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Rosie's Confession

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Rosie Confesses her infidelity during cancer treatment.
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This is my first journey into the Loving Wives section. Everything in this story is a fiction. Constructive criticism is welcome, but rudeness and insults are not!

The confession

Rosie was very unwell in her hospital bed; the chemotherapy had left her weak and vulnerable to infection. I was allowed to visit her, but only while I was fully gowned and masked.

Rosie had caught a cold, and the Consultant oncologist had insisted Rosie be kept in quarantine until it had cleared up.

It was a Tuesday afternoon; I had managed to get all my work completed. My Boss John was a gem, he had lost his wife to Cancer a few years previously and knew what we were going through. He cut me a lot of slack to ensure I could be there for Rosie.

I arrived on Hamilton Ward and spoke to the Senior Nurse who told me,

"Rosie is a bit better today; her cold appears to be drying up. We hope to start the next round of treatment next week as planned.

I thanked here and donned the gown and mask as I had done every visit for the past week. I hoped she would be able to come home soon, but it looked unlikely just now.

Perhaps now is the time for a little background. My name is Peter White I am 52, 6 ft tall and well built at 180 Lbs. I try to get to the Gym 4 or 5 times a week and run each day to keep fit to live longer than my father who had died at the age of 62 of a massive Heart Attack. High Blood pressure and heart disease run in my Family. I stopped smoking 8 years ago. My last annual check-up saw me come off the blood pressure meds. And given a clean bill of health, the exercise was doing the trick.

Rosie is 15 years older than me at 67, 5Ft 6, her beautiful long raven black hair has gone as due to the cancer treatment, but her dark brown eyes still sparkle. She has lost so much weight during this brutal treatment. She was a big girl at 210 Lbs, she had always struggled with her weight. Now she weighed 120 Lbs. This illness had taken her well below the weight she wanted to be, life can be so cruel.

Rosie and I met in a local nightclub, on a Wednesday night of 60's 70's & 80's music. On what the locals call Grab a Granny night!

I was 22 years old and had been without a girlfriend for some months. I hadn't planned to go out that evening but got talked into it by Richie and Willie from work. Late in the evening, they had both disappeared. Either they had pulled or left without bothering to tell me. I was about to leave as I had to work the next day, when I saw her alone at the bar. A raven-haired vision. I put on my best swagger approached her and asked her to dance. I fully expected to be rebuffed.

She said, "yes I would love to dance".

And we did until the club closed at 12:30 am.

It had been national no smoking day and the club had been smoke free for the night, as we left together, we both said,

"I am gasping for a smoke!"

That made us laugh.

We both had a smoke we chatted as we headed to the Taxi rank.

I suggested we share a cab, and I would drop her off first and then go on to my flat. When we arrived at her place, she asked "Would you like to come in for a coffee?"

Her eyes sparkled; how could I refuse? I paid the Cab, and we went in to her little flat.

She made us a coffee and put on some light music. We sat and chatted and neither of us noticed how much time had passed.

Then it happened, we kissed, and it was electric, it wasn't long before we had hands everywhere and were removing our clothes.

Skin on skin on the rug in front of the open fire we embraced and before long we were making sweet love. I wasn't very experienced, but I knew the basics, we touched we kissed, she was wet with anticipation, it just happened my rod of flesh knew where to go and what to do. Before long Rosie was panting and arriving at her climax. I felt her vagina clasp my rod as she came, her contraction pulled my orgasm in to her. I felt my hot semen hit deep inside her and I gave a long groan that seemed to go in forever and came from a part of me I did not know existed.

We laid there in front of her fire on the rug momentarily as one being, nothing else mattered the world outside ceased to exist. In that moment we were mated for life.

After a few minutes we both checked the time, it was gone five am. In a panic we cleaned up and got dressed. I was due at work at 07:30 and Rosie had a train to catch at 6.

She called a Taxi and asked for 2 to come. She needed to get the train and I needed to get home to change. As we parted, we exchanged numbers and promised to go out on a date.

We dated for 3 months; we made love as often as we were together. We spent every night together either at her place or mine.

One night Rosie said, "this is silly, why don't we get a place together?"

We both sold our flats and bought a new 2 bedroomed house on the outskirts of town.

We had been living together for 6 months when I took Rosie to dinner at Enrico's, the best Italian restaurant in town. At the end of a spectacular meal, we ordered coffee and then I got down on one knee and asked.

"Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

The whole restaurant stared awaiting her answer, it seemed to that an eternity for her answer to come.

Then she smiled and said "yes".

The pace erupted with applause. I placed the ring on her finger, it was a family Heirloom passed down from my Great Grandmother, it filled perfectly. Well of course it did I had it adjusted specially. We embraced and kissed passionately until someone called out.

"Get a room!"

The restaurant erupted with laughter.

We married 3 months later; a church weddings Rosie in beautiful big white dress and me in my best suit. It was a big friends and family affair with one hell of a reception afterwards.

We honeymooned in the Maldives for 14 wonderful days, we relaxed and sunned ourselves by day and made love by night.

9 months later we were blessed with a daughter Elizabeth Rose (Lizzy). Our little Family bumbled along nicely. We had the usual troubles like any family, silly arguments over unimportant issues. We had a real bump 12 years ago. Rosie became withdrawn and depressed; our sex life took a real hit. To be honest it has never been the same again.

Things were so bad for a while, I started drawing up plans for divorce, but when I thought of Lizzy only just a teenager, how do you tell a 13-year-old that the 2 people she needed most were no longer in love. I decided to keep in there and hope against hope that Rosie engaged with me again.

Rosie seemed to start to recover from her fugg after a few months, but I never felt we were as connected as before.

We celebrated our silver anniversary a week before the awful diagnosis of an aggressive lymphoma. Rose had found a couple of lumps in her armpit and saw her GP, not an easy thing with the state of the NHS, but she got an emergency appointment. Within days she was referred to a specialist. He was hopeful it had been caught in time. He had her started on Chemotherapy treatment within 2 weeks.

Rosie had 3 lots of Chemo, and while er immune system was low, she caught a nasty cold which put her in hospital. She was low.

I visited Rosie every day, on this occasion she looked a bit better. As well as you can with brutal cancer treatments and the tail end of a snotty cold.

She looked at me with her big bark Brown eyes and said, "Peter we need to talk!"

I gulped fearing the worst.

"I need to get this off my chest and make my peace in case I don't beat this. I don't know if I am going to survive and there is something you deserve to know".

My heart thudded and my stomach knotted. I had no idea what was coming but I knew it would be bad.

She carried on "Please let me finish before you react!"

I reluctantly agreed.

And then what she told me, made my world spiral away from me.

She said" I need to make a confession; I have been unfaithful to you, and I can't take this to my death with me. I need to confess my sin."

I had no way to react Ok the cancer we would beat, or we wouldn't, we had both accepted that. Never in my worst nightmare had I expected my soulmate to break my heart as well.

I mustered a reply "Why, who and when?"

Tears were running down my face I could feel lunch trying to exit me and my blood pressure rising dangerously. I ran out of the room and to the toilet across the way and emptied my stomach. I took a few minutes to clean myself up and compose myself before returning to Rosie's side.

I could feel a new emotion rising and this was anger.

I let her have it "Why would you do this to me?

She replied timidly "I am so sorry I just wanted to try something exciting and new. I never meant to hurt you."

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Hell Rosie, neither of us were virgins when we met, that's just bullshit!"

I was incandescent with anger, and I barked "So when was this and with who?"

She said nothing, so I asked again this time louder. A nurse arrived and told me to either calm down or leave. I apologised and lowered my voice.

I asked again "when was this and with who?"

She cried and I could see Rosie did not want to tell me.

I asked again "when and with who?" I glared at her and snarled "NOW!"

Through the sobs She quietly managed to say "Mike Smythe, 12 years ago".

Through gritted teeth I just said, "I am going to kill him!" and I got up and left. I dumped the gown and mask on the floor and ran to my car. I sat in my car and just cried, probably for about an hour.

My mobile rang several times, each time it was Rosie and each time I just cancelled the call, and then the texts came.

"I am so sorry".

"Please forgive me".

"Please come back I need you, I need to explain".

I ignored them all and drove home a broken man.

I couldn't believe it Fucking Mike Smythe her ex-boss at SeaTech UK Ltd our supposed friend. I decided there and then he was getting a slap. I thought he and Sarah, his wife were our friends.

I needed to hurt him, I needed revenge, but not tonight. If I had acted, there and then I would have been in a cell waiting trial for murder!

The next morning, I phoned in to work and asked for the rest of the week off for personal issues.

My boss John said, "take all the time you need".

He must have assumed Rosie had taken a turn. I thanked him and said to expect me back Monday.

What the fuck was I going to do, my soulmate and lover had dropped a bomb on me, she had broken my heart.

I needed to confront Mike. I thought about going to his office, but then remembered he had changed jobs a few years ago and I didn't know where or if he was still working. So, I went to his house.

When I got there no one was home. I sat in my car and waited. At 3:30 pm Sarah arrived home. She saw my car and came over.

Sarah was a gorgeous woman the same age as me. Blond with a beautiful face and large blue eyes. Taller than Rosie and with a nice figure and long legs.

We hadn't seen each other for a few years, she recognised me at once and asked me to come in.

She could see I was upset and angry.

She said, "what brings you here Pete?"

It just came out no warning "Did you know Mike fucked Rosie?"

Sarah just looked stunned, once she gathered herself, she nodded and said.

"Yes, sorry Pete."

I told Sarah that Rosie was ill with cancer, and she told me yesterday that she had cheated on me with Mike.

Sarah sat next to me, hugged me and said, "I don't think she has told you the whole story Pete!"

She hugged me again. I just felt angry and confused.

Just as Sarah was about to tell me my mobile rang. It was Rosie, she was crying and pleading with me to come in and see her. I just said.

"No, not today. you have hurt me too much. I can't see you, not today!"

I could hear Rosie Sob as I ended the call. I put my phone on silent.

I got myself together and said OK Sarah "Tell me what I don't know".

"Do you remember the burns night supper we had here about 12 years back?" she said.

I nodded yes. I remembered.

"Well, that night you went outside for a Joint with a couple of the other guests while and Mike and I were chatting with Rosie. She told us you two had been talking about swinging."

"Woah! Sarah" I said, "She told you about the fantasy conversation we had in bed one night after making love!"

"I am so sorry Pete" Sarah said "Rosie knew Mike and I had swung before and said you and her were up for it. She was going to tell you that Mike and I were up for it as well."

Sarah carried on "We planned for you to both come over the following Saturday. Mike would have Rosie and I would have you. Separately at first and then together later in the day."

"Well, this is fucking news to me ". I said angrily.

"Do you remember what happened when you came over. My parents were here, and we all had coffee before they left. Then I invited you to come outside for a smoke."

"Yes, I remember, you tried to kiss me". I replied.

Sarah continued "I was going to take you to the little lodge in the garden and we were going to make love. Except when I tried to kiss you, you pulled away and asked what I thought I was doing, that you were married and wasn't going to cheat on Rosie. I knew at that point we had both been duped by Mike and Rosie. It was obvious you knew nothing about the agreement and by that time, it was too late, they were already at it. So, I gave you a tour of the garden to kill time."

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed.

Then Sarah asked me" I need to know if you had known about the swinging agreement would you have made love to me?"

I thought for a moment "Yes, I would have done, I fancied you rotten!"

Sarah just smiled.

I told Sarah that. Before that weekend Rosie and I made love several times a week. Then suddenly for no reason sex became non-existent between us. I was lucky if I got one fuck on the weekend while she laid there like a cold fish. I might as well have got a blow-up doll it would have been more erotic. Then about six months later she started wanting sex again, but it was never the same, the spark was gone.

I felt the blood drain from me and just said, "something has just occurred to me. Rosie started coming home late after that. She told me she was pulling into a layby on the way home from work from Aberdeen to have a nap because she was tired with the driving. Instead of being home at 7pm it was well past 8 most nights".

Sarah just said "Oh shit! Mike said he had to work late on a big project".

This revelation was new to Sarah as well. I could see she was becoming angry also.

I then heard someone arrive at their house, when the door opened. It was Mike.

He said, "Sarah! I am home".

I stood up. As he entered the room, I punched him square in the face. He went down like a sack of spuds.

I just said" That's for fucking my wife".

I kicked him in the nuts and said, "That's for fucking up my marriage".

Sarah just looked at him and said, "you fucking deserved that Mike, you are a cheating bastard!".

Sarah kicked him as well. He laid there in a foetal position struggling for breath.

As I left, Sarah came to the door with me, took my phone and called her own number from it. Her phone rung and she ended the call.

She said, "Call me, we need to resolve this.".

She kissed me on the cheek.

As I left, I checked my phone, there was a ton of missed calls from Rosie. I phoned her back; she answered on the 2nd ring.

Rosie was in tears saying, "I am so sorry, please forgive me".

I said, "I will visit you tomorrow afternoon, we need talk and sort this out".

She just sobbed "I am so sorry!".

I just ended the call.

That evening I did something very stupid. I found my very expensive bottle of 30-year-old Glen Fiddich my father had given me before he died and drunk myself to sleep.

I awoke late the next morning to a horrendous hangover, my stomach turned over and over, then I was sick.

I still had the hangover and now I was hungry. I went to a local Café and had the full English Breakfast and a gallon of coffee.

By 1pm I was starting to feel nearly human again. Now it was time to confront Rosie with what I knew.

I arrived at the hospital at 2pm. I went to Rosie's room, but she was not there. I found a nurse and asked her where Rosie was. She didn't know but promised to find out.

Half an hour later the nurse found me and said Rosie would be back soon but wouldn't tell me where Rosie had gone.

"How long?". I asked.

She should be back shortly the nurse said.

I sat there like a spare prick at a wedding for over an hour. When she finally came back it was well gone 4pm. She was wheeled in by an orderly and the nurse helped to get her in to bed.

I told the nurse "Please don't disturb us, we have some personal issues to deal with".

The nurse gave me a blank look and just left. I got up and closed the door behind her.

Angrily I asked, "where have you been, I have been waiting?"

"I saw the consultant and then went to the chapel." She replied.

I needed to get answers, so I just went for it.

I went to see Sarah yesterday; she has been very helpful in piecing all this together for me. Would you care to tell me the truth about your affair with Mike?" I asked.

What little colour she had in her face drained and then she sobbed as tears ran down dripping off her chin on to her PJ's. She said nothing.

"OK if you won't speak, I will tell you what I already know. You told Mike and Sarah at their Burns Supper we had discussed swinging. Correct?"

Rosie managed a feeble "Yes."

Then you organised for us to be at their house the next Saturday where you and Mike and Me and Sarah would have sex. Correct?"

She just nodded.

"So, when were you going to inform me about this then?"

Rosie just looked down and said nothing.

"You had no intentions of Me and Sarah getting together. Correct?"

She just nodded.

OK Rosie so why? Why did you go and fuck Mike? Why did you keep me in the Dark? You embarrassed Sarah and me. You know my views on cheating you knew I would turn her down. If you had spoken to me, I would have been up for it, consensual swinging is not cheating. Going behind my back is!"

Finally, Rosie spoke "I am sorry Pete. Mike Charmed me. I just wanted him."

"Did you keep fucking him after that day?" I asked desperately trying to control myself.

"No! I swear." she said.

I just shouted "Liar, you fucking slut, you were fucking him for at least 3 months after that. How do I know? I will tell you. You were getting home late most nights using that feeble excuse of having to pull over to nap because the drive was tiring you. You were only giving me a pity fuck on a Saturday night while you laid there like a cold fish, every other night you would just roll over and say you were tired. And this went on till your contract with SeaTech ended. It's funny Sarah told me Mike was supposedly working late on a big project at the same time!"

"So now tell me the truth."

Rosie said "I am so sorry it got out of hand, it was supposed to be just once, but after that we kept seeing each other after work until we got caught in his office. That's when they let me go."

"So why involve Sarah and me?"

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go for it with Mike & Sarah, but then I couldn't bear to see you with another woman. When we arrived, they thought it was all ok. That's why Sarah took you outside she thought you knew, and you were going to have her while Mike had me."

I stopped her there "Woah! Rosie. I really don't know where we go from here. I am so angry and confused. You took what you wanted but denied me and Sarah, then you denied me any affection for months after that, and let's face it, it's not been that good ever since.

"You said the other day you wanted new and exciting, what the fuck do you think we had been trying to do in the months before this. playing with BDSM, we even enrolled with a Fetish club, after getting excited and getting outfits you suddenly decided you didn't want to go. We talked about swinging, and you seemed up for it. All these things we planned to do together but you went off and had an affair!"


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