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Ringside Seats Ch. 02

Story Info
Female professional wrestler gets blindsided.
16.6k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/24/2005
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This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere.

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The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author's permission.

This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don't go looking for it on a map. And in my little fictional world, there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD's, except as plot driving devices. The author encourages the practice of safe-sex.

This story is about two of my favorite things: Lesbians and professional wrestling.

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It was far and away the biggest crowd that Tiffany had ever performed in front of, and she thought she should be more nervous. But she wasn't. She had been planning on quitting outright just a few weeks earlier, so it was almost as if she had nothing to lose. Working a two-on-one match was incredibly tiring, since she didn't have a partner to carry her part of the match.

Tiffany Thurman was beginning to love professional wrestling again. After a disheartening year or so working for someone who thought of the industry as just another business venture rather than having any emotional investment in it, things had turned around for the twenty-eight year old single mother. Getting in bed, both literally and figuratively, with the boss's blonde-bombshell of a wife had been the first step towards her intellectual recovery. Finding friends who ALSO happened to be lesbians, much to Tiffany's surprise, like Vicky and Jeanna had been another boon. They were the ones she was working the program with at that moment.

The NAXW (North American eXtreme Wrestling) was putting on it's first show in neighboring Los Angeles in front of a crowd of several thousand people. Tiffany, known to local wrestling enthusiasts as Demonica, had been involved in a story line feuding with the Warrior Maidens (Vicky "Valkyrie" Smith and Jeanna "Amazon" Benjamin) after an "unprovoked" attack on Marcia "Vixen" Levinson. NAXW had a limited television audience on local stations throughout California, so Deborah Wells, the boss's wife and Tiffany's part-time lover, had helped come up with something for her friend. Tiffany had actually been written off the show, but Debbie had gone to bat for the pleasantly muscled wrestler, and Tiffany was trying to prove that to be a wise decision.

Unfortunately, she had just been put through a wooden table in a double-team powerbomb maneuver. Normally that wouldn't have been a problem, but some dipshit in the ring crew had put an uncut table where the cut table was supposed to be. The table hadn't given way very easily and she had landed on the metal crossbar, so Tiffany had been working with a bad back for a couple of minutes. Luckily, the swirve was coming up. Vixen had come out to ringside, supposedly to watch as her former attacker was victimized by the two faces. But when the referee was out of position, Vixen attacked Valkyrie to a chorus of boos, hitting the "unsuspecting" woman with a steel chair, then passing that chair to Demonica when Amazon came over to see what was going on. One swift chair shot to the back and the match was over. Vixen got into the ring with a microphone and started a rather sultry rant about how she had learned what real power was, and it wasn't from crowd-pleasing suck-ups like the Warrior Maidens. Women like Demonica had REAL power, so Vixen wanted to be more like her.

Tiffany was pleased with the woman's speech. She was still rough around the edge when it came to the maneuvers, but she was getting better at developing her character. And the crowd was booing, which was always a good sign from the heel's point of view.

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In the backstage area . . .

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"Are you okay?" Deborah was asking as a trainer looked over Tiffany's back.

"I should be," Tiffany grunted as whatever meat-doctor John Wells had hired poked and prodded her back with all the care of a drunken plumber. Marcia, Vicky and Jeanna were all sitting nearby, trying to remain excited about their performances while not being unsympathetic to Tiffany's plight. Deborah had assured them that the WWE scouts had indeed been watching and would be getting back to the company in a few weeks.

Tiffany gasped as one of the muscles in her back twitched. She knew that something was out of sorts.

"You ARE going to be able to go out with us aren't you?" Vicky asked. Vicky was a gorgeous young woman with curly blonde hair who had almost literally become Tiffany's disciple in the last week. Ever since she, Jeanna, Vicky and Deborah had spent that incredible night together, Vicky had felt more comfortable around Tiffany and was trying to learn the business from her.

"I don't think so," Tiffany said while sitting up, the "trainer" finally admitting that he was a clueless idiot and saying that she should seek additional counsel.

"C'mon, we're in Los Angeles," the adorable woman pleaded. "How many times do we get a chance to get drunk in a strange city?"

Jeanna laughed. "I agree with her Royal Perkiness here. I'm sure we can find a nice bar with a dark corner you can sit and sulk in."

"Don't tease her," Deborah said, looking worried.

"It's okay," Tiffany tried to assure her friend. "I take it you've got business tonight?"

"Yeah," said Deborah, a little excited again. "We're meeting with the scouts and other suits to discuss the farm-league expansion. I'd skip, but I'm afraid of what John would do if he weren't supervised. Are you SURE you're going to be okay?" she asked again.

"No, but I'd be willing to bet on it. Any chance of John helping out me out with going to see a real therapist when we get back to Springfield?"

"I'll make sure of it. I'll convince him he could be liable for the mistake made by the ring crew and that he could be avoiding a lawsuit." Deborah wanted to grab Tiffany's hand and give her friend a passionate kiss. She also wanted to go back to the woman's hotel and fuck her brains out, but that wouldn't be happening this trip. Just then, Tiffany's cell phone rang, so Deb handed it to her.

Tiffany looked instantly pleased. "Hey sweetie!" she crooned. All the women around her smiled as their friend's voice took on a tone that she only used when talking with her seven-year-old daughter Sally. "No, Mommy's fine. Yes, I promise. Yes you can tell Grandpa. No, you can't pierce your ears. Yes . . ." Tiffany started to answer a long series of apparently random questions, so her friends quietly said their good-byes and wandered off to watch the rest of the show. Deborah wanted to stick around a bit longer, but she had a dinner meeting to get to.

Tiffany had been on the phone for a while, but she managed to get dressed while she was talking. By the time she was done, the show was over and people were heading out to their cars. Most of the wrestlers were going to hit the town after a great show. Tiffany was going to go back to her hotel and lay down. Maybe watch some television.

On the way to the car, she received some congratulatory greetings from the crew and a babbling apology from the ring crew personnel, which she graciously accepted. She even crossed paths with Lilly Kline, her boss's niece and the new ring announcer. Apparently, Lilly had just gotten her bachelor's degree in philosophy from the prestigious Springfield Liberal Arts College and had been forced by her parents to find summer employment before starting her graduate work. Lilly had made VERY few friends since her uncle had agreed to let her do the ring announcing, as most people agreed that she was an arrogant bitch with a chip on her shoulder who thought she was SO much smarter than everyone else. It wasn't that Lilly wasn't pleasing to the eye, in a severe sort of way, but she was just so hostile. Tiffany had been the recipient of a number of insensitive comments from the girl, so she just avoided eye contact and kept walking.

"Good show," she heard from behind her. Tiffany turned and saw Lilly standing there, her face strangely unreadable. "I thought it was going to suck," the girl added.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Tiffany said, turning and walking away. She didn't see Lilly putting her face in her hand and stomping her foot, before breathing out and looking skyward.

"Why didn't you just kick her in the shin and insult her parents, you brain-dead windbag?" Lilly said quietly to herself. "No wonder you don't have any friends." She turned and walked back into the building.

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In the streets of Los Angeles . . .

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Vicky, Jeanna and Marcia were on their way out of their third dance club of the evening. They were young, gorgeous and had just put on a hell of a show. They wished that their compatriot, namely Tiffany, had been able to join them. Every now and then, people have a moment where things just seem to be perfect, and they had lived one of those moments earlier in the evening.

"You gals heading back to the hotel? I'm fuckin' exhausted!" Marcia asked. She was the newest female wrestler with the company, but she was also a hard worker. Much to everyone's delight, she had turned out NOT to be a stooge and a cheap lay for the company's owner, Mr. John Wells.

"Nah," Jeanna said quickly. "I was going to take the princess here to meet some friends. We'll catch you when we get back to the room." Then she drug Vicky towards a waiting cab.

"What friends are these?" Vicky asked.

"These friends," was the reply as Jeanna held out her hand, wiggled her fingers, then slid her hand under Vicky's skirt and stroked her through her panties.

"Jeanna!" Vicky yelped, looking nervously towards the cab driver who could obviously see the whole thing.

"Sorry," Jeanna said insincerely. "But with girls sharing rooms at the hotel, I figured this would be the only chance I had to get you alone, and I absolutely have GOT to fuck you in the City of Angels," she added, giving Vicky a kiss. As Vicky was reeling from Jeanna's unusually public displays of affection, Jeanna gave the cab driver some directions. A few minutes later, they got dropped off in a "seedy" looking area in front of a store with three X's out front.

"You brought me to a porn-video place?" Vicky asked, a little incredulous.

"Not just any porn-video place," Jeanna said. "This is Captain Dick's Adult Emporium! They have private viewing booths in the back, big enough for couples. And no one will recognize us," she added, pulling Vicky towards her by grabbing her ass and kissing her again.

Vicky rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "You really think I'm going to make love to you in the video booth of some sleazy porn shop?"

"No, I think you're going to FUCK me in the video booth of some sleazy porn shop," Jeanna replied, rubbing Vicky's mound with her hand through the girl's skirt. All she had to do was give Vicky a little jump-start and . . . Vicky grabbed Jeanna and pushed her against the door of the store and gave her a very passionate kiss. Then she opened the door and shoved Jeanna through it. Jeanna was still grinning. She had gotten Vicky going, now she got to hang on and enjoy the ride.

"Why don't you go check out the viewing selection, and I'll get some tokens," Jeanna said. Vicky was blushing as she wandered over to a wall where a large selection of porn movies were listed. When she was distracted, Jeanna grabbed a large dildo with a convenient handle off a rack and put it on the counter and asked for tokens for the booth as well.

The clerk, a scrawny man with an acne problem, was trying to remain professional. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to guess what was going to be going on, and his mind was already trying to picture it. He rang up her purchase, handed her the tokens, then sat down so he could reenter his fantasy world.

"What's in the bag?" Vicky asked as Jeanna whisked her into one of the back rooms where a scotch-guarded old love seat was waiting in front of an even older television screen. Jeanna stuck a bunch of tokens into the slot.

"So, what will we be watching?" Jeanna asked.

"Turn it to channel twenty," Vicky said, staring at her lover's ass as she bent over to change channels. She couldn't wait! She pulled Jeanna's mini-skirt and thong down to her knees, then buried her pretty face in Jeanna's snatch.

Jeanna moaned happily as Vicky's eager tongue worked its way inside Jeanna's slot. Jeanna found herself staring at a video of a lesbian gang-bang. "Nice choice," she groaned.

"Thank you," Vicky said, then went back to licking Jeanna's pussy. She shoved the index finger from one hand into Jeanna's box and quickly pistoned it while her tongue tantalized everything else it could reach. Then she pulled back, leaning back into the loveseat while stretching her arm out and thrusting three fingers into Jeanna's pussy. She watched as Jeanna humped her hand, and Vicky started playing with herself with her free hand. She was already wet, and she knew how much wetter she could get. She pulled Jeanna back until the dark-haired girl was sitting in Vicky's lap. Then Vicky reached around her lover's waist and pushed her fingers into the girl's pussy again, fucking her rapidly with every one of them. With her other hand, she playfully slapped the kitty, and she soon had Jeanna moaning and groaning and writhing in her lap.

"Harder baby," Jeanna groaned. "Fuck me with those fingers! Fuck me with those horny little fingers," she said.

Vicky kept her fingers moving, but moved her other hand up into her girlfriend's tube-top and roughly grabbed one of her tits. It felt so hot in her hand that she just wanted to curl up with them on a cold winter's night. It made her look forward to that winter. So she kept groping Jeanna's tits, fingering her cunt and sucking on her earlobe.

Jeanna knew she had gotten lucky with this blonde sex kitten. In all her years, she had never found a lover as eager to please, and pleasing was something Vicky was good at. The girl was curling her fingers on every thrust into Jeanna's sex-pot, and each thrust brought the dark-haired girl closer to sexual heaven. Finally, she found herself knocking on the Pearly Gates! "Fuck me baby, I'm there . . . fuckin' sweet," she grunted as her pussy constricted around her lover's digits and squeezed as she came onto Vicky's hand. She finally settled into Vicky's lap as the blonde girl brought her hand up so she could grab both of Jeanna's tits, leaving them sticky with the girl's own expenditures.

"You're so good to me baby," Jeanna said.

Vicky kissed her on the side of the face as she let her hands molest her lover's chest. 'Why don't you just say it?' she asked of herself. 'Just say you love her. But you can't, because you're afraid she'll freak and leave. Just like all the guys in your life before her.'

Vicky's interior dialogue wasn't making herself feel all that special, but when Jeanna got on her knees in front of Vicky, pulled the girl's skirt and panties off and buried her face in between those perfectly tanned thighs, she began to feel better. Suddenly, Vicky couldn't even remember what she was complaining about.

Jeanna was like an animal, licking rapidly with the full width of her tongue, sometimes inside the slot and sometimes around the cleanly shaved mound. She would always take care to lick the clit lightly, because she didn't want her lover to cum too soon. Of course, she was going to make sure Vicky came more than once, but she wanted the first one to last.

"Fuck, why didn't I start fucking women sooner?" Vicky asked, draping her legs over Jeanna's shoulders.

"Then I wouldn't have been your first," Jeanna pointed out between licks. She stuck her index finger up Vicky's asshole and watched with glee as the girl's eyes opened wide. She wiggled it frantically as she sucked those wonderful inner labia into her mouth and pressed on them with her gums.

Vicky knew Jeanna was right about one thing . . . Jeanna not being Vicky's first lesbian lover wasn't an acceptable idea. "Lick me baby! Lick me all night long!"

It was a suggestion that Jeanna was amenable to. She started licking up and down frantically until she knew she had the girl right where she wanted her. Then she stopped.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Vicky practically screamed, a look of desperation in her eye. "Please make me cum!"

"Since you asked so nicely . . ." Jeanna replied, then sent her tongue in one more time. Almost instantly, Vicky's cum came squirting out onto her lover's face, and she had juice to spare. Jeanna probably could have pulled away, but she loved the experience of being flooded. When Vicky's tidal wave subsided, Jeanna rubbed her face on her lover's tight abdomen. "Sweet Jesus, where do keep it all?"

Vicky blushed. She used to be embarrassed by the quantity of her ejaculate, but not a lot of guys had ever managed to bring her to orgasm. Jeanna did it for her every single time . . . at least once. And Jeanna wasn't done. She reached into the bag and pulled out the dildo, ripping it from its plastic packaging.

"And what do you think you'll be doing with . . . with . . . with . . ." Vicky started. Jeanna had begun licking her pussy again while she finished unpacking her sex-toy. Then she pushed all eight-inches of the life-like, flesh-colored dildo into Vicky's tight hole, sinking the cock up to the handle.

"I figured I'd be doin' something like that!" Jeanna said. She put one knee up on the sofa next to Vicky while her other leg was straight with her foot on the floor. She began kissing her wild little sex kitten while driving the latex toy into her cunt over and over again. Jeanna raised her body up so Vicky could suck on one her tits, all the while keeping that dildo pumping.

Vicky's hands were everywhere . . . groping Jeanna, grabbing the grungy cushions of the sofa, pulling on her own hair . . . She was almost mad with desire. She could never figure out how Jeanna did it. She had always enjoyed sex, but this woman . . . this perfect woman . . . reduced Vicky to a slobbering beast with just a few well placed touches. Now, she was writhing on a loveseat in the back of a porn store, and she was loving every moment. The latex cock felt huge inside her. She and Jeanna actually didn't use toys that often, but that night with Deborah and Tiffany had been putting ideas in both women's heads.

"Looks like my little woman is all hot and bothered," Jeanna said. She wasn't sure how she had gotten so lucky as to have hooked up with such a babe, but she wasn't looking a gift-horse in the mouth. She flipped Vicky over so that the woman had her hands on the back of the sofa with her knees on the seat. Jeanna stood behind her and split that juicy pussy in half from behind with her toy, and she gripped her lover's ass as she went. "You have a CUTE ass," she said, giving the aforementioned posterior a playful slap. She pulled the dildo out and placed the head at Vicky's lips, the latter woman instinctively sucking her own juices of the head. Then Jeanna shoved it back into her girlfriend's warm box.

"Do me harder!" Vicky moaned. "Give me your big dick!" she shouted, probably loud enough to be heard in the neighboring booths. She didn't care anymore. As the piston-action of the dildo increased in speed, she actually started growling. "Fuck . . . me . . . fuck . . . me!"

"Working on it," Jeanna grunted. Then she got tired of waiting. She tossed the dildo onto the ground, knelt behind Vicky and instigated a series of quick strokes to Vicky's recently violated pussy with her nimble tongue. She also started gently rubbing the girl's sensitive clit with one hand.

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