her voice broke through to him. William looked back at his daughter.

"You're not upset, are you?" She placed her feet on the floor and stood. "I'll explain when we get out there." She hugged him, fiercely. After a moment, he hugged her back.

"No, I'm not upset. I'm just a little shocked, that's all." He squeezed her a little tighter then released her.

"Don't worry," she beamed at him beatifically, "everything's gonna be fine." She turned and walked into the bathroom for a couple of towels.


Michelle sat on the couch with a cup of coffee. She was going over, in her head, what she was going to say. She was more surprised that they had finally gone through with it. Natalie had mentioned one drunken night just how much she loved her father.

Michelle had known them both since she was thirteen, shortly after Natalie's mother died. Michelle had recently moved in with her grandparents. Her mother was a drug addict and she had never known her father. She immediately bonded with Natalie in Jr. High. They, with Bailey, were the closest of friends from then on.

When Michelle finally met Natalie's father, she was smitten immediately. He was so nice. He was attentive to both his daughters. He tried to do everything and anything for them.

Michelle disliked Katherine because she would always cause problems. Arguments, uncontrolled crying, fighting with her sister over stupid things. She was glad when Katherine moved, but sad as well. She knew how much William cared about his daughter.

The night Katherine left, Michelle was spending the night at Natalie's place. She had left the room to get a drink. She saw William sitting in front of his computer, his hands covering his face. She stood still not wanting to disturb him. She flinched when he reached for a tissue. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. That brief glimpse behind the walls of his feelings sent her tumbling head over heels in love with him.

She figured it would pass. After all she was fourteen at that time, but as time progressed, so did her feelings for William. He treated her like his own daughter. He was there when Bobby Thompson broke up with her at the school dance a year and a half ago. She called and he picked her up. He just held her in the school parking lot as she cried.

She wanted to marry William someday if she could. Anything to ease his heartache. So she was surprised when Natalie admitted her feelings for him. Michelle had stolen a bottle of wine from her grandparents .They had almost finished it, when William came up in conversation.

"I know he's my father, but I can't help it." Nat looked at her friend. "He's so manly and tender, loving and strong. And I know how much he loved my mom. He still visits her grave every year on their anniversary. No man with that much love and heartache should be alone."

"What are you saying, Nat?"

"He needs someone." She looked back down. "I'm afraid . . ."

"Afraid of what? Tell me." Michelle was worried now too.

"I'm afraid he might do something to himself. He'd never admit it, but I can tell he's depressed. When I graduate and leave for college, he'll have no one left here with him." Natalie began crying. "What's gonna happen to him after I've gone?" Natalie hugged her friend.

"He's a strong man. He'll be ok." She said with minimal conviction.

Michelle knew that William had not seriously dated since his wife died. In fact, for the past couple of years, he had completely given up on finding someone else to be with. He concentrated on making their last few years of high school the best possible.

Natalie was right. No man like that should be left alone.

Michelle smiled. She was jealous that Nat got to him first. Michelle had decided to get with William since she was staying in town for college. This summer she was gonna make her move but Nat beat her to the punch. She had made her move yesterday when she kissed William. She just never expected Nat to move so quickly. There was only one solution.


Michelle looked up as William and Natalie walked out of the bedroom. They all were a little uncomfortable. At least they were all dressed this time. Natalie held William's hand as he walked over to the couch and sat down. He tried to remove his hand but Natalie resisted.

"No." was all she said. She looked at her best friend.

They say silence is golden. It can also be heavy, intimidating, and foreboding. All of these feelings settled on William as his daughter and Michelle stared at each other. He glanced between them, not knowing how to fix this.

Then, Michelle smiled. Natalie smiled and jumped up. They embraced laughing and giggling. William sat stunned. Of all the reactions he had expected, this was not the one.

"I'm sorry but am I missing something here?" he asked.

"Well yeah," Michelle said, as Natalie turned around, "but you're a guy so we expect it." Her smile was dazzling. She glanced at Natalie. Natalie nodded slightly. They both then sat next to him on the couch.

Again he was stunned by the actions of these two girls. Check that, women. Very beautiful women.

"First of all," Michelle began, "I'm very upset with you, Natalie."

Natalie suddenly blanched but recovered when Michelle started laughing.

"Not about having sex with your Dad, silly. About getting to him before I could." William's eyes went wide at this statement. They went wider still when Michelle grabbed him for another soul searing kiss. William broke this kiss by standing up and moving away.

"Whoa. Hold on a minute." He turned back to see his daughter and her friend kissing softly on the couch. Whatever he was going to say flew out of his head.

"Wha . . .?" Even that was too much for his overloaded mind expel.

"What's the matter, Daddy? Cat got your tongue?" Natalie grinned, breaking her kiss with Michelle. "Or should I say pussy?" Michelle giggled.

"What the hell is going on?" William said.

"Before you get upset, this was not planned." Michelle said. "Natalie and I had had sex with each other a couple of times before. She had already told me of her feelings for you." William glanced at his daughter. Her smile was divine with a hint of naughty.

"During one of our 'encounters', I happened to call out your name." Michelle blushed at this admission.

"More like scream it." Natalie snickered. Michelle continued undaunted.

"I've been crushing on you since I was fourteen. It was a couple of years ago that I think it turned into love. But now that I'm eighteen, I can show you how I really feel." She stood.

"Wait. Please just wait a minute." William said, holding his hands up. "Why? What have I done to deserve this?"

"What do you mean?" Michelle was a little confused. She thought he would be happy knowing two young girls loved him, even if one was his daughter.

"It's not that I'm angry, just confused. A gorgeous young woman," Michelle blushed again, "admits her love for me just after catching me having sex with my equally beautiful daughter." Natalie blushed this time. "You have to admit, it's a bit much to take in all at once."

"Dad," Natalie spoke first as Michelle sat down, "I know you've been feeling depressed lately."

"I have not . . ." William interrupted but Natalie stopped him.

"I can tell. I've lived with you for eighteen years. You hide it better than Mom did but I can still see it." Natalie had a glazed look on her face. "I don't want to lose you like I did Mom. I don't think I could handle it."

"I've seen it too." Michelle said."I didn't really notice until Nat admitted her worries to me, but after that, I saw it clearly. I think of you as the father I never had." Michelle looked at him. "But I was hoping we could be more than that. You're the kind of guy any sane woman would like to marry." She hesitated for a moment. "I'm finding myself to be very sane right now."

Both William and Natalie were taken back by this revelation. William knelt on the floor in front of them before his knees gave out.

"I'll admit I've never been the same since your Mom died." He stifled his own emotions stoically. "She was my first love. But I let her down." He hung his head. "I couldn't save her. Lately, I've begun to think that nothing could have, that we were just delaying the inevitable. I had hoped she would survive past your graduations at least."

William looked back at his two girls. He had to admit he did sort of think of Michelle as his daughter. They leaned forward and clasped his hands.

"But you needn't worry about me. I'll be fine. I would never kill myself." He said.

"Maybe not quickly," Natalie said holding his hand tighter, "but you would do it slowly, pining away in misery until you just gave up. All the while telling me you're fine. Well we're not going to let that happen." Michelle nodded.

"Until I leave for college, I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy. And after I leave, Michelle will still be here for you as well."

"Always." Michelle gripped his hand tighter.

"That's sweet, but you . . ." William protested.

"No 'buts'. This is the way it's gonna be from now on." Natalie said. She forestalled any further argument by pulling him forward and kissing him fiercely on the mouth.

"But . . ." he tried to say.

"You heard her. No 'buts'" Michelle then planted her lips on his. When they broke, he was breathing hard.

"Well, maybe not 'NO butts'," Michelle grinned at her word play. She placed her hand on his crotch, feeling his stiffness. "Besides, I think you've been out voted three-to-one."

"I don't deserve you two." He said, hugging them.

"Maybe, but let's not dwell on that." Michelle smiled, heat flaring in her eyes, "I just hope you saved some for me." She shoved her hand down William's pants and grasped his cock. "I can't wait to feel this inside me."

Michelle, having intimate control of his actions right now, kissed William hard on the mouth. He opened his mouth as her needy tongue charged in. They wrestled orally, giving and gaining no ground either way. They parted after a few minutes, a line of saliva connecting them briefly.

"He seems willing." Michelle took Natalie's hand. "Shall we?"

"I thought you'd never ask."


William stood at the foot of his king sized bed. He watched as his daughter and her girlfriend kissed passionately. They made quick work of each other's shirts. While Natalie had about a B cup sized breast with perky pink nipples, Michelle's were somewhat larger, probably C cup (William never really understood the whole cup size thing), with gorgeous light brown nipples.

Michelle bent to suck on her friend's breast, while Natalie thrust her chest out. Michelle wiggled a finger at William. As he got closer, she motioned to her bra, wanting him to remove it. He unclasped it and Michelle shrugged it off. Without removing her lips, Michelle grabbed William's hands, pulled him onto the bed, and wrapped herself with his arms.

"Oh Daddy, Michelle is so good at this." Natalie grabbed handfuls of Michelle hair, holding her tight against her chest. "I love it when she does it." Michelle only increased her ministrations on her friend.

William began massaging Michelle's breasts. A slight whimper from Michelle told him she approved. They felt so good in his hands. He kneaded her flesh like dough. He removed one hand briefly to brush her hair out of the way and began kissing her neck and back. Michelle released Natalie to moan and lean back into William, giving him better access to her neck. This allowed Natalie access to Michelle's breasts.

"You know," Michelle whispered to William, "your daughter is pretty good at this too." Natalie removed her father's hand from Michelle's breast. She attacked it like a mad woman, eliciting a satisfying purr from Michelle. "I can't even number the times she's given me an orgasm."

William ground his cock into the cleft of Michelle's denim covered ass. He reached down to undo her jeans. Feeling around, he noticed she wasn't wearing any panties. He was also slightly surprised to feel no pubic hair either.

"I've had so many fantasies of you, William." Michelle confessed. "But I admit that this was one that I thought would never come true." They faced each other and kissed deeply, her arm snaking around to hold his head close.

Natalie pulled away and stood up on the bed. She quickly removed her clothing. She then grabbed Michelle's hands and stood her up, breaking her kiss with William.

Natalie knelt down, placing Michelle's hands on her shoulders. She leaned a little to the side, winked at her father, and pulled Michelle's jeans down. Steadying herself on Natalie, Michelle stepped out of them and wiggled her but in William's face.

"Geez, it's almost as if you two planned this whole thing." William commented.

"Yes and no." Natalie stated. "I think we were both planning on seducing you." She glanced up at her friend, who nodded. "It's just a coincidence that it turned out to be on the same day." She giggled while running her hands up and down Michelle's legs.

"You better take those off before you sprain something." Michelle stared intensely down at William. He backed off the bed and pulled off his pants, allowing his cock freedom again. He climbed up onto the bed again but Michelle pushed him down onto the mattress.

"I can't wait any longer." Michelle knelt between his legs and immediately engulfed his cock with her mouth. William groaned as Michelle expertly worked his cock over. He was already very excited so he did not last long under her hungry ministrations.

"Oh Fffuuuuu. . .!" He didn't finish before he came. Michelle tried to swallow all of it but some leaked out the side of her mouth. Natalie was right there, licking up what she could. With a gulp and a breath, Michelle removed her mouth with a satisfying sigh.

"Fuck, that was awesome." She looked at her friend and grinned. "Do you want to go first or can I?"

"I had my turn." Natalie smiled. "You go ahead. I'll go if there's anything left."

Michelle turned back to William, never having removed her hand from the base of his cock. She jerked and teased him back to full hardness. She placed her legs on either side of his hips and slowly lowered herself onto him.

"Oh thank you, God!" The culmination of years of repressed desire was reached as she fully engulfed his member in her cunt. William was confused for a minute as she just sat there. He then realized she was climaxing. Silently whimpering, her head hung down as her body trembled. He glanced at Natalie, concern clear on his face.

"Don't worry," she said rubbing and stroking Michelle's back, "some of her most intense orgasms have started this way. Just give her a minute."

Michelle's trembling subsided. Her beastial gaze bore into him. She lifted herself up and slammed herself down. Rapidly gaining speed, she bounced up and down on William's stiff cock.

At first, he let her control the pace. But as his orgasm built, he grabbed her hips and started adding his own forceful plunges. Together, they quickly approached their peak.

But it wasn't through their actions that they were brought over the top. Natalie, still sitting behind her friend, took her hand from her crotch. It was covered in her own juices. She used those and some of Michelle's to lube up Michelle's sphincter. She rubbed it all over her friend's asshole and slipped a finger inside.

"OH GOD YES! Another! Stuff another one up my ass! Fuck, I love it!" Natalie complied, shoving a second finger into her friend's ass. Michelle screamed as her orgasm overpowered her and she held herself on top of William.

William could feel his daughter's fingers through the thin membrane separating him from her fingers. The additional stimulation, along with Michelle's shuddering climax, sent him blasting into orbit. He had never thought he could cum so much and so often in one day.

Michelle collapsed on top of William panting in exhaustion. She could feel his seed leaking out of her. 'Oh no,' she thought, 'he came in me!' She tried to get off of him, but was too weak. Instead she flailed ineffectually.

"What's the matter?" William asked.

"I'm not on any kind of protection! In the heat of everything, I forgot to grab the condom in my jeans!" She started crying.

"Hey, hey. There's no need to worry." William stroked her back lovingly.

"Why not? I'm not ready to be a mother, even if it is yours."

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