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After the twitching and shuddering died down, Jack eased off her. She leaned up on her arms with a dopey look to her eyes and a big smile on her face. Jack said "Lick me clean." and stood up. The Baroness did so with a proper thoroughness and knelt in front of him.

Jack zipped up and said "Nice. You have some natural stripping talent and a mindset to go with it. You might even be Gold Girl Material." Her eyes widened at the mention of "Gold Girl" and she blurt out "Oh My God! You're JACK! Oh Please! Take me on! Let me join your elite Gold Girls!"

Jack nodded. "I think I will, but first you will help me recruit the Duchess and your Mistress, Princess Natasha. Any issues with that?"

"None sir! None at all. They would both be excellent Gold Girls and once you have shown them how wonderful being one of your women is they will embrace it!"

"Excellent. Now if I wanted to get the Duchess alone for a moment, how would I do it?"


Grand Duchess Katya entered the room and looked about. At first glance it appeared like a small VIP room with some booths and some tables and chairs. She sipped her drink and noticed a man in the corner booth puffing slowly on a joint with a contented look. She nodded and moved over to another table and sat. She noted the small mirror leaning against the wall and set it in front of her.

She looked up as a man walked in. Jack ignored the look as he moved back towards the man in the booth and spoke to him in hushed tones. This man was another plant and one of his hires for the night. Jack spoke to him about some business arrangements (bogus) and waited for the Grand Duchess to make some noise.

Baroness Dasha had been eager to help her new boss and had told Jack that the Grand Duchess had a nasty little cocaine habit. Nothing uncontrollable, but she always liked a line when they were out. She hadn't had hers yet that night and would likely be taking it soon. Jack had her go back to the party with the newly designed drink and she had spoken with Lady Rebecca and Countess Olga. The three of them had distracted her and one of them had snuck her purse away and swiped her small compact with her cocaine in it.

After a few moments Jack heard some mutterings and then a slightly louder exclamation in a language Jack didn't understand but would guess was roughly the equivalent of "Damn it!" Jack turned to see the Duchess snarling at her purse's contents which were now scattered on the table. Jack walked over and said "Is there a problem miss?"

The Grand Duchess gave him a look that would have withered most men, and it got worse when Jack simply arched an eyebrow. After staring at him for a few moments the Grand Duchess said tightly "Yes there is, but my problem is none of your business." Jack noted that she didn't seem to recognize him and her voice was a bit slurred.

Jack chuckled and the Duchess turned a bit purple. Jack said in a calm voice "I'm the owner here, and I know why this room is used. I don't like unhappy people in my place as it upsets the customers." Jack looked her in the eyes and said "I happen to keep certain substances on hand for just such occasions. Your party has been enjoying themselves tonight, and in the interest of keeping that spirit alive would a small amount of a certain substance cheer you up a bit?"

The Grand Duchess was clearly surprised by Jack's offer but she quickly hid it. She appeared to give it some thought and then nodded. Jack gave her a tight smile and noted the mirror. "I have just what you need, pure, no cutting. I daresay you won't find any better short of a pharmaceutical company."

Jack turned and exited the door and returned with a small bag just a few seconds later. He handed it to the Duchess as he said "Compliments of the house."

"Thank you. Very kind of you and very attentive to your customer's needs. Very rare these days." Duchess Katya replied in a lovely voice. She poured out the coke onto the mirror and picked up a small razor blade. Jack laid a dollar bill down next to her. "Here, I always preferred to use a rolled dollar for this. It seems to make it more enjoyable."

The Duchess nodded and eased the coke into a line. Jack started to move off when she put her fingers on the dollar and froze. Jack stopped moving and smiled as the Grand Duchess let out a slight sigh. With a very inviting grin she looked at Jack and said "Sir, if you would be patient for just a short moment, I would like to reward you with a dance for this lovely cocaine."

Jack nodded and snapped his fingers. The other man left quickly while the Grand Duchess snorted up three lines and then grinned at Jack. She eased slowly out of the booth and nibbled her index finger while scoping Jack out from head to toe. She smiled with an evil glint in her eyes and said "I am Grand Duchess Katya, and I'm going to give you a Royal Strip Tease. And then you are going to hire me as one of your top strippers. Don't shake your head, I will show you what someone of Royal lineage is capable of."

Jack smiled inwardly at her words. Like the others, this one had some sass to her. Not the typical stripper sass, but some seriously ingrained superiority. She didn't think she was going to be one of his best strippers, she KNEW she would be. That attitude made her very attractive and definitely got Jack's attention.

She stepped forward and gently shoved Jack and into a chair. She then tapped her phone several times and a slow song started to play. The Duchess put her arms above her head and entwined her fingers and began to slowly sway to the music. She was wearing a lovely black cocktail dress with a deep V in the front and back and it hugged her figure as she swayed. She slowly lowered her arms down and onto Jack's shoulders as she eased onto his lap. Jack could feel her ass rubbing his crotch through her dress and she brushed his lips with hers. Her left hand gently trailed down Jack's chest and traced patterns on his chest and teased his nipples.

Her right hand however eased under her dress and slowly eased it up over her waist. She then slid her thumb into the waistband of her black lace panties and pulled it out. She let it go with a "Snap!" and gave a little start and a small gasp. Her thumb traced around and did the same on the other side. She began to ease the panties down her thighs slowly and pulled them off her right leg and then her left. She took the panties and put them behind Jack's neck and pulled him in for a long passionate kiss. With a giggle she snapped the panties across the room and straddled him. Her pussy now rubbed directly on his cock and she slowly ground on him while she sucked her breath in with an "oooooooooooooo..."

She lowered her left arm and eased her shoulder strap down. Her left tit popped out and she cupped it in her hand and lifted it up. She licked her nipple and then kissed it. She leaned forward and eased it into Jack's mouth and whispered "All yours sir. Enjoy it." Jack didn't need to be told twice and he gave a nice long suck. The Duchess gasped and her head rolled back as she moaned.

"Oh sir! Yes, for you. I am ALL for you! I am yours, I pledge myself to you!" She whispered fiercely. She reversed her hands and eased her other shoulder strap down and let Jack switch off on her wonderful tits.

While Jack kissed and sucked on the wonderful orbs in front of his face, the Grand Duchess's hands roamed down to his zipper and deftly opened his fly. Her hands had his cock out in a flash and she positioned it carefully. Once she was ready she lunged down hard on it and let out a shriek as a surprised Jack bit down on her right areola hard. For a second Jack was worried he had drawn blood but the scream turned to laugher and then moaning as the Duchess pumped up and down in time with the music. She tightened up on his cock and Jack was soon pumping hard with all his worth as the Grand Duchess moaned and laughed.

Jack felt his orgasm building and the Duchess grabbed his head and kissed him hard as they both came at the same time. Jack pumped into her and she shuddered hard and then eased down limply onto his lap. The song ended and she eased off of him. With a very evil smile she knelt down on one knee and said "My Lord, take me into your service. I pledge to serve you for my entire life and to be your vassal."

Jack smiled. "I accept you into my service. Serve me well and the rewards will be great. If you assist me in an important task I will raise you to a Gold Girl and you may serve me as one of my most important servants."

Grand Duchess Katya lowered her head and said "My Lord, you honor me. I will do whatever task you give me."

"Very well. First, lick me clean. Once that is done I will tell you of the important job you will assist me with tonight..."


Jack smiled at the show. Wondie giggled behind him and several of his other Gold Girls watched the Big Screen TV from other seats.

The Princess Natasha was easing a $20 bill into the waistband of a male stripper as he gyrated in front of her on the stage. Her ladies in waiting were egging her on and Countess Olga handed the Crown Princess a shot which she downed right away to the cheers of her ladies.

After Jack had dollared all the ladies in waiting he had them work his final plan. They had piled the Princess with drinks and had gotten her very drunk. Then the Grand Duchess Katya had suggested they go to a male strip show she had heard about and they had easily persuaded the Princess to go along with it.

They stumbled into a limo (Jack's limo) and he had taken them via a back way to the back of the building and into a private elevator and up to the very exclusive Fifth Floor VIP Suite. Normally Gold Girls did business on the Fourth Floor, but Jack had added this as the absolute most private lounge in his club. This was where certain trusted customers could come and have a lap dance from the real Lady Wonder, or certain other dancers in their real form (such as Blaze the former cop who had danced for a couple of mafia made men in her old police uniform, or other superheroes). It was secret, and Jack alone had the combination to open the hidden door. He swept it for bugs four times a day (compared to the rest of the place which was twice) and it was fully soundproofed. It was very near a private elevator that only went from the back entrance straight to this floor and Jack had a CCTV that showed when the hall was empty.

This was where Jack was going to take the Princess and have her do her first dance. He smiled and looked at the dollar bill in his hand. "Well girls, say hello to the next Gold Girl."

"Damn boss! She'll be a HUGE money maker! That body will knock the socks off of any John who gets on the fourth floor." Asia said as she eased down onto Jack's lap. She was a senior Gold Girl, one of his first, and she was treated with respect by the other girls as one of the founding members of the elite club.

"Oh yes. The other ladies are all great catches too. Their poise, grace, and manners are huge turn ons. The way they dance too, it's unique. It's like a ballet dancer who trains all her life, except in this case it's stripping. I might have to have them give the rest of you some pointers."

The other girls giggled and snickered at that, but Jack actually pursed his lips. "You know, I might be onto something. Those noble-women definitely have an air about them that makes them even more sex than my super-strippers. I'll have to look into that." Jack thought.

Jack kissed Asia and eased her off his lap. "Okay girls, time to end the party and start a new one."

Jack strode towards the door and walked out into the hall. He moved down to the secret door and entered. The male dancer (hired from one of the other strip clubs in Vegas for this special evening) took a bow and eased out the back.

"It appears that Your Highness is enjoying her private show. I do so hope that is the case." Jack stated as he moved up behind the group. The somewhat bleary eyed Princess looked at him and smiled drunkenly. "Ohhhh, yesh! Very "hic" much soo. What a funnnn evening!" she blurted out with a very noticeable accent.

Jack noted the evil grins from the other ladies as they eased back to allow Jack to get close. "Your Highness, I have had many notables in my club over its time, but you are indeed the top of the list. I know it is but a trifle but I would like to give you a gift on behalf of myself and all my employees for gracing us with your presence."

The Princess giggled and then shook her head a bit. She blinked and then straightened a bit. "Thank you, I would be honored."

Jack smiled and put his hand out. The Princess reached out and froze as the dollar touched her hand. Jack was watching her eyes and noted the little flash that sometimes happened, but it seemed slightly off this time, a bit dimmer.

The Princess shook her head a bit and made a slight murmur. She looked confused and Jack's eyes widened. "Dear God, she is actually resisting!" he thought. He began to flush a bit and almost panicked but he took a deep breath and said "Crown Princess Natasha of Slovanka, you are now mine. Cease this struggle and hear your Lord's commands."

Jack's voice seemed to do the trick because the Princess's head snapped up and she looked him straight in the eyes. Jack met her steely gaze and after a moment the Princess eased out of her chair and then knelt in front of him.

"My Lord, I, Crown Princess Natasha of Slovanka, hear and obey. I am your servant and I wish to serve."

Jack nodded. He looked at the other four ladies who were now grinning at him. "All of you, out. See Wondie, she will get you settled. You have done well and I now raise you to Gold Girls."

The four ladies all started to stand when the Princess spoke. "You raise those women to GOLD GIRLS? My Lord, you have no idea what a true stripper should be."

The Princess gracefully rose and looked straight into Jack's eyes with a hard glint such as Jack had never seen in one of his girls before. She sneered at her ladies and said "They MIGHT be good enough, given time. But allow me my Lord, to show you what a TRUE Gold Girl can do."

The Princess gracefully got onto the stage and turned to Jack. She motioned to the center chair. Jack moved over and sat down. The Princess turned her gaze to her ladies. "Get out." The four ladies in waiting all curtsied as one and quickly moved out the door. Jack's eyes widened at that and then the music started up. It was a glam rock song and the Princess shouted "STOP! A proper song you apes!"

The music cut off and after a moment a slow pulsing symphonic piece started up. The Princess nodded and lightly grasped the pole. She slowly swung around it and smiled an imperious smile at Jack. Her body swayed in perfect time as she moved around the pole. She looped a leg around it and spun with her arms out and her back bent allowing a teasing glimpse of her tits. The light sparkled off her jeweled necklace, earrings and bracelets and she slowly eased around.

Jack found himself breathing hard. The Princess was fucking amazing! She was so graceful and so smooth in her movements Jack thought of a slowly moving stream easing by. Her movements blended in with the music perfectly and Jack started when he realized that she had slipped out of the dress and he hadn't even really noticed.

The Princess noticed his reaction and she let out a soft laugh that made Jack flush with lust. The Princess began to dance a bit faster in her white lace bra, panties, garter belt and stockings. Her strappy 5 inch heels seemed to be no issue to her dancing as she spun more and eased down into a perfect split. She leaned forward and with a sudden movement she undid her bra and pulled it off. She whipped it around Jack's neck and pulled him forward. She almost kissed him but instead just blew lightly on his lips and whispered "Not yet my Lord."

She scooted her bottom forward and wrapped her legs around Jack's chest and pulled him in close with her bra. She eased up her beautiful tits and eased a nipple into his mouth. Jack ran his tongue over it and the Princess sighed. She eased her other tit up and switched them back and forth slowly to the beat of the music. Jack's head was swimming and he started when she pushed back with a sudden motion.

She eased up and swayed around the pole again. She backed towards Jack and eased her lovely ass down in front of his face and slowly rolled it several times.

She straightened up and eased her panties off and then crawled forward to Jack and slipped them into his front Jacket pocket. She spun onto her ass again and eased off the stage and onto his lap. Jack was panting with lust, but the Princess slapped his hand down when he tried to touch her tits. "No my Lord. Not yet." She said sternly and Jack let his hand drop.

The Princess ground on him and it felt amazing. Jack swore it was almost like he didn't have any clothes on and was skin on skin. He had to actually look down to see it wasn't. The Princess's hands glided over his body and caressed and teased him. Her perfume made his head swim and she blew lightly in his ears and giggled softly. Her teasing complete distracted him and he eyes started to roll back into his head.

Jack suddenly stiffened when he felt his cock suddenly slide into her pussy. She had so entranced him he hadn't noticed she had undone his pants and was now astride him. She slowly eased up and down and it was all Jack could do not to blow his load into her right then. For the only time in his life Jack was happy he had had too much sex that day that it was hard to build up another load and Princess pumped up and down at a quicker pace as the music picked up speed.

Jack responded fast though and was soon bouncing the Princess on his cock while she laughed. She rode him like a champ and as the music finally built to a climax she kissed him hard on the lips and he came so hard he blacked out.

Jack opened his eyes a few moments later and saw the Princess standing on the stage looking down on him with what Jack could only describe as a Regal look. She had a haughty smile and in a sexy voice that nearly made Jack come again she said "That my Lord is what a TRUE Gold Girl can do. I will serve you, but I am the best you will ever have and refuse to be treated as anything less."

Jack blinked and after a moment to collect his thoughts he stood. He stepped out of his pants and pointed at his crotch. The Princess's eyes widened a bit and for a second they locked eyes. Then the Princess bowed her head and stepped down off the stage and knelt. She slowly began to lick her Lord clean and after she was done Jack spoke.

"Princess Natasha that was the most amazing dance I have ever had. And that is the highest praise you can ever get in this business. You are correct, you are the best and I will treat you as such. You are no mere Gold Girl. I now declare you to be a Royal Girl. The best of the best. You are now my Queen, my Empress. You will serve me as the ruler of my elite Girls, you will teach them and make them better. You will be my greatest dancer ever and serve at my side. But you must renounce your claim to the crown of Slovanka in order to wear this crown."

Princess Natasha smiled up at Jack. She eased up to one knee and bowed her head. "I Crown Princess Natasha of Slovanka do hereby renounce my claim to the throne, now and forever."

Jack smiled. "Stand EMPRESS Natasha of The Dream and take your place by my side."


Jack smiled as he looked down onto the Main Stage of the Second Floor. The Second and Third floors were the "regular" VIP section, with the fourth Floor being the realm of the Gold Girls and now also the Royal Girls.

Prince Eugene had been good to his word. Within 24 hours of renouncing her crown, Crown Princess Natasha had been completely stripped of her titles and positions. There was hardly a peep from anyone in the country of Slovanka, although she had to lay low for a couple of weeks when several magazines like People and Vogue had published big "What Happened to Natasha" articles.

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