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Rich Boy's Toy Ch. 01

Story Info
Young mexican au-pair gets taken by rich boy.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/27/2011
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A cold gust of wind blew over her neck making her shiver as she set her first steps onto American soil, a cold welcome to say the least as the icy east coast winds nearly swept her off her feet as she stepped outside JFK airport in New York City.

Sofia sure wasn't used to this cold. She had never left her native Mexico before and the warm beaches 10 minutes from her parents' family home seemed further away than she would have ever imagined possible.

Growing up she had always had a fairly stable life but now as a 19 year old, thousands of miles away from home she felt smaller and more helpless than she has had in many years.

Her big brown eyes scan the row of cars, drivers holding up names, and quickly she notices a beautiful black Mercedes with a friendly looking dark-skinned man holding up a sign that said 'Sophia Velasquez', 'close enough' she thought with a smile as she walked up to the man that would take her to her new home for a year.

Sofia had never been the brightest of students and the next years after high school seemed daunting to her as she had no real skills and wasn't interested in most subjects. When she saw the flyer from a Catholic exchange program for Au pairs she was instantly excited, hoping to improve her life skills and mastery of the English language while spending a year away from her strict parents.

Ever since Sofia had blossomed into the delicate young woman she had become, her father became rigidly strict about her curfews and appearance sticking to the classic strict Catholic upbringing.

Her slender figure and perky 26B breasts were always hidden under the thick cloth of the clothes she was made to wear, while her firm young behind had never seen anything but an old-fashioned 'granny style' bathing suit.

But as the cold Manhattan wind brushed through her heavy garment she realized this clothing might have actually served a purpose for a change as she would have definitely caught a cold in the summer dresses she always wanted to wear.

Sofia breathed a sigh of relief as the gentle driver took her luggage and lead her into the comfy black leather seat, away from this cold weather and on her way towards her new life as a live-in servant with this American family.

As the shiny German car sped over the highway, weaving around the slow moving traffic, Sofia mustered the courage to ask the driver about the family she was to work for. The driver was polite and gentle; he told her both the parents worked as top new york lawyers, running their own firm from their Manhattan office.

He also told her about their two sons who were older than Sofia had expected, she had thought that her job would consist mainly of changing diapers and calming screaming babies but hearing the boys were 18 and 26, the oldest not living at the parents' house anymore, she wondered what her duties would consist off mostly.

After almost two hours the scenery was changing and everything seemed to look more expensive and chique as they drove towards the rich area called the Hamptons in Long Island. Sofia saw houses the size of castles as they entered her 'new neighborhood' by passing a gated entrance, the driver being lead through instantly as he waved to the two guards crammed in the security booth.

5 minutes later the expensive car pulled up to another gate which opened at the press of a button as she saw the house she would be living in the coming year.

And the word 'house' didn't seem appropriate, as the huge mansion in front of her reminded her more of a palace. Or a hotel, she thought as she saw the enormous door above at least 50 steps, like she would expect a queens door would look like.

Once inside she was introduced to a friendly looking gentleman, introducing himself as Paul, the main servant for the house. He ordered the driver to grab her bags as they walked slowly through the most regal and impressive rooms she had ever seen in her life into the main study where she was told to sit and wait for the father of the house to meet her.

Sitting in a comfortable vintage leather chair she scans the room as she waits, seeing all the little trinkets and symbols everywhere that hinted of the same devoutness to their faith that her parents shared.

She jumped slightly as the heavy door to the study creaked open and the father of the family walked in and introduced himself as Peter Braddock, a warm smile and a friendly handshake instantly reassuring her.

Her tasks, he described, would mainly consist of looking after their youngest son Charles, cleaning up after him and serving him drinks and dinner when their parents' were out on business. Also she was to be his Spanish tutor as he struggled with foreign languages at school.

Up till now, he explained, the general staff had tried to keep up with Charles' mess and requests but couldn't keep up now that Charles had demanded to make the garden house his private residence.

Silently Sofia snickered, picturing Charles as a spoiled little brat, wanting to play in a tree house in the garden, but as Mr. Braddock lead her through the house to the back garden she saw why Charles wanted this place.

About two hundred yards from the house was a two story house that would be a great place for a regular family to live, with a big porch all the way around the house and a small private swimming pool in the back.

They walked in and heard the thumbing of a heavy bass drum, which grew louder and louder as they walked through a small corridor to a big double door from where the noise appeared to be originating from.

Mr. Braddock swung open the door and music filled the air, a slow heavy rap beat made her eardrums vibrate as she looked around what appeared to be a large 'ball room' with a hard wooden dance-floor circled with large red chairs, a DJ booth at the other end of the room.

As they walked towards the DJ booth Sofia got the first glimpse of Charles, he was not at all what she expected as she looked at the pimple faced white boy. He was quite fat, but it was hard to tell as he wore an extremely baggy American Football jersey and baggy pants that must have been hanging from below his hips as his shoes were barely visible.

This kid dresses like a rapper, she thought, but his Caucasian skin and pudgy cheeks made him look more like a caricature of one as his overall appearance hinted more of a lazy spoiled white kid then the 'cool' guy he was trying to portray.

'What up pops?" the boy opened with, making Sofia smile hearing him fake the stereotype African-american or even Latino accent you hear in the movies so often.

"Ühm, yeah, I'm well Charles, meet your new housekeeper Sofia, she's the Mexican girl from the exchange program we talked about". Sofia slightly shivered as she felt Charles' eyes creeping up and down her body, peering at her so intently she thought he was trying to see through her conservative dress. Sofia blushed and looked away at this obvious appraisal of her body, she stood there for a short time before Charles' father started walking towards the door. "Show Sofia her room so she can get some rest, tomorrow she'll start work after breakfast."

The boy nodded and cranked the music back up as his father left them alone, after a minute of fiddling with the buttons on his music equipment he stepped down to walk through a side door, gesturing her to follow him.

She followed him upstairs to a small but nicely furnished room, much nicer than her room at home, he pointed at the large clothing cabinet in the corner and told her to 'put your shit in there. I'll bring you something warm and relaxing to drink so you can chill for the night because from tomorrow you are working for me girl'. His accent and demeanor almost made her laugh but the kind gesture of a hot drink and some time alone eased her mind, 'maybe this guy just needs some direction and will be sweet as sugar''she thought as she started unpacking her stuff.

After 20 minutes all her belongings were stored neatly in the large cabinet, the empty space remaining reminding her of the difference of wealth between her and these people, all her possessions in the world couldn't fill a cabinet that this family probably didn't even remember buying.

Charles walked in without knocking and placed a cup of steaming tea on her bedside table, he had a strange grin on his face as he said 'this will make you feel nice 'n relaxed girl', turning around and leaving.

Sofia put on her bed-wear, white cotton boxers and a white t-shirt she had for ages as she sipped slowly from the hot liquid. Soon she felt her body getting heavier as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

When she awoke she felt like she had just woken up from a coma, her head feeling drowsy and her vision slowly unblurring. Her body felt tired and sore while the slow vibration of a heavy bass-drum sounded from the floor below. She looked at the clock and noticed she had only been out for a few hours, it was 10 o'clock at night and she could see the moon through the window.

Suddenly her eyes widened as her hands slid up and down her body.. She was underneath the covers and completely naked! Her skin felt sticky from sweat as she noticed her clothes lying on a pile beside her bed. Did I kick them off while I was sleeping? She thought to herself, thinking she must have gotten really hot while sleeping.

She put on a simple black dress that covered her from her shoulders to below her knees and walked out her bedroom door, trying to find a glass of water for her extremely dry mouth, and to wash the foul taste out of her mouth, 'i should have brushed my teeth before falling asleep' she thought as she wandered through the house. After 5 minutes of opening door after door the kitchen was still nowhere to be found and she decided to go towards the music to ask Charles to show her the kitchen.

Sofia walked into a large study. The room was filled with loud aggressive rap music, and behind a large teak desk Charles and a boy his age sat intently working on the computer.

They didn't notice her until she was about feet from the desk when they both looked up from the large flat-screen, a wide grin forming on both their faces.

'They must not be used to having women around i reckon' she said to herself as she motioned Charles to turn the music down.

As soon as the music was muted, Charles looked her right in the eye "If it isn't our little star' he mentioned, the Cheshire grin on his face widening even further. She looked at him with a confused look on her face, standing there not knowing what to say until he motioned her over to their side of the desk with his finger.

As soon as she saw the contents of the computer screen she froze, the large screen showing a picture of her laying naked on her bed, eyes closed but with her legs spread as wide as they could be. "What is..." She started to say but she was abruptly cut off by Charles; 'Shut up and sit down chica, all will become clear very soon' startled she sat down next to Charles as another picture of her filled the screen. This time she was on her belly, the picture taken from behind her showing her most private place like she had never seen it before herself.

'oh no' she murmured as picture after picture showed on the screen, showing the boys hauling her into all sorts of positions.

Next a video started to play, she was laying on the bed naked, Charles was groping her body, sliding his hands over her perky breasts and down between her legs. Suddenly she heard a loud moan, the boys had dubbed a porn soundtrack onto the video to make it sound like she's awake, confused she looks at the screen as she watches herself get violated by these rotten kids.

Frozen in her spot she's unable to speak as her large brown eyes flick over the screen, in the video Charles is pulling out his hard penis, slapping her body with it randomly. 'Oh no, they can't have..' shoots through her mind as a small tear rolls down her left cheek.

''Ay please let me suck you papi' a Latin girls voice says, the camera not showing her face making it look exactly like Sofia is speaking in the video.

Sofia looks on in fear as the video continues; 'Sure you dirty bitch' Charles responds and he slides his dick into Sofia sleeping face, after a couple of pushes she sees her sleeping body open up and accept his hard cock into her mouth, she hears a girls' appreciative moan and it looks like Sofia's has her eyes closed in pure bliss as the shot makes it look like she bobbing her head on his dick, Charles' friend undoubtedly had to push her head but it looked very convincing.

Suddenly the screen goes black and Charles sharply turns his chair to face her with a malicious look on his face.

'Looks like you're a horny little slut there girl, not sure my parents would be happy to hear or see this..', Sofia looks up at him with a confused look in her eyes 'but..'.

'No buts puta, i think we have enough evidence here you cannot control your sexual behavior, seducing us on your first night here... I think I better discuss this with my parents, I'm sure your parents would appreciate a copy of this tape too'.

Sofia's face has turned white now, big salty tears rolling off her cheeks barely able to speak.

'Why are you doing this? She said in a shaking voice, all her normal confidence now vanished.

'Well as you know your task will be to serve me, this video is just a little insurance you'll do everything I say'. His mischievous smile turning into a a serious strict facial expression.

And you will do everything i say, or everyone, including your parents and friends back home, are going to see this video slut.'

Sofia's mind was racing, what was happening to her? What does this evil kid want from her?

He seemed to read her mind; 'okay, time for some rules bitch; rule number one is that your are always to get on your knees when I'm in the room'. He looked at her for a while before shouting 'so get to your knees cunt, didn't you hear me?' Sofia couldn't think of anything to do but obey, before she knew it she was kneeling at his feet like an obedient dog.

'Good, from now on your body and mind belongs to me, if you hesitate to follow my orders I will send everyone the tape bitch, so you better be quick and submissive'.

His smile returned as he told her to stand up and undress.

Shaking Sofia stood up and undid the buttons on the back of her dress, her hands barely able to manage this, but Charles' words ringing in the back of her head she slowly stripped off her heavy dress, feeling the cool air brush against her skin as she stood before him in her simple cotton underwear.

'Hurry up bitch, I've got the email to your parents ready to go', this sparked fear in Sofia and she quickly grabbed the bottom of her top, lifting it over her head revealing her lovely young breasts. Charles licked his lips as he looked at her small dark nipples, rapidly hardening because of the cool air in the room, he assumed.

With a sigh of resignation Sofia finally pulled her last boundary of protection away, showing him her nubile body, her small boobs standing up over her toned flat stomach. Her pubic area had a neat patch of dark hair, discretely hiding her most private region.

'Hmm that's something we'll have to remedy', Charles said, staring at her underbelly without any reservation or shame.

Sofia didn't know what he was talking about but was silently weeping at this terrible treatment, unsure of what evil this devilish young man was capable of. Also she was confused about the reaction her body had to his treatment, her nipples hardening and her loins heating up.

"Time to get on your knees and show me you are qualified for this job" , Sofia knew what he would want of her, she had heard of 'blowjobs' before, but never imagined she would ever perform one, let alone on a person she didn't even like.

But her body also responded to the request with an increasing curiosity to this dirty act, she had seen Charles abuse her mouth on video and she wasn't sure what to think of it.

Now she had no choice, submissively she sank to her knees, resting them on the hard wooden floor as her hands moved up towards his zipper, ready to do what she had been ordered to do.

Charles had a victorious grin on his face, not only had his plan succeeded, she hadn't noticed his friend John picking up the camera and secretly filming the delicate little Mexican flowers´ actions.

With a mix of confusion, despair and a hint of subconscious excitement Sofia pulled Charles' jeans down below his knees, in the background hearing the video playing. From the corner of her eye she again sees Charles pump his dick in and out of her sleeping face hearing the Latina voice moaning and slurping.

Her fingers shaking furiously she moves her hands to the waistband of his boxers, pulling it down over the large bulge freeing his penis from its confines.

Inches from her face Sofia sees her first real erect penis, veins outlining his white prick as it noticeably hardens from her actions and the video playing in the background.

'Now suck that dick whore', his command was short and simple and yet it seemed the hardest task in Sofia's young life, slowly she moved her face towards the rigid member until her soft full lips touched the tip of his sticky pre-cum covered head.

Slowly she runs her tongue over the head, tasting the salty mix of pre-cum and sweat as her mouth fills with spit and goo and her lips wetten at this new sensation.

As soon as her mouth accepted the head into her mouth, wrapping her lips around the meaty stick, his right hand grabbed the back of her head and rhythmically pushed her angelic face up and down his cock.

Sofia simply didn't know what to think off, her thoughts a blur as this dominant boy uses her face like she's one of those blow-up dolls. She had to swallow continually to keep up with the large amounts of spit, pre-cum and sweat forming in her mouth as Charles slides her head over his cock.

All the pretty Latina could think off were immense sensations rushing through her body, from the smell of his skin and sweat to the musky taste in her mouth and the feeling of the hard dick covered in velvety soft skin sliding in and out of her lips.

Her face was covered in goo as Charles took her mouth hard, thrusting into her creating a very sloppy blow job.

"Hmm, yeah you love that don't you slut, you love sucking that fat cock, i can see" Charles commented.

From a distance John was filming the dark haired beauty's humiliation, zooming in whenever she looked up at Charles and recording the sloppy slurping sounds generating from her mouth.

Earlier when they had undressed her while she was sleeping he had gotten very hard while fondling her body but only Charles had gotten his 'dick wet' as he called it, and John was dying for a crack at this beauty.

Charles looked at him and winked, indicating that he would soon get his chance.

"Alright slut, time to try that dirty cunt of yours" Charles mentioned, pulling out his cock from her mouth and slapping her face with it.

"Oh please Charles, have mercy, I'm a virgin and it's just not right...."

Charles just smiled and focused on the computer, scrolling through their video of her until he reached the desired scene.

Sofia gasped as the screen filled with a close up of her pussy, Charles' dick entering her very gently.

New tears sprung up as she watched her own deflowering seeing this brute use her sleeping body roughly as little specks of virginal blood showed on his dick.

The camera focused on her sleeping face as she was noticeably breathing heavy as soft moans escaped her lips.

"You see? You are not a virgin, you're a dirty little slut ready for my cock"

Another level of degradation further, Sofia was almost starting to believe the evil boy as her body was reacting to the sexual activity and it became more and more a fight between her body and mind.


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