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Roxx's Role Ch. 02

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Isla takes Roxie on an journey down the road of submission.
13.8k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 05/18/2022
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Roxx's Role

Chapter 2

Roxie looked at the women in the mirror. She looked similar to the one she always saw with just a few subtle differences. The perpetual frown had gone, the normal furrowed brow now slightly smoother. The deep hazel eyes still looked tired but also held a small spark of life and maybe a little hope. The mouth, instead of the lips being pressed tightly together were a little more relaxed, there may even be the hint of a natural smile at the corners instead of the false one she normally wore. The hair was still the same, half shaved to stubble half several inches long and bleached white. Although it had a slight sheen to it now, which was possibly due to the different shampoo it had been washed with more than anything else.

Her eyes moved to the reflected room, a spacious neat bathroom decorated in pale greens and gray. Not a bathroom she was used to. Roxie's was about half the size of this one and looked a lot less tidy.

Finally, her eyes drifted back to her body. That was exactly the same as it was last time she had looked at it. Apart from the small fact she was totally naked of course. The memory of the previous night flitted through her head making her belly do a few back flips and sending a flush of heat to her loins.

It had seemed a very sexy thing to do at the time, ensuring her clothing was locked away for twenty-four hours, but that was before she had realised she needed to go to work before that time was up. So now here she stood, stark naked, in the bathroom of the lady she was now calling Miss Isla, a petite, copper haired, green eyed dominant, who Roxie had agreed to letting control certain aspects of her life. She had never considered herself a submissive but since she had agreed to it, she had felt a certain sense of calm and if she had to admit very aroused sexually. Although now there was the small issue of having to go to the home of her friend and boss, Lucy, for the spare key to her flat so she could get clothing to go to work in. All in the middle of the day while she was naked.

Of course, Isla had teased her relentlessly, and if Roxie was totally honest with herself, she suspected Isla had partly engineered the situation. It was too much of a coincidence that Isla had remembered that Roxie would be in the predicament just as she hit a climax, triggering a reaction that Roxie could only describe as 'earth shaking'. Just remembering the climax sent shivers through her body.

A soft knock on the bathroom door dragged Roxie's attention back to reality.

"Little bear... I have something that you can wear."

Roxie's heart fluttered at the sound of the voice. Little bear. That was what Miss Isla called her when their dynamic was functional. There had been a few nervous giggles earlier when Roxie had attempted to wear some of Isla's clothing. With nearly a foot difference in height and about twenty plus kilos difference in weight, Isla's borrowed t-shirt, which to be fair had been the largest she owned, split along one seam when Roxie had tried to squeeze her huge shoulders through it. After one glance, Roxie didn't even bother trying the shorts. So, Miss Isla had sent Roxie off to shower while she came up with a plan.

Now Roxie surmised it was time to find out what that plan was.

She looked into her reflected eyes once more. "Good luck." Roxie told herself quietly as she walked away from the mirror.

When Roxie entered the bedroom where they had finally managed to get some sleep, with Isla's small body tucked up tight in Roxie's arms, she saw Isla was fully dressed, her hair gleaming in the sun that flooded the room, and her green eyes burning with that sexy fire that made Roxie feel totally out of her comfort zone. Typically, Isla looked stunning in a crisp white form fitting t-shirt and a pair of denim jeans that touched every curve of her lower body.

"Are you sure you want to cover that sexy body of yours little bear?" Isla asked with a lustful note to her voice.

Fighting the urge to cover herself Roxie gave a nervous laugh. "I don't think I am brave enough to go full on nudist Miss Isla." She replied, her face warming again.

"Shame." Isla giggled. "Still, you are very distracting as you are, so I suppose we had better get you covered up. I'm not sure I could concentrate on my job if I had to keep thinking of you standing by the door of the club naked."

The words cut deeply into the imagined scene Roxie had climaxed to the previous night and she gave a slight moan as she felt the first tingles of arousal.

"Wow." Isla gaped. "It really doesn't take much to get you going."

Unable to meet Isla's lustful gaze, Roxie looked downwards bashfully. "I can't help it. You've done something to me that I keep imagining myself naked for you and the thought of that just turns me on."

"Oh, little bear. That is so lovely that you admitted that." Isla replied gently. "And knowing that gets me worked up."

Roxie lifted her head in surprise. "You get aroused at me being aroused?" She questioned.

"Fuck yes." Isla told her. "Making you hot and wet is my kink. The more excited you get, the hornier I get."

"Oh gods." Roxie muttered as she envisioned the scenario where between them, they would just be feeding off each other in a never-ending cycle.

"Mmmm, delicious thought isn't it." Isla grinned, moving a little closer to Roxie and placing a light kiss on her lips.

"Well, if the thought of being naked turns you on we will see how you get on with my idea. I am afraid there wasn't a great deal I could do with what I have, but this will at least preserve your modesty." Isla lifted a carrier bag that obviously contained something made from material.

Roxie had no clue what to expect but she had an idea it wouldn't be something she would normally wear, and the way Isla was suppressing her giggling, Roxie had the feeling it was going to be embarrassing.

"I got it for a fancy-dress party, but they sent the wrong size and I forgot to send it back." Isla explained as she dipped her hand into the bag. Before the item was revealed Isla paused, her hand still in the bag. "Just so you know this isn't the only option, but it is going to cover the most." Isla informed Roxie at little more seriously.

"Can you please just show me Miss Isla." Roxie asked her tone resigned. "Then at least I know my options."

"Yes, of course little bear." Isla agreed and pulled out the contents.

As the item was withdrawn from the bag Roxie half closed her eyes not really wanting to see what the mischievous Isla had in mind. She was expecting something in black leather with strategically placed holes or something similar.

It certainly wasn't what Isla pulled out and lay on the bed.

A rabbit onesie. Made from pink and white furry material, complete with paws for the feet and hands, and a hood with huge pink and white ears.

Just looking at the item made Roxie feel faint. She could easily imagine Isla walking her along the road, hand in hand, nothing hugely exciting, but they would both know she would be totally naked underneath. Add to the fact that everyone would be staring because of the outfit... Roxie moaned quietly.

"Yes, I know exciting thought, isn't it." Isla flushed with excitement and her own arousal.

"What's the other option?" Roxie asked nervously all too aware that Isla was going to make this into an opportunity to get her as turned on as possible. She dreaded the thought of what she was going to end up wearing, and at the same time wanted Isla to fill her with the tense thrill she had the previous night. The mixed feelings were leaving her flustered to the point of distraction.

"How would you feel about wearing a dress?" Isla asked innocently.

It took a lot of self-control for Roxie not to laugh. From memory the last time she had worn a dress was when she was at school, and she hadn't had a choice. But at this moment in time, it seemed to be her best option.

"Okay Miss Isla, let's go with the dress." Roxie decided for good or for bad.

A small look of disappointment crossed Isla's face as she placed the onesie back in the bag. "Oh well, we'll keep it safe because you never know."

Isla looked back to Roxie, the humour returning to her face. "Now obviously I haven't got a dress that will fit you." She informed. "So, what I propose to do is make you one out of a sheet."

Immediately Roxie wondered if she had made the right choice. The idea of a homemade dress filled her head with fears of just what Isla would come up with.

"Don't worry little bear." Isla reassured. "I am really good with a needle and thread. You will look like Cinderella by the time I am finished."

Roxie had the mental image of Cinderella only a triple X rated lesbian porn version of the classic and wondered if that was the same thing Isla was thinking.

A few hours later, Roxie looked at herself in the long mirror in the bedroom. She had to admit, even though she didn't look like Cinders, the bedsheet dress did actually look like a dress. Okay it was made from a white sheet so it was a little see through, Roxie could just make out the darker areas of her nipples and public hair against the pale areas of her body. Isla had suggested she shave her pubis, and while the thought was appealing there were more important things to address first. Mainly getting in to her flat so she would have clothing to wear to work that night. She admired Isla's handiwork in greater detail. The bed sheet had been cut in the middle to make a neckline, once that had been slipped over Roxie's head, Isla had adjusted the depth cut so it didn't show Roxie's breast's off to everyone, then she had gathered the open sides in, and literally sewn the sheet together around Roxie's body. It was fitted to her waist, leaving the top loose but not that loose it gaped open, and the lower hem finished mid-thigh, allowing Roxie the freedom to bend over without flashing.

It felt very sexual to be naked under it, but at the same time it didn't look too out of place and covered her body quite well.

Isla's face appeared at the bedroom door. "The taxi is here." She announced as her eyes roving over Roxie's reflected image. "You know that looks really hot on you."

Now the initial panic was subsiding, Roxie felt a wave of emotion roll over her and she turned to Isla and hugged her tightly. "Thanks Miss Isla. I think you've done a great job."

"Thank you, little bear. I was always pretty good with a sewing machine, but I think this is one of my sexiest dresses, but only because you are wearing it." Isla grinned then slipped her hand up Roxie's thigh to stroke her exposed mound.

Roxie gasped at the unexpected touch, her muscles contracting at the sudden need for more. "Oh, gods please Miss Isla, let's just get back to mine, I'm not sure I can take any more arousal right now."

Isla's jade green eyes flashed with excitement. "Oh really? We had better get you in the taxi then before you start getting wet because everyone will see damp patches on your new outfit. And it will go very see-through." Isla teased as she tugged Roxie out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house.

As soon as they were settled in the back of the taxi, Roxie gave the driver Lucy's address and a few moments later they were on the way. As they drove away from Isla's house, Roxie glanced back, a slight pang of loss touched her heart as she wondered if Isla would want to carry on their tryst after Roxie got back in to her own flat. After all, while she had been naked, her clothing unreachable, she had felt safe, knowing that no matter how much Isla teased she was never going to make Roxie leave. As soon as that safety wire was removed it occurred to Roxie that Isla could turn her back at any point. Of course, there was the small matter that her clothing and purse were still inside, so with a little hope the small copper haired dominant would let her at least visit to collect them.

Through the feelings of self-doubt, a light touch on her hand drew her attention, she looked down and Isla's hand wrapped itself around her own and gently gave it a squeeze. Roxie half turned and Isla was gazing at her once more, not in the predatory way Roxie had become used to, but in a slightly saddened expression. The look tugged at Roxie's heart, and she gave Isla's hand a very gentle squeeze in return.

"I hope it doesn't end here." Roxie whispered.

The sun rose in the seat next to her as Isla's face moved from sullen to joyful.

"Not if you don't want it to." Isla whispered back as she snuggled up to Roxie's bare arm.

Feeling Isla's hands on her skin sent shivers through Roxie's body. There was something very erotic about how Isla touched her, caring but at the same time claiming. Her memory slipped back to the intense climax she had experienced the night before. One that had been through her own hands and fingers. A warm glow blossomed inside her at the thought of how wild a climax would feel at the hands and fingers of Isla. Miss Isla, she corrected herself with a smile. Being dominated was something she had never considered before but the more she thought about belonging to the petite copper haired beauty, the more natural it felt. It not only numbed the need she felt to protect someone but the feeling that someone cared about her needs.

That thought warmed her heart as well as the slightly more responsive parts of her body.

The taxi slowed to a halt, and Roxie realised that they had already arrived at Lucy's home. As Isla paid for the journey, Roxie opened her door and tried to get out of the car. Not used to wearing a dress of any sort, let alone one that had been hastily stitched together an hour or so earlier, she was halted by the sound of tearing cotton. Meanwhile Isla had already exited and came around to Roxie's side.

"What's the matter?" Isla asked as she saw Roxie hadn't moved.

A huge blush warmed Roxie's face. "The dress has torn." She replied in a hushed tone.

"Oh." Isla replied, her lips pressing together in an effort not to grin. "Just try moving really slowly and keep your legs together." She advised standing back a little to allow Roxie a little more room.

Holding her breath Roxie tried to turn her lower body, her thighs clamped together to keep the thin material from further damage. Eventually Roxie managed to get her feet out of the car and onto the footpath and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"See, we managed." Isla grinned, holding out her hand to help Roxie out of the car.

"Yes, one step at a time." Roxie agreed as she took Isla's hand and stood up.

A steady tearing noise came from the dress as Roxie stood. She froze part way out of the taxi as she felt her lower half become exposed realising the stitching was bursting because the dress had got caught on something.

Not realising Roxie's plight, Isla gave a tug on her hand pulling Roxie forwards.

Faced with the choice of standing up or falling flat on her face Roxie chose to stand which brought an immediate gasp of shock from Isla as the right side of the dress parted company exposing half of the hapless Roxie's body from her boot to her shoulder.

A surge of panic hit Roxie, and she hastily turned to gather the loose half of the sheet in an effort to cover herself, but in her flustered state she bumped into the car door which slammed shut.

In Roxie's head the next few seconds lasted hours. Hours in which no matter what she did, she couldn't make her body move.

The taxi pulled away from the curb.

For a few moments the remaining fabric fought to stay attached, then all Roxie could feel on her skin was fresh air as she watched the taxi drive away trailing the remnants of the sheet that had been her only form of clothing.

From a psychological point of view, it was a rabbit in headlights moment, as Roxie realised, she was now on the side of the road in the middle of the day and naked. Shock froze her higher functions and all she could manage to do was look down at her now totally exposed body.

Roxie was dimly aware of Isla tugging on her arm as she was half dragged into a group of bushes outside Lucy's house.

Roxie was vaguely aware of leaves touching her skin as Isla bustled her out of sight of the road. Her mind was screaming out that she should run away and at the same time telling her to hide. Her heart was pounding and her breathing coming short and fast as she began to hyperventilate. Through the panic Roxie felt hands touch her face, angling her head so she was looking into Isla's piercing eyes.

"Roxie..." Isla was saying. "Roxie, you need to calm down. You don't need to panic. I've got you. I won't leave you. I will get you through this."

Slowly Roxie managed to focus on Isla, and she managed to nod.

"Good little bear. Now you need to slow your breathing down.... Deep slow breaths, just like controlling your climax." Isla instructed calmly.

Isla's words filtered through the haze of panic. Remembering what Isla had taught her the previous night, Roxie took one deep breath and slowly let it out. Then a second.

"Better?" Isla asked.

Roxie nodded an affirmative.

"Good little bear." Isla leaned in and placed a kiss on Roxie's forehead. "Now when you're calm I will go and get Lucy, and we will get you covered up."

A little tension eased out of Roxie's body, and she looked around her for the first time since the taxi had torn away her only item of clothing. Lucy's home had a small garden to the front with a flagged pathway leading from the front door to a wrought iron gate set into a waist high brick wall. Somehow Isla had managed to half drag her through the gate and into a group of thick evergreen shrubs to the right of the path. Where she was, Roxie was completely hidden from the road and the surrounding houses.

With the realisation that she was momentarily safe, the remaining panic fell away and she managed a small smile at Isla, who grinned in return.

"In different circumstances this would be as hot as hell." Isla semi joked.

Upon hearing those words, it dawned on Roxie just how her body was reacting to being so exposed. Her nipples had hardened into diamonds, and she could feel the heat in her core filling her with needs that were inconvenient to say the least. She glanced back to Isla who was still crouched next to her, a wistful expression on her face. Their eyes met both holding a desire for the other. For a moment the reality of the situation faded into the background as they leaned into each other and kissed deeply.

Roxie had drifted into heaven. Her body felt so aroused, every sense had been dialed to maximum, and the kiss was a mixture of soft lips, darting tongue, and the slight taste of Isla's morning coffee. A small cool hand cupped one of her breasts, gently caressing the naked skin before brushing over the hardened nipple that made Roxie moan around the mouth that demanded more.

When they parted, Roxie was sure she had never been kissed so passionately before, and her need burst into an inferno and a soft whimper escaped her lips.

"Oh, little bear." Isla whispered. "You are just the horniest thing on the planet aren't you." Isla teased quietly. "Here you are totally naked a few yards from a busy main road, outside your friend's house and you want me to make you cum, don't you?"

The way Isla worded it made Roxie feel like a teenage girl losing her virginity to an older experienced woman. As much as she wanted to deny her needs and feelings, she had to nod in agreement.

"Ask me nicely, little bear." Isla breathed into her ear sending shivers all the way inside her.

Juggling her need against the slight humility of asking Isla, Roxie sighed

"Please Miss Isla." Roxie asked, her voice deep and husky. "Would you please make me cum."

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