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Revenge of Some Nerds on a Jedi


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Of course, in rehearsal, as in the script, Leia wasn't on display at this point, hanging, stuck facing the audience doing the splits while nude. This difference made it somewhat more difficult for Amanda to truly feel relieved by any of this, for obvious reasons.

But regardless, when he swung around to face Amanda as Jabba, the crowd of new theatre-lovers soon behind his rubber back, this ridiculously large rubber alien cock swung into Amanda's view. And, as it had been planned in the prosthetic choreography of the scripted version, as the Jabba body turned and the Jabba cock moved out of the view of the audience, the villain's inhuman penis was in fact being retracted once more into the stomach of the huge wearable puppet - in theory to allow the whole next section of pretend intimate movement to happen, without the actors having to deal with this enormous alien erection, inconvenient in the wrong place despite being quite an impressive work of sculpture complete with moving parts.

Amanda, still trying to get someone's attention, somehow, for a moment allowed herself to hope that this might after all reflect everyone returning to something closer to the scene as they had rehearsed it. In which case, though she was in a different position - vertical, nude, and effectively silenced - she could still hope for a return to the actual play. Even if that would involve them now acting out the parody of impossible copulation the audience was supposed to be invited to imagine.

Geraldine wasn't even watching at this point, further backstage having an intensely whispered discussion with a couple of theatre tech people, who were trying to explain why they couldn't get Amanda's microphone to work or even explain why it had stopped.

Back on stage, the Jabba suit was so big that the boy within could easily pull his arms out of the costume's fat rubber arms, so that his hands were free to move around inside the enormous fake slug, which was necessary to actually work this complicated creation.

Back to the audience, Jabba was oozing forward far enough so that the monster's front was very close to the nude Princess Leia; if she tried to move, the fake flesh of Jabba's rubber belly would touch the actual flesh of Amanda's flat belly.

With his arms free inside Jabba, the boy somewhat awkwardly tilted his head, managing to peek down inside Jabba's chest and belly. He found the concealed zip that was used to open up the creature in front, and began to pull it up, finally letting some cooler air into this sweatbox of an alien.

From Amanda's view, the large inhabited Jabba puppet had turned on the stage directly in front of her, and, as should have been expected if people were actually following the script, the large built-in prosthetic model penis had disappeared into the puppet's belly.

At the same time, though, a hidden flap in the belly was being unzipped as 'Jabba' came to face her. To her alarm, what looked very much like a real, human and definitely hard cock was suddenly being poked through, into the very small space between her and Jabba.

Again Amanda uselessly struggled, this time almost entirely out of sight of the audience and even of the cameras, trying to pull her body away, her bubble butt cheeks squishing back against the upright 'interrogation table' behind her. But she couldn't move enough away to prevent the slimy head of this boy's strainingly erect penis from almost gently sliding along her belly, not even a quarter inch above her pussy lips, and not a half inch below her little arrow of downward-pointing "insert here" pubic hair.

The others on stage were now enthusiastically performing at least a semblance of the original play, though notably lacking any dialogue from Princess Leia. But the boy inside Jabba pressed a button, and the mechanical suit started its programmed movements, intended to communicate through its dramatic quasi-groin-thrusting actions that the Hutt was vigorously fucking the captive Princess.

Meanwhile, there was a boy inside...

Like Jabba with Princess Leia, the eighteen year old virgin in the Jabba apparatus found that seeing and feeling the delicious naked beauty in front of him had his penis not merely hard but uncontrollably leaking. So he started smearing precum along Amanda's pussy lips, reaching down to use his cockhead almost like a paintbrush.

Amanda reacted instantly, squirming as much as she was able, so that her pussy at least became a moving target in front of him.

Finally her near-frantic attempts to elude his cock had her using all the strength her legs could muster while doing the splits, to push her body - and therefore her pussy - as far up as possible up and away from where his penis had been slimily molesting it. Which turned out to mean her crotch was held almost a foot higher than where it hung if she wasn't continually pushing her body up with her leg muscles as high as she could.

The boy couldn't resist shuffling his own crotch forward just enough so that part of his own lower belly was actually outside the Jabba suit, pushed through the open front flap.

This also meant he could comfortably place his slippery cockhead at the entrance to Amanda's cunt, the tip lodged up between her pussy lips.

And the result ofthat was her immediately sensing his intrusion and in a panic using all of the strength in her legs to keep herself raised, and thus not impaled on anonymous cock.

It was at this moment that Brian the video boy began to edge around the fat Jabba puppet with his camera, in all this chaos forgetting that it was the one place they werenot supposed to film, so as to maintain the illusion that Jabba's huge cock was fucking Leia. Brian just assumed everyone would want to see as much of naked Amanda as possible; he did, anyway.

But when he began peeking into the space between Jabba and Leia tied to the table, it was his turn to gasp in surprise, and for his eyes to go wide.

There was Amanda, precariously struggling to push herself up the table as far as she could, obviously desperately trying to stay far enough above the penis poking up between her legs, attached to a groin being pushed out of Jabba's lower belly.

Every time Amanda relaxed at all, even for a moment, gravity would have her body lowering again. But in this position, with her legs and arms fully extended out to her sides, the effort that was required was simply not one she could sustain indefinitely.

What the almost frenzied crowd in the theatre saw was a very large mechanical puppet repeating exaggerated thrusting motions, or as close as the weird slug shape could achieve, while over Jabba's hulking form they could see the head and neck of Princess Leia, with a look of intense strain and horror on her face. Then she would seem to sink down behind Jabba a little bit, her neck disappearing out of sight, before she would pop back up again, her expression seemingly one of even greater strain, as if she was finding and using every ounce of strength she had within her, her concentration laser-focused on only one thing.

What Brian and his camera saw was different, and as he exclaimed "oh boy!" and began filming.

From inside Jabba, the boy held his position as he saw Amanda's legs begin to shake with the effort, and despite closing her eyes and trying to push herself upward she in fact starting slipping.

Thanks to the boy's immobility, she could precisely measure how far her body was falling.

First, her eyes snapped wide open again as she felt the head of this stranger's penis pushing up into her, sitting about an inch inside her, pussy walls already pointlessly trying to push this prick out.

The boy moaned in pleasure at this new sensation. Was he no longer a virgin, with just his circumcised cockhead lucky to be exploring inside the pussy of possibly the hottest girl he'd ever seen?

"Oh, fuck,no!" Amanda exclaimed, by contrast. Her strength seemed to be really giving out as she struggled to not be fucked. She groaned with effort but still instantly could tell as she sank down another couple of inches: the boy's cockhead was pushing up and she felt his shaft following behind, all so slick with his precum that she might just as well have applied lube, so easily did he slide into her tight cunt.

"Surely I'm not a virgin now," he thought, grinning, as in the theatre an audience finding they could still be surprised were increasingly staring at the enormous high-def screen displaying the feed from Brian's camera. Hundreds of eyebrows flew up foreheads, before a tidal wave of cheering and frantic applause began to wash over the entire theatre.

On stage, Amanda was back to squealing, the sound increasingly loud and increasingly high-pitched as the muscles in her legs and arms screamed for relief, her limbs shaking with effort enough to have her tits shaking as well.

Gathering all her remaining energy for one final effort, slowly, painfully, laboriously, Amanda managed to actually raise herself one inch higher, the invading penis sliding back an inch out of her. And, with an effort of will greater than any in her life so far, her whole body vibrating with tension as she struggled, Amanda began to push her body up incredibly slowly again, to pull her pussy another inch off the cock throbbing inside her defenseless snatch.

At that point the boy reached out his right hand and jabbed up a stiff fingervery hard into Amanda left ass cheek.

Amanda let out a surprised "eek!" and just collapsed, all her energy gone, her pussy falling directly onto the boy's waiting groin - impaling herself on his throbbing dick, as the kids say these days, "balls deep". Breathing deeply, her boobs rising and falling dramatically, she was too exhausted to even try to extricate herself from this outrage, despite feeling this rock-hard cock swollen and throbbing, buried in her pussy.

She was just hanging from her limbs against the prop table, unmoving as the excited boy, definitely no longer a virgin, started to hammer into her.

He knew he wasn't going to last long.


Backstage Geraldine was finishing a deeply unsatisfying conversation with tech people, who had been forced to admit they couldn't fix the problem with Amanda's microphone or even explain it.

Now resigned to an entire opening night with no further dialogue from the female lead, Geraldine literally threw her hands in the air and walked away, heading for her usual spot, from which she could get back to seeing the play happening first hand as well as monitoring the screens and what was going out on-line.

She hadn't gone ten feet before she was interrupted yet again, a production assistant handing her a phone and saying "You need to take this".

"Hello, yes?" she said into the phone impatiently, rolling her eyes at being further kept from the play.

"Oh thank god, thanks for answering and I'm so sorry, really, we all are!" the voice on the other end replied breathlessly.

The man sounded familiar, though in her current harried state, her mind on a dozen things at once, she couldn't place it. "Who is this?" she asked, confused.

"It's Mike! We got stuck, this is the first chance we've had to even call..."

Geraldine wasn't even listening past the point where Mike had listed who he was with. Her mind was going very fast and very slow all at once, her head slowly turning to look out toward the stage, her eyes going wide, her mouth falling open yet again...


Most of those filling the theatre hooted and hollered rudely, watching whoever was inside Jabba taking full advantage of Amanda's widely spread legs to be inside Leia as well.

It wasn't a long performance, but the recently de-virginised boy thrust himself maniacally into Amanda's defenseless pussy hard enough to have her huge tits once again bouncing wildly for the audience.

No-one could see the boy's face, of course, but everything about his movements communicated someone wanting to make the most of an amazing opportunity.

By contrast, with no sound coming through Amanda's microphone, her expression could be interpreted in a number of ways; "Sexual ecstasy", however, wasnot one of them.

His thrusting accelerated, as did the bouncing of Amanda's chest, until suddenly the boy let out a loud, triumphant cry - broadcast via computer to everyone in the tones of Jabba the Hutt - and rammed his cock as far inside Amanda's poor cunt as he could, holding himself there as he spurted inside a girl for the first time, a genuinely explosive ejaculation Amanda could feel squirting with force.

Geraldine started peeping around a curtain to look onto the stage just as the audience erupted into a standing ovation, during which, after a short pause, the boy inside Jabba pulled out of Amanda's vagina, and entirely back into the Jabba suit, which he proceeded to zip up before moving Jabba away as fast as he could manage.

Still trapped against the upright table, naked and doing the splits, there was nothing Amanda could do as she was captured in high quality video, eyes pretty much popping out of her head and darting between human faces and cameras and masks and rubber non-human faces, as cum leaked from her pussy and dripped onto the stage.

Not-Mike the Storm Trooper's voice suddenly boomed out through the speakers. "What is possible in theatre which is not possible at the movies? True audience participation! Anyone who came here tonight dressed as a Storm Trooper, come on up. We've suffered enough!"

Thus began a near-riot, as Imperial cosplayers - mostly dressed as Storm Troopers but along with a smattering of Vaders - cheered as they rushed the stage.


In the ensuing chaos, somehow all the theatre's cameras cut out for almost three minutes. Though many, many audience members were doing their own filming, phones pointed all around, somehow no-one caught on video the three conspirators as they abandoned their costumes and slipped away.

The nerd conspirators were never identified, but the following day they did manage to collect the fraternity-offered bounty for nude photos of Amanda, so that was a well-earned twenty dollars.

After all, Amanda's body was now as thoroughly documented as any in history.

Perhaps amazingly, none of the Storm Troopers who stormed the stage were ever identified either.

This surely involved a lot of denying and lying. But then again, they'd been seduced by the dark side of this farce. In all of the excitement, they had temporarily become someone else, so all of their lies and denials were really true... from a certain point of view.

(End ofBikini Beach Part Four)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your stories are great!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is no story a jedi would tell you...

Please keep'em coming, loving it so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This story is literally my favorite on Literotica.

Are you going to write more stories ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Your stories are my favorite on this site!

Please tell me that you intend to write more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Most Impressive

Looking forward to more outstanding stories.

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