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Ritual Breaking Suburban Wives Comp


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"You may thank me for the privilege like a good little cunt now."

"Thank you, Matriarch, for the privilege of being allowed to pee for your pleasure."

Wow. That was a new one. With that, the Matriarch let go of Anass, pointed away to direct her, and pointed and snapped her fingers to direct me. Holy shit, what had I let myself in for? I thought it was time to safeword out and escape all this weirdness, but then I remembered...I'd already done this. After covering me in his urine in the shower last night, Gerald forced me to piss for him. It seemed totally different though. That was at night after he'd thoroughly dominated me. He'd taken my ass and then subjected me to my first golden shower. So pissing for him hadn't seemed like such a leap. But here, in the morning, outside in the sun with the Matriarch, it felt scary and humiliating all over again, as if I was really doing it for the first time. I squatted down over the little box like I'd been commanded, and waited. The Matriarch held my hair as I maintained eye contact. It took longer for me to be able to go after permission was given, since the circumstances were so different. But the Matriarch didn't say anything. She just held me and stared into my eyes, until finally I felt the great relief of going potty for her.

"Good. Aren't you so glad that's all out of the way now? I would love it so much if every time you pee'd for the rest of you life, your thought about my face as you do it for me. Now, anything you'd like to say to me?"

"Thank you, Matriarch, for the privilege of being allowed to pee for your pleasure."

"Very good. Now, let's address your unfortunate lapse in the cage."

Oh no! A belting? Really? Oh, my poor ass. The Matriarch pulled me up and walked me over to Anass.

"Hold the cunt firmly, Anass."

I faced Anass with my back to the Matriarch. Anass put her right arm around my neck and her left around my waist and hugged me tight. Boy, was I really getting to know the feel of Anass's body this weekend. And her scent. Neither of us had showered since last night. The Matriarch cuffed my wrists behind my back and then strapped a ball-gag into my mouth.

"Raise your right foot for Anass, whore."

I bent my knee to raise my foot. Anass let of my waist to grab my ankle.

"Hold it firm. I don't want that foot moving at all, or you'll be next."

Wait, was this how I was to be punished? Oh God, what a relief. My poor, throbbing, bruised ass would finally be...

Swish! Thwack!


Yep, that was me, screaming into my gag as a cane flicked the sole of my foot. Oh my God, that was some serious pain. Who knew the soles of your feet could be so sensitive? Scratch that. Of course the Matriarch knew.

Swish! Thwack!

Again, even harder this time. I squirmed and tried to wriggle my ankle free, but Anass held me up and kept an iron grip on my ankle. I got ten swats on my foot with the cane. It was indescribably painful. I was a heaving mess after it was over, crying into Anass's shoulder as she continued to hold me. Drool from my gagged mouth dripped down Anass' body. She let go of my ankle, and I put my foot down. But with my wrists cuffed and in my state, I was still dependent on Anass to hold me up. Then I felt the warmth of the Matriarch's naked body press into me from behind. She'd removed her robe behind my back. She leaned in, and I was sandwiched between them. She reached around to caress my throat.

"Have you learned your lesson, little bitch?"

"Mmm hmmm", I whimpered.

The Matriarch moved up to run her hands through my hair.

"Good. It'll be double the amount next time."

I whimpered again at this. She moved her hand up to run it through my hair.

"And just remember, I enjoy this. I wish I could spend all day beating you girls for infractions. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Ohh-kayyy, this was getting a little disturbing now. As she continued to run her hands through my hair, her other hand moved down in front. She was running it over my cunt now. I felt her hot breath on the back of my neck as she started working me down there, while Anass just stood silent and motionless, holding me. The Matriarch knew her stuff. It didn't take long for her to work me up. An orgasm was just what I needed right now. An orgasm, a hot shower, and a hot cup of coffee.

"That's it, little whore", she said, "just think about being beaten for your Matriarch all day. Think about the feeling on that table as you're finally punished with your neighbors. Think about being fucked by Gerald's giant cock in your ass. I know he made you cum at some point last night. When was it? Did he let you cum while he sodomized you? Or was it after your golden shower? He loves to make them cum when they're covered in his piss, doesn't he?"

This was doing it, big time. I'd forgotten all about the pain on the sole of my foot. I was getting close fast. I was going to cum like this. I was going to cum. I was going to cum. Oh god, I was just about to...

The hand stopped! It vanished from my cunt! Nooooooooooo! I was so close! So close!

I suddenly felt so cold down there without her hand rubbing me. Then I felt the Matriarch's hot breath on my ear as she talked very quietly.

"Later...IF I'm in the mood to let you cum."

I felt the Matriarch move away from my body. Then I heard the ruffling of her black robe being draped back over her body. Leashes were attached to our collars again. We were led back inside. Oh God, I'd wanted to cum so bad.

We kneeled in her kitchen with our hands behind our heads like good little pets now that our morning bladder needs had been attended to. The Matriarch sat up on the counter as she sipped her coffee. Damn, it smelled good. We waited, in silence, like good slaves. After a few sips, the Matriarch disappeared into the mudroom. She came back with two silver dog dishes, filled them with filtered water, and set them down in front of us. Then she cuffed our wrists behind us for some reason. What was up with that? Then she sat back up on the counter, looking down at us as she went back to her coffee.


Anass leaned down, which took some work, and got her face just over her bowl. Then she started lapping up her water. I did the same, of course. I knew that belt was never far away. Damn, it was hard. Like more Pilates from hell. I could really feel it in my stomach muscles. Would this sort of workout be good for taming that excess padding down there? I sure hoped so. Once my face was over my dog dish, I lapped. It still wasn't the easiest way to quench a thirst, but I was getting better at it now. Practice, right?

We emptied our dog dishes in silence as the Matriarch enjoyed a leisurely coffee. Hydrating felt good. When we were done, Anass kept her body bent down, with her face over her bowl. I did the same, assuming of course that this was protocol. After a minute or so, I heard the Matriarch moving around. I couldn't see up there to know what was going on. She took one of the dog dishes away, and pushed the other in between us. Then she emptied her half-full coffee mug into the dog dish. I heard her climb back up on the counter then.


Share? Out of the same dog dish? Really? This was my, I mean our, morning coffee? Jeez Louise. Anass started right in. I pushed my way in there and started lapping it up too. Not the tastiest experience. Black, and cold. No cream, no sugar. And nothing like a nice cold ice coffee with skim. Just flat. This was the worst coffee experience ever, and I'd suffered through my share of bad coffee. And yet, it was still coffee. I was learning a valuable lesson this morning. The worst coffee in the world is better than no coffee in the world. Jamming both our faces into the dog dish was a challenge. Our faces were scrunched up tight as we angled to keep our tongues down there. I imagine the Matriarch enjoyed this very much.

We licked that dog dish clean. It may have been a de-humanizing experience, but I finally had some morning caffeine flowing through my veins. The Matriarch snapped her fingers and pointed up. Anass got back up on her knees with her hands behind her head and I followed suit. It took some effort, and was bound to be good for our abs. We watched as the Matriarch washed our dog dishes and her coffee pot and mug in the sink. Then she clipped our leashes back on and turned her back to start walking. As the leashes went taut we crawled back through the house.

We were in the bathroom off the master bedroom now. One of the larger and nicer bathrooms I'd ever had the pleasure of kneeling in like a good little animal. The Matriarch set some rectangular rubber mats down in the shower. It was an extremely large shower, the biggest one that I'd ever seen. Turns out there was a reason for that. The Matriarch led us in by our leashes, and placed us with our knees on the mats. Thank God for those things. I'd spent more time on my knees in the past 16 hours than in my entire life beforehand. The Matriarch may have been cruel, harsh and sadistic, but she certainly valued the plight of middle-aged women and their knees. With short exceptions, I'd always found padding of some sort under my knees this weekend. These mats made the kneeling here as comfortable as I could imagine.

Again, Anass and I faced each other, with space between us, just like we were arranged last night for the Matriarch's pleasure. I got a shudder when I contemplated what that could mean. I knew what showers were used for here.

The Matriarch doffed her slippers and dis-robed (literally. She was wearing a robe after all). It was the first time I'd actually seen her completely naked. She'd kept her boots on last night, and I'd had my back to her on the patio. Of course I stared as she entered the shower, wouldn't you? She was like nothing I'd ever seen. Tall, with some of the weight that comes from being around 60, but it was proportionate to her height, and toned. She went behind me. I felt my wrists and ankles being cuffed together with another hog-tie. Curiously, she didn't bind Anass at all. I wondered why she was showing me such favoritism. After securing me, the Matriarch moved in front of me, turned around, and squatted down a little. Her ass was right in my face. It covered my field of vision. All I could see and smell was Matriarch ass. Not a small ass by any measure. I panicked a little inside. I really hoped this didn't mean what I thought it meant. I'd been a really good sport so far, and had no regrets. I was being opened up in ways I never could have imagined this weekend, and my body was certainly responding to it. But staring at that asshole that was close enough for me to reach out and taste filled me with dread. If we were in here for what I thought we were in for, I was safe-wording out.

"I told you you'd get a chance for a taste. Stick your tongue out, all the way. And leave it out until I permit it back in your mouth."

It was time to safeword...but...I didn't. I'll never know why, but I guess I just didn't want to have come this far and then throw in the towel. Maybe what I thought was going to happen wasn't. The Matriarch had proved pretty shrewd at reading me so far, and subverting my expectations. So instead of safe-wording, I stuck my tongue out. May as well get a taste before anything came out of there and I safe-worded the fuck out, right?

As my tongue made contact with the Matriarch's ass, she angled herself so that my tongue was on her cunt. Then she pushed back into me, and moved down slowly, so that my tongue seemed to move up from her cunt to her asshole and then all the way up her ass-crack. She then moved back down. She did this a few times, so that my tongue bathed her from cunt to ass-crack and back again.

"Was that a nice taste? I'll bet you've been dreaming about this moment since you snuck your first peak when I lead you back to my office the other day. Okay, enough fun. I've been holding this in all morning."

"H...holding it all in? Does this mean you haven't gone at all yet...Matriarch?"

I caught myself just in time, and referred to her as Matriarch. I'd still spoken out of turn, but instead of slapping me for that violation she just reached back to run her hand through my hair.

"Of course not, slut. Have you seen me use a bathroom this morning?"

"I...I...I just assumed you went first thing before you let us out of our cage?"

The Matriarch pushed my face back in to rub in her ass.

"Ohhhhh no. I never use a bathroom when I have slaves for toilet duty on the weekend."

Toilet duty? My heart dropped into my stomach. Being covered in piss had been a hard bridge to cross last night. But I'd done it. And I wasn't naïve at this point about what kneeling in a shower entailed in this house. But my face was pressed right into her ass, while she was talking about toilet duty. I was going to have to safe-word out of this. I hated to do it, because it felt like throwing away a huge investment I'd made in pushing my inhibitions. I was just starting to say it when...

...The Matriarch pushed my face out of her ass and turned around! Yep, now her cunt was right in front of my face instead.

"You didn't seriously think I'd shit on you on our first date, did you?"

I could feel my face go red. Honestly, with everything I'd experienced this weekend, and the things I'd learned, I wouldn't have put anything past her. But now I felt silly. I also felt incredibly relieved. Hard to believe, isn't it? I was relieved that I was about to be pissed on instead of shitted on. I guess that was the Matriarch's genius at subverting expectations and manipulating the emotions of her slaves. The Matriarch put her cunt right in my face and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, a dribble of piss dripped out onto my face.

Ew! It wasn't like Gerald's last night. His had been mostly water. This was pungent. It smelled. She really had been holding it in all morning. I closed my eyes instinctively. I'm glad I did, because that little dribble morphed into Niagara Falls in no time. The sudden onslaught probably would have blinded me. I felt the Matriarch was trying to drown my in an ocean of urine. As she gushed, she pushed and pulled me by the hair as she moved around to straddle my entire body. She was serious about this. Every square inch of my body was going to be her toilet. This was my reality. It was only a few minutes, but it seemed to take forever.             

Then the stream stopped almost as abruptly as it started, which seemed weird to me. The Matriarch was back in front of me. She grabbed my very wet hair, yanked it back and straddled my face.

"Don't worry, I always save a little for this."

She resumed her pissing. This time it went straight into my mouth.

"Drink, like a good little toilet."

I wasn't ready for this. I nearly choked as it filled my mouth and spilled out every which way, down my chin, my cheeks, over my closed eyes, down my nostrils. As if the smell hadn't been strong enough before. The Matriarch was not satisfied with my performance. She stopped pissing, moved back, yanked my hair back up, and slapped me. I was on the verge of freaking out here. Then she slapped me again.

"What's your safeword?" she demanded. I was too discombobulated to get it out. The Matriarch put her hand up to slap me again.

"I said, what's your safeword?"

" room. Panic room", I sputtered.

"Take a moment here, take a breath."

I did as she commanded, with her grip on my hair and her hand up to slap me again. Despite that, and the smell and the taste and the feel of piss all over, I stared into her eyes, and shut down all thinking. Just concentrated on my breathing.

"Now listen carefully. Say the words panic room. That means we're done here. My bathroom is yours to clean up in as long as you want, and your husband will be in my living room to take you home. Think very carefully if that's the best thing for you. If I don't hear those words, we go back to work. I train you to drink a superior woman's urine like an obedient fuck-slave. And believe me, you need training."

I thought I'd gone through everything I could have gone through last night. But I should have known better. That shower and the ride home sure sounded great right now. Really great. But I stayed silent. The Matriarch gave me another moment as she looked at my face for clues of my mental state. Then she tilted my head back and straddled over me again. I opened my mouth for her.

"You need to concentrate on this. Breath through your nose. Swallow in steady gulps. Let as much of it spill out of your mouth as you need to. Like anything, you'll bet better with practice. And remember, this is what it takes to please your Matriarch."

With her cunt straddling my face, the stream of piss resumed again, straight into my mouth. I hadn't used my safeword, so I was in this for everything. I had tried to listen to her every word, but it was still hard. The piss was so unrelenting. I was just doing my best to keep anymore of it from flowing up my nostrils. I got into a rhythm of lapping and swallowing, and was able to keep from choking anymore. The taste was indescribable. Well, it was actually like what you imagine really strong urine tastes like. Watching someone piss so close to my face just added to the surreal experience.

After what seemed like forever, as I'm sure you can understand, the pissing began to let up. The torrential downpour ratcheted down to a trickle, and then a few last remaining drops. After the last drop, which I dutifully swallowed like a good little bitch, I just stared up at that shaved cunt millimeters from my face. The aromas were so strong. Then the Matriarch let go of my hair as she moved back in front of me. She bent forward and put her shoulders on me for balance. This pushed her ass right into Anass' face. The Matriarch then flashed a cruel little smile as she looked me in the eye and arched an eyebrow. Then, I swear to God, her face contorted in a mask of deep concentration as she closed her eyes. I had never seen this look personally on anyone before, but I knew instinctively what it was.

It was a bowel movement. She was pushing something out of her ass. Yuck!

I looked between her legs. I saw Anass' body back there, pressed up against the Matriarch, but nothing dropping onto the shower floor.

I looked back up at the Matriarch's face. Her face relaxed. She opened her eyes, looked down at me, and made eye contact. Then she smiled that thin cruel smile again, closed her eyes, and her face contorted into that "pushing something out" look. She grunted this time, and reached back with one hand to press Anass's head even further into her ass. She didn't need to. Anass' head was as far up the Matriarch's ass as it could go. The control just turned the Matriarch on. Anass reached around to grab the Matriarch's hips.

"Ooooooohhhhhhh, yessssssssssss..." the Matriarch moaned. "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes."

The Matriarch opened her eyes again, between pushes, and made eye contact with me.

"Anything dripping down back there?"

I shook my head no. The Matriarch smiled and pushed again. I could see Anass' body undulate as she worked hard to swallow back there. This most sordid of affairs seemed to go on forever. I just kneeled and watched the show...and listened to it. The silence in this shower was so eerie, nothing but the sounds of a middle-aged suburban wife and mother swallowing another woman's shit. I swear I could hear the Matriarch's anus contract and expand as well, but that could have just been my imagination. I felt the piss drying on my body as I tried to make sense of this exhibition. The smell from the combination was almost overpowering. You would think this would be the leading candidate for single most uncomfortable moment in life. But if I'm being honest, the talk with my husband about my near-affair and subsequent blackmail situation still trumped it. Funny though, this was the first time I'd even thought about that since the Matriarch's strap came crashing down on my ass last night. Before that, I hadn't been able to get it out of my mind.


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