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Roommates in Lockdown


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Nick tried to help Sam with the cooking, but she threw him out quickly telling him to relax. According to her, by going out in the morning, fighting through the supermarket for them, had earned him a night off. Within an hour she had brought him through her version of their Friday night kebab. She had filled the pitta to the brim with marinated chicken, lettuce, tomatoes and garlic mayonnaise. She had even prepared him a small portion of chips to go with it.

"Wow, Sam this looks incredible. Thank you so much." Nick told her, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the food.

"Well try it first and then tell me what you think before you thank me." Sam said pleased with his response.

Nick picked it up in his hands, doing his best to use his fingers to keep all the meat from falling out. He brought it to his mouth, taking a huge bite, tasting everything, and leaving sauce all round his mouth. Sam had been staring at him the whole time waiting excitedly for his reaction. Nick couldn't speak around the food only being able to nod his appreciation and making positive noises.

"That good eh?" She asked smiling at him.

It took him a few seconds before he had chewed it enough to be able to swallow. "Sam, that is better than the takeaway. Can I have you cooking for me forever?"

He didn't realise what he had said until he saw her face drop, taking a quick bite of hers to hide her obvious delight.

"Thanks, it is good actually, even if I do say so myself."

They ate their meal together discussing the plot of the show so far. They had both seen the original movie, so weren't surprised by the plot but there had been some changes.

"I think the killer is the new guy. You turn up at a new school and then kids start being killed, you're prime suspect number one." Sam told him confidently.

"I know but wouldn't that be too easy? I think there is more than one killer anyway." He told her knowledgeable.

"Why do you think that?"

He went on to tell her about the time lapses showing in the series and his theories about the killer(s).

"Sam, that meal was fantastic." He told her as he put the last chip into his mouth.

"Thank you. You have sauce around your mouth." He tried wiping his mouth with his hand hoping to get it all.


"Nope, it's on your right side. No, your right side." She repeated as his hand went the wrong way.

"Look come here." She said acting exasperated. She picked up a tissue from the table and wiped his mouth for him, her face only a few inches from hers. She wanted to lean closer and kiss him, but she had resigned herself to going with Amy's advice. She went back to finishing her meal as Nick went to his room and retrieved the weed he had bought.

"Want one?" He asked her, holding out the small bag of cannabis.

"To share, not to myself, I wouldn't be able to stand." She replied.

He rolled them a fat joint to share, waiting until she had finished. They got up and headed out onto the balcony, the night sounding eerily quiet around them.

"You start." Nick told her handing her the joint and lighter. "You cooked after all."

She lit it, taking in a big first drag and unsurprisingly coughed. She took a few more pulls, the smoke feeling different but good in her throat. Sam passed it back to him feeling the eroticism of the shared experience. They had never smoked together before.

They finished the spliff quickly between them, going back into the flat and closing the curtains, casting the room in dark shadows.

"Ready to continue?" He asked her, trying not to giggle, the weed making him giddy.

"Yeah sure. But I want to take a shower and stuff before bed. Do you mind if I go and take one now?"

"Of course not." He told her. "Just don't be too long, I want to see who the killer is."

"We won't see until the last episode and there are still eight left."

"I know but I can hope. You go shower and I will clean up here."

"No, I will clean up tomorrow I'm just going to put the dishes in the kitchen."

She disappeared off heading first to the kitchen and then to the bathroom. She didn't feel unclean, but she had to have a few minutes away from him. Even after relieving herself that morning, she was feeling horny again, the weed doing nothing to help.

She quickly stripped off looking at her naked body in the mirror. 'Why can't he walk in now' she thought to herself. She got under the water, letting it relax her further. She quickly washed herself, almost masturbating again but controlling herself. She hadn't given up hope that last night would repeat itself. She got out and dressed, getting into her shorts and tank top, again not putting on underwear, she liked Nick looking at her in this, almost as much as she liked the feel of the material against her hard nipples and soft pussy. She went back out to the living room, retaking her chair next to the sofa.

Nick looked her up and down as she came in, seeing her nipples poking through her shirt. "You ready to carry on?" Was all he could say.

"Yeah, let's go for it." She said getting her blanket and pulling it over her legs.

"OK that looks scary." She told him, shuffling uncomfortably in her chair, after he had turned off the light on the side table, removing the shadows but making the room almost pitch black. Nick started the next episode, watching the recap of the previous murders. Within ten minutes Sam was hiding behind her blanket, already affected by the jumpy moments.

"Are you OK over there?" Nick asked her from the sofa.

"No." She grabbed her blanket and made her way next to him. She squeezed herself next to him, getting as close as possible and putting the blanket over them both. "I'm staying here. You can protect me."

"That's fine." He raised his arm over her shoulders pulling her in tight and comfortably to his chest.

They sat through the next three episodes before either of them moved. "One more?" Nick asked her.

"Yeah, just making teas then I'm all yours." She disappeared into the kitchen leaving Nick to think about how it would be if she was 'all his'.

"Want me to roll another?" He called out to her.

"Yeah sure, I won't be a minute."

He quickly rolled them another joint already lighting it by the time she had returned. She joined him by the open balcony door, putting her arm around his waist as he looked out over the city. They took their time with the spliff, smoking it slowly, continuing to discuss the show.

Nick was again looking at her in her night clothes. He always liked how she looked in that, cute and vulnerable.

"What?" She asked him wondering why he was staring at her.

"Nothing. It's just you always look so cute like that, so innocent." The weed making him more honest than he had intended to be.

"Thank you. I knew you liked me in this though. I always catch you looking at my tits." She pulled herself back in close to him as he took the last few drags on the joint before tossing it out.

"I'm not always looking at your tits. Well, I don't mean to." He told her as he sat back on the sofa, turning off the lights again.

Sam resumed her previous spot, pulling his arm over her shoulders herself getting comfy against his chest again. "I don't mind you looking. I like it actually." She twisted her head looking and up at him deeply in his eyes. Nick acted without thought bringing his head down to kiss her softly on the lips.

The kiss lasted a few seconds before he broke it off, pulling her back into his chest. "One last episode and then I'm going to bed." He told her.

They watched the last episode for the night, Sam practically sitting in his lap. She had adjusted herself to be even closer to him, but also to give him a clear view of the opening of her top. Nick couldn't help but look when the action on the screen slowed. She kept jumping and screaming through the show, causing Nick to hold her tighter.

At the end of the episode, Nick turned off the TV, casting the room into complete darkness. He shifted himself to turn the light on before Sam had gently grabbed his arm.

"No, leave it off for a minute." She whispered to him. He couldn't see her at all but felt her face close to his. She moved in closer and kissed him. It felt amazing to her. The one earlier had been so unexpected, but this one she made happen and loved the feeling it gave her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, pushing her tongue into his mouth. She broke off the kiss, reaching behind him and turned the light back on.

They slowly pulled away from each other, Sam giggling slightly. Nick smiled to her as she sat back onto the other side of the sofa.

"What was that for?" He asked, looking at her.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see how it felt. I'm not disappointed." She told him smiling. "I'm going to go to bed. Sweet dreams."

She kissed him on the cheek as she passed him, running her hand over his shoulder. He was left on the sofa, more confused than he had been the night before. Last night they were masturbating each other, tonight she gave him a kiss and went to bed. He had no idea what was going on in her head.

He went to his room, changing his mind mid stride and headed to the bathroom. He quickly showered, washing the smell of smoke and kebab from him. He started to jerk his cock before he stopped himself, deciding to continue in bed. He got out, dried himself and went to his room, shutting the door behind him.

He got into bed, not bothering to put on any clothes. He lay back on his pillow, propping himself up in the middle of his bed. He started to stroke his cock gently thinking about Sam, feeling it harden in his hand. He had never expected to have her suggest what she had. He had been surprised how far it had gone. He started to jerk his cock up and down when there was a soft knock at the door. He shuffled lower down in the bed making sure he was covered before the door opened slowly.

"Hey Nick, you still awake?" Sam whispered.

"No I'm asleep. What's up?" He joked.

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" She asked as she walked into the room approaching the bed. "It's really dark and scary all alone."

"Yeah, sure come in, just give me a second to put some bottoms on, I normally sleep naked." He said moving to get out of the bed.

"No, it's OK, I don't want to disrupt your sleep. Stay as you are. I don't mind." She said with a smile sliding into the bed next to him. "Move up a bit, give me some room."

She pulled the pillow into a more comfortable position, resting her head on his shoulder and putting her arm over him. "Is this, OK? You're really comfy and warm."

"Yes, it's fine, now shh, close your eyes." He told her trying to calm himself. Her fingers were gently tracing small circles on his chest. She brought herself further up the bed, moving her head into his neck.

She started to kiss his neck, soft light kisses that brought his skin up in goosebumps moving up to his cheek.

"You smell really nice." She told him planting more kisses on his cheek, rubbing her nose against him. She moved further along his face, brushing her lips against his. He kissed her back pressing his lips down on her small mouth. She breathed deeply into him as he opened his mouth, meeting her tongue with his. She pulled herself closer to him, pushing her body against his, pinning him beneath her.

"Sam. Is this a good idea?" Nick stopped her.

"Why not?" She asked.

"We live together, it could get messy." He told her knowing full well that he didn't want her to stop.

"Look stop thinking and relax." She stopped him from responding by kissing him again, pushing her tongue around his mouth. He ran his hand down her side and up underneath her shirt, cupping her breast in his hand. She gave a small gasp as his hand brushed over her hard nipple. He brought his hand to her hips, working it into the waistband of her shorts, moving it around to her pussy. Her hand shot to his, pushing it out of her shorts.

She pushed him off her gently, rolling him onto his back. "Not tonight, OK? I don't want to rush things too much. Ignoring last night of course. Can we just stay like this?"

"Of course, we can."

Nothing more happened that night, she kissed him a few more times and settled into his chest. Nick lay awake feeling her fall asleep on him. He again thought about all the things that could go wrong if they got together. Maybe she was right in stopping things.

He woke up to find Sam curled in a ball next to him, his arm around her. He went to move it away, but Sam grabbed it, holding it around her.

"Morning." She said sleepily, rolling over to look at him. "How did you sleep?"

"Good actually, how about you?"

"Not as well as the night before but almost." She told him smiling. She could tell that he was worrying about them again. Last night had felt more intimate even though they had already done more together. She had decided that she wanted to be with him completely, not just something to get her through this lockdown.

"What happened last night. It felt more..." Nick started.

"Couply? If that is even a word?" She suggested.

"Yes, it did. Are you sure this isn't a bad idea? I mean we live together; we get on great...." He asked her.

"A lot of people would say it's a bad idea but it's up to us. What do you want?" She asked him. It had got to the time when they both either jumped in with both feet or left it.

"I want to have dinner with you tonight." He told her

"We have dinner every night." She replied confused.

"No, I mean do you want to have DINNER with me tonight?" Putting more emphasis on the word.

"Are you asking me out to dinner? Like a date?"

"Yes I am. Well in for dinner but yes." He said giving her a gentle kiss.

"Then yes."

Sam felt herself going red, feeling slightly embarrassed. This was the weirdest hook up she had ever had. Everything had been in the wrong order. She leant back against him feeling excited about a date with Nick.

"I think I better get up and shower. Would you mind? I'm still naked under here."

"Yeah sure. I will go make some coffee." She replied, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink.

She got out of the bed and headed to the kitchen. Nick joined her after a short time, giving her a gentle hug.

They spent the day doing odd jobs around the flat, keeping it clean and tidy before settling in to watch the end of Scream. There were only two episodes left and Sam joined him cuddled up on the sofa, even though it was bright outside. The show ended both surprisingly and on a cliff-hanger leaving both of them wanting to continue to the next season.

"Not yet though, OK? I need to go and start prepping for dinner." Nick told her, pulling himself from the sofa.

"Sure. Can I help? What we having?" She asked.

"I got everything and you will find out. Its not three course though, only main and dessert." He told her letting her know what to expect.

"OK, what shall I wear?" She asked, more to herself than him.

"Just be ready for 6.30 OK? And if not let me know you're running late." He said laughing.

"Funny man." She said rolling her eyes. "OK well I better go get ready if I only have two hours."

She spent over thirty minutes in the bathroom shaving, plucking, shaping and creaming parts of her body while he worked in the kitchen. She came out with a towel wrapped around her, seeing Nick head out to the balcony to smoke the joint.

She almost emptied her entire wardrobe looking for something to wear. She chose a long electric blue dress that was low cut enough to give Nick a good view, but conservative enough to hide her underwear. She also chose to go braless but wear her favourite black thong. She looked herself over in the mirror thinking she was far too overdressed for a night in. She had thought about dressing more informally but if he had taken her out for a meal, she would have worn something like this. The dress was as much for him as it was for her, she loved the way it made her feel, sexy and attractive.

Even though she had finished getting ready within an hour and twenty minutes, hearing him using the bathroom and getting ready himself, she stayed in her room until 6.30, the time he said he wanted her. She came out of her room, calling out to find him.

He came out of the kitchen, closing the door behind him, something they never did. As he saw her, his jaw almost hit the floor. He had never seen her in a 'date' dress, completely taken away by her beauty. She looked stunning stood there, her dress clinging to her body, showing off her figure well.

"Wow. Sam, you look... you look stunning." He told her honestly, concentrating his gaze on her reddening face.

"Thank you, you look good too." He did look good. He was dressed in a short sleeve black shirt with blue jeans, showing off his ass.

"Dinner will be ready in about fifteen. Want a pre drink?"

"Yes please. Could I get a gin and tonic?" Sam asked, feeling nervous looking at him like this.

"Sure, take a seat and I will be right back." He disappeared back in the kitchen, the smell of chicken wafting through the opened door.

She sat nervously playing with her hands, thinking how stupid this was. Why was she feeling nervous? They had been more intimate than she had been with previous boyfriends. They had spent the night before in his bed kissing. Why was she nervous now?

He came back a few minutes later, two drinks in his hands, she assumed he was having his usual vodka tonic. He handed one to her and clinked his glass against hers.

"To a good evening." He said, taking a quick sip. He noticed that her hand was bobbing up and down in her lap.

"You ok? You look tense?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me. So, what we having? This isn't 'dinner date' I didn't even get to choose my menu."

"You will see in a minute. I need to go and plate up. Make yourself comfortable." It felt strange speaking to her like this in their shared home. Of course she would make herself at home.

He disappeared back into the kitchen checking on the Yorkshire puddings. As they were done, he shut off the oven and plated out their meal, taking great care on the presentation of them. Before he called her in, he poured two glasses of wine and lit the candles already on the table.

"OK you can come in now." Nick called out.

She entered the kitchen at first looking suspicious until her face broke into a wide smile of delight. She took in the sight in front of her, seeing the romantic scene he had set for them.

"Roast dinner with Yorkshire puddings? My favourite?" She asked. She wasn't sure if she had ever told him this about her.

"Yup, only the best for you." He said pulling out the chair for her.

"This looks amazing. Thank you so much." She said reaching over and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't thank me till you have tried it." He said, repeating her words from the night before.

"Cheers. To us." He said to her, holding out his glass to hers.

She put her fork down, already having filled it with a bit of everything on her plate and picked up her glass. "Sorry. Cheers, to us." She said enthusiastically returning her attention to the plate in front of her.

She pushed the fork full of food into her mouth, her face lighting up even further. "Oh my god Nick, this is gorgeous, the potatoes, the chicken, its beautiful." She filled her fork again, pushing it straight into her mouth. "Wow. Why haven't you cooked us a roast before?"

Nick was shocked by how much she was enjoying the meal. He knew it was her favourite, she mentioned it when they first met when she looked around the flat.

"I'm glad you like it. I only cook roasts on special occasions, and we haven't had one yet. How are the Yorkshire puddings?"

"They are great, so light and airey."

They settled into comfortable conversation as they usually did over meals. It wasn't forced or strained as it had been on many of his dates before. He couldn't get over how incredible she looked though. Her dress extenuating each and every one of her bodies' natural curves.

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