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Rodney's Nude Humiliation Ch. 04

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Rodney poses for his Mom and Mrs Reilly
5.5k words

Part 4 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/17/2023
Created 06/09/2017
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The two women were seated in the living room. Rodney had just walked in, clutching the paper bag with his loin cloth, moccasins and headband.

Shit, he thought. His mother is entertaining the famous Mrs Reilly. The lean, lustrous local celebrity.

Oh my god, he thought. The first time she had ever been in their house.

She was said to be a friend of eminent people including the outspoken Senator Joseph McCarthy, the famous Ambassador Joseph Kennedy and New York's Cardinal Spellman. She lived in that nineteenth century mansion, one of the state's well known historic homes, with its vast garden. "She is the chatelaine," Rodney's English teacher Ada Braithwaite had said. "The lady of the chateau."

Seated next to his mother she wore an elegant night-blue suit and a pearl necklace and looked out through black-rimmed cats eyes glasses. She was smoking a Chesterfield cigarette ("Always milder Better tasting Cooler smoking") holding aloft to one side the longest of cigarette holders. Her smoke flavoured the air, mixed with her suffocating, spicy perfume. Yes, this was the same Mrs Reilly who was convening these mothers' club meetings where discipline for boys was the one subject of conversation. Who was said to be an advocate of "old fashioned discipline" or "frontier discipline."

Whatever that meant she had been rumoured to have applied it to her sons, now grown up and fled Minnesota: one to serve in the army in Berlin, married shamefully to a German bargirl, the other to trade in Southern antiques in Savannah with a male friend.

This, too, was the same Mrs Reilly who, according to Stevie Lynton, was now delivered young male offenders by the local police, boys a bit older than Rodney and Stevie, who had to tend her garden naked- fellas who worked in gas stations and the Brewer dairy and the railyards, including Negro boys: force to work in her garden totally naked- naked and, Stevie avowed, very often stiff. Nude young men who his own mother, after those meetings in the Reilly mansion, had no doubt inspected with the other moms.

Hell! Think of it! His own Mom gawking at fellas not much older than her son, in their birthday suits and with hardons!

Including Negros, Stevie had said.


In fact as recently as yesterday his mother had been late home because of a mothers' club meeting. She had come in wild-eyed, flushed, deep in thought. Now apparently still suffused with that experience she and her friend sat there, smoking, their coffee on the table. They looked stimulated, expectant. All this talk about punishing teenage males in a state of nudity appeared to excite ladies without husbands.

Now they were looking up at Rodney. They knew the boy had been off being measured and fitted. They had seen the drawings of the loin cloth. Gazing at the designs they had gossiped about "tiny" and "flimsy" the things were, these Indian brave costumes. How revealing and, for the boys, humiliating.

They had chatted about this, the humiliation for 18 year old males. Fingering her pearls Mrs Reilly had opined, "My dear, how would they feel? That fragile flap...knowing we would see virtually everything?" And Rodney's Mom had replied, "It would be devastating for them...just devastating but..." And Mrs Reilly had finished her sentence, "But thrilling for us!" Then they had both collapsed in smokers' wheezy laughs.

They were very impatient to see a boy in one of the loin cloths. Revealed in one. Humiliated in one.

And in walks Rodney to stand blushing and shuffling, a paper bag with his costume.

"Of course, Mrs Reilly would like to see you in your costume, Rodney. Everyone's talking about Miss Cuff's production."

"Certainly all the females," offered Mrs Reilly.

Rodney froze.

After that fitting this afternoon he had walked through the streets of the town, trembling with shame. He had kept running through the details of the fitting at the home of Mrs Carruthers. Just him and Yuela, the Negro maid, in that fitting and sewing room.

She had kept him stark naked standing on the stool. After her slow, deliberate, sometimes clumsy work with the tape measure she had fitted on the loin cloth, with its tiny flaps front and back, fiddling and fussing at his belly and his bottom. Her fingers had drifted through his scrolled orange pubic bush. They had flickered at the cleft of his bottom. As she stretched the string waist band with one hand the pinky finger on the other had entered his belly button. He had felt her breath on his penis shaft and its fat glans. Her breath had stirred his pubic hair.

Then as she struggled with the assemblage her elbow had grazed one side of his dangling ball sack, moved off, and grazed it again.

Inevitably... you would expect...

...Rodney's penis had swollen and stretched. Maybe it was the sensation of being tickled and breathed on but maybe, as well, the sight of her starched white apron. Ah, that apron and all the associations, the fervid fantasies. Either way after a few upward jerks he was soon sporting another stubborn, engorged, rock-hard 45 degree projection, blushing furiously as Yuela manoeuvred around it, arranging the loin cloth.

The penis jutted forward, the miniscule flap drooped to one side. Yuela had smiled to herself as she completed her work, stood back to examine things and told him he would look wonderful on the stage. She had then announced she was going to invite Mrs Carruthers, the seamstress, to check on her work.

"Oh no, Miss, I wouldn't like that!"

The boy was gushing.

"Goodness, that lady's my boss! She always wants to see."

"But I...I..."

He looked downward on the view- the terrible view- of the stem and prow of his penis thrusting the flap aside and pointing straight out. Again, he thought how huge the glans was. Yes, mushroom-like as boys said when they saw him in the showers or at the pool.


He was begging now.

"Don't bring her in while I've got this..."

He was close to tears.


He was lost for words. How do you tell a Negro maid you don't want her to bring in her mistress, to look at his erection?

"...this problem."

And he looked down at it again as if to present the evidence.

She looked at it too. The ivory skin, the pink cap- so huge, as big as that on the dingus of the big Negro boys, the "bucks," she had grown up with and experimented with in Alabama. And that ball sack...God almighty, that was big and hung so darn low with those folds. Even that young man she had spent the afternoon with in the woods when she was 19- he a "a shoe polish black nigger-" did not have bull balls like those.

She seemed to be considering.

"It happened before...with all the fellas I bin fitting. She seen them too. When they was like that. Stiff and out front and all."

He withered. "And out front-" the term made him flip inside.

"Stiff and out front and all."

"And just like you those boys- sweet young men jus' like you- well, they don't like it neither. But she's my boss and she always wants to see the finished work."

Then she was gone but had carefully closed the door behind her.

Desperately the boy had tried to reposition the flap. For a second it would stay in place, lying on the sloping dorsal side of the stem like a little blanket but it immediately slipped off to the side each time. It was hopeless.

Within a minute Yuela had reappeared at the door. Mrs Carruthers.

The maid had explained. What with all the fittings for the boys- day and night, all the young men from the school being fitted like Rodney- Mrs Carruthers had become more and more... was the maid going to say this?

"Hot and bothered. Worked up. She very agitated. Gets excited."

Here Yuela had not been able to resist a lubricious grin.

"Her heart..."

Yuela gestured at her large breast.

" like a drum. She's offta see that nice lady doctor, Doctor Speight. To fix her rhythms."

Rodney had thought of all the fellas from his year, mobilised for this silly musical, being forced to strip and stand on a stool and have this Yuela and Mrs Carruthers fiddling with their waists and those crazy flaps and girls appearing at the windows. He had thought of Kerry Fulbright, and Mark Campbell and Stevie Lynton in their birthday suits going through what he was suffering now. He was certain they, too, had suffered erections. He had thought of that expression, "suffering an erection" which Miss Newbold had used when talking about him to his mother outside the curtain of the fitting booth in Logan's. "Suffering." Like boys simply couldn't control their cocks.

The lewd thoughts had produced more jolts in his penis. It pointed right ahead, like artillery on a cruiser.

And to his disgrace- right there in front of this Negro maid- it yielded up a giant dollop of fluid, emerging from his meatus- that grinning slit- and bubbled there, like a glass decoration.

"A lot of veins!" Yuela had muttered, savouring the last moments with her captive. She had looked him right in the eye. And Yuela had then clearly noticed his offering of translucent fluid and audaciously, moving in what seemed like slow motion, raised her apron hem to scoop it off his meatus.

Taking a grip of his penis neck to help the accuracy of her near-medical gesture.

Oh hell! She was gripping it!

And she had beamed right back.

And he had frozen.

His walk home had been a sad experience. Everything about his privates- the big spongy head on his penis, the dangling balls with the extra droop on the left testicle, the red pubic bush was now out there, part of the knowledge of womenfolk in Brewer. Oh yes, you could bet on that.

And now in his own home he was facing two mature women, one his mother, talking as if they knew about the loin cloths the boys were being forced to wear- and what they failed to conceal. His stomach turned over at the thought. At the thought of a...female conspiracy...mothers fully which defenceless, powerless 18 year old sons are the victims.

And, as if to confirm it, his mother chirped up.

"So...let's be the first to see a finished costume, modelled by my very own Rodney!"

His stomach flipped again. NOW? In front of Mrs Rilley? His mother? In these ridiculous little flaps, front and back?

"But, Mom!"

"Is he developing a stammer, Wendy?" asked Mrs Rilley.

"Rodney, what's the problem?"

"Aw Mom! It don't fit doesn't..."


"It doesn't doesn't...cover me!"

And the despair rushed out of him. A tear fell.

"Oh, goodness," said Mrs Reilly. "You have a very modest son."

There was a silence. The boy stood looking down, forlorn.

Please, he begged silently, don't let this end with me having to strip and parade with these silly flaps.

Then his mother broke the silence. And she spoke so reasonably, coaxingly, in a sweet, gentle tone.

"But Rodney, all the boys in your class are in the same position, playing Indian braves and we all know those braves got around close to buck naked. Those flaps are not expected to cover 'everything,' as you put it."

Oh god, thought Rodney, that awful term "buck naked" seemed to indicate where this was headed.

"And yesterday Mrs Reilly and I saw young men not much older than you who would have been very grateful for a couple of flaps dangling from a waistband as they worked off their offences in her beautiful garden."

"They would have been very grateful for any covering!" wheezed Mrs Reilly through exhalations of cigarette smoke.

"So I don't think anything's going to be a shock to Mrs Reilly...or your mother. And Mrs Riley has her nieces from Boston coming round in half an hour...and I know you wouldn't want to be seen by them in your Indian brave's gear. And your sister and cousin will be home soon."

"That's right," chimed in Mrs Rilley in the same maternal tone, reaching out and running a hand up his bare lower arm. "You can do your modelling with us old dears... and.."

Her gimlet eyes- sinister and green- bore into him.

"...and you won't be embarrassed by females your own age."

She smiled, cruelly. He felt her cruelty- like the wafting smell of a dead animal on a forest hike.

But this was the decisive argument.

If Rodney was terrified of anything it was the gasps and giggles of girls. Girls, his own age. And Mrs Riley seemed to know this little secret phobia. How, though? How did she know about boys' psychology? How did she get it so right?

Wiping a cheek, Rodney took off for his room and, once inside, reluctantly pulled off all his clothes and stood stark nude once again. He looked in the mirror and shuddered that during his measurements an hour or so ago a Negro maid had seen him like this. Every inch of him, God! Even that red pubic hair, that white penis with the rubbery head, the low hanging balls! Feeling the shame wash over again he opened the big paper bag. And removed the humiliating contents and edged his way into the string waistband with its flaps.

He looked in the mirror.

Oh, my God!

The flap was so narrow! Three fuckin' inches! If it moved slightly, a glimpse of penis flesh clearly emerged on one side or the other. And the flap was so short! A glimpse of his testicles was revealed- the rounded edge of the dragging left ball which hung lower than its companion. If his penis lengthened...Christ! They would see at least part of the fat mushroomy head! got good and stiff? Well, that flap would be shoved aside as it had during the fitting. It would poke right out. The mind boggled. And- he groaned at this- a good rectangle of red pubic bush was already presented for public inspection, bursting out above the band.

He turned his back and looked over his shoulder. Jumping Jesus! The border of his buttocks and thighs was completely exposed! The lower ass! And his crack! Much of it on view!

He stood side-on. It was worse. His equipment just hung there, behind the flap, the profile view of his somewhat thick penis and the sagging scrotum. He would have to stand head-on. Frozen. Like...a cigar store Indian, in fact.

Feeling miserable and quaking with fear he pulled on the moccasins and arranged his head band with its lonely feather- at least, it might be a distraction. Terrified, but determined to get through it before the girls came home, he went to the bedroom door, opened it and stiffly walked down the corridor.

Rodney felt the air tickling his red bush and caressing his virtually nude bottom. Both flaps swung slightly as he moved. His heavy penis swung slightly too, only it swayed to the right when the flap swayed to the left. He would be exposed whenever he moved.

Just before he got to the doorway he heard the women talking in hushed voices and paused to listened.

He leant close to the door jam and strained to hear.

In almost a whisper he heard Mrs Riley.

"...but dear, it was Gloria who put it best, at the mothers' club discussion. She said that with her boy it was full nude punishment. Stripped to the buff...yes, the way she said it, made me go shivery too."

"But for doing what exactly?"

"Well, at the end of his first year at college he came home. She was furious with him anyway because his grades were so bad. But the last straw was when she caught him..."

Her voice lowered even further.


Mrs Riley let the awesome, sinister word hang in the air. The sickness of the boy's secret activity hung there too. It chilled Rodney. It was what he had been guilty of only a hour or so earlier in a lady's bathroom, to make it worse, and with wicked thoughts driving his excitement.

"...yes, his bedroom with the door closed...and with lingerie advertisements laid out in front of him...stark naked...after a bath, apparently..."

Rodney thought the woman's voice was almost panting.

"...sitting on his bed without a know, 'playing with himself' as they say...boys his age get at it whenever they can, like monkeys in the zoo. It becomes compulsive with them, obsessive. Secretive and snide. She said he was mortified to be discovered at the disgraceful act. She grabbed him by the ear and marched him into the living room, and decided to punish him for his awful end-of-year results as well as his filthy behaviour. She used a heavy wooden ruler and gave him a dozen sharp slaps on his bottom which made him leap and dance and prance around the room.

"She had to admit he looked very funny and she came close to laughing as he pirouetted and bawled. In fact she said...hilarious...that spanking a nude 19 year old son- completely nude, she said, in his birthday suit, without a stitch- was the most fun a divorcee could EVER have!"

"But we're single ladies too, my dear!"

"Yes, indeed we are! well, think on it, sweetheart. She said it was sheer FUN! Then she stuck him in the corner. Back to the wall. Think of that- back to the wall! His front on display!

"He was still there when his older sister came home from work. Which she simply loved, of course, and which really made him nearly faint with shame. I mean an 19 year old boy. Then the old duck who lives next door dropped in, a nice widow, must be 75 if she's a day. And Gloria then made the son sit down for the evening meal with the three of them...yes, still in his birthday suit.

"There was no table cloth. Apparently...this is very sweet... the girl kept dropping her napkin. Made her brother shrivel with embarrassment every time her head vanished under the table. She would have seen everything in his lap. Poor boy. Then- wonderful touch- Gloria insisted he get up and serve them coffee. He begged to be spared but...she insisted! Up he got and into the kitchen and out again, one cup at a time, shaking like a leaf. The old dear was enthralled, absolutely enthralled. Hadn't seen a naked male in years, decades probably.

"As the boy served her she declared she could see 'every hair on your naked body!' What a quaint old fashioned way to put it and it made him blush all over. What made it funnier was that all the attention got him..."

Here Mrs Reilly's voice dropped again. Rodney had to strain to hear.


"You mean?"

"Yes, his little thing...stood all the way up for them! Pointing at...her chandeliers!"

The two women guffawed wickedly.

"To make matters worse for the poor boy it apparently was little! Really little. The ladies talked about it later. Very much underdone, apparently. But he could be still growing.

"Afterwards, Gloria made the poor boy help his sister with the washing up."

"What? Still naked?"

"Without a stitch, my dear. Naked as the day that he was born. He nervously asked his sister if he could put on the lady's apron. Pleassssse, he begged. but- nothing doing. She grinned and put it on herself and enjoyed seeing him suffer more. And she stretched out the washing as long as she could! Gloria said it was such fun to see her daughter take the lead and exquisitely humiliate him. And it looked so sweet, the rear view of a nicely dressed daughter and a stark naked son, standing at the sink, her handing him the items to dry one by one. Him, blushing and obedient to his sister's every command. And her stretching it out as long as she could."

More feminine laughter. It froze Rodney's blood.

So did the next remark from his mother.

"Well, well, well! I once threatened Rodney with having to go all evening in one of those tiny posing straps or a little swimsuit, in the presence of the two girls."

Damn! He was hoping she had moved on from that threat!

"But, dear, you must do it! Only make sure I'm invited! And only think about what the other mothers are doing. Forget the swimsuit and the posing strap- it's full nude punishment these days. What they call in the literature, Total Clothing Deprivation. I mean this is America 1956! Peyton Place, the Kinsey Report! Nudist colonies! No big deal to get those 18 year old sons out of all their clothing for punishment."


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