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Rough Session

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Slave girl roughly handled by her Master. Hand Illustrated.
3.5k words

Part 15 of the 15 part series

Updated 05/16/2024
Created 12/11/2023
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(Please be aware these drawings are hand drawn on paper and take days to create.)

Christmas, what a ghastly time of the year. It's hard for me to navigate though it, expectations and bad memories ruin it for me, and it seems filled with insincerity and pettiness.

The Christmas party on Friday last had been bad enough, though mostly quite unremarkable. No after time sorties with his friends in hotel rooms thankfully. Just polite smiles to the fake people, and home to bed.

He had drunk hard, even for him, and I could tell he was in a lecherous frame of mind. Though I had really thought all that inebriation aftermath of the night before would have tamed him some.........

So how to say this? Well hopefully I can, and it makes sense......

With the arrival of little Michael, Master let his other slave Anna rest a time. However a man has needs, and Master's needs are dark and pressing. I being without child was expected to take up the task of his satisfaction. Something with my recent illness I had been very lax on. I guess he had suffered from my mental withdrawal. Though I had not expected the evening to get so raw and rough.......

"Tonight let's get things into perspective shall we?" I knew with that line matters were not going to be so straightforward this evening.

His hands were caressing the sides of my face. Beneath the heavy blindfold I could not see him. It was exceedingly uncomfortable tied to the chair, my discomfort all intentional. Designed specifically to get me into the head space.

I tried to move my wrists, the ropes were bitingly tight. My fingers were already approaching numb. He was pacing about me, voice emanating now from behind. "You're not nervous? I shook my head. "Then my love, you must be cold?"

No.......... I shook my head in lieu of an answer.

"You're trembling." He countered, sliding his index finger slowly down my spine from the nape of my neck, barely touching flesh at all, lower and lower, all the way to the crease of my derriere. My breath caught in my throat, and goose bumps rose up all over my exposed flesh. Nipples hardened and tingled. "Why are you trembling, then, whore?

No other man could call me that, but he did so with impunity.

"I don't know." I said in a timorous, almost whisper. He had called me a whore, I knew then this could get rough.

"Yes you do." He rasped, his breath warm against my ear and the side of my face. A rough pinch in passing to one of those upstanding nipples. I squealed and tried to fight the sturdy chair and the rope that bound me to it. What is it he wants? My inner turmoil groaned. The defiant me rose up, and I began to struggle hard against the bonds that held me in place.

He was unmoved. "Okay. So...let's talk about my request then, shall we?" I felt him move in front of me. He exuded static electricity and heat. My mind went numb and my body still. I shuffled my bare feet slightly on the cool concrete, testing the ropes that bound them to the legs of the chrome chair, beginning to feel excessively vulnerable.

The rope is tight. Tight. Tight... I shook my head, bit my lip. I stuttered. "I-I-I..." Then breathed out. I could not answer.

"Why do you fight my wishes, Lidia?" He slapped me, across my right cheek with his open hand. I hadn't been expecting it. The blow threw my head to the side. I was unable to reach up and rub my cheek. It stung intensely. This further angered me. I tugged hard at the ropes, but they did not give.

I forced myself to stop struggling and be still, encouraged by the growing pain in my wrists and ankles. I ground my teeth together to keep from crying out in either anger or pain. His voice was calm, as if he hadn't just slapped me. I concentrated on my breathing. Slow. Slow. In, pause, out, pause, in, pause, out. Slower. Just breathe. Don't rise to anger, whatever you do.

"You do know." He said quietly. "Don't lie to me." I involuntarily flinched as I felt the tendrils of his hair brush my shoulder. "Now. Tell me why do you defy me, avoid me,

shrug me off, sidestep my requests?"

Why? I didn't rightly know. It was not a tangible dissidence. My mind reeled. Why do I fight? Say it...But I didn't...I couldn't...and the seconds ticked by.

I knew he would strike me again. I wanted to answer, turning my head blindly right and then left, as if seeking but finding naught. I had to answer, quickly.

My mind shouted. Say SOMETHING! Anything!

"I do it because I..." My lips moved for a moment, but no sound came out. "Because...I want...I want..." I didn't rightly know what I wanted.

Too late...

He slapped me again, on the other cheek. This time, harder, much harder. Blood was in my mouth. He said something, but I didn't hear it all. What I heard was "... I don't understand you."

Tears sprang to my eyes beneath the blindfold. I was as frustrated as he. "Fuck!" I screamed through my clenched teeth. "Mother Fucking Bastard!" I was infuriated and desperately tried to break free, struggling in futility against the ropes, which only served to dig deeper into my flesh. A thin layer of sweat broke out on my skin, and I muttered curses as I wrestled what I could not break.

He said my name calmly, quietly. Again, I didn't hear him. We were approaching a dangerous place. He said it louder, as if I were an idiot who couldn't understand, which did result in me turning my face in the general direction his voice emanated. "Are you frightened?" He asked me. I shook my head no. I lied.

I was riled also, and anger always overcame my sense of fear. "Fuck You.........No!...... And, Fuck You!" Rarely did I allow myself to be so crude.

"You're not afraid?" He asked again.

"No!" I screamed....resuming my struggle in earnest.

He grabbed the chair to which I was tied and flung it backward. I landed on my back hitting the concrete just hard enough to knock the breath from my lungs. He reached out with one hand and pressed it against my throat, cutting off my air. I struggled to draw a deep breath before he took my right to air away. He used his other hand to wrench the blindfold from my eyes.

Our eyes met, his familiar face only inches from mine. "You behave like an animal. I will treat you like one. You should be afraid, very afraid Lidia." He spoke matter-of-factly and smiled. It was a disarmingly charming smile and meshed perfectly with the casual conversational tone he was using. "Now let's talk about my request."


I looked off to the side, seeking something to placate him, to make him see and understand, in the depths of my mind that I knew I wouldn't find. His grip loosened slightly and I drew a rasping breath, then he tightened his grip again...and in doing so brought my eyes back to his steel gray ones.

"You are going to consent to being shared? I've asked you nicely, but you have not replied." He smiled at me, it was a very false smile. "It's a simple thing Lidia. We are man and wife are we not? I give to you what I am, and you? You give to me. You do this one time, just one time that's all."

I nodded, barely though, as he was constricting my throat and my face was by now beet red. I knew he could feel the already the fluttering pulse in my throat increase exponentially under his palm. He let go seconds before I lost consciousness.


Yeah, you wish." He whispered. "But I would never go that far........." I hated him more then he knew for those words. His iron gray eyes slowly traced every line of my body bound to that chair as I gracelessly gasped for air, coughing and trying to regain control of my racing mind. "Now, that I have your undivided attention Lidia...I'll ask you again." He said. "Will you accommodate my reasonable request?"

Yes. It's not reasonable you cunt...

Instead, I just nodded my head slowly, eyes brimming with tears. It had been a long time since I had even been close to crying. He nodded back. It was an empathetic gesture. Yet, could he even truly begin to understand? We had gone over this stuff over and over to no avail.

"Good. Now........think carefully before you answer my next question girl." I shuddered, he felt it as he paused placing a large warm hand on either side of my face. He enunciated each word with great care. "You will not fight me next time, no?

I was naked. Supine. Bound. Alone. Afraid. Stripped of every defense at my disposal. There was no reason to lie, to him or myself. Defying him further would only infuriate him to a dangerous new level.

You wont do as he says. (Cajoled the wicked demons in my head)

I have to.(Demanded the mortal body)

He has the right. (Agreed the wife)

He needs to force me. (Thought the wild thing)

I am worthless. (Resigned, was the whore)

I closed my eyes and whispered. "I will try Sir.......I will try." I wasn't sure I meant it, but I so needed to be released. My eyes were closed, but I heard his smile even though my rising sickness.

"You don't give in so easy?"

I knew he could see beneath my layers, beneath my defensive subterfuge.

"No Sir, I really mean I'll try." I felt a rush of heat between my legs as I spoke the words. It was most unwelcome.

"I don't believe you." He whispered.

I know...

He reached behind my back and unfettered my wrists. My arms ached as the blood returned. Then he released my ankles. I came free from the chair and landed with a thump on the concrete. Freedom felt so good.

A few concepts were certain, and my mind tried to reason them over. I had come here of my own free will. I had given myself willingly to him on the death of my beloved. I understood who and what he was, but I still engaged his affections. I had let him tie me up. What was wrong with me?

You're addicted to the edge.

You've really done it this time.

No one cares you're here.

He is very dangerous.

He will not stop until he gets what he wants.

My mind reeled with my predicament, my body finally responded.


I rolled onto the flat of my stomach, pushed myself up onto hands and knees and attempted to scramble to my feet. My hands never even left the coolness of the floor before he caught me by the ankle. He tugged my ankle hard, which sent me sprawling onto the concrete ingloriously on my face. I rolled onto my back as he dragged me several feet backwards on the unyielding surface, the floor-drain grate rasping my exposed back. I yowled in pain.


With fists and feet striking out viciously I aimed at any exposed part of him I knew to cause hurt. Though in his impassioned state my fury seemed to have little effect, other than to make him appear aggravated. At this point he was simply attempting to subdue me, which intensified my efforts. My desperate nails caught him across the neck, drawing blood, causing him to release me for the briefest second, giving me another opening to chance escape.

I rolled over and squirmed away, attempting to push myself upright, but his hand lobbed squarely in the small of my back pushing me roughly to the ground again. This time I could tell he was angry, and his superior weight thwarted my flight.

He pressed himself against my lower body as he slid his heavy physique along mine. Finally thwarting my kicks by pinning my legs beneath him and holding both of them with his thigh. Then he grabbed one of my wildly flailing arms, pressed it behind my back, pinning it beneath his chest, while he secured my remaining hand. He then used one hand to pin both of my wrists together tightly behind my back.

I shook my shoulders right and left, and attempted to buck my hips upward, as I struggled. However he was so heavy I found my fight was all but exhausted in a few shrugs. He pulled my arms back sharply. The pain causing me to immediately stop all movement as my shoulder sockets were on fire. The struggle had left me exhausted and out of breath. For what seemed like an eternity, the only sound in the room was our heavy breathing and my occasional whimper when he'd tug at my wrists.

"Lets talk about the next time my mates come over, shall we? Because you are going to play with them."

I nodded even if I had no desire to do so. You are going to cooperate. You are NOT going to make a fool of me or a fuss. You are going to let them look at you, touch you, calmly, understood."

I nodded. I guess that meant I had agreed.

"I know you will be afraid, but I will be there. I wont let anything happen to you."

I did not feel at all assured.

He was crushingly heavy. I couldn't see his face from this angle, but with the sudden stillness and quiet I could feel every inch of his solid body against mine. So very conscious of him pressing against my back, he shifted slightly so that he could reposition my arms, pressing them to the floor above my head.

He's had enough of your shit, you know that...where exactly did you think you were going to run to anyway?

"So Lidia I want a promise. I want to hear it from your lips here, right now."

He felt my exhalation of breath and the slump of defeat in my frame. Was my 'promise' under such physical duress really valid?

"Tell me....." He invited.

I knew he was not going to let me up until I agreed. If I agreed I had to give my word. The alternative to my current situation would not be not something I could endure for so long. A while perhaps, but in a few miserable hours my agreement would be signed sealed and delivered nonetheless. I sighed. My words came out feeling almost alien to me. "I will do this one time Sir, what you want of me........I promise."

It was pointless to again go over my deep seated fear of all things poly. I knew he just did not understand. Times like this I truly wanted to flee from him, to run away even, into the street in a foreign land with no money nor friends for comfort.

My breasts were now pressed painfully flat beneath me, and I could no longer draw anymore than the most restricted of breaths due to his heaviness. Mercifully he lifted his dead weight momentarily to adjust his clothing.

I knew what was coming then. His body slid further up my back and I felt his penis, hot, smooth and hard on my inner thigh. His hands pressed mine flat against the concrete a few inches from where my cheek rested.

I gazed at his hands through my hair. They were big, completely covering mine. He was strong, designed for this. I tried to move my arms but couldn't. His hardness probed between my legs, seeking. He used his legs to push mine apart. I swallowed and waited. "I'm glad to hear we have reached a compromise, Lidia. That pleases me." He gloated.

His thick cock was pressing against the entrance to my femaleness. I whimpered in answer, attempting to make it sound like a warning. He ignored me. Blood from the gash on his neck was dripping onto my back, he cared not I had slit him. "Now wouldn't it be nice if this didn't hurt, hum?..." He shifted his weight and pushed just the head of his cock inside me, stretching me open. He was big, so hard. It hurt as he entered me, for I was never easily ready.

Even this struggle had failed to make me lubricate. I hoped it hurt him too. He made a growling sound. "You're body is telling me..." He paused and pushed in further, another fraction of an inch "...That you don't want it. You see we really need to make this better, don't we?"

Shit! I did and I didn't.

That didn't daunt him. He began pushing just the head of his cock in and out, slowly, rhythmically. I felt the muscles just inside of me squeeze, attempting to pull him further, and I hated myself. Even in pain my body had other plans and a will of its own that it needed to satisfy regardless of my mind state.

He pulled his manhood out completely, moments passed...then he pushed it back inside, a little deeper. I gasped, my fingernails raking the concrete. My toes digging into the floor.

He withdrew very slowly. I could feel the head, teasing my hole. Right there......but not inside. I groaned. Then slowly and a little deeper still, he pushed himself inside me once more. He was breathing in my ear, his lips pressed against my hair. His breath changed pace every time he pushed his cock inside.

I knew he could feel me attempting to grind my behind against him. To will him inside me completely. His hands stayed on top of mine, but he had ceased pushing them down with any amount of force. He lifted some of his weight off of me, allowing me my first deep breath in several minutes. My clitoris was throbbing. His cock continued to tease me. I was feeling...desperate. Yet, I didn't want to be...

Fuck me. He can't hear that. It doesn't matter what you say, does it? Fuck me. Hard. You have to say it, or the bastard will stop. You want it. Beg him.

"Fuck me Sir."

Ask nicely.


Without warning he rammed the entire length of his maleness deep inside of me, hurting me, filling me with delicious pain as the head of his hardness bumped my cervix. Light flashed behind my eyelids and I couldn't breathe. My fingers splayed wide beneath his arching with pleasure. I made a sound like an animal, pain and lust overwhelming me.

FUCK...YESSSS. I drove my hips upwards to meet his thrusts. I couldn't think clearly. You don't have to think..........

"Oh..." Fuck........

"Sir..." God, God, God.......

"God..." Yeah he knows he is. My ragged words escaping with each thrust. He was using me brutally, like there was no tomorrow. Hand entwined in my hair. Pulling, wrenching control.

I feel so full. Damn it's already hurting. Shit, I hate me...

"You dirty, fucking whore." He uttered between gritted teeth. His filthy language only in

cited me further even amid the roaring pain.

Yes. I'm a slut... your slut.

"You're gonna pay for this blood on my neck, you fuckin' whore."

Yes Sir make me pay...Make this whore pay...Yes Sir...anything...anything you want... I coerced, if only in my mind.

He gave me several slow hard strokes, followed by one deep push, a pause, then buried himself again deep inside me. I was gripping him hard. Shaking in my overflowing need.


"Don't you dare cum, you good for nothing bitch..." He warned.

Please, please, please... I couldn't help it, couldn't stop it. It was not the sex, already the pain was approaching my threshold as such, but the helplessness and his roughness. My pussy began to spasm violently, as I came, my entire body following suit.

"Nooo!" I moaned and pressed my ass hard against him..."YES!...GOD.....OWW!"

I didn't believe in a god, but nonetheless God is here.

My fingers and toes had gone numb, body weak, the shaking wouldn't stop. Beginning with a tremor in my inner thighs then traveling down my legs. He grunted like a beast as he fucked me hard, fists balled, slamming my body into the unforgiving floor as he came, pulling out abruptly only seconds before. I continued to moan and writhe beneath him long after he was done, the cool of the concrete welcome on the side of my flushed face.


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