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Revelation 10 – Saturday 1


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"Karen, I had a great time last night! I'm really glad you and Gracie found each other again."

"Not half as much as I am!"

"You know you have given Lenny all his wet dreams in one night. He will dream about you for years!"

"You're sweet. It does my ego a lot of good to have a randy 19-year old wanting to jump my old bones." With a leer at Paul she continued, "I have to give Gracie a lot of credit for having really good taste in husbands."

He laughed and surprisingly blushed a little. "Well, I have to tell you that the randy 19-year old's brother also desires to jump your bones. Gracie told me that she wants to make sure that we stay in contact so maybe we can do this again. Is that okay with you? Will your husband mind?"

"Ken? No, he won't mind. You will meet him when you take me home, he's a sweetheart and he won't mind at all. And, the next time we get together maybe he and Gracie can spend some time together while you and I reminisce." She wiggled her eyebrows and Ken laughed and nodded.

"When are we leaving?"

"Hour or so. I'll have to wake Brad and Melissa and send them on their way and then try to get Lenny moving so we can disconnect and get set up for traveling. You can be the first to grab a shower if you want."

Karen got a wicked grin and said, "You missed so much of the fun last night because you went to sleep so early. Let me help you catch up," she got up out of her chair and grinning at him the whole time walked over and turned Paul's chair so that she could kneel in front of him.

----- Sarah & Helen -----

"No, Mom, no! You are wrong! It won't change anything between us."

Sarah sat up and hugged her knees to her chest. "You don't understand! Last night was something that I have wanted since I was 13! For a long time I thought I was a lesbian because the only person I had sex dreams about was you!"

Helen's eyes widened.

"Yeah, you! You have no idea how many times I lay in bed playing with myself thinking that it was you that was getting me off. And, if you think that I am going to let go of this now that I have it, you are wrong!"

Helen did not know how to respond to that. Until last night she had never felt any serious sexual attraction to her daughter, or if she had she didn't consciously recognize it as such. From time to time Helen would wonder if she could be bi-sexual. She would find some girls and women more attractive than others and she did like to look at naked women. Also, she had that relatively minor girl-girl fling but it didn't evolve into anything more than some physical flirtations, some kissing, some petting and masturbation but that was all. Last night was the very first time that she had oral sex with a woman, and it turns out that the woman she had it with was her own daughter!

She just didn't know how to respond. Her mind was in turmoil. Did she feel in the least bit guilty about having sex with her daughter? No! Did she want to do it again? Yes! Could she do it again? She didn't know.

"Honey, I...."

"Dad and Renea will never know. There is no reason they should ever find out. I love you Mom, more than you know and I will not stop dreaming about you and, now, you won't stop dreaming about me either. Admit it, you really enjoyed us making love last night. You did, didn't you?"

Helen took a deep breath and nodded her head. God help her, what was she going to do? She knew that this had to end and it had to end now because if it didn't she was terrified that she would lose control. But she didn't want it to end! It was too hot, too wicked, too nasty and it was something she wanted to experience again. What was she going to do?

Sarah slid over and hugged her mother, breasts to breasts. Helen instinctively put her hands around Sarah's back. With one hand Sarah smoothed her mother's hair and with the other cupped the back of Helen's head and began kissing her mother as her lover and automatically Helen returned Sarah's kiss.

As they kissed Sarah's hands wandered down between Helen's legs onto her pussy and Helen moaned into her mouth and pulled her closer and kissed Sarah harder. Helen gave up. She was going to do this again!

The front door slammed, "Mom, I'm home, where are you?"

Sarah and Helen jumped and Sarah leaped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom and closed the door. Helen got up and slipped on a house robe and, as only a mother can do, composed herself and casually walked out of the bedroom. "Up here sweetie, on my way down. Hungry?"

----- Kate & Josie, Ken & Jill -----

I laughed and leaned forward, took a sticky bun and poured myself another cup of coffee and leaned back. This had all the markings of a girl-girl-girl thing and I was just a supernumerary. I was going to keep my mouth shut, eat my sticky bun, drink my coffee and try to stay out of the way.

Mom and Kate had poured themselves coffee and were sitting back and looking at Jill. Jill was still fingering my shirt and rubbing her fingers over the dried cum with a faraway look in her eyes. Shortly, she remembered that we were all sitting there and looking at her. She smiled, blushed a little and put the clothes down on the table. "Excuse me, but for a moment there I was remembering something."

She shuddered as if someone had walked on her grave and then smiled, leaned forward and poured herself a cup of coffee, took a sip and sat up straight. She looked at Mom and Kate, then directly at Mom.

Taking a deep breath and seeming to compose herself she said, "Well, I've made several decisions that you should know about! First, my past is my past and I am going to do everything I can to put it behind me! Second, I am here and if you all still want me, here I will stay! Third, I'll probably never wear clothes again unless I have to. And last, I love all of you more than I can tell you!" Having said that, she picked up her coffee sat back and raised the cup to her lips looking over the rim at Mom then at Kate.

Mom and Kate, both expecting something other than that short declaration of principles sat there with their mouths partially open looking at Jill who just sipped her coffee, grinned and looked back. I have to admit that I was impressed, very impressed!

Kate was the first to speak and she laughed and commented, "Well, I must say that is about as succinct a statement of intent and principles that I have ever heard!"

Mom, smiling broadly put down her coffee and applauded, "Bravo, little sister, bravo! I have to admit I was very concerned about you. You know that we love you," and she looked at Kate who nodded, "and we want you here with us." Then looking directly at me she continued, "I hoped that Ken would be the one who could put the whole situation into perspective. Looking back again at Jill she said, Oh, baby, welcome home, welcome to the family!"

Mom looked at Kate who smiled and put down her coffee cup. Together they walked over to Jill and when she got up put their arms around her in a group hug.

George, who had been mildly interested in events up till now, found that three naked women engaged in a group hug was something that he was very interested in.!!

Mom leaned in and kissed Jill. Wait, before we go any further, let's establish a scale for things like kisses, hugs, touches and such – a scale of 1 to 5. Suppose we say that a 1 on this scale is the rating you would give to a kiss, hug or touch that a sister would give a sister or a mother would give a child. A 2 would be something a bit more erotic than that but still nothing to raise too may eyebrows, kind of like a husband-wife goodbye kiss. A three, however, would be out of the ordinary, something a bit more than just a 'normal' kiss, hug or touch and somewhat erotic. A four now, would be definitely erotic. And a 5, well I let you use your own imagination and decide your own definition.

Mom kissed Jill and Jill kissed back and on the scale above I would place it at a 3! Nice! When that kiss ended Jill turned to Kate and looked at her for a long moment and leaned to her for her kiss. A 4, definitely a 4 and maybe even crossing into the lower 5 range! Hot shit! I saw tongues! Gonna get interesting around here very soon!

----- Karen -----

Karen put her hands on Paul's thighs and pressed them open. His cock was standing at attention only waiting for Karen to begin. She looked up at Paul and smiled and licked her lips. His cock twitched! Lowering her head she let her lips slip over the head and continued down until she had almost all of his cock in her mouth and partially down her throat.

She slowly lifted her head until only the head of his cock was in her mouth and then proceeded to repeat her action on his cock.

Paul was watching Karen take almost all of him but it felt so good that he closed his eyes and let his head loll back just concentrating on the feeling of her mouth on him.

Karen liked sucking him but couldn't make up her mind whether she would rather suck him off or fuck him. While she thought about it she continued her ministrations.

Paul was lost in the sensations that Karen was causing when suddenly he felt someone standing next to him. He opened one eye and looked over and there, smiling mischievously, standing next to him was Melissa. He smiled back and reached one hand out and put it around her waist and she snuggled in closer.

She was leaning against him when he took the hand that was around her waist and moved it down her hip and around behind her and then between her legs, which she obligingly opened for him. Working her pussy lips open he slipped one finger into her nicely wet pussy. While Karen sucked him, he finger fucked Melissa.

Karen finally decided that she wanted to fuck him and when she lifted her head off his cock saw Melissa for the first time. She was surprised but not shocked. She smiled up at Melissa and got up off her knees and pushed Paul's legs back together and spreading hers, turned around and backed up with her legs outside Paul's until her pussy was directly over Paul's cock and lowered herself down onto him.

She wiggled around until he was in her as deeply as possible in this position and then leaned slightly forward with her hands on his knees and started to fuck him.

Paul thought that these two women were amazing. They never seemed to tire and they were absolutely delightful to have sex with. He was going to miss them!

Melissa pulled away from Paul and when he looked up to see why she leaned down and kissed him. He watched her move around in front of Karen and kneel down and then he felt her hands on his balls and cock.

Melissa liked watching people fuck and she liked to watch it close up. She leaned in and began kissing Karen's thighs while playing with Paul. Paul opened his legs a bit to let Melissa have better access to him and when he did Melissa had enough room to lean her head in and begin sucking on his balls. She also had enough room to begin to play with Karen's clit and feel Paul's cock sliding in and out of Karen's pussy.

Karen, when she felt Melissa's finger on her clit, leaned back against Paul's chest and began to hump Paul strongly. She was going to cum soon and wanted to get there as quickly as possible. For some reason she felt an urgency to cum she had not felt all night.

Paul sensed Karen's urgency and fucked her back as hard as she was fucking him. Melissa had one hand massaging Paul's balls and one finger rubbing Karen's clit. She reached in and managed to get Karen's clit between her thumb and first finger and began to roll and squeeze it. When Karen felt that she shoved her ass downward as hard as she could to get Paul into her as deeply as possible and throwing her head backward and moaning she came.

----- Kate & Josie, Ken & Jill -----

Mom and I watched the kiss between Jill and Kate. She looked over at me and raised one eyebrow and I had to smother a laugh. When the kiss ended Mom kissed Jill on the cheek and stepped back. The group hug broke up and the three of them stood looking at each other.

"Now that everything seems to be more or less settled and you seem to be doing okay, Kate and I will be going. Besides, it looked to me as if we may have interrupted something when we barged in with the doughnuts," and she looked at Jill and then at me with a grin. "So, why don't you two go back to what you were doing...or thinking about doing?"

I looked at Mom and Kate and nodded. Jill looked at me with smugness and a smile and then back to Mom and Kate and, somewhat self-consciously said, "Well, I have to admit that when you knocked I was in the process of seducing my nephew."

Kate laughed out loud, "Seducing Ken? Well, that would be interesting to watch." She walked over and stood in front of me and looked down at George who was totally ready, "From what I see here I think your chances of success are 100%!"

Mom laughed as well and taking Jill by the shoulders sat her back down on the couch next to me. Then she knelt down and reached out her hand and wrapped it around my cock and looking at me stroked me several times. Looking over at her sister she said, "Kate is right, this certainly does not look like it needs seducing! Kenny, sweetie, do you want to have sex with your aunt?"

I nodded and smiled broadly.

Mom let go of me and taking Jill's hand placed it on my cock. "Sis, I think that you are in for a real treat! My boy knows how to make a woman feel really good!" She leaned in and gave Jill a kiss (2 on the scale) and a hug and said, "Enjoy yourselves!" She leaned in and took my chin in her hand and kissed me (4 on the scale). "Take real good care of your aunt Jill!" while looking me in the eye!

"I will, I promise!"

Mom stood up, put her arm around Kate's waist and said, "Well, Batwoman, it looks like our job her is done! Best we take ourselves elsewhere!" Kate laughed and shook her head. With a wave to Jill and me they began to walk toward the door.


Mom and Kate stopped.

Leaning over to me Jill whispered in my ear. Surprised but pleasantly so I nodded my approval.

Turning back to look at Kate and Mom, Jill said, "Why don't you stay?"

"Excuse me?"

"We'd like you to stay!"

"You want Kate and I to stay?"

Jill nodded her head. "Uh, huh." She looked at me with her eyebrows raised in a questioning look.

I chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, we want you to stay!"

"While you and Ken have sex, you want us to stay?"


Kate and Josie looked at each other. Josie smiled and said, "I have to admit that is a very temping offer, I think we would like to stay, wouldn't we lover?"

"Oh, we'd LOVE to stay!"

Mom walked back to her chair and sat down and pulled Kate down in her lap and put her arm around her.

Mom said, "Well, I have to admit that I wasn't expecting this. Damn girl, when you decide to become liberated you go for it whole hog! Have you ever before had sex with people watching?"

Jill, blushing a little, shook her head no.

"Yet you want Kate and I to watch you have sex with Ken?"

She took a deep breath, "Well, sorta. Actually Sis, what I want is for you and Kate to have sex while Ken and I have sex!"

Mom looked back at Kate and laughing said, "Damn!"

Kate laughed, "Sounds good to me!"

I added, "Me too!"

Mom just looked at Jill with that 'are you really sure' look that only mothers can give. You know, the look you would get when you were trying to con your mother into something.

Jill looked at Josie and took another sip of her coffee. She put down her cup, took a deep breath and tried to explain, "Sis, I've always been curious what two women do when they have sex. I mean, I've seen pictures and one time I even rented a video but I thought that...."

Mom finished the sentence for her, "that maybe since Kate and I are lovers you could watch us have sex and that would satisfy your curiosity."

Jill nodded. "Yeah. But I think it would be even hotter if Ken and I were making love at the same time lying next to you on the bed."

Mom smiled and looked up at Kate who was also smiling. She looked back at Jill and tilted her head in an "Are you sure?" look.

"Well, will you stay?"

With a big grin Mom said, "Let's get on the bed and talk about it." She kissed Kate and the two of them got up from the chair and walked over to the bed.

When they got there Mom, looking back at Jill, took Kate into her arms and they pressed against each other and started kissing. As they were kissing Jill reached down and began to play with George.

"Oh, god, that's so fucking hot!"

Mom pulled back from Kate a bit and reached her hand in and began to play with Kate's tits. Jill sucked in air and began to stroke George harder.

She looked flush.

Kate returned the favor and the two women were really getting into showing off for Jill.

Jill's breathing was fast and shallow. I took her hand off George and stood up and urged Jill to get up also. When she did we walked over to the other side of the bed and stood with our arms around each other's waists and watched.

Mom broke the kiss and looked over Kate's shoulder and smiled and nodded her head to the bed then went back to kissing Kate.

I looked at Jill and she was fixated on them, her breathing was rapid and her face was definitely flushed. She was getting very turned on watching them. I moved around behind Jill and moved forward stooping a bit and letting George slid between her legs and rub against her pussy. I reached around and put both my hands on her breasts and played with her nipples while we watched. Jill turned her head and smiled at me and laid her head back against my chest. She reached down and stroked the head of my cock when she could reach it.

Mom pushed Kate back onto the bed and she lay there on her back looking at Mom. Mom looked over at us and patted the bed alongside Kate. On impulse I leaned down and hooked my one arm under Jill's knees and the other arm around her back with my hand at her armpit and lifted her up and placed her on her back next to Kate.

When I put Jill on the bed Kate turned her head and smiled at her. Jill smiled back and tentatively reached out a hand and with the tips of her fingers, brushed Kate's nipple. Kate put her hand over Jill's and pressed it down on her tit, encouraging her to continue.

Jill took a deep breath and looked over at Mom, who smiled and then back at me. I nodded and smiled. Mom and I watched as Jill rolled slightly onto her side facing Jill and continued to openly play with Kate's tits. Kate closed her eyes and enjoyed Jill's touch.

After this had gone on for several minutes, Mom climbed on the bed and while Jill played with Kate's tits, began stroking Kate's shaved pussy. Kate, with her eyes still closed, opened her legs to Mom's touch. Kate was being stimulated and loving the attention.

Now Jill's attention was totally on what Mom was doing to Kate's pussy. I crawled up on the bed and lay on my side behind Jill making sure that my cock was snuggled between her legs and rubbing against her pussy. I reached over and began to play with her tits and nipples.

Jill snuggled back tightly against me and turned her head and whispered to me, "This is so fucking hot! Ken, will you please fuck me now?"

Mom heard what she said. She nudged Kate who opened her eyes and looked at Mom who made a small motion with her hand toward Jill and me. Kate raised her upper body and braced herself on her elbows and watched us.

Jill's eyes were fixed on her sister as I reached down and took hold of Jill's top leg and moved it upward. She looked at me and I said, "Open your legs." She nodded and raised her upper leg high. I had her bend her knee and put her foot flat on the bed and her pussy was now fully open to me. I scooted down a bit and put the head of my cock at her pussy.

She looked over and saw that Mom and Kate were watching intently. She took a deep breath and smiled at them as I slowly inserted my cock into her. She felt wonderful. One of my fantasies was to fuck my aunt and I was but his was more than I had hoped for because I was fucking my aunt Jill while my mother and mother-in-law watched. Christ was I hot!

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