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Runaway Pt. 02


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"I don't have any, uh, you know." Noah's stoic face cracked a bit and he blushed. "I'm assuming you're not on the pill or anything, either."

I shook my head.

"So not that. But if you want to just... it's not just about that, you know?"

"Not really."

"We can do other things."

The flutter that had gone quiet in my stomach reared up again, though it was tentative. I looked down, embarrassed.

"I don't really know what to do," I said.

"Come here. I'll help you."

When I moved towards him, Noah caught me by the waist and brought me onto his lap, my thighs on either side of his and my ass resting just above his knees.

"Close your eyes," he said.

I did.

A hand came to my chin. His breath was warm against my lips as he leaned forward.

"When I kiss you, kiss me back," he whispered.

Soft lips pressed against mine. That time, I returned his kiss, trying to mimic the movements he was making. I felt him smile and risked opening my eyes for a moment. As soon as I did, Noah pulled back.

"Am I doing it wrong?"

He laughed lightly. "No, not at all."

His hand found mine and guided it up to his neck. Unable to help myself, I brushed my fingers through his hair.

"Kiss me again," he said.

I brought my lips back to his. At the same time, he put his hand against my cheek, deepening the kiss until I felt dizzy. I pulled back that time, gasping for breath. Noah's eyes crinkled and I blushed.

"You're laughing at me."

"I'm not," he said. "I promise, I'm not. But you're allowed to breathe, okay?"

We worked on kissing for a while longer. It was a strange feeling at first. I had never been kissed before, and it took a bit of time to get used to the feel of his breath, the taste of his mouth. Strange, but not unenjoyable. Slowly, I relaxed, and as I relaxed, I explored with a little less direction from Noah. When his tongue slipped into my mouth, I flicked mine lightly against it. When his teeth gently nipped my bottom lip, I repeated the action on his. Soon, both my hands were on his head, his hair tangled between my fingers.

The hand Noah had on my hip moved up to my waist. Once there, both his arms slid behind my back and hugged my body closer to him. My breasts pressed against him and I was certain he could feel the hardness of my nipples against his chest. The pressure felt good and I longed for him to do what he had been doing before I admitted I was a virgin.

When he pulled back again, I stopped playing with his hair and let my hands rest on his shoulders.

"Doing all right?"

"I think so."

"Think so?"

"Well, I mean, you'd be the better judge, don't you think?"

He laughed. "You're doing great. Are you feeling okay?"

I nodded.

"I'm gonna start touching you some other places, all right?"

That was more than all right with me.

He brought his lips to my neck again as his hand moved back under my tank top. Unlike when he had first touched me, he moved slowly. His fingertips caressed my skin, trailing lightly across my stomach, zigzagging lazily upwards until he was tracing the spot where my breasts met my ribs. I bit my lip, a shiver running through me as his fingers tickled along a particularly sensitive spot.

"Still okay?" His voice was muffled against my neck, where his tongue was gently tracing patterns.

"Yes," I breathed.

The lightness of his touch faded as he took my breast in his hand. He explored slowly, tantalizingly soft, my nipple brushing against the roughness of his palm. I clung to his shoulders, my head bowed against the side of his, struggling not to gasp as he found spot after sensitive spot to outline.

When he finally took my nipple between his fingers and rolled it softly, I squeaked and jumped slightly.

"Sorry," I said quickly. "Sorry, that just... feels nice."

He pulled his mouth away from my neck, meeting my eyes. "Sorry? For what?"

"For squeaking."

"Are you purposely trying not to make noise?"

I nodded.

Noah struggled not to laugh. His eyes flicked away from mine for a moment as he pressed his lips together. I couldn't tell whether his reaction made me want to laugh or cry, although a giggle bubbled up from my chest at his expression. After he regained a bit of composure, he kissed me softly, then pressed his forehead to mine.

"Make noise," he said. "I want to hear you."

"You do?"

His thumb circled my nipple as he spoke. "How else am I supposed to know what you like? You can tell me, or you can make some noise and I'll know to do it again."

He punctuated the sentence by pinching my nipple between his fingers again. I shuddered and let out the breath I'd been holding in, relaxing as a soft moan escaped with it.

"Fuck," he swore. "Yeah, like that."

He did it again, and again. Each time, a shiver of pleasure ran through my body, ending at the dripping pool that had started between my legs. I couldn't help myself and wiggled slightly, not sure what my body was wanting but desperate to find out.

Noah noticed and pulled his hand from my tank top. He slid up the bed a bit, his back resting against the headboard.

"Move up a little," he said.

He guided me closer to him, my thighs now on either side of his hips. He watched my face closely as I relaxed back onto his lap, and I figured out why as soon as I was settled.

It took a moment for me to decide how I felt about the hardness that was now pressing against my mound. Despite the layers of fabric between us, it felt incredibly intimate and wickedly arousing. More importantly, when I shifted my hips again, both Noah and I made soft noises of contentment.

As it turned out, I decided I liked it.

Noah kissed me again as his hands moved to my hips, guiding me to roll them against him. Each time I did, the friction sent a wave of satisfaction through my body. As the wave subsided, I paused, waiting until I couldn't stand it anymore before doing it again.

Noah pressed my forehead to his again. "Can I take your shirt off?"

His voice was soft but gruff. Goosebumps pricked along my arms at the sound of it. The idea of being naked in front of him was daunting, but I knew it had to happen sooner or later.

I swallowed hard and nodded. "Can I take off yours too, then?"

"Of course."

He let me do him first. I pulled up the hem of his shirt, my eyes glued to the tight muscles and scrawling ink embedded in his skin. Brazenly, I stared at his chest, taking in each picture and symbol drawn there. Without thinking, I brought my hand to one of his tattoos and trailed my fingers along it.

Noah patiently let me explore until I looked back up at him.

"Do you have any tattoos, Miss Lacey?"

I shook my head. "Just all these stupid freckles."

He caught my hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing one of the thousands of brown spots that covered my skin. "I like your freckles."

I couldn't keep from smiling. "I like your tattoos."

Noah let go of my hand and pulled me in for another kiss. As he did, his hands found the hem of my tank top and began guiding it up. I clung to his lips as long as I could, feeling as each inch of skin he revealed met the cool air around us. When he was about to uncover my breasts, he paused.

"You okay?"



"I promise."

He pulled the tank top up the rest of the way. I lifted my arms to help him slide it off completely, shyly putting them back down as he tossed my tank top to the side unceremoniously.

I sat back a bit as he looked at me, feeling more exposed and vulnerable than I ever had in my life. Reflexively, my shoulders hunched forward and my hands fluttered nervously, itching to reach up and cover myself. Something buried deep inside, some learned lesson from years past, told me to be ashamed, and I couldn't help listening to it.

My head was bowed, eyes cast down, so I didn't see when Noah pulled his eyes away from my breasts. Instead, I felt his hands come up to my shoulders, straightening them back, then sliding down my arms to take my hands in his. Still, I couldn't look at him.

"Talk to me." His voice was soft, comforting.

"I'm nervous."

"We can stop any time."

I shook my head, my hair tickling along my bare shoulders.

Noah released one of my hands and brought it to my shoulder, brushing the hair off it.

"It's okay to be nervous, but you don't have to be. You are beautiful, Lacey. Every bit of you."

I didn't respond, just leaned forward and kissed him. His bare chest pressed against me, warm and smooth, and after a moment his arms wrapped around my waist.

The kissing was different that time. I didn't know which of us was responsible, but it was more urgent, more demanding than it had been earlier. All I knew was that I liked it.

I liked the feel of his mouth against mine, his tongue sliding against my lips. I liked it when his arms held me close, when my breasts flattened against his chest, skin against skin. I liked the feeling of his hardness pressing against me, and liked it even more when it was pressing against the hungry place between my legs that wanted more and more.

I just didn't know how to tell Noah that. Or what more even was, really.

Maybe it was the way I was squirming against him or maybe it was the tiny noises I was making, but Noah seemed to know what I wanted before even I did. His hands began to move again, wandering up and down my sides and back, to my breasts and down my stomach, until his fingers were slipping beneath the waistband of my pyjamas.

Again, he paused.



He chuckled softly and nipped at my lip. "Good."

The tips of his fingers moved into my panties. I was certain my entire body was quaking with the beat of my heart, forceful and nervous and exhilarating all at once. The rest of his fingers followed, and then his hand was cupping my mound lightly. A finger ran along my slit and Noah's lips twitched into a smile as he felt how wet I was.

"Damn, Lacey."


He nipped at my lip again. "This is not something to be sorry for."

His finger traced along my slit a couple more times. He didn't push it inside of me, but dipped it between my folds and teased along my entrance before moving up to the throbbing, sensitive center.

I gasped when he touched me there. His fingers began to circle me, rubbing lightly, then increasing the pressure ever so slightly. He brought his other hand back up to my breast, fondling me for a moment before pinching my nipple again. I cried out, my eyes slamming shut at the intense pleasure Noah was giving me.

I should explain something about growing up in a small town as the admittedly-naive daughter of a very conservative preacher. Sex was not a topic that was to be discussed, ever. I mean, I knew the biology of it. Insert this into that, baby comes out nine months later. Make sure you're married, enjoying it is a sin, all that good stuff.

The rest of what I knew about sex was very, very basic. It felt good, or so I had been told. I knew there were lots of different ways to do things. I knew that women could like it just as much as men. The thing to remember, though, is that up until four days earlier, I had been a by-the-book girl who followed all the rules.

I had never watched a dirty movie. I turned my head during regular movies that had sex scenes. And while I had... explored myself a little bit, I had never truly masturbated or anything.

So when Noah's fingers began moving faster and the pleasure became more intense, I didn't know what to do.

"Lacey, relax," he was whispering. His forehead was pressed against mine again, his lips moving just a breath away from my own.

I whimpered in response. My body was fighting itself. What he was doing felt amazing, but a complete lack of control was threatening to overwhelm me. I didn't like it, but I did like it. I needed more. I wanted less.

It was too much. My shoulders tensed, then my back, then the rest of me as I gripped Noah's arms.

"What..." I tried to speak, but the word trailed out into a breathy cry.

"Relax," he said again. Unlike every other moment up to that point, he didn't stop, didn't pause. "Just relax. Trust me, Lacey."

The effort required to unclench my muscles was monumental, but I managed it because Noah wanted me to.

"Look at me," he directed.

I forced my eyes back open and tried to focus on his. His dark eyes were intense, focused on me as his fingers danced against my clit. I could feel what he was doing, feel him pressed against me, but my body was going somewhere else. It was like I was climbing, trepidatiously ascending at a rate I couldn't control, higher and higher, faster and faster, terrified I was going to fall.

"Noah..." I whimpered.

"Trust me."

I did, and I fell, and it was bliss.

My eyes squeezed shut again as a strange cry left my mouth. I didn't know when Noah took his hand off my breast, but he clutched me tightly as my body spasmed. Vibrations of ecstasy coursed through my every nerve, like the feeling of music that's too loud and too deep and so, so good. My head tilted back for a moment, my neck exposed to Noah before I hunched back forward, burying my face against his shoulder.

When I finally regained control of my body, I was resting heavily against Noah. His hand was still in my panties, gently stroking my slit as he held me to him with his other hand. I could feel his breath against my ear, his face buried in my hair and against my neck.

Sitting up took effort, since every one of my extremities felt like jelly. Once I began moving again, Noah withdrew his hand from between my legs and helped support me as I sat back.

I was panting, still shaking a bit, as I met his eyes again. Noah's face was serious, his eyes guarded as he waited for me to speak.

I really didn't know what to say.

"What the fuck was that?" I gasped.

I had never seen Noah laugh so hard.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm not laughing at you," he choked between laughs.

I couldn't help but giggle with him, knowing I was blushing, knowing how stupid I sounded, and not caring. Noah brought a hand to his face, wiping his cheek before pulling me in to kiss me.

"You really don't know what that was?"

"I mean, technically I guess I know what it was. But I've never... I mean people said that it felt good to... well, you know, but I didn't know I could even do that."

His hand stroked my cheek lightly. "You are the sweetest person I've ever met."

I kissed him again, tenderly, before pulling back and glancing down.

"Now what about you?"

The question seemed to make him conflicted. There was still a hard bulge tenting his pyjama pants, and I wanted to make him feel as good as he had made me feel. At the same time, I think Noah was worried about pressuring me to go further than we already had.

He didn't say anything right away, and I looked back up at him.

"I want to, Noah."

"Are you sure?"

"I just need you to, well, to show me what to do."

He nodded solemnly, then took my hand in his. I let him guide me, watching carefully as he pressed my palm against his erection, letting him move it back and forth against him.

"You sure?" he asked again.


He groaned softly, hesitating for just a moment before pushing the waistband of his pants down. I watched with poorly-hidden eagerness as he removed them.

Unsurprisingly, I had never seen a penis before. Aside from diagrams in my science book at school, I barely had any idea what one was supposed to look like. I didn't know if Noah's was bigger or smaller than average, or how it compared to what any other man's looked like, but my first thought was that I really liked it.

It probably helped that I knew it wasn't going inside of me right then and there, otherwise I might have been stereotypically afraid.

Noah took my hand again and brought it to his shaft. His hand covered mine as I wrapped my fingers around him. The heat of it surprised me, as did how smooth it was. Beneath my fingers, I felt him twitch slightly before Noah began guiding my hand up and down on him.

He sighed softly, and I looked up long enough to see he had tilted his head back and closed his eyes. A look of relief was drawn across his face, and I couldn't help but smile before looking back down at our hands.

He guided me for a while, then took his hand away. I kept stroking him at the same pace, adjusting only when he asked while I learned what to do.

"Grip it just a little harder," was one.

"Bit faster, please," was another.

I understood then what he meant about noises being helpful. Noah was mostly quiet, but I got accustomed to the small groans he made when I did something he liked, the way his breathing changed when I changed the speed at which I stroked him. It was fascinating and intriguing, but I knew there was so much more I could do.

"Noah, can I ask you something?" I said, slowing my hand just a bit.

His eyes opened again. "Yeah, of course."

"Can you tell me..." I froze, unsure of how to phrase what I wanted to say.

"Don't be shy. Ask me."

I bit my lip, feeling heat rising in my cheeks as my nervousness began pumping through my heart. "Can you t-tell me how to... wait. What should I call it?"

Despite my rambling, Noah was unbelievably patient with me. "Call what?"

"Your, um..."

"My cock?"

I knew my face was red and I couldn't meet his eyes as I nodded. Noah laughed softly and pulled me towards him. A quiet, comforting kiss pressed against my lips as he tried to quell my embarrassment.

"You can call it whatever. Penis, dick, cock, whatever. I don't care. Say a couple of them, see what feels right."

I murmured the words, considering each as I let the syllables roll through my mouth. 'Penis' felt too clinical. 'Dick' felt too juvenile.

"Cock," I said. Noah chuckled again.

"Sounds good. I say 'pussy,' is that okay?"

I nodded.

"Now, what was the original question you were going to ask?"


"I want to... I mean, your c-cock... can you tell me how to do it, um, with my mouth?"

He looked incredulous. "Are you sure?"

"I want to try, if that's okay."

A dry chuckle accompanied his disbelieving smile. "Never thought I'd have a girl ask if it's okay."

"Is it not normal?"

"That's not what I meant." He took my hand from his cock and pulled me in for another kiss. "More than okay. Amazing. But you don't have to if you don't want to."

"I want to."

I moved away for a moment so he could finish taking his pants off. Once he was done, I settled myself between his legs.

"So, uh, main things to remember," he started. "You can kinda just... I mean, what you were doing with your hand, you can do that with your mouth. But you don't have to do just that, you can... I dunno, explore a bit. I don't know how to explain this."

"Just tell me if I'm doing something wrong when I do it, I guess."

He nodded. "If I'm gonna, you know, finish, I'll warn you. Up to you how that happens, just move if you don't want... you know." He cleared his throat. "And uh, teeth are not good down there."

I had figured that much out, but didn't blame him for making sure it was said.

I started out by exploring, figuring Noah could tell me what was and wasn't working. Wrapping my fingers around him again, I brought the swollen head to my mouth and licked it tentatively. There was something clear already leaking from his tip that left a salty taste on my tongue, although it wasn't unpleasant, and I spent some time licking the rest of it off him.

Noah seemed to like that. I could feel him watching me, though I couldn't bring myself to look up at him. After licking the tip of his cock, I moved on to the rest of it. There was a vein along his shaft that throbbed, and I kissed it gently before working my way down to the base.

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