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Roommates on Lockdown Ch. 07


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My oscillating moods were met in kind with punishments and rewards. The first few days after Gabriel first fucked me were filled mainly with punishments.

The morning after I first made Gabriel breakfast, I rolled out of bed at 10 a.m. As was so often the case lately (especially in light of recent events), I had been up half the night-confused, worrying, crying. I kept typing out messages to Jennifer then deleting them. There were a bunch of messages from her unanswered from the prior day. I then spent hours writing a letter to Gabriel to express my feelings and imploring him to stop what he was doing. I poured my heart out in the letter. This wasn't who I was, I insisted, this wasn't what I wanted to become. I insisted in no uncertain terms that not only was Gabriel to stop treating me like he had been, but that I intended to pursue legal action against him. I kept the letter, tucking it away in my side table. I needed time to think about if or when to give it to him.

Finally awake, and in spite of my anxieties of the prior night, I luxuriated in the soft comfortable pajamas I wore. It was a two-piece pajama jumpsuit outfit made of the most wonderfully soft material, with a fluffy fitted white tank top and pink high-waisted panty shorts, which hugged my curves wonderfully. The tank top ended right under my breasts so that most of my surprisingly toned midriff was on display. I threw on the matching open pink sweater and sat in front of the makeup mirror Gabriel had put in my new room. After a few minutes of very light makeup, I finally looked at my phone.

Only then did I realize I had a missed text from Gabriel, received at 7:30 a.m.

" I would like breakfast again at 8 a.m."

I stared incredulously at the text, my heart rate spiking. He couldn't be serious. He expected this to become a regular thing? No way. And 8 a.m.?

GO! You are late for him! The feminine voice insisted. I stood quickly.

But...wait. That would require me to wake up before 7 to get dressed, get made up, and prepare breakfast. Who was up at that ungodly hour!? And every day!?

Angry at the request, but mostly nervous about getting into trouble, I deleted the text and decided I would act as if he hadn't sent it. I left my room to grab some cereal. Gabriel was sitting on the couch. As I walked in he glanced at me, not seeming pleased.

"Come here, Mishel." He stated, his voice flat, angry.

"Gabriel, I...I just woke up...I didn't see..." I cut off. I couldn't tell him that I didn't see his text without him first mentioning it.

"I said come here." He interrupted, his voice still soft, dangerous.

I walked to him. "Now, Gabriel..." I started to reason. Oh you're going to get it now, the voice said, sounding almost happy about it.

Gabriel pulled me forcefully, though not roughly, onto his lap. He looked down at me, his thumb rubbing my cheek.

"Tell me, Mishi. Is it your place to sleep in?"

"I...I mean I was just tired, Gabriel. I don't think..."

"Is it your place to sleep in when I am awake? When I am hungry? When you must serve me?"

"Well...uhhh...welll...maybe if you're hungry you could have prep.."

"If a man has a woman to do these things for him, he does not do them, Mishi. It is her place to do them."

He couldn't be serious. "Ummm...that sounds a bit...old fashioned to me, Gabriel." It's not old fashioned! The girl insisted. It's the way of things, girl! It is your place!

"It is important that you understand your role, Mishi. I do not know that you do. I am afraid..." his face actually turned from hard to sympathetic. "...that I must punish you. You must learn."

Oh fuck oh fuck. " I don't think you need to Gabriel! I..I u...understand. I do. Please. Pleasseee." I gripped his arms, willing him not to do this. Tears formed in my eyes. Gabriel paid it no mind. Gently but firmly, irresistibly, he turned me over on his lap, lifting my ass into the air. "Please don't need to do it. Please don't punish..."

"It will not do, Mishel. You must learn." He pulled my soft pink panty shorts down and gave me a hard slap.

"AAHHH!!" I yelled. It hurt! I hadn't yet fully recovered from his fucking two nights ago.

"I have your attention, yes? You will wake up early each morning to make me breakfast now. This is what a woman of the house does, Mishel."

He gave me another slap.

"Oh fuckkk!" I yelled as pain shot through me.

Then, raising both hands, he rained down a barrage of slaps on each cheek of my ass, one after another in quick successions.

"Ahhh ahhh ahh ahhh AHHHH oHhhhh ohhh OOWWWW" my blubbering descending into sobs.

After what felt like an eternity, though was probably 30 seconds or so, he finally stopped. I was left gasping tears flowing freely down my face.

Gabriel's hands, so firm and hard a second ago, lifted me gently and placed me on the ground, standing in front of him between his legs. He didn't place me on his lap again, knowing how painful that would be. I felt a strange gratitude towards him for that kind gesture. I sniffed, holding back a sob.

"Shhhh now. You will learn, trust me. You are making such improvements, Mishi." His soft fingers wiped my tears away. He took my hands in his and kissed my fingers.

I nodded my head, trying to swallow my tears. "I...I'll do better, Gabriel." He's doing this for you, the soft voice told me.

"I have considered. And you will call me Velikiy now, Mishi."

I looked up at him, confused. His handsome face was so close to mine. It wore the gentle expression I'd grown to yearn for. It was a safe expression, a pain-free one.

"Velikiy..." I tried it out. It seemed to suit him, somehow. MMmmmm Velikiy - the voice said - it's perfect.

He smiled and stroked my hair. Even though I stood between his legs as he sat in a chair, we were face to face, eyes level. He was so big...

"Wha...what does it mean, Velikiy?"

"Ahh. A good question. It means 'Great One.'" Then he kissed me, enveloping me in his huge arms. I didn't fight it. I leaned my head up, pressing my lips to his. Even after what he'd just put me through - or perhaps because of it - his warm strong body was a comfort. I felt my panic and pain subside, consumed by the pleasure of Gabriel's lips and tongue.

After a few minutes of making out, Gabriel cut off the kiss. "Okay, you will make me lunch later. Until then I must work."

I nodded my head. "Yes, Velikiy."

Gabriel smiled at me, and actually petted my head.

Only once I had left the room did I realize I should be disgusted with myself. I was angry at myself, but somehow not angry at Gabriel. I realized that I even felt a bit guilty. I pushed that feeling away. That would NOT do.

The week passed, thankfully, without any further severe punishments. Sure, Gabriel would slap my ass hard if I gave him a look or hinted at talking back, but it didn't descend into an all out spanking.

When I did poorly, or I resisted just slightly, I was punished. A poor handjob or blowjob-gagging too often or becoming tired before he got off (he often took a very long time)-would result in a firm slap on the cheek then a harder slap on the ass as he sent me away. The slaps hurt, but I found the fact that he wasn't satisfied even harder to deal with.

Once, when I told him I was too tired to give him a hand job on the couch, he tied my hands behind my back and instead made me get him off using only my mouth. I had to unzip his zipper, and pull his pants down with my teeth. Then I had to angle my head so that his huge cock dipped in my mouth before I could begin. It was exhausting - he didn't move an inch and so I had to do all the work myself. He took over 45 minutes to cum and after I'd swallowed it all (I was getting better at that, and as Gabriel pointed out, it was all much cleaner that way), I collapsed on the couch out of sheer exhaustion, my head resting on his lap. I fell asleep with one of his hands stroking my hair and the other caressing my ass.

He now demanded I prepare all his meals, as well as constant handjobs and blowjobs, not just after our painting sessions. He'd text me, yell at me from another room, or, most often, simply walking in front of me and raising his eyebrows, his hands on his hips. I knew by now not to object, though I made a conscious effort not to look enthusiastic or obey too quickly.

When I did well, he was nice to me. A good blowjob would be followed by a long, sensuous, makeout session. If I'd done particularly well, he would even allow me to grind on his lap until I climaxed, rubbing hard against the outline of his long softening cock. I left those times feeling disgusted, used, ashamed...and yet euphoric. On one occasion, after I'd cooked him a particularly delicious steak dinner with a parsnip puree and green beans, I managed for the first time to deepthroat him completely, holding his huge cock all the way down my throat without gagging. Gabriel was in such a good mood that he put on some music and actually danced with me, revealing his impressive rhythm. We laughed, kissed, and danced for hours, with him leading the whole time of course. At the end of the night, I stood with my head resting against his chest and his hands on my ass, as we swayed slowly to "When a Man Loves a Woman." My mind swam with a combination of confusion and contentment. That night, Gabriel invited me to share his bed. I be invited and my immediate reaction was to say yes, enthusiastically. But I faltered, questioning myself. What would I be if I did say yes? Why was it becoming harder and harder to muster the energy to deny him? To hate him? I hated him!

You don't hate him, silly. Don't you see yet? Go to him.

I pushed the voice away and turned him down. He just nodded his head as if it was no big deal. He walked into his room and closed the door. I was left in the hallway, staring after him. I desperately wanted to go in. But I was afraid, horrified. I needed to stay in control. I went to bed, alone, pushing that voice away and focusing on how I needed to keep resisting.

The next big punishment came a few weeks after Gabriel had fucked me. We were about to settle in to watch a movie, I noticed Gabriel staring at my ass (which that day was tightly outlined by black leather pants, looking fantastic), while I was bending over to look for the remote.

"First times are hard for the girl, I think. So I have tried to give you time so you may have recovery, Mishi. But you make it hard for me, walking around with that." He nodded towards my ass.

I straightened up, flushing with pleasure at the compliment. But I suppressed my smile. Instead, in a moment of dumb pride and resistence, I said "No more of that, Gabriel. That was a one time thing."

What. are. you. doing!? The voice was angry. I ignored it.

He cocked an eyebrow at me, looking exasperated. "I tire of this game, Mishi. You enjoyed when I was inside you. I know this."

"No, Gabriel. I did not." My response came automatically. I still instinctually resisted him. And the things he claimed.

"Oh no?" He rested his hands behind his head, putting his muscular arms on display, his sleeves sliding to his shoulders. His chest and shoulders seemed to enlarge too. I scanned his body automatically. He was just so impressive. "You did not like my cock buried inside of you? You did not like when I took your body for myself? You took only such a small part of my cock, Mishi, other than for one second at the end. I know you want more. To feel it all inside, yes?"

My eyes ran down Gabriel's powerful body and fell to his lap. As usual, it was easy to pick out the shape of his massive member laying dormant between his legs, especially with the relatively tight joggers he wore.

The feminine voice grew strong. Oh yeah. She does, you fucking stud. You fucking STALLION.

"I...I..." I stuttered aloud. I just couldn't say that. I just could not tell him what he wanted to hear. I continued to stare at the outline of his cock. "I didn't, Gabriel. I don't..."

He sighed. "Mishi. Why do you lie to me? I must punish."

"No Gabriel!" I panicked. Eye's flying to his face, finding his expression dark. "Gabriel pl..."

He held up a hand, cutting me off. I knew not to interrupt. "You know not to call me this." He tsked. Shit. "You will sit here for this movie." he pointed to his lap.

I stared at his lap again and gulped. Well...maybe he wouldn't spank me at least.

"Now." he said seriously.

I jumped. "Yes, Velikiy."

I walked over quickly and sat, gasping softly at the feel of his huge cock against the crack of my ass.

Gabriel clicked play and leaned back. I looked up to watch the move and began to settle back into Gabriel, hoping against all odds that he would just let my misbehavior slide. But he held me in place by my lower back, not letting me lean back. No...this wasn't going to be so simple.

So I sat up straight on his lap, forced to keep my back arched and ass pressing hard into his cock. His strong hands wandered down my back, feeling my curves and running his fingers down the feminine indentation that had developed along my spine as I had corrected my posture these past months. I shuddered.

He peeled down my pants, revealing the top of my pale and round ass. I had begun rubbing oils and creams all over my body every day, concentrating on my ass, and my skin had become smooth and perfect, shining with a tantalizing gleam. Gabriel grunted appreciatively and I couldn't help but grin. He pulled down my pants more and I began to squirm.

"Be still."

I stopped moving. As the movie played Gabriel began playing with my ass, sending electric shocks flying through me. I could feel him harden beneath me. It grew longer and longer, the outline sliding across my ass and down against my leg.

MMMMmmmmm yessss. She said in my head. I breathed faster. No...I had just told him no... No...But he was so bigggg...

I had weighed myself that morning and, shockingly, I was down to 109 lbs. At 5'6'',I couldn't believe how little I weighed. I'd somehow dropped 40 pounds. Other than my growing tits and ass, my waist and general frame had become so dainty - my shoulders and arms growing thin and feminine. It therefore should have come as little surprise when Gabriel, with his 260 pound, 6'5'' frame of pure muscle, lifted me off his lap as easily as if I were a pillow. But I still gasped in shock at his strength and power. I looked down at him but he stared past my body to the other side of the room. My heart fell. Why wasn't he looking at me, or at my ass at least? Then I remembered the movie...I had forgotten about it...

Somehow, he switched his grip so that he held me in the air with one hand. I stared down at him, transfixed by this impressive display of power, and watched as he lowered his pants and boxers, revealing his sexy lower abs and, more importantly, inch by incredible inch of his glorious cock.

"MMMMmmmmm..." I heard myself moan. I couldn't help it. Who could help but moan in pleasure at the sight of something so beautiful and powerful. It sprung free and I gasped as it pointed upwards. He was already hard and it pulsated in all its glory - as thick as my wrist and as long as my forearm. Even after spending so much time playing and sucking on Gabriel's cock, I was still filled with amazement every time I saw it.

Gabriel calmly and slowly used his free hand to lower my pants down further. He pulled aside my panties. I panted hard and fast. Why was he moving so slow!? What was he waiting for!?

Wait...what...? Wasn't I just...? I didn't want this, did I...?

But he began lowering me back down, his cannon pointed straight up. "Ohhh goddddd..." I moaned, feeling his cock spread my cheeks. Other thoughts vanished as Gabriel continued to lower me. I felt the head of his monster push deeper and deeper, my ass spreading for him, to welcome him back. Further and further. Closer and closer. I opened my mouth, my head falling back and eyes closing. Ohhhhh the delicious anticipation.

I felt him enter me. "Ohhhh goddd yesssssssssss" I whispered.

He slid deeper and deeper as his strong hands lowered me. I still heard the sounds of the movie but they didn't form into understandable concepts in his head. Yet again, with him inside of me, my head had only the bandwidth for Gabriel's cock. Oh god so long. So amazingly deeeeep.

Then he stopped sliding.

I waited, oh the delicious anticipation of the return trip. MMmmm yessss. You love this so muchhh. I didn't bother objecting to the voice.

But he didn't move me. I opened my eyes, finding myself staring at his face with my head thrown back. He was watching the movie, seemingly interested.

Fuck. Do the work yourself thennnnn! The voice insisted. I began to push up on his lap. My ass was still a number of inches off Gabriel's lap. You aren't even anywhere close to taking him all. Oh god you want to feel it ALL.

As I pushed, trying to begin motion again, Gabriel stopped me, holding me in place.

"V...Velikiy?" I asked softly.

"Da?" He replied, not looking away from the screen in front of us.

"Please...I...are you...going to..." I whimpered.

"No. You do not like it anyways yes? So we will stay like this."


This can't be it. Oh god no. Noooo. Pleasssseee.

I whimpered, again attempting to slide up and down on Velikiy's pole but again being prevented by his iron grip. I couldn't settle myself down and I of course had no hope of ignoring it - there were enough slight movements that it was impossible to acclimate to the huge cock up my ass. It drove me insane. I felt my heat rising every second.

I squirmed helplessly.

"Pleaseee Velikiy..." I whispered desperately. "Please. I learned my lesson. Pleasseee." But he just ignored me.

I peppered his neck with kisses. I ran my hands up and down his incredible thighs. "Fuck me..." I whispered. "Fuck meeeeeee..." I begged.

He could have been made of marble for all the reaction it got. I was laying on top of Michaelangelo's David - David with a huge hard cock up my ass.

He didn't move me a single fucking inch.

This was torture. It was the worst punishment he'd ever given me. Like holding an ice cold water bottle to the lips of one who was dying of thirst but pouring in only a single drop. I needed this. I neeeeeeded him. I couldn't continue without him pounding into me. Oh god please.

I continued to whimper, to beg him, to try to entice him. But it was no use.

For 90 minutes he watched the movie. I watched none of it. I was locked inside my own personal torture chamber - extreme and endless edging courtesy of Gabriel's hard cock buried in my ass.

You did this to yourself. The voice said disgustedly. She grew stronger and stronger the longer I sat there, impaled helplessly.

By the end of the movie I was practically delirious. I'd never needed anything more in my life than I needed Gabriel to fuck me. Finally FINALLY he slid out slowly. Oh god so slowly.

"OHHHHhhhhhhhh" I moaned, reveling in every inch of friction. "Yessss Velikiyyyy. Please. Fuckkk meeeeeee."

But he lifted me completely off his lap and put me down on the couch next to him.

"NNnnooooooo. Velikiy. Put it back in pleaseeeee!!" I tried to mount him again but he just stood up, did up his pants, and looked at me.

"Your words and actions, Mishi. They have consequences. Perhaps now you will be honest, yes?"

He turned and walked away as I hungrily watched his broad back disappear into his room. The door shut with a conclusive bang.

Trembling, I managed to make it to my bed, where I curled up and cried myself to sleep.


The next day I felt slightly better. I was ashamed about what had happened the prior night of course, but a good cry does wonders.

Yes, my body wanted Gabriel. There was no denying that. That female voice inside of me wanted his cock. Wanted to be enveloped by his incredible body and muscles.

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