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Robin Gets Her Revenge


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"So this is the prettier sister that Robin has told me about. My goodness but you're beautiful," his penis bobbed a little as it got a little stiffer. I wondered if that was me that was causing Jeremy to get aroused. He put his arm on my chair and on my shoulders as we talked. He smelled really good also; he had on enticing cologne that I really liked; it was the same as what Mark wore. He was so close to me that I couldn't help noticing how handsome he was and in what excellent shape he was. I was surprised to find out that he was in fact a sales representative for one of the companies at our show and made the same circuit of trade shows and conferences that Robin and I visited. He did this stripper activity because it gave him a kick to dance naked in front of hundreds of screaming women. He did this in several big cities like Las Vegas via arrangement with the different clubs; in each club he had auditioned by entering an amateur dance competition and winning each one. He had met Robin that way last year and they had soon become friends. They would often have dinner together. And yes he had slept with Robin.

At this point in the conversation Robin, listening in on our conversation, interjected, "Oh my god, Sherry, he is fucking fantastic in the sack. I about lost my mind the night we slept together. He's so big and so skilled!!"

Jeremy responded with embarrassment, "Robin, you're embarrassing me. I'm just another guy who is unattached. I like it that way." During this exchange I glanced down and was in awe at how big and stiff Jeremy's cock had become. My goodness!! I started getting warm and then found myself getting wet between the legs.

Seeing Alice return to our table looking absolutely rosy and happy I blurted out a question, "Jeremy, do you visit the room with the red drapes with some of the ladies at your shows?"

Smiling and placing his free hand high up on my thigh in a place that made me conscious how close his fingers were to where I wanted him to touch me, he asked suggestively, "Why? You interested?" I almost jumped at the offer and then I stopped myself. Jeremy continued, "I rarely do that, but you are as beautiful and delicious as Robin has said you were." I turned and smiled my appreciation to Robin and I felt warm inside at the thought that maybe we could stay close buddies like we had before Mark. "If you want I can give you a private, all-night experience. I would absolutely love to do that for you." As if his thoughts took physical form Jeremy's penis stiffened harder and the tip of his penis was now unsheathed from his foreskin. It was very hard to resist, but then I thought of my kids and Mark and I stood up and excused myself. I quickly headed to the Ladies Room and splashed my face and neck with cold water. When I looked in the mirror my skin was a bright red. God, but I wanted to fuck that man!!! I had to get control of myself...for Mark...and for the kids. Thank goodness; the tense moment had been broken by me standing up and by splashing copious amounts of cold water on my face and my neck..

When I returned to the table I noticed that Jeremy had moved on to other tables. My goodness but his firm, round, ebony-skinned butt was a delicious sight!! I was grateful he had moved away. When I sat back down at the table Robin looked a little miffed. "Sherry, Jeremy was putting his heart out there for you. Why did you leave? It would have been one fantastic night and Mark wouldn't have to know. Look at Alice...happily married because her husband George doesn't know that she occasionally gets off on the road. It's made their marriage better. She's full of life and energy, and George thinks his wife is a tiger in the sack because she's missed him. It works out for everyone."

Robin didn't understand. It would be a lie that I would have to live with. "Sorry, Robin, I just couldn't. Sorry I disappointed you and upset Jeremy. He seems like a nice man." We left shortly thereafter as all of us women had to be back at the trade show looking perky and making those sales we all needed for our income bright and early the next morning.

The next day, the fifth day, was pretty much the same as the day before. Robin and I tag teamed multiple guys and made big sales. Robin suggested that we should really put on the dog and let two guys who were loaded take us out to dinner and dancing at one of the poshest places in town. A nice lobster and steak dinner and some refined dancing I could handle so I agreed. As usual I called Mark but got no answer so left a long voice mail for him and the kids. I missed them and would be glad to be back home the next day. I would have a whole week off and then on to Atlanta for one of our biggest conferences. That would be yet another five days away from the family. But at this point I was looking forward to big sales despite feeling exhausted from the non-stop day and night activity. It had been a long time since I had seen so much action. I needed something to help me get through this trip, the time at home and the trip the next week in Atlanta.

Telling Robin about how exhausted I felt Robin suggested I take one of the medications she was beginning to market to various doctors on a trial basis. It hadn't been approved by the FDA but she felt it would. She told me it was formulated especially for women and would raise my energy levels without any side effects. It came from a German pharmaceutical firm. The pills were pink and heart-shaped in order to be appealing to women. She had samples that could be handed out with warnings that it hadn't been approved, but she had several studies that said it was safe. As I said I trusted Robin's opinion especially on pharmaceuticals. That morning I took the first tablet and by that evening as we got ready for our double date I did feel slightly more energetic.

It was while preparing to change that Robin suggested I wear my sexy blue clubbing dress and forego any underwear. The blue dress was a slinky, wraparound dress that without a bra, panties and hose left almost nothing to the imagination. But I surprised myself by responding, "Sure. Why not?" I found myself wanting to dress a little sexier than the nights before.

Dinner was fabulous and the club we went to was right down the street from the restaurant and was restricted to certain members of the public. As Dan and Brett's dates Robin and I got in. Dan and Brett owned several medical distribution wholesalers and were raking in the dough. We dined on champagne and continued on champagne at the club. Feeling the champagne go to my head and having memories of Jeremy's body and manner from the night before fill my mind sexually, I was feeling a little out of control. Although I was feeling much hornier this troubled me. I didn't want anything to happen, but I did. So I insisted with Robin that neither guy was coming back to the hotel room tonight. I lied to her and said that I wanted to be rested for our flights back tomorrow. But a part of me was feeling so randy that I feared what might happen.

So when that point in the evening arrived when our dates, having forked out a ton of money on us were hoping to spend the night with us at either their rooms or ours Robin talked to them and we all headed back separately to our respective rooms. I was pleasantly surprised that Robin had persuaded the guys to stay away. She was protecting me.

Back in our room I stripped naked, brushed my teeth and gargled and slipped between the sheets. Thank goodness I wouldn't have to wear those earplugs for at least one night.

Later that night I dreamed and it was an erotic dream. Jeremy, Brett and my husband kept changing places. They each were caressing my skin and placing soft kisses on my shoulders and neck. As my dream progressed I felt Mark separate my thighs and he began to enter me from behind. With a start I realized this wasn't a dream; it was fucking real!! I fully awoke and found Brett's nude body flush against my back and his stiff penis starting to enter me. I screamed, jumped off the bed and slapped him silly. I was pissed!!!

"I just thought you wanted it like your sister. You were pretty friendly last night, you weren't wearing any underwear and you were sending out all kinds of sexual signals; Robin said we should come back to the room later so that you could rest a little before the fun would start, and you were sleeping here all naked and uncovered. Sorry, Sherry, but what was I to think." He paused, clearly upset at my reaction, but I also noticed that he was checking me out standing there butt naked. He still had a major erection. He continued, "And Robin said you would like to have some 'quality time away from your old man'."

After grabbing up a blanket to wrap around myself I glared at Robin who was standing there with Dan, both of them naked and looking disheveled like they had just been messing around. "Sherry, I'm sorry sis. I think that Brett misunderstood and I'm sorry I lied to you about inviting the guys to come back to our room. I was planning to have them both to myself, little sis. But you were totally naked over there and uncovered and we all noticed that your hips were grinding something or someone and you were moaning suggestively so I thought Brett might be able to assist you with what you were dreaming about." It all sounded pretty fishy but I gave Brett, Dan and my sister the benefit of the doubt. Dan, Brett and Robin slipped back into her bed and I went out on the couch in our suite to sleep safely in case Brett got any more ideas about me.

The next day we headed home. At home my husband took care of everything for me; he washed my clothes, drew a warm bubble bath, and made a scrumptious dinner. The medication which Robin had given me had perked me up considerably. That first night back after we put the kids to bed I made love to Mark like I hadn't in a long time, not since Robin and her lovers had aroused us to our own loud lovemaking. It was a good thing the kids were sound sleepers. Both Mark and I were repeatedly moaning and groaning as we made love throughout the night. Mark even asked me, "Wow, you should go away more often. What's gotten into you? You're fantastic, baby."

"Nothing's gotten into me," I lied. I couldn't tell him about Brett's penis being inside of me just the night before. I figured it would only trouble Mark and, after all, I had thrown Brett out of my bed and he had been nice after that as had Dan and my sister Robin. I was still believing in my sister...naively it turned out.

The next several days were wonderful as I spent as much time as possible with Mark and the children. Each day I took the pink pill as Robin had suggested; I liked what it was doing for my energy levels and liked the bedtime side effects with Mark. During the days I spent time with the family and prepared for the trade show in Atlanta. It was a big one which covered all dealers in the South, especially Florida and Texas, big states for exercise and sports medicine equipment.

But too soon I was getting on a plane and flying off to Atlanta to partner with Robin and to spend five days of intensive sales and entertaining of our potential customers. Our hotel room was a suite as always. This was a good thing as far as I was concerned. It would give me a place to retreat if my sister entertained her gentlemen callers with too much noise and action. Although the renewed energy I felt was also raising my libido to levels I hadn't experienced since my college days, I didn't want any more encounters like what had happened on the last day in Vegas.

The first three days of the trade show went smoothly...kind of. During the days Robin and I worked our magic with customers and lined up multiple orders for what we had to sell; it was great for business. However I was finding it hard to concentrate due to feeling almost constantly horny. In fact on the second day I excused myself at lunch time, went back to our room and masturbated to relieve the tension that was building up inside of me. As I fantasized I started out with Mark in my thoughts but then began to think of Brett who had actually had his penis up inside of me and then lastly Jeremy with that beautiful brown cock of his standing out hard from his taut almost hairless belly. It was with thoughts of him pushing that gorgeous cock up inside of me that I orgasmed. I shook and shook and shook with a very intense orgasm. I had clenched so tightly during my orgasmic spasms that my butt cheeks ached slightly. My was thoroughly soaked with the cream pouring out of my vagina. I had to grab a towel and dab up the fluid pouring out of me. Wow, what a great orgasm! This totally relieved the tension for the rest of the day, but by evening I was feeling very horny again.

That evening I asked Robin, "Are you sure these pills I've been taking are all right?"

"Do you have more energy than before?"

I responded, "Yes...but."

"But what?"

"Well, I'm finding myself getting very horny. Almost all the time."

"Girl, you've been so long with that one man that you've forgotten what increased energy does to women like you and me. More energy...more libido. It's natural, sis. If you want you can stop the pills, but with the sales you've been racking up you might want to wait until Friday when you head back home."

I thought about it for a moment and surmised that I could hold out for the four remaining days. I'd just be doing a lot of masturbating. Little did I know that Robin was lying and I would suffer greater and greater need for sexual release in the ensuing days and that she would have more tricks up her sleeve from her little case of pharmaceuticals.

On the second evening we headed out for dinner and dancing like we had in Las Vegas. On the first evening I had begged off, wanting to study up for some potential clients the next day. My date was very attractive. While dancing I found myself leaning into him and allowing his body and his hands to press against mine. The thrill in my belly was fantastic. I was damp most of the night from arousal. And while dancing I found myself pressing my body hard against his. I enjoyed the feel of his stiffening penis as he pressed against my belly and between my legs.

Robin like before had selected our dates. Michael was a tall, muscular Mediterranean man with jet black hair, dark eyes, the hint of a five o'clock shadow on his face, and olive colored skin. Robin's date, also a Michael, was completely different. He was a redhead, an actual Irishman, with whom Robin had done repeated business. They both liked to party and Michael had suggested Italian Michael as my date. When the time came to head back to our room, Robin suggested that the guys come by later after I had fallen asleep. She made a big deal about me being married and being true to my husband. But Robin said she would love to have both men share her bed if they were not afraid of a threesome.

I was a little suspicious based on what had happened in Vegas, but I let it go. I would be bundled up in PJ's tonight. Before he left, however, Italian Michael said to me, "Sweet dreams, luscious Sherry. Sorry it can't be you tonight. Damn, but you're beautiful."

His complement went right to my head and to my humming pelvis. I really wanted to invite him into my bed badly, but I resisted. Robin and I headed back to our room and I was soon undressed, into a pajama top and pajama bottoms, no panties, and was soon asleep.

In a half daze I felt someone snuggle against my back. I didn't resist. I found myself enjoying the warmth and manly scent as a strong arm wrapped around my shoulder. I soon dozed off again. It was the next morning when I woke up saw the same arm draped across my chest and felt warm breath on my neck that I realized I had slept with Michael. The thick dark hair on his arm told me that. But as I woke up from my sleep I quickly realized that my top was gone. His arm was against my bare breasts and his left hand was cupping my right breast, almost cradling it; my nipple was quite erect and aroused. And then I realized that my bottoms too were gone; I could feel Michael's penis nestled against my bared backside. Unlike the week before and maybe because Michael hadn't tried to have sex with me I calmly slid out from under his arm to go to the bathroom and to prepare for a new day's activity. As I stood at the side of the bed I lifted the sheet so I could gaze at his penis. Oh my, it was beautiful to see. It was about five inches long, about an inch and a half across and was tipped with a sizable circumcised mushroom cap. His belly and his testicles were covered with thick dark hair.

He had awakened while I was studying his groin and startled me a little when he said, "Do you like, Sherry? How about if we share the shower?" He said this quietly because the Irish Michael and my sister Robin were entangled on my sister's bed and still sleeping; or so I thought. Italian Michael stood up and his cock was even more enticing as it hung partially erect. Gosh, but I wanted to run into his strong arms, smell his scent, run kisses down his hairy torso and encircle that magnificent penis with my lips until I felt his semen jet down my throat.

Instead I put my hand on Michael's shoulder and said, "Michael I really appreciate that you simply slept with me last night, although I don't know if you or I removed my PJ's. That's embarrassing and I apologize. It was very nice, however, to wake up next to you all warm and cozy and not have you trying to force yourself on me. But despite what Robin might have told you, I have every intention of keeping faithful to my husband, Mark." And with that I headed into the bathroom to shower and prepare for the day. I was soon joined in the bathroom by Robin and her bedmate Irish Michael, who not being as nice as Italian Michael, tried to climb into the shower with me and spent some time ogling me while I showered. But then he and Robin entertained each other after I left the shower. Italian Michael had already left. I dressed and did my makeup and hair for the day.

The third day was marvelous for sales. I had lunch with Italian Michael and he brought me some new customers. I appreciated his kindness, but my thoughts became mixed up with pictures of his dark, taut manly body stretched out against the white sheets of my bed and what his body had felt like spooned against mine. It was almost too distracting. Several times I had to force myself to bring my attention back to my customers surrounding the lunch table.

That evening fortunately Robin said we were going out with the girls, almost the same crew of friends with whom we had partied back in Vegas. Well at least there wouldn't be any men trying to get me in the sack. Again we visited an incredible strip joint which had nude male dancers who would go as far as you wanted, as long as you were willing to do whatever in front of everybody else. They also had a private dance room like the club in Vegas.

Again the entertainment was bawdy with several women being invited or even dragged up on stage to suck some dancer's penis in front of her girlfriends and the whole audience. This time, however, I became totally aroused and began to entertain thoughts of visiting the private dance room to suck off one of these incredibly handsome and hung dancers. Again Alice, the married mom, was in our crew and again she pulled out a condom and dragged a red-haired dancer into the private room. She came out disheveled but with the biggest grin on her face. "Ohmigod, that boy is incredible, he kept me humming through three separate orgasms and he never came. He about wore that condom out." The girls all laughed uproariously and so did I. Something had definitely changed over the last two weeks. I was entertaining serious thoughts of inviting a man who could make me cum three times too.

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