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Robin Meade Contest

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Dinner with Robin in Vegas leads to a whole lot more.
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I'm a recently divorced man; I'm 38 years old and have been told several times, by women that I'm rather attractive and a catch. I've always shrugged it off, but after my divorce, whenever I went to a nightclub or bar, I've been hit upon many times.

I was watching HLN one morning and a contest caught my eye. They were having a promotion where anyone could enter. The winner of the contest would be flown out to Las Vegas and have dinner with Robin Meade while she was performing there over the holidays. It included airfare, a luxury suite for three days, front row seating to her performance and dinner afterwards. I entered on a whim and forgot all about it.

Late in November I received a call and the voice on the other end said; "Please hold for Robin Meade."

I thought it was one of my buddies playing a prank on me and I was going to play along with it.

A throaty voice came over the line; "Hello, is this John Mitchell? This is Robin Meade and I wanted to inform you that you are the winner of the contest to have dinner with me in Las Vegas."

I played along with it and after a few minutes she caught on that I didn't believe it was her; "John, please hang up after taking down this number. Turn on your TV and watch my show. In about ten minutes I'll be announcing the winner of our contest. You'll see then that this isn't a prank. Please give me a call back after my show ends and we'll talk."

She hung up before I could reply and I did as she asked and I was floored when my name was announced. I felt like a fool and after her show ended I called her; "Hello, is Robin Meade there?"

She giggled; "Is this you John? Do you believe me now?"

"I'm so sorry Robin, my friends are a bunch of pranksters and I really thought they were calling to pull my leg."

She laughed again; "I understand, don't sweat it, but promise me, when my producer calls with the info for your trip, please give her the benefit of a doubt that she is calling for me."

I laughed; "I don't think you're going to let me forget this are you?"

She laughed again; "No way John, listen I have to go, and congrats and I can't wait to meet you in person, you sound like hellava guy, take care!" she hung up again before I could reply.

A few days later her producer called and filled me in and a couple days after Christmas I was on a plane for Vegas. Robin had the holidays off and was mainlining a show at the Venetian. I checked into my room and an hour or so after arriving there was a knock on my door. I opened it and there standing before me was Robin Meade. She looked even better in person, and considerably shorter than I anticipated. My eyes were drawn to her huge chest; it was larger in person, seeing she wasn't on camera and could let those babies free.

She noticed where my gaze landed and she brushed past me and entered my room. She was wearing a royal blue long-sleeved pullover top. It clung to her chest and showed just how large they were. It hugged her tight tummy and tiny waist. Her low-rider jeans clung to her hips and molded her tight ass. It was evident; she worked out daily to keep that tight body in shape for her show in Vegas. Her dark brown hair was streaked in blonde highlights and was pulled back in a tight ponytail. I started to get hard, imagining pulling on it while I pumped my stiff cock in her from behind as my hands molded those luscious tits of hers.

She spun around and caught me checking out her body once again and she began to blush. "Aw well John, I just wanted to welcome you to Sin City and wanted to know if there was anything you needed, but I can tell if I ask you that, you may answer me and I wouldn't know how to answer that loaded request."

It was my turn to smile back at her; "Well Ms. Meade I always am the perfect gentleman and would never, ever press the issue when it comes to what a man and woman would or wouldn't do behind closed doors. Seeing these doors are closed, I will refrain from making any unwanted advances upon someone as classy or as married as you are."

She smiled and nodded; "I must say you are the perfect gentleman. I will look forward to our dinner tonight. I have a seat reserved in the front row for my performance; I'll meet you backstage afterwards, till tonight!" She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on my cheek and in doing so made sure her firm breasts pressed against my arm. She was out the door before I could stop her.

I dressed in my best dark suit and was ready thirty minutes before the show was to begin. I thought I'd visit her in her dressing room before she went on stage. I knocked lightly on her door and I thought I heard soft crying from inside.

She blurted out; "Come in!"

I walked in with a smile on my face, but it quickly disappeared. Robin had been crying and she looked distraught and I couldn't see how she could perform tonight. I took a step closer and stooped down and looked up into her puffy eyes, in barely a whisper I spoke; "What happened Robin, what can I do, are you alright?"

She looked into my eyes and she again broke down and started crying.

I slid forward and drew her into my arms. All thoughts of having sex with her, even though I knew all along it wasn't possible quickly evaporated. I rubbed her gently on her stiff back and she slowly relaxed and placed her head on my shoulder and the waterworks came flowing out once again. I felt her body being drawn against me even harder and she slowly began to recover from her outburst. She drew back from me and her nose was running.

I reached into my suitcoat pocket and pulling out a handkerchief; I handed it to her and she took it. After a few minutes, she had regained her composure and slowly sat back and taking a deep breath, she suddenly realized what she just did. Her hand came up to her mouth; "Oh my god John, I'm so sorry. You must think I'm a real nut case."

I leaned back and resting on my heels I shook my head; "Something really horrible must have happened for you to come unwound like this, come on, I have broad shoulders, tell me what happened?"

Robin took a deep breath and let it out and she shuttered; "I may be a TV news anchor and a headliner in Vegas, but I can't keep my husband happy. We came here to further my career in singing and to jumpstart our marriage. Well that all went out the window when he packed his bags and boarded a plane back to Atlanta. He told me we were through and turned and left. We were to stay here through New Year's Day and then go back together, that all went to shit!"

I stood and came over to her, I rubbed her slumping shoulders and whispered out; "You have to cancel your performance tonight. You are in no shape to go out there and perform."

She shook her head; "I have to go on, just to show that prick of a husband that it doesn't matter if he's here or not. Please keep this to yourself. We can still go out for dinner afterwards, I do owe you that."

It was my turn to shake my head; "No, no way Robin. You are no condition to babysit a fan who won a contest, maybe some other time. I'll keep this a secret, but please cut the show short, if not for yourself, but for your fans."

She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face; "How so John?"

"I don't think they would feel too good to see you breakdown halfway through your show."

She nodded; "Okay, I'll talk with the producers and tell them I'm slightly under the weather, thanks for thinking about me, at least I have one friend here in Vegas."

I looked at her, she was dressed in a dark grey dress, and it had sliver threads woven through it making it even more elegant. The skirt was full and stiff and when she stood, it flowed out and showed off her gorgeous legs, even some of her luscious thighs. I noticed she had a red camisole under it and I broke out in a smile. She looked at me funny; "What, why are you grinning?"

"I have an idea, if you really want to breakout and show that unsupportive husband of yours, what would you think about losing the camisole and show a little more cleavage, maybe some sexy lace from your bra?"

She blushed and slowly a grin broke out; "I think that's an excellent idea. As a matter of fact, all of my clothes tonight will show off more of me. Let him see I don't give a hoot what he thinks!"

I raised my hand to my mouth; "Oh my god Robin, such language from you, you're really letting it all hang loose aren't you?"

She giggled and slapped me playfully; "Don't mock me, it's hard for me to swear, maybe you can help me with that."

I smiled back at her; "Fuck yeah I can!"

She laughed out loud and came to me and gave me a big hug; "You have no idea how happy I am that you showed up when you did. I was a broken and defeated woman, but you showed me I can stand on my own two feet."

I shook my head; "No not really Robin, you always have been, but I just help you see it." I leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek and she turned her head and our lips met in a soft gentle kiss. I pulled away and looked into her large dark eyes. I began grinning from ear to ear; "How about you get ready, loose the camisole and I'll be out in the audience cheering you on, knock 'em dead. I'll come and see you after the show, just remember you're beautiful and very talented and don't you forget it!"

"You better, thanks again and I'll try and remember that!"

I got to my seat and about fifteen minutes later the lights dimmed and the emcee introduced Robin. My mouth dropped when she came out, her huge tits were bursting from her dress. The lacy black bra was showing as it tried desperately to hold them in place. I couldn't look everywhere at once. As she spun around her full stiff skirt rode higher on her body showing her gorgeous legs. As she bounced around her full firm breasts threatened to pop free and her singing and dancing was amazing. She left the stage and returned wearing a white flapper type shimmering dress. It clung to her every curve and after seeing her in this on You Tube I realized the skirt was higher and the neckline was lower and if I wasn't mistaken she was singing and dancing around without a bra. She left the stage and returned one last time wearing the identical dress, but in red, she looked and sounded amazing. After a good hour and fifteen minutes, she bowed and left the stage and the crowd erupted in applause. I waited a few minutes and showing my backstage pass snuck back there and knocked on her door.

Robin flung it open and bounced up and down. She threw her arms around my neck and planted a hot quick kiss on my lips. She pulled back and her eyes were sparkling and she had a huge grin on her face. "Oh my god John, you were right! Throughout the entire show I kept running through my mind what you said that I was beautiful and talented and it really, really worked!"

I held her at arms-length and with a serious look on my face, I shook my head from side to side; "Sorry Robin, but I was wrong. I should have said that you are beautiful, talented and incredibly desirable!"

Her face went from concerned to relieved. She threw her arms around my neck and planted an even hotter and longer kiss on my lips. Pulling back she smiled broadly and blurted out; "Come on, we have a dinner to go to. We're celebrating your contest win and my new found confidence!"

Before I could rein her in and try to corral her enthusiasm, she slammed the door shut yelling out; "I have to change, give me five!"

Ten minutes passed and she came out looking ever hotter than when she was on stage. She had a short flowing black wrap-around dress on. Her feet were in a pair of strappy high heels and the bodice of her dress tried to part and expose those huge firm breasts of hers. She grabbed me by the hand and pulled me after her; "Come on John, we have some celebrating to do. I called down and reserved a nice quiet table for the two of us. I have all of this new found energy and I have you to thank for it!"

The maître D' led us to our table and we ordered a couple drinks and Robin ordered a bottle of bubbly. We finally sat back and let the excitement of her new found confidence calm down. She grabbed my hands and clutched at them looked me in the eye, she whispered; "I don't want this night to end, but we have some serious partying to do first!"

I looked across at her and cleared my throat; "Um Robin, are you wearing a bra?"

She giggled and leaned across the table and whispered; "No panties either, I was trying out your other observation of me, I was seeing if I really am desirable and from the reaction I'm getting from you, it's looking very, very good!"

Over the next three hours we drank, ate, danced, and drank some more. She leaned over and her tits nearly spilled out of her dress, grabbing my hands in hers she whispered; "I'm getting tired John, what would you say we head up to my suite. I'd really love to show you the incredible view from my suite."

I licked my lips and looked her up and down and all I could do was nod. We headed out and the ride up the elevator was the most uncomfortable moments of my life. Once in her suite it lightened up. Robin tossed her card key on the table and kicking off her strappy heels she headed for the bar; "How about a nightcap?"

I shook my head and replied; "No, no thank you Robin, I've had enough to drink. I think I should head out, I don't want to start something we both may regret in the morning."

She giggled; "I know I wouldn't have any regrets, come look at the view and as for the morning, it's already morning!"

I stood there and watched her move over to the huge window and all I could see was her exquisite figure outlined in the picture window and I was star struck. My mouth went dry and I felt a stirring in my loins.

She didn't look back; "Come and check out this fantastic view!"

I walked towards her; "Oh Robin, right now I see the most incredible view I've ever seen and it isn't outside the window." I heard her suck in her breath and when I reached her; I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her slowly up against my hard body.

Robin leaned back against me and began grinding her ass up and down my swollen cock. Leaning further I swept her long brown hair from her neck and began planting hot wet kisses all along her slender neck. She let out a growl and I nipped, sucked, licked and even bit down on her sensitive flesh. Holding her hair up, I continued along the nape of her neck to the other side. I had her panting and moaning continually. I let go of her hair and it draped over my face, but I continued to ravish her neck and shoulder blade. I slipped one hand down to her waist and finding the folds of her dress; I slipped between them and began caressing her heaving belly. I moved closer to the juncture of her thighs, but kept away. I wanted to make her beg for my hands on her pussy. My other hand slid across her shoulder and tugging at the material of the dress, it parted and I slipped my hand down and cupped one unbelievably firm, full breast.

Her breath caught in her throat and she twisted her head around and captured my mouth with her own and she tongue fucked my mouth with her tongue. Her groans got louder when I captured one of her stiff nipples and twisted it roughly with my thumb and index finger. Letting go I ran the tips of my fingers around and around her silver dollar sized areole. She tore her mouth from mine and took a step back. Looking at me with those smoky dark eyes, a sly smile crossed her lips. She reached down and untying the dress, she wiggled her shoulders and the material crumpled about her ankles. She struck a pose and I just stood there in awe looking at her.

Her long wavy hair was disheveled and was draped across her shoulders and down her back. It barely hid her full swaying tits. They were always the focal point of her when I watched her on TV and now was no different. They stood high and were as firm as can be. Looking lower, her tight belly rose and fell from her heavy breathing and those ample tits showed off her tiny waist. The dark shadows between her thighs left me to drool as I saw droplets of her juices coating her extremely thick, dark bush. Her legs were amazing, slim thighs, shapely calves and cute, tiny feet. Looking back to her face, she was licking her lips and when she bit down on her lower lip, I was lost. As I approached her, she put up her hand.

"I'm at a disadvantage her John?"

I looked at her; "What are you talking about?"

"I'm completely naked and you still have all of your clothes on. Can we do something about that?"

I smiled at her and nodded; "Okay, do you want to help?"

She giggled and nodded causing her full tits to sway. I removed my coat and went to work on my tie and shirt. Robin dropped to her knees and tore open my belt and pants. Pulling the zipper down, she yanked down my pants, removed my shoes, socks and pants. I had my shirt off and stood there in my boxers watching Robin's eyes bug out by the tent my cock caused. She reached for my boxers and I stopped her.

I reached down and grabbed her under her arms and pulled her to her feet. She protested, but I stopped her; "Robin, before we go any further are you sure about this. Let me tell you, right now there isn't anything I'd rather do than to take you into your bedroom and make love to you all night, but you just had a traumatic event. Your husband left you and I think you may regret this tomorrow."

She smiled up at me and leaning forward planted a quick kiss on my lips; "Listen John, I'm very appreciative that you are putting my feelings before your needs, but the one thing I left out was that when he left, he turned just before leaving and told me he was filing for a divorce. So you can see IT IS over and I really, really need this. Are you going to satisfy me or will I need to head out onto the strip and pick-up some random stud?"

I took a step back, gripped my shorts and pulled them down; "Ta da! Here it is, come and get it!"

She took a step closer and was about to drop to her knees but I grabbed her and in one swift motion, picked her up in my arms and carrying her to her bedroom, I dropped her on the turned down mattress and watched her bounce twice.

She was laughing and giggling as she tried to recover from my move, but she let out a loud groan when I slipped onto the bed and hovered over her sexy body. Her eyes focused on my cock as it swayed back and forth between my thighs. She reached for it, but I trapped her arm between the two of us as I lowered my body to hers.

I grabbed both of her hands and clutching them in one hand above her head, I combed my fingers of my free hand through her long sexy hair. Cupping her face I caressed her cheek and lips. As they parted, I lowered my mouth and kissed her deeply. The kiss quickly turned heated and I ground my body to hers. Pulling back, she stared into my dark brown eyes and she licked her lips; "I see you like to be the dominate one, I like that."

I smiled down at her; "Sometimes Robin, other times I like equal participation, but after what you've been through, I thought it would be best if I took care of you and didn't leave anything left to chance." Before she could reply, I covered her mouth with mine again and for the next several minutes, all we did was kiss.

I finally released her hands and started downward. I spend a lot of time on her sexy neck and sexy shoulders. I didn't miss an inch of flesh on her upper chest and by the time I reached her straining tits, she was squirming all over the bed. Having her trapped, I was able to go at my pace wanting to make her so turned on, she would cum just from me sucking on those luscious tits of hers, the ones I've been yearning for, for several years.

My hands were sliding all over her luscious body when my mouth captured one gorgeous nipple. I worried it as I flicked it back and forth. I sucked on it hard, then lightly. I ran my tongue around the huge areole causing her to moan louder and louder. I moved to the other one and repeated the process.

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