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Roommate Relations Ch. 07


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And there was a second reason that Ian was taking his time. It made Kyle's torment last longer. From his position, tied to a chair, just a few feet away, there was nothing to obscure his view of Ian's thick tool slowly entering Jess's ass. He had little choice but watch as Jess descended, her face showing the sweet pain and pleasure she was feeling. Kyle was too broken to even think of closing his eyes or looking away.

Once she was halfway down, Jess took matters into her own hands. She gently touched Ian's hand with hers, and he stopped while she took a deep breath.

And then she slammed herself down, impaling her asshole on Ian's spear.

As she did she let out a loud scream. "FUCK!" It was both a scream of pain and a scream of pleasure. The sharp agony of taking him inside her still nearly virgin opening brought with it an equally intense spike of ecstasy. Jess felt her cunt gush. The pain faded quickly, but the pleasure remained.

Jess took some time to adjust and get acclimated to the sensation of having Ian's impressive tool lodged deep in her, and then, when she was ready, she started to bounce up and down. At first, she was slow, but before long she was riding him at a gallop. She was leaning forward, so all she had to do was move her hips, and that's exactly what she did, practically dancing on his cock. Ian, for his part, palmed her ass, squeezing and kneading gently, but not interfering with her efforts.

She looked at Kyle, who was distraught at seeing the women he loved fervently impaling her ass on another man's cock. "He fills me soooo good," she said, between hurried, panting breaths. "God, it's like he's fucking my pussy too, that's how big he is." Behind her, Ian grinned wolfishly and started to take a more active hand.

His hands slip up to her waist. Jess leaned back, spreading her legs as she did and keeping them spread wide. It wasn't entirely comfortable, but that wasn't the point. This was rough, nasty, porno sex, in more ways than one—this was intended for an audience. In this case it was an audience of one, but nonetheless, the audience mattered. Jess wanted Kyle to see what it looked like when Ian's engorged, veiny slab of meat plundered her tightest hole. So she let Ian support her and use his strong, toned arms to help her bounce on his cock, swallowing every last inch of it up every time she dropped down onto him.

And Kyle, despite himself, did look. He saw the way her ass stretched around him, and he could hardly believe that such a big tool could fit into such a small girl. But it clearly was fitting—and Jess was clearly enjoying it. Her cunt dripped and drooled her juices, as well as a thin rivulet of Ian's cum.

"Does it look good?" Jess asked. "Does he fuck my ass good, baby?" If he hadn't been gagged, Kyle would have answered. He'd have protested. He'd have begged to be let go. He'd have called her names. But he could do none of those things. All he could do was gaze on her, defeated, crushed, bearing mute witness to the sight of his girlfriend riding another, better man. Her tits bounced in time with her movements, Jess's brown hair, now limp and damp and darkened with sweat, fell down around her, giving her a wild, untamed look. In combination with her well-honed body—now shining with sweat—and her sweet, sensuous face, she resembled nothing so much as some ancient goddess of beauty and Eros, returned to Earth.

Jess rode Ian, with his assistance, the firm flesh of her ass meeting his groin with a steady cadenced beat. She could feel the faint burn in her legs as she bounced and the twinge of pain from his oversized shaft splitting her open, but these pains paled before the deep and fulfilling sensation of being filled and fucked. When she dropped her hips down and impaled herself, it felt like he was not just fucking her ass—like he somehow was managing to hit those sensitive spots deep inside her cunt, the ones she sought out when she was playing with herself.

She looked back over her shoulder at Ian. He was sweating too, and his face was set in a look of intense concentration, his gaze fixated on her as she rose as fell. "Make me cum, lover," she said, quietly. Ian twitched, and froze, just for a moment. His grip on her waist tightened, preventing her from dropping back down. Then he smiled broadly and slammed her down. Jess's legs turned to jelly, and she couldn't muster the strength to raise herself up off him again.

But she didn't need to. Ian let out a small grunt of effort and lifted her up, bodily, his strong arms more than capable of managing her petite frame. And then he slammed her down again, just as hard, gravity and all his impressive strength combining, sending shockwaves through her. "Holy... FUCK!" she gasped, as Ian lifted her for a third time. She didn't get the chance to say anything else before he speared her for one final time. Jess threw her head back and surrendered to the overwhelming sensation, losing herself in the feeling of being so completely and utterly dominated.

Even Ian, with all his strength, couldn't keep manhandling her like that. But he could hold her fixed in place while he bucked his hips up, fucking her, taking over. One hand slid down from her waist, down between her legs, and found her clit. His touch was electric. Ian knew exactly how she liked to be touched—he used just the right amount of pressure, just the right amount of motion.

Jess lost track of time as Ian drove her wild with pleasure. It could have been a minute, or an hour, or a lifetime that she spent suspended above him, getting fucked and filled and fingered by her lover. Ian brought her to the cusp of climax and left her there, right on the edge of release, whimpering, in the endless moment.

And then he sped up his thrusts and his fingers pressed against her, dancing over her clit, and he ripped a climax out of her, making her scream and shake and whip her head from side to side as she felt her cunt gush and her ass clench around Ian's fat cock.

In his position tied to the chair, Kyle was treated to the sight of his girlfriend—former girlfriend, at least—bucking and writhing, her ass impaled by Ian, her pussy visibly dripping as she came. Or perhaps that was the last few drops of Ian's last load trickling out of her. Kyle certainly wasn't about to ask for a closer view to confirm, one way or the other. But whatever it was, it was clear: Ian had satisfied Jess in a way Kyle had never imagined was possible.

A heartbeat later, another scene played out before Kyle's eyes. "Fuck!" Ian shouted. "On your knees!" Jess, despite her exhaustion and the fact that she was still feeling the aftershocks of her climax, obeyed without hesitation. She slipped off his cock and off the bed, dropping down to her knees and turning. She moved with grace and fluidity, and she was in position before Ian pushed himself back up onto his feet and grabbed hold of his cock.

He didn't need to give Jess any further instruction; she opened her mouth wide, stuck out her tongue, and looked up at him like a puppy begging for a treat. It took perhaps two quick strokes before Ian erupted. He'd already cum twice, so his load wasn't what it could have been—but it was still impressive. One, two, three silver-white spurts lanced out, coating Jess's face, and three more landed on her lips and tongue. A few drops fell off her outstretched tongue onto the floor. Ian's next shot fell a bit short glancing off her tongue and winding up dripping from her chin instead. That prompted Jess to dart forward, quickly, wrapping her lips around the head of Ian's cock. She sucked on it, hard, and reached up to stroke Ian's cock at the same time, milking the last few shots directly into her mouth.

When Ian was done, she looked up at him and opened her mouth to show him the puddle of cream that she had collected. And then, just as she'd done earlier, she swallowed, loudly, and then smiled. "Did you like marking me, my love?" she asked sweetly. "I wish I could wear your cum all the time."

Kyle choked out another sob around his gag, but neither Ian nor Jess seemed to take notice. Jess busied herself slowly suckling on the end of Ian's cock, lavishing attention on it with her lips and tongue as it slowly softened. She let go of it, and used her fingers to scoop Ian's cum off her face and into her mouth, smiling wickedly as she did.

Once she was all clean, she rose to her feet and turned to face Kyle. Ian stood behind her, and she leaned back against him. His arms encircled her, and she closed her eyes for a moment, relaxing, molding herself against him. She let out a little relaxed moan and said, without opening her eyes, "Ready to go, love?"

Ian smiled, looking Kyle right in the eyes, and replied, "Sure thing. But we can't just leave your ex like this." That should have come as a relief to Kyle, but somehow he knew that whatever Ian had in mind wasn't going to be an act of kindness.

And when Ian let go of Jess and moved over to Kyle's computer, it proved to Kyle that his fear was well-founded. A few mouse clicks were all it took for him to start playing some music—the same loud, fast metal that Ian had used to torment Kyle in the past, in fact. Jess sashayed over to the bound Kyle and cupped his chin, making him look at her. "This is goodbye, Kyle," she said. "Let me give you one last kiss."

She pulled off his gag. Kyle had nothing to say to her; he was a broken man. Her lips were still shiny with a thin sheen of Ian's cum. Kyle tried to turn away, but Jess wrenched his head back toward her so she could plant her lips on his. It was a short kiss, and when it ended she turned went back to Ian's side without giving him another glance.

For his part, Ian looked back over his shoulder at Kyle and flashed him a victorious grin. Then he cranked up the volume on the music, and with Jess on his arm he left. Kyle was left alone in his room, tied to his chair, heartbroken. Ian and Jess went off to their new life together.

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CluelessCuckCluelessCuckabout 2 months ago

This one screams for an alternate BTB ending.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

After ending this story like this, making the two main characters into sadistic psychopaths, all I can say is, thank God you're gone, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

sMutPuPPy88sMutPuPPy886 months ago


Can we all chip in and buy Kyle a cookie or something?

That fuckn poor kid did nothing to deserve that.

The attraction, and the eventual cheating I get, (if you’re a soulless piece of shit)

but the malice and ill will they attacked him with was baseless and unfounded.

I still had to read the whole thing, so….. thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Having illicit sex with someone that's also behind the back of the partner is very much exciting though it's not acceptable and expected from the other partner when they're into a relationship.

Still, due the excitement, I'd read all the previous part but which I didn't like is the last part.

I simply don't understand the fact that when Jess decided to leave Kyle for Ian she could've simply mentioned it instead of humiliating him by rubbing it on his face. Was it really necessary?

I don't remember Kyle did anything wrong to deserve it.

Sorry TripleL, it's only a single star from me for you.

It could've ended differently...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 Stars 🌟

We know a womanizer could not remain faithful, so perhaps years in the future Ian and Jess were no longer together. Maybe now however Kyle could be fully recovered and married to a true, and faithful loving wife, that is until something brings Ian back into Kyle's life?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I hope they are both murdered

asbstareasbstareover 2 years ago

Great ending IMO. For one thing idk how anyone could have gone into this chapter after reading the rest of the story expecting Kyle to somehow get revenge when he's been portrayed as nothing but pathetic, inept, and weak-willed. Also liked that Ian and Jess actually ended up together (at least for now) since I seem to be in the minority of people who enjoy this type of story not ending up with the cheating woman as a total whore b/c the guy who "stole" her is just a pure sociopath.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

God, what a ride. Thanks for writing, sharing and keeping this story posted.

MightyDMightyDover 3 years ago

Finnish the story where Kyle destroys Ian's whole world

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I disagree with the majority of the comments here. A couple of the chapters were a bit Samey, there’s only so many times I want to read about Ian fucking Jess before I flick to the next part of the story. However, I really liked the ending. I don’t wanna see Ian or Jess get any comeuppance as Kyle doesn’t deserve his hot GF any longer.

I did want Jess or Ian to torture him a bit more, like really take the piss out of him whilst he was sat there. But I was good with the ending. It was more the repetitiveness of the middle chapters I was “meh” about. However, this is still one of my favourite series I’ve ever read.

Really enjoyed them and taps into my kink

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

After chapter 2 everything became stale and repetitive and terrible ending.

Arsenal_chanArsenal_chanabout 4 years ago

Hot story ruined by such a poor ending. I dunno why you thought it fit the story. It didn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I cannot believe that you spent all this time to deliberately (even if fiction) craft a story to denigrate a human in such a way. Karma should arrive on the perpetrators door in EVERY element of their existence.

Where is the girl from the movie "Beastly" when you need her? She needs a spell for both (Jess and Ian).

LOL...heck give a dose to the author of this story and the other members pumping up his frail ego...🤮 .5*.

Next...Kyle flushes the bastards out of his system, graduates with honors move to silicon Valley and become a Billionaire. Ian and Jess to the poor house see Kyle succeed wanting to beg for scraps. But now Kyle has a mentor looking out for him an snuffs out thei new devious attempts to mess with his head again....he knows people in low places. Now THAT would be a great follow-on...but definitely a revenge twist! If something in that ball park you are wasting your time.

Finally...to the author's exit...The little walk away was about as weak a you could put it! Terrible...i guess the TripleL ran out of gas in his sick mind. Peace out!

49WIZARD8849WIZARD88almost 5 years ago

It's a lot of sensitive ass people on this site. Triple L warned you in the disclaimer for this story. Not all stories have happy endings. I've seen too many authors getting screwed over because of unfair voting. This story was gut-wrenching, heartbreaking and flat out twisted. AND I LOVED IT!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I hope what happened to this man, happend to you.

worst shit i have ever read, i did not last from chapter 2 i skip to the end to see if the guy get his revenge but no, this history is made only for broken people that someday they are gonna die being the little thing they are, calling them people is too nice for them. I know this is a fantasy history but it was fuck up bad, i would not be surprised if the guy kill himself and the 2 retards fuck in front of his grave.

DeucalionGreenDeucalionGreenabout 5 years ago
I like an arrogant jerk

I have loved the story up until this chapter. I love a great cuckold story where the cuckold is completely oblivious to what's just out of his sight. I think you lost me when Ian's acknowledging that Jess will belong to him and that he'll belong to Jess. On the other hand unlike others I am still really turned on by Kyle's big humiliation scene.

If there's anything after this chapter I hope it's not Kyle committing suicide. For his character I would just hope that he eventually moves on and learns a few things. For his own future sanity, he needs to be more observant generally, more attentive to his girlfriends, and more assertive with asshole roommates.

Ian as a character should grow bored of Jess because having it all out in the open isn't as exciting. He clearly got off on a) the idea that he was stealing someone's girl, and b) the secrecy. I assume that in a month or two he's going to find himself a bit bored and he's going to find some excitement by finding another couple where he can seduce the woman and he'll cheat on Jess, it'll be even more exciting because it's behind her back as well as that of the poor bastard who he's going to cuckold.

Jess should either become an oblivious patsy to Ian, who is fundamentally incapable of being faithful to her. Or she should be the one who cheats as she embraces her own sluthood without shame and participates in mutually satisfying affairs with stud after stud, with the occasional threesome, foursome or orgy.

naughtyrusguynaughtyrusguyabout 5 years ago
Outstanding story

Thank you so much for the story, mate. It's truly amazing! Although I liked the first chapters more and I liked how it went on and on. It'd be great if that badass just used the wimp's gf for his entertainment

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