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Romancing Jan

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He finds the love of his life.
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College for me was a time of growing up in a lot of ways. Academically, I learned a lot through the classes I enrolled in. Socially, how to get a long with a lot of people from different walks of life. Spiritually, I adopted a set of values that continue to serve me well to this very day. And personally, I learned a lot about myself; what was important to me and what wasn't. College was also a period of time where I learned a lot about the opposite sex and where guys, and where, specifically, "I" fit in the grand scheme of things. This is a story of the latter subject.

I was the 2nd of two boys in my family. All through high school, I was one of the so called "nerds." Did well academically however was mediocre when it came to relationships. Not that I didn't date, however my dates never went anywhere. I had a couple of girl friends however we never took it beyond holding hands and the occasional kissing with closed lips. I enjoyed their company however I always knew that I was expected to go on to college. My parents made sure that thought was firmly planted in my noggin. As were most of the girl friends that I dated. We were all so thoroughly brainwashed. So long term relationships were not in the cards.

When it came time to decide on where to go to college, I decided that I needed a complete change of scenery otherwise history might repeat itself and I would remain a nerd the rest of my life. Most of my classmates and friends were ending up staying in-state, going to the local university. If I did the same, I would probably end up with the same circle of friends and guess what, déjà vu all over again. So off I went to San Francisco.

My freshman year was interesting. Learning to live in a new town, new community, dorm life, and a new school campus. Adapting to college life and the differences in teaching. My first year went by in a blur! Luckily I did reasonably well and made the dean's list. That meant that I could live off campus if I wanted. Which I did. Living in a dorm with 50 other people on the same floor and eating cafeteria food were some of the things that I was looking forward to not doing.

I decided to stay in town over the summer and work. At the same time, make the move into an apartment that a fellow student was giving up and had referred to me. It was small and clean, close to campus, and most importantly, fit my budget. So, I was more or less settled in by the time that my sophomore year started.

My second year was also a turning point for me socially, as I met my dream girl that fall. It was at the start of the year dance for the sophomore class which was held the first weekend after classes started.

Although my "nerdiness" had resulted in my wall-flower social status all the years leading up to this year, I figured that I had nothing to loose by attending. If nothing else, it would at least give me an opportunity to knock back a couple of brews and find some buddies from last year. Besides, if I didn't do something different for a change I would have no one to blame for being stuck in a social rut besides myself. So I went stag (not that I had a date to take anyway) and walked into the gym building where the dance was being held.

I walked up to the reception table to pay my entry fee and came face to face with a most amazing gal. She couldn't have been more than 5' 4" tall, straight black hair that fell to her shoulders, slender, perhaps no more than 100 pounds, with smallish breasts. But her best feature was her smile. She could light up the city of San Francisco if they could ever figure out how to harness its brilliance. To say that I was intrigued by this person would be putting it mildly.

"Hi, I'm here for the dance," I said as I forked over my $5.

"Hi, my name's Jan," she said as she took my $5 and gave me two ticket scripts. "You can use the script to get either two soft drinks or one beer. After that, you'll need to buy more script if you intend to buy more drinks. So can I sell you another $20 in script?" she asked?

"Oh," I asked? "Think that I'll be needing that much script?"

"Definitely if you intend to buy me a drink or two," she said as she smiled at me and took my $20. "So what do they call you?"

Her reply had me in a daze! Did she just ask me to spend some time with her? This doesn't just happen to nerds like me!

"Oh, sorry, the names Quentin; but Quin works better." I told her. "And I would definitely like to buy you a drink or two, perhaps three or more?" I smiled back at her.

"We'll see," Jan smirked back at me. "I'm going to shut down this table in about 30 minutes so why don't you come looking for me about that time?" she asked.

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled back at her. I thought to myself that this year may have potential after all!

I walked into the gym and scanned the room. The music was blaring and the lighting was turned down. There were perhaps 300 or more people there already. I could see that a lot of the guys were eyeing up all of the good looking girls there. And the good looking girls were doing likewise to the good looking guys! You could see the hormone levels in the building jump each time a new person walk into the room as everyone checked them out and vice versa. It was like high school all over again!

I went to the bar and got me a beer and figured that Jan would probably be closing the reception table shortly so I got her a wine spritzer at the same time. I was hoping that it was a safe drink to order. By the time I had our drinks in hand and left the bar, it was almost time to get Jan so I walked over to the reception area.

The table was deserted by the time I got there so I figured that I had been stood up. Well, it wasn't the first time and it probably wouldn't be the last. So I turned around and promptly bumped into her! Good thing I didn't spill the drinks on her!

"Hey, big guy! There you are! I thought you forgot about me," Jan said.

"No way would I forget a cutie like you!" I replied. And she blushed. I liked that.

I handed her the wine spritzer, "hope that you like this but we can change it if you don't."

After taking a quick sip, Jan pronounced that it was a concoction fit for consumption. I held my hand out to her and she took it, looking up at me and smiling as she did so. We walked back into the gym and found an empty table to sit at. We spent the next hour talking about who we were and where we came from.

Jan came from a small town north of San Francisco. Her family lived on a small farm that had been in her family for several generations. Her father was a veterinarian and mom was a school teacher. A younger brother was still in high school.

Like me, she was a sophomore and considered herself to be an "ok" student but no where close to being a rocket scientist! She had been active in high school and liked to be involved in projects and activities. She claimed that they made life interesting for her. As a freshman, she had gotten involved in putting on socials for our class so was immediately volunteered by others to help put together this evening's event.

"Hey, wanna dance?" I asked her as a familiar tune started. "Sure, that's why they call this a dance!" she replied. I took her hand and led her to the dance floor that had been continuously packed the whole time. We managed to insert ourselves into that crowd of wriggling bodies and were having a great time through three fast numbers when the music tempo slowed dramatically. Couples paired up as I reached for Jan's hand to stay on the dance floor with me.

Jan smiled as she placed her other hand on my shoulder and I put my free hand on her back. As we swayed with the music, I was mesmerized by Jan's presence. The light touch of her hands in mine and on my shoulder. Her smile as we looked in each other's eyes. The soft curve of her hips. The light fragrance of her perfume. I bent down and kissed her cheek which caused Jan to pull back slightly, give me an appraising look, then lay her head on my shoulder as she sighed and kissed my neck. It was a delightful evening.

We held hands on the walk back to her dorm that evening. After exchanging phone numbers, I caressed her cheek and slowly kissed her soft lips. I heard a soft moan and wasn't sure if that was Jan or me. That soft kiss was followed by another. I felt Jan's lips part as her tongue searched for mine. As our tongues met and caressed each other, I wrapped my arms around her waist and drew her firmly into my embrace.

That smoldering kiss left my mind spinning! I guess Jan was feeling the same way as we both took deep breathes and smiled at each other. Quiet good nights were said as Jan went into her dorm.

The next day was Sunday and Jan and I got together that afternoon. We spent the time studying together at the campus library. Even though it wasn't date, I found myself enjoying our time together immensely. We followed that with a quiet dinner at her dorm cafeteria and adjourned to her room for some time to ourselves. I can't recall exactly what we did, only that it involved a lot of holding each other and kissing, and quiet conversation.

That weekend set the tone for our relationship for the next several months. We would get together after classes, studying at the library, have dinner together, then go to her dorm room. We had become an exclusive couple.

As October approached, Jan became wrapped up with the homecoming dance. She and her group began to plan out the evening's festivities and naturally I was yanked into the fray. Not that I was complaining. Far from it. I found it fun and it allowed me to spend more time with Jan. And, I found that we worked well together.

The night of the dance, Jan had us working the registration table. I guess that's her niche. She had everything organized. Quite a simple operation. Student ID, pay your fee, pay for your drink tickets, and you're good to go! We were out there for two hours before we shut the table down and joined the dance ourselves.

We grabbed a couple of drinks from the nearest bar and found a fairly clean table to sit down at. As we got seated, the DJ put on a tune that we really liked. Jan bounced off of her chair and led us to the dance floor where we gyrated through the next couple of songs as well! Then he settled into a nice and easy slow tune that allowed us time to gather our collective breath.

Jan moved into my embrace with a practiced ease as we moved slowly to the music. As our lips met, she tightened our embrace as she placed both of her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. I could feel her breasts as she pushed them into my chest. I couldn't help but respond as my hormones left no doubt as to the level of my excitement! My tongue flicked her lips which parted to let her tongue explore mine. Jan moaned and rubbed her stomach against my hardness which confirmed her excitement as well!

The song ended too soon for our liking. We walked hand in hand back to our table however by that time it had been claimed by others. Well that's what happens at dances. We picked up our drinks and found a free table in a back corner of the gym however there was only one chair there. I told Jan to have a seat and that I could kneel next to her or sit on the table. However she would have none of that and told me that she would sit on my lap instead.

So I sat down and she sat down in my lap. It actually made conversation a lot easier as we were in each other's face. It also made it a lot easier to grab an occasional kiss which we ended up doing a lot. In fact, as the night progressed, we did a lot more kissing than talking.

After awhile, Jan started rubbing her butt into my crotch. "You keep on doing that and you're going to create a problem!" I warned her. "And what would that problem be?" she teased back. My stiffy was returning with a vengeance as she ground her butt into my crotch.

"Hhhmmmmm, this seat just got bumpy…..I wonder why?" Jan smirked at me as she teased me to no end! To get even and get her hot and bothered like me, I placed a hand on her thigh and slowly moved it under her dress. She jumped slightly when my hand touched her thigh, then she stared into my eyes, unsure of whether to allow me to go further or to stop my progress up her thigh. My hand continued to slide slowly over her thigh. Just before I reached her crotch Jan placed her hand on mine effectively stopping me from going further. "Not here," Jan said in a hushed and breathless voice. "Later….." Then Jan gave me a hot, passionate kiss that lasted forever! That back corner table worked out quite well.

As the dance wound down, we left to walk Jan back to her place. As we had to walk past my apartment on the way to her dorm, I invited her up for a look-see at the place and a night cap. I gave Jan the grand tour which probably took all of 5 minutes. As we passed my bathroom, she excused herself to freshen up. I returned to the kitchen and poured us both glasses of white wine.

I sat down in one of the kitchen chairs and was sipping on my wine when she returned. As I started to rise up to hand her a glass of wine, she stopped me and made me sit back down. Jan then straddled my lap, partially lifting her dress in the process to make it easier for her to do so. "Now where were we?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed. "Mmmmmm I think we were kissing and I was feeling your leg up," I replied as I placed my hand back on her thigh and discovered that she had taken her nylons off. Hmmm, interesting. I slowly caressed the bare, smooth skin of her thigh as we continued to kiss and duel with our tongues.

I moved my hand further up her thigh until I reached the point where she previously stopped me. I broke our kiss and looked into her eyes, seeking her approval to move up to her crotch. She looked back into my eyes and held my gaze as my fingers move forward and then touched her bare pussy! Jan had also taken off her panties in the bathroom! If I wasn't hard enough before, I was hard enough to drive nails now!

"Oh Jan!" I moaned as we kissed again and again. My fingers slowly rubbed her slit up and down as she became wetter and wetter. My other hand found her breast and started to caress her nipple through her blouse. "That feels so good," Jan moaned as she moved forward to grind her crotch into my hardness.

I reached behind her to unbutton her dress which she lifted off and left in a pile leaving her only in her bra. I unbuttoned her bra and leaned back in the chair as Jan held her bra to her breasts, then slowly let them drop to reveal a pair of firm, perky breasts with small, hard brown nipples that longed for attention. I kissed them softly and swiped her nipples with my tongue. I could hear Jan's breathing become labored as she held my lips to her breasts.

She unbuttoned my shirt and helped me to remove it. She then unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants, then lifted off of me as I shucked my pants and underwear off leaving my stiffy pointing skyward. Jan smiled as my hard cock sprung from my underwear. I'm not necessarily the biggest guy in the world however I'm not small either.

Jan straddled me again with my cock trapped between her pussy and my stomach. I wrapped my arms around her and drew her into a tight embrace. I reveled in the feeling of her hard breasts against my chest. And the coarseness of her pubic hair against my dick and stomach made me tingle.

Our breathing had advanced to short, forced breaths as we both couldn't get enough of each other's kisses.

"Oh Quin…..I want you so much…." Jan whispered to me as she hugged me even tighter than before.

I cupped her breasts and softly caressed them as she moaned into my mouth. I could feel her arousal from the moisture that her pussy was spreading on my cock as she rubbed herself up and down my hard shaft!

"Please take me….make me yours forever……." Jan whimpered. I cupped her ass as I lifted her and stood, and walked us to the bedroom.

I laid her down in the middle of my bed and moved to her side. As we continued to kiss, I continued to minister to her breasts; softly caressing them and rolling her nipples which had become hard and pronounced! I moved down to suckle her nipples which caused Jan to gasp with pleasure. As I sucked one then the other nipple, I moved my fingers down to her pussy and softly pleasured her. First palming her mound then slowly running my finger tips along her labia. Jan moaned louder as she moved her hips from side to side.

As I began to lay a trail of kisses down her stomach Jan whispered, "where are you going?" I could see that she didn't expect what I was to do next as I clamped my mouth down on her pussy's lips and tongued her slit! She practically exploded off the bed!

"OH GAWD!" she shrieked as her hands and thighs held my head tightly to her womanhood. I cupped her ass in both of my hands as I continued to lick her slit then push my tongue as far into her vagina as I could. "OH Shit! Don't stop! Oh! Oh!" Jan went on and on as she trembled and experienced a strong orgasm. I found her clit at last and gave it a series of light swipes with my tongue then claimed it with my lips. Jan screamed and went stiff as a board! Her love juices spilled from her wet pussy as I tried to lap up as much of it as possible.

As she came down from her high, her thighs relaxed and I moved over her and kissed her again.

"I want you inside me… please make love to me…..." She moaned as she reached for my hard cock and rubbed me against her slit, moistening the head of my cock in the process. She positioned me at her entrance and I slowly began to push my way into her tight velvet heat!

"Oh Jan…." I moaned "I love you.…" I told her as I moved slowly into her hot and wet pussy until I hit her hymen. I hadn't realized that she was a virgin, but then so was I.

"Please, do it quickly…" she whispered as she held me tightly, "I love you…." as she kissed me passionately again. As our tongues dueled, I pushed deeply into her and past her virginity. She flinched then held me tightly with her eyes closed. I stopped moving until she opened her eyes. I searched for signs of pain however all I saw was her love for me.

We made love several times that night, each time better than the last. We woke about mid day and made love again.

Our lives changed that weekend. Jan moved in with me that week and we've been together since. We've had our ups and downs however our love for each other has seen us through every time. They say that there are several events in one's marriage where the bonds are tested. The first is getting married; having to tackle all of the things that need to be done. The second is building your first home. And the third is raising the kids that follow. All I can say is that we met each challenge together and never doubted our love for each other.

We made a pact early on to never go to bed angry with each other. If we had an argument, we left it outside our bedroom doors. Not always easy to do but a promise that we made to each other early in our relationship.

In fact a funny thing happened the first time that our pact was tested. We had a major argument that evening and we were still angry as we cleaned up and prepared to go to bed. As we got to our bedroom door, I reached over to take Jan's hand and turned her around to me. I saw her anger in her face as she turned to me. I cupped her face in my hands and softly kissed her lips before she could do anything.

"Remember our promise to ourselves?" I asked? "That we would never go to bed angry with each other?"

"Yes, but don't push it," she warned me as she slowly smiled and kissed me back.

Perhaps it was fueled by the passion of our earlier argument. Our lovemaking that night was filled with lust! I pounded into her as she screamed for me to fuck her harder and harder! Jan must have had several orgasms back to back as she clawed my back to get me deeper and deeper into her pussy! We both called in sick the next day and stayed in bed making love to each other.


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