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Revenge of the Nerd Ch. 64

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Jeff comes up with a plan.
830 words

Part 65 of the 85 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/26/2004
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The first four items on the list were not at issue. Jeff and I would be married. We were both Jewish so there would be a rabbi and a chuppah. Both families and all our friends would be there.

So would half the business community. The guest count was over fifteen hundred and seemed to still be climbing. Who were these people?

Not only would the attire be dress-up, black tie was preferred. And flowers? Anyone with allergies would need to dose up on antihistamines to make it through what was shaping up to be a marathon wedding celebration.

So what was it that was bothering me? My parents helped me identify it.

"Sunny, set up a meeting with my mother."

"What has you so agitated?"

"They've gone absolutely crazy. I can't believe them."

"What did they do, Ashley?"

"You know how we typically give out gifts to the bridemaids?"


"They're planning to give out gifts to everyone who attends."

"What's wrong with that? That actually seems nice."

"You haven't heard what the gifts are."

"I haven't, but I assume you're going to tell me."

"Everyone who attends gets a certificate to open a free checking account at Fine Bank with a two hundred fifty dollar deposit."

Sunny made a sound that sounded like a clipped "ooo."

"That's not all. It gets better. There's also a certificate for a free investment consulting session. You don't have to open an investment account at the bank. They'll still talk to you. And there's more.

"If you do open an investment account the first three trades are free. It's not a wedding; it's a fucking wedding promotion to draw customers to the bank. I'm so angry I want to punch them both in the face and walk out of their lives forever."

"Goodness. I'll call your mother and get back to you."

From Sunny, "Goodness" was an imprecation of the highest order.

Jeff had been at a meeting with Dr. Lloyd when I spoke to my mother.

He saw me when he walked in the door, gave me a small smile and asked, "Should I have something to do for a while?"

"You didn't do anything. I'm so furious."

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Before I answered, he sang, "That's what friends are for."

I didn't give him the chance to sing that I should keep smiling. My hands were in the air, muscles clenched. I yelled, "Aaahhh."

He walked over and put his arms around me, which was very courageous. Someone with my body language was more likely to punch him than to relax. He got lucky.

I finally calmed down enough to fill him in. I stood waiting for him to curse my parents along with me but, of course, he stood there and thought about it.

"Very clever," he said almost with admiration.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked with no admiration whatsoever.

"He's going along with the wedding; letting you marry the guy he doesn't approve of. He's going to cover all the costs and he doesn't want my parents to contribute a cent. But he's making the conditions so odious he expects you to refuse to have the wedding.

"Then we'll have to regroup while you figure out what kind of wedding you want, how it will be funded and who will attend. I'm guessing he hopes that doing it this close to the wedding date will make the planning fractious and create enough friction between us to break us up."

Could this have been his plan? I was furious, enraged. I was also a little bit impressed. Had my fiancé been anyone but Jeff his plan might well have worked. But Jeff would know how to counter this, wouldn't he?

"What do we do, Jeff? What does Sun Tzu say about this?"

"I don't think Sun Tzu is the proper authority in this case. Your father has struck a formidable blow. I think the proper response will be found in Judo."

"Judo?" I was incredulous. "What are you going to do, throw him into a wall or something?"

"No. The key principle of Judo is to use your opponent's force against him. In this case his force is considerable so we need to turn it around against him."

"And your plan is …?"

"I'm thinking."

Gee, with a plan like that we don't have anything to worry about. I didn't verbalize it. As angry as I was, I had enough self control not to take it out on Jeff. Besides, I had absolute confidence in Jeff. He would be able to come up with a brilliant plan. I hoped.

Jeff's eyes lost their glaze and focused on me.

"You have it?" I asked.

"Let's go out to dinner."

"That's your plan?

"No, I'm hungry."

"Stop that. You make it really difficult to maintain my level of rage when you screw around like that."

"And I'll tell you my plan over dessert."

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LynnMckLynnMckover 13 years ago
Hey! The solution is simple!!

If you feel like the "chapters" are too short; if you feel he could wait a little longer between submissions; if you want the story to "flow" without interuption, then quit reading for a while 'till the submissions accumulate sufficiently to satisfy each of you. I waited 'till he got to chapter 80 to start reading. I haven't had any problem with the story "flowing naturally." :)

I am retired and have read to this point (Ch. 64) in about three days. That is what I call flow, baby, flow. In fact it is a real gully washer.

Relax :) Just go with the flow. Just float downstream; you are not a salmon who has to swim itself to exhaustion just to have his one shot at sex (are you?)!

RonRWoodRonRWoodover 13 years ago

I agree with Bruce... I do have the advantage of not starting this story until 2 days ago...

bruce22bruce22almost 14 years ago
We will read it!

This last one was a cliff hanger. How will they turn her father`s violent blow in their favor... Love it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Amazed Again!

RP, They give you bad reviews about your story but I'm amazed they still read every one of them. Keep up the good work,ciao.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
dreadful twitter romance

Chapter 61: Ashley puts on make-up

Chapter 62: Jeff eats a sandwich

Chapter 63: Sunny arrives

Chapter 64: Ash and Jeff talk

I dare you to write shorter chapters. Surely, you can shorten it to half a page?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Have mercy!

I have followed this story very closely since you originally posted "Revenge of the Nerd" back in 2004. Up until now it has been an amazing story and one I'd definitely buy as a novel. Having said that I really must protest the pacing of the story as of late. You have been posting one page "Chapters" once per day for three or four days and then nothing for a month. Personally, I'd rather wait the few extra days and read all three to four at one time. I have no complaints about the writing itself but the rate at which you release them stunts the pace at a rate that would not be present if the story were taken in its entirety. Additionally, I don't feel that anything "got done" by the end of this one. You haven't lost a fan but please don't torture us. This is akin to slowly pulling off a band-aid!

Sidney43Sidney43almost 14 years ago

To "anon", you do do not have to read the story.

Yes, the chapters are often too short, but the characters are interesting and so I plod along with each posting. This a morality play, with the rich being made to look bad by the wise, but middle class family. I suspect in the end Mr. and Mrs Fine will have a life altering moment, but I am merely a lowly reader.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
more crap

I am surprised that they allow this shit to be posted

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

This is getting silly. The episodes are too short, the content too brief, the purpose too obscure. Has the author become too complacent and lacks the energy to write a fully formed story segment which is worth reading. This last piece is about as cheesy as the worst TV soap opera and about as interesting.


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