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Daughter returns home to daddy when her marriage fails.
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Two years ago my beloved wife Elizabeth passed away after losing her battle with cancer. Six months after she passed I was made redundant after twenty three years. I started working for myself as a consultant engineer, my office was our smallest bedroom at home.

Our daughter Annabelle, she preferred Anna, lived with her husband several hours away in the Midlands. Despite having a circle of friend's I tended to keep to myself since Elizabeth passed. Our friends meant well, I just didn't feel like socialising that much. Thanks to our insurance and my redundancy payout I could afford to work when I felt like it.

In one way Anna living so far away helped a lot, she was so much like her mother. Elizabeth was a very lively person, she always seemed happy no matter what life threw at her. Anna had the same temperament. My son-in-law Josh was the exact opposite, he was a difficult person to talk to. Josh had a few interests, his work and golf. Anything outside of that and he really wasn't bothered. Many times I wondered how he and Anna ever got together, on several occasions he made it clear he didn't want children.

My life changed one Saturday, I was sitting drinking a coffee and reading the paper. There was a knock at the door, I got up to answer it, dreading it would be a friend inviting me to a social gathering. I opened the door to be confronted with Anna crying.

"Daddy." Anna jumped inside and hugged me tightly.

I held Anna for a minute or so. "Anna, what on earth is wrong?"

"It's Josh." She sobbed.

"Is he hurt, has he had an accident?" I asked.

"No. He's leaving me, he wants a divorce." I led Anna through to the kitchen and sat her down. I poured her a cup of coffee.

I took her hand in mine. "Calm down and tell me what's wrong."

Anna wiped her eyes and calmed down. "Josh is away on a business trip. Two days ago he sent me an email saying that we need to talk when he gets back home. Naturally I asked what he wanted to talk about." Anna sniffed and blew her nose. "Eventually he answered. Apparently he has been having an affair with a woman at work, now she is pregnant. Josh said he wants to be with her and he wants a divorce. I think he is being forced to marry her."

"So, there's no chance for you? You are getting a divorce?" "Are you divorcing him?"

"Yes. Absolutely I am not staying with him after this, an affair is bad enough, but now this woman is pregnant. It's over between us, I told him that in my last email to him."

"Email? Couldn't you tell him over the phone?"

"No, because the coward refused to answer my calls." Anna was bordering on anger and bursting into tears again.

"So what will you do? You know about work and stuff?" I asked, almost sure I knew her answer.

"I have resigned from work. Can I move back here Daddy? It will only be until I am sorted out with a job and somewhere to live."

"Of course you can." Anna leapt up and hugged me. "Thank you, Daddy."

I found it strange that even as a grown woman she still referred to me as Daddy. We finished our coffee and went to get Anna's stuff from her car. Having Anna living back at home was going to be tough for me, she would be another reminder of her late mother.

I looked inside her car. "Did you leave him anything?" I laughed.

"Yes. The house is his. All I have taken is what's mine, clothes, toiletries and personal stuff like books, CD's and DVD's. He is welcome to everything else."

Anna moved into her old room, there was a wardrobe and dressing table in the room. She purchased some bookshelves for her books, CD's and DVD's. A week after Anna moved back home she found a job, an old employer took her back on a decent salary.

Many times I watched Anna as she did things at home, she reminded me a lot of her mother. I tried to put those thoughts out of my mind.

Anna arrived home from work, there was mail for her. I guessed it was the divorce papers, I was right. I sat with Anna as she read through them, it seemed that Josh had accepted Anna had taken what was hers and no more. She signed the papers and returned them the following day. I took a phone call from Josh's father one afternoon, he practically accused Anna of causing the divorce.

"Brian, has Anna taken leave of her senses, moving out while my son was away on business."

He didn't take kindly to me reminding him that it was his son who got another woman pregnant. It was his son who wanted the divorce. My final comment of 'go fuck yourself' ended the conversation.

Anna spent most evenings at home with me, she did occasionally go out with her female colleagues. I asked if there were any men she liked at work.

"Not interested, Daddy. Right now committing to another relationship is not on the cards."

Since my wife had passed away I did my own housework. Anna had taken to helping out around the house. One evening Anna was putting away clothes she had ironed, she went to put my shirt in the wardrobe. That was when she noticed I still had all of Elizabeth's clothes hanging up.

"Daddy, I thought you were getting rid of Mum's clothes?"

"I was. I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

"Do you want me to help, or do it for you?" Anna asked.

"Would you mind doing it for me, I can't bring myself to get rid of her stuff. Feel free to keep anything you want, I know she had a cocktail dress you always liked." Anna said she would sort her Mum's stuff out for me.

Anna sorted through her late Mum's clothes, she kept a jacket and the cocktail dress she liked.

"Wow, Mum had some nice lingerie." Anna remarked.

"Yes, she did. Your Mum always liked to feel good in whatever she wore." I watched as Anna admired the various sets of lingerie. Some were bra and panty sets, others included a suspender belt.

I thought back to before Elizabeth was taken ill, I used to love watching her undress for bed. She always looked gorgeous and sexy when she wore suspender belts and stockings. Undressing her when we made love always aroused me.

"I guess that's where I get my love of lingerie from." Anna said.

"Sorry, I was miles away thinking about something." I replied.

"I said, Mum must have passed her love of lingerie on to me. I bet you were thinking of Mum looking sexy in some of this." Anna giggled.

"Yes, yes I was. Your Mum looked lovely in her lingerie."

"I can remember sitting talking to her when she was getting ready to go out, she looked so hot in most of this stuff." Anna waved her hand over the lingerie. "If I was that way inclined and she wasn't my Mum, I would have been interested. I know she got admiring looks from men and women alike."

"That she did. Your Mum had the decency to never flaunt herself or make people feel bad because she looked good, that was one of many things I loved her for." I sat there and watched as Anna piled the lingerie into a black bag, it seemed a shame to throw it out. Suddenly Anna's comment about her love of lingerie struck me, perversely it got me thinking of my daughter in similar lingerie. I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my mind.

Anna sat down beside me. "Are you okay, Daddy?"

I nodded my head. "Just thinking of your Mum." I lied.

Anna had been back home for just over a month. She didn't seem to be looking for somewhere to live, I was in no rush to see her leave. I had taken to watching her as she moved around the house. I was sitting in the kitchen one morning when Anna was doing laundry, she upended her laundry basket to sort it out. Delicates in one pile, just like her Mum used to do. That was when I noticed some of her lingerie. Some of her panties were sheer with a tiny lace panel at the front, there were sets of different colours. One set was red edged with what looked like black lace, I started to have some very impure thoughts.

Tuesday morning I had an early call with a client, for that reason I was out of bed before eight o'clock. As I walked back to my bedroom I looked into Anna's room, the door was open slightly. I watched her reflection in the mirror as she dressed. She was wearing pale blue lace lingerie, I watched as she pulled the stocking up her leg and clipped it to the suspender belt. My daughter had shapely legs. I could see Anna's bum as she turned to put on her blouse, the lace panties hugged her smooth skin.

I turned away to my bedroom, the towel around my waist tented by my erection. Leaning against the door I closed my eyes, for a brief moment I imagined it was Elizabeth getting dressed.

The elegant way she rested her leg on the stool as she slid the stocking up her leg, the way she turned and made sure everything was just so before she continued dressing.

In the room Anna smiled, she had deliberately left the door ajar knowing she could be seen.

"I'll see you later, Daddy." Anna called out as she left for work.

"Yes okay. Okay I'll see you this evening, have a good day." I called out.

I dressed quickly and went downstairs for a coffee. I needed to get my head straight before the phone call.

The phone call with my client took longer than I thought, mostly due to some changes they were making. When the call was over I needed to pee, I walked quickly to the bathroom to relieve my bladder.

I was about to go downstairs and make myself a coffee before starting on some work, as I walked past Anna's room something compelled me to look in her room. As I expected it was tidy, very tidy. Her bed was made and there was no clothing discarded on the floor. I looked at her laundry basket, there were a pair of pale green sheer panties and matching bra on the top of the pile. I lifted them out and imagined Anna wearing them. I held the crotch to my nose and inhaled her scent, the panties were a size 12. I dropped the panties back in the basket. The bra was a 34c, both the same as her Mum.

I smiled as I looked around the room, everything was neatly laid out, just like her Mum I thought. There was a tube of something on the bedside cabinet that caught my eye, water based lubricant. I knew there was one reason for having that, so I invaded her privacy further and opened the drawer. Inside was a small vibrator and a dildo. The dildo was about seven inches long and of average girth, I put it back and closed the drawer.

My mind was running riot as I drank my coffee, I visualised Anna masturbating with the dildo. I wondered if she was that desperate for cock why she didn't date, even if it was only to get laid, we all have needs. I went back to my desk and concentrated on work, putting all thoughts of Anna out of my head. I managed to get a lot of work done.

"I'm home." Anna called out.

I went to greet her. "Sorry I haven't started dinner, it's been a busy day and time got away from me."

Anna kissed my cheek. "No problem, Daddy. You go and finish your work, I'll cook dinner." I watched Anna as she walked to the kitchen, the elegant way her arse wiggled. I turned before she saw me staring at her. I finished the work and closed my laptop down for the night. I went back to the kitchen.

"Busier day than you expected?" Anna asked.

"Yes, very. The client wanted to make changes to something, luckily it hasn't taken me too long to amend everything. How was your day?"

"Okay, nothing to get excited about. I do have a favour to ask you."

"Okay, what's the favour?"

"Our company Christmas party is next month, I was wondering if I could trouble you to give me a lift to it?"

"Of course. What date, and where is it?"

"Saturday 23rd, it's being held at that new hotel just off the ring road."

"No problem, do you want me to pick you up later, or will you be staying out?" I grinned

"No, I won't be staying out. If you don't mind, picking me up would be nice." I nodded my head and sat down, Anna put my plate on the table. As I ate my dinner I thought of seeing Anna dress this morning.

"Is everything okay, Daddy."

"Hmm. oh yes. Sorry I was thinking about something work related."

"You work too hard. You should go out sometime, you know, let off some steam."

"I'm not big on going out, you know that."

"I do, but you are going out next Tuesday."

"I am? Where am I going?"

"Out with me. It's your birthday so I am taking you out to dinner." Anna replied.

"Do we have to go out? Can't we have dinner here?"

"Yes we do, and no we can't. When was the last time you went out?"

"I don't know, probably some time ago." I replied.

"I bet it was before Mum passed away?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Daddy, you need to go out. Sitting in this house is not good for you. So yes, I am taking you out."

"Okay, Okay I give in. We can go out to dinner next Tuesday."

Anna smiled and took hold of my hand. "It will be fine, I promise."

I washed and dried the dishes as Anna relaxed in the lounge, she was watching television when I joined her. Anna passed me the remote control, I declined it.

"You may as well find something to watch, I very rarely watch television."

"With Josh away I got used to watching it. It was almost company in a strange way, just having some noise in the house."

"I watch it when there is formula one racing on, apart from that it collects dust."

Anna watched a comedy show as I read a book. "I'm going to have a bath and an early night, see you in the morning, Daddy." Anna kissed my cheek and headed off upstairs. When I heard the bath water running my mind turned to Anna, again. I sat there and imagined her undressing. I heard Anna walk across the landing to her room. Thirty minutes later and bored of the book and my own company, I went to bed myself.

Anna's door was almost closed. As I slowly walked past it I could hear a gentle buzzing sound, I listened as her breathing became heavy and rapid. I heard a sigh of pleasure, the buzzing stopped. I crept to my room and gently closed the door. I lay in bed and masturbated, my thoughts were of Anna. I wanted my daughter in a way I was not meant to have her. I ejaculated all over my stomach, I cleaned up using my boxer shorts. Lying back I thought of how to seduce Anna.

The next morning I heard Anna moving about, I waited until she went downstairs. I put on some clean boxer shorts and went downstairs. My morning erection had relaxed a little, the bulge in my boxer shorts was noticeable. I yawned as I strolled into the kitchen.

"Daddy!" Anna exclaimed.

I turned to face her. "Oh sorry, I am so tired I forgot you were here. I'll go and put a robe on." I noticed Anna was staring at my boxer shorts as I apologised. When I walked away I saw her fan her face with her hand. I put on my robe and went back downstairs.

"Sorry about that." I apologised again, for good measure.

"It's okay, Daddy. I'm not used to seeing you like that, in fact it's been a while since I saw any man in just boxer shorts."

"I can lose the robe." I joked, Anna shook her head.

"I have to get ready for work." Anna hurried out of the kitchen, I smiled to myself.

"See you later, Daddy." Anna kissed my cheek and hurried out of the house.

I had no work to get on with, so I decided to do some housework. Before Anna moved back home I managed by myself. After getting dressed I decided to iron the pile of dry laundry. I ironed my shirts and Anna's blouses, most of the other items didn't need ironing. I vacuumed the carpets before taking a break for lunch.

Anna arrived home to find me cooking dinner, she could see I had vacuumed the house from top to bottom.

"Hi Daddy, I'm guessing someone had no work to do today?" She laughed.

"You guessed right, my dear. The house is clean and dinner will be ready soon."

"Where is the pile of laundry?" Anna asked.

"All ironed. Your blouses are hanging on the bedroom door handle, everything else is on your bed."

"You put everything else on my bed?" Anna blushed.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"My lingerie was in the dry laundry."

"Yes it was, and now it's on your bed. Does it bother you that I saw your lingerie?"

"Sort of." Anna blushed again.

"Don't worry about it. I saw your Mum's lingerie for many years, on and off her body. I bet if I ask you why you wear nice lingerie, your answer will probably be the same as your Mum's."

"What did Mum say?"

"I asked her once. Her answer was, it makes me feel sexy and special."

Anna nodded. "That's pretty much my reason."

"I remember one day your Mum had the day off from work, she was going to run a few errands and then do some house work. I asked her why she got dressed up to run errands? Her answer was that it made her feel good about herself, then she told me as soon as she got home the suspender belt and stockings would be taken off. She dressed in yoga pants and a ratty old t-shirt to do the housework."

Anna smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if to say okay. We sat down to eat dinner.

Anna wasn't a prude, but I think she was embarrassed that I saw her lingerie. Little did she know I wanted to see more of it.

"Don't forget, we are going out to dinner tonight." Anna reminded me as she kissed my cheek and left for work. "Smart casual will be good enough, you don't have to bother with a suit."

I had forgotten we were going out. Knowing that Anna was looking forward to it, I made the effort. I picked out some smart trousers, a shirt and a blazer. Dinner was nice, for once I actually enjoyed going out.

I kept trying to get a look at Anna as she dressed for work, sadly most days my timing was wrong and she was fully dressed. Purely by accident I did get to her bottom half one morning. We were talking and Anna knocked over her coffee, it splashed onto her skirt. She leapt up and removed the skirt as the coffee was burning her leg. That day Anna was wearing a red suspender belt and red sheer panties, I stared at the patch of pubic hair.

Anna suddenly realised I was there. "Oh God, sorry Daddy." She rushed off upstairs, I got a perfect view of her cute bottom. Anna smiled as she ran upstairs, she had wanted Brian to see her like that.

"Sorry about that. It was burning my leg, I panicked and forgot you were here."

"No problem, nothing I haven't seen before." I smiled. Anna looked puzzled. "Your Mum, remember she wore lingerie as well." Anna smiled and relaxed. I had got to the stage that whenever I masturbated it was to thoughts of my daughter.

For her Christmas party Anna asked if she could wear her Mum's cocktail dress, I agreed it was okay. Even though I knew what she would be wearing, I still choked up when she walked downstairs.

"My God, you look gorgeous." I stuttered.

"Thank you." Anna blushed. I drove Anna to her party, we arranged for me to pick her up at midnight. As I drove home I wondered why she wasn't dating anyone, clearly she was beautiful and sexy. Josh must have really hurt her when he had the affair.

I sat in the car outside the hotel waiting for Anna, I looked up to see Anna and a young woman heading towards me.

"Daddy, do you mind if we give Kerry a lift home? She lives close to us."

"Not at all, get in the car."

As I drove towards home I saw Kerry smile at me in my mirror. She and Anna were discussing the party, Kerry was disappointed at the limited number of single men. Anna made no comment about that. We waited outside Kerry's house until she was safely indoors.

"Thanks Daddy. Kerry tried to get a taxi, she was told it would be at least an hour's wait."

"No problem. I wouldn't have left her waiting."

I locked the car as Anna walked towards the house, the elegant way she walked was getting me aroused.

"Fancy a coffee?"

"Yes please." I took off my shoes and coat and sat down. Anna brought the coffee into the lounge, she sat on the sofa.

When Anna crossed her legs the split in her dress showed off her thigh, when she moved to get comfortable she exposed her stocking top. My mind flashed back to when my wife wore similar dresses.

"Daddy, are you okay?"

I came back to reality. "Sure, why wouldn't I be?"


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