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Sailing into Ambuscade

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They tested his mettle. Is there no way out of this hell?
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© 2024 by Bumblingfool - Uploaded to Literotica.com, which covers published materials with a site copyright. This story also remains the property of the author, who reserves all rights under international and US copyright law. Any unauthorized reproduction, publication, use, or reprint without the author's expressed authorization is strictly prohibited. This includes use on YouTube, Amazon, or similar platforms, even with attribution or credit. No more than 3% of this work can be used under Part 107, "Fair Use," nor can it be published with selective editing and declared as a 'motif' or 'republished' for any reason.

Another familiar theme. This is a long story. If you prefer to avoid long tales or simply don't have time right now, please skip this. For those with adequate time and patience to continue, I placed chapter markers in bold for your convenience. Please forgive my preference for not breaking my stories into sequential posts. I will never write a willing cuckold story.

Definition of ambuscade: An ambush... Why use it? I just like the word.


Once again, it struck me just how much of a loser I am. This seems to be the story of my life. Here I am, in a luxurious multi-million dollar sailboat that is in the process of sinking into the abyss, and I had been left here handcuffed naked to an immovable stainless steel grab bar by my wife and her two friends. Although I'm not the captain, it occurred to me that going down with the ship might be pragmatic considering my brokenhearted state. As I contemplated my next move, my life instantly flashed before my eyes as I strove to think of any reason to remain alive and survive this calamity.

My first injurious relationship that set me on the path to loser-ville was with Susan. As an eighteen year old I'd recently graduated high school and had been set up to go out with her on a blind date. She'd graduated from a different high school so I knew nothing about her until we met through mutual friends. It was a whirlwind romance. I'd experienced six weeks of pure bliss and was head over heels in love with this blonde beauty. She too had expressed words of love and I had begun saving money for a ring. One summer Saturday night, I took Susan to a posh restaurant to celebrate our six-week anniversary. Silly, I know, but we were just kids back then. We weren't dressed for prom, but we were both well-appointed for our fancy date. Halfway through our meal, a handsome young man in a tuxedo suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Obviously, I had no idea who he was as he dropped to one knee beside her in the restaurant and proposed to her with a dozen red roses! To my utter shock and amazement, totally ignoring me, she accepted! I was stunned and went outside to give them some space. I learned that he was her ex-boyfriend about whom I had no knowledge. They were ebullient as they quickly abandoned the restaurant and left me with the bill. It seemed as if I was unknowingly the side character in a rom-com where the lead actress starts dating anew to get over the lead actor before they realize they belonged together by the end of the movie. I felt as though I should have been compensated for my role.

After licking my wounds from Susan's abrupt abandonment, several weeks later, I finally developed the nerve to ask Claudia out and we seemed to gel right from the start. She was BFF with my cousin, Bethany, and, unlike Susan, I'd met her several times before. We dated the remainder of the summer until it was time to head off to college. I was intent on a degree in Chemical Engineering while her focus was on Art Appreciation. Our universities were less than thirty minutes apart, with mine in Raleigh, NC, and hers in Durham, NC, so we managed to get together as often as our schedules permitted. On one of our dates, Claudia informed me that she'd befriended a guy in her art class who was a natural photographer. He was tasked with an important photography class project which would be a significant part of his semester grade. He wanted her to be his model for "tasteful nudes". She was excited at the prospect of being able to provide me with images of her pure natural state. Although I was against it, she reassured me that everything was on the up and up and that there would be nothing sleazy associated with the project, informing me that she had already agreed to be his model. Claudia and I shared a Google Drive, a fact that her photographer friend was unaware of. He uploaded all of his captured images to that drive for her examination. It had slipped Claudia's mind that I had the login and password to the storage account. As I perused the images, well, those 'tasteful' shots turned extremely graphic... fast. I had no idea that it was common practice for photographers to become intimate partners with their models during their photoshoots. Needless to say, our relationship was over shortly. My cousin apologized for her BFFs behavior. I was on the fast train to loser-ville.

Desperately wanting to try a different approach to dating, I used the matchmaking website, Hinge, to find a date or someone to hang out with. Keegan was a force of life. Unsurprisingly, she must have used an image on the dating site from her junior high school days because the woman who met me at the restaurant on our first date looked much older than her profile pic. The date went fine and Keegan was like a breath of fresh air. She was so easy to talk to. A week later, when we first made love, I could tell that she was much more experienced than me but I said nothing. I didn't want anything to spoil our burgeoning relationship. She always met me at our date destinations. We dated for two more months before I finally insisted on picking her up at her place to go on our next date. Reluctantly, she acceded to my request. When I arrived at the address she provided, she quickly ran out the door as soon as I pulled up and jumped in my car. Confused at her urgency to leave, I asked her what was going on. It was then that she confessed that she was still living with her supposedly separated but not yet divorced husband at the time and hadn't mentioned any details of this beforehand. As I looked at the house, a big angry guy was staring hatefully at me from the window. I had no idea what was truly going on between them. A few weeks later, some new truths eventually came to light. Our entire friend group knew that Keegan had been cheating on me with other guys. I only found out after one true friend blackmailed her into admitting it to me.

When she finally came clean with the truth, it was the most insincere confession ever. "It's no big deal, Steve," she flatly stated, "Everyone else thinks it's OK." Of course, I broke up with her and lost a lot of friends in the process. The worst part was that she kept a list! I found her numbered list of people she'd slept with, and there were quite a few names listed after mine, some that I'd considered friends. I have a pretty good idea why her husband wanted to be rid of her. At least I dodged that bullet and secured my membership in the loser club.

At this point, I was in my second year of college working toward my degree in Chemical Engineering. I took the remainder of the school year off from dating while focusing on my studies. Due to my abysmal dating history, none of my close friends questioned my social hiatus.

Shortly after the start of the next year of classes, I met Cheryl. We hit it off magnificently and couldn't keep our hands off of each other. I fell in love faster than a hiccup. We swapped dorm mates so she and I could live together in our co-ed dorms. We'd been a solid couple for nine months before I noticed that she would always have her phone on silent or just plain ignore calls from her friend, Elyse. One day, I decided to jot down the number and finally got around to calling it two days later. It wound up being her other boyfriend, who she had never broken up with before she came to college. Neither he nor I knew about each other and she had been visiting him when she went home to see her parents on weekends and breaks from school. Needless to say, after a huge fight, I broke it off with her. A week later, her mom called and chastised me saying that sometimes you just have to accept things and insisted that I owed Cheryl an apology for breaking up with her. To me, that proved the adage that the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

At this point, I had sworn off relationships. I dated occasionally but nothing serious ever came of it with my walled-off heart. I felt that I should focus on my Chemical Engineering studies at NC State University. I'd graduated with my bachelor's degree and was now working toward my Master's. I had dated several sorority ladies I'd met through our fraternity parties. It was at one such party that Chet, a Lothario who happened to be my frat brother, approached me.

"Hey, Steve. I need a huge favor. Do this for me and I'll owe you one."

"No thanks, Chet. I don't need you to owe me any favors. Take care of your own problems."

"Okay, butthead, be that way. Don't do it for me, then. Do it for that lovely young lady over there standing by the punchbowl."

I glanced over to see what kind of ugly duckling he was trying to stick me with. "The brown girl with the green top?"

"Yeah, that's her. She's the one. Her name's Kirsty, Kirsty Salinas. She came with her sorority sister, Wanda Hough, the one with the big tits wearing black beside her. I've been trying to hook up with Wanda for months and she's agreed to be with me tonight under one condition, that you escort Kirsty safely back to her dorm all the way over on the other side of the campus. She doesn't trust anyone else."

"How could a girl I never met trust me?"

"I don't know, Steve. She says it's some kind of sorority network thing. They have a list of nice guys and I'm not on it, but you are. Look, if the situation was reversed, I'd do it for you. All Wanda's asking is that you give your word that Kirsty will get back to her dorm safely tonight. They arrived together and Wanda won't go with me anywhere without seeing to her sorority sister first."

In all honesty, of the two, Kirsty appealed to me more than Wanda. Despite being Hispanic, which was of no consequence to me, she had that girl-next-door look whereas Wanda was tits on a stick. I had struck out for a date for the night, so I figured I had nothing to lose. Little did I know how wrong I was.

"Alright, Chet. I'll babysit her for Wanda. But, as you said, you owe me one after this."

"Thanks, Steve, but you gotta tell Wanda yourself that you'll get Kirsty back safely. She won't take my word for it. She needs to hear it directly from you."

I chuckled at his plight. "Alright, introduce me and I'll babysit her tonight."

Wanda was nice, but Kirsty was pure charm. After Chet and Wanda cut out, Kirsty stuck to me like glue until we left the party. We danced together but no slow dances. I couldn't read her and it fascinated me. She never gave off any 'fuck-me' vibes but she looked the type to be a sex kitten under the right circumstances. True to my reputation, I was the consummate gentleman. We chatted as I conducted her on the thirty-minute walk to her dorm.

"Forgive me for asking this, Kirsty, but has anyone ever mistaken you for the beautiful actress Melissa Rauch who played Bernadette on The Big Bang Theory TV show?"

She chuckled at me as she replied, "Funny you should mention her. Yes, many have informed me they see facial similarities, but there is one major glaring difference between Melissa and me besides my being Latino. She's only 4 feet, 11 inches tall (149 cm) while I tower over her at a full five feet in height (152 cm)."

"I see what you mean," I laughed in return. "She's a midget compared to you. Being a guy, I know all too well how much difference one inch can make." We both laughed heartily at my double entendre.

"So what are you studying here in school when you're not signing autographs?" I inquired lightheartedly.

"Thanks for asking, Steve. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and I'm working on getting my Master's."

"What a coincidence!"

"What? Are you working on a Nursing Degree as well?" She kidded.

"Not that Nursing isn't a worthy avocation, but, like you, I have my Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering and am working on my Master's too. Small world, huh?"

"Let's see how small it is. I was born and raised in Winston-Salem here in North Carolina. Are you local to NC, or are you from out of state?" She asked.

"The world keeps shrinking, Kirsty. I'm from Greensboro, so our hometowns are less than thirty miles apart." We both appreciated the coincidences.

There was something innocently sweet about her that I almost didn't, but after she gave me a peck on the cheek for seeing her safely to her room, I decided to ask her for her number. Although she hesitated, she provided it as if it was something precious to her.

The mystique that was Kirsty Salinas intrigued me. She was 'busy' and didn't go out with me for two weeks. Every moment with her was effervescent. She was a joy to be around and was instantly disarming. I'd read a relationship self-help book that advised, don't trust that someone won't betray you, instead, trust that you can handle it if they do. Though I did everything in my power to protect myself from her, the diminutive girl singlehandedly brought down the walls surrounding my heart. It took me two months to persuade her to become intimate with me and I found out why, she was the rarest of species, a virgin. I was shocked. This girl was a treasure but I had sworn off the 'L' word for my own sanity, so I was waiting for her to say it first. Needless to say, I lost that contest. I couldn't help myself. From that very first peck on the cheek, I only had eyes for her. I explained to her how I had become disillusioned with true love ever finding me. I made her painfully aware of the many times my love had been betrayed. After finally expressing my feelings for her, as she returned the words, I saw a depth of purity of her love that bespoke undying trustworthiness and fidelity as she swore that she'd never betray me like those other girls had done.

I felt as if I had fallen out of a lucky tree and hit every branch on the way down. Yep. Call me foolhardy but I did it. I bit the bullet again. I asked her to marry me during the summer before our final year of college. Both families were exceptionally welcoming to both of us and we both felt already adopted into the fold. The wedding was a mere formality. Her parents went all out for a grand church wedding which took place shortly after we both received our respective Master's Degrees. Kirsty Salinas became Kirsty Walters. My parents paid for our weeklong honeymoon in Maui, Hawaii. It was idyllic. We were completely bonded.

"Kirsty, are you sure that you're okay with the plans we've talked about?"

"Of course, my beloved. I'm so proud of you for landing that Pharmaceutical Project Manager position with Stargen in Tampa, Florida. Your Master's degree is already paying off as much as your starting salary will be."

"Well, Stargen is a global pharmaceutical company that develops and markets drugs for a variety of medical conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. The company's been around since 1953 and is headquartered in Boston, Mass. As I've mentioned, they have a significant presence in Florida, with extensive research and development facilities located in Tampa. What I'm asking is if you will be okay uprooting from your home in North Carolina and becoming a transplant in Florida."

"Honey, as I've told you many times, my place is by your side. Wherever you go, I'll support you and be right there with you. I have sent out resumes to several hospitals in the Tampa area. As much demand as there is in the health services industry nowadays, I believe my chances are very good that I'll land a nice position with my Master's degree in nursing. I have an interview in two weeks for a Charge Nurse position over the nurses serving the Newborn Nursery and PICU at St. Joseph's Children's Hospital in Tampa. If I get that job, our workplaces will be only six miles apart. As soon as I land a position somewhere down there, we can begin looking for an ideal place to call home."

Almost as if fortune was shining its face upon us, Kirsty nailed her interview and was hired at St. Joseph's at a very respectable starting salary of $86,706.00 annually. I couldn't have been prouder of my wife. She took to her new employment like a duck to water. Everyone she worked with seemed to love her but, more importantly, respected her. Though she might be small in size, she is mighty. She ran a tight operation yet treated all of her charges as she would want to be treated. I was more than happy with my $152,000.00 initial annual salary. Our combined income of over 238 grand put us in a comfortable place financially. We purchased a four-bedroom home centrally located between our work establishments. Our dreams were coming true.

We decided to go ahead and have children early on while we still had some youth and energy to chase after them. We waited a year after marriage to start trying. Six months later, Kirsty became pregnant with our first child. Nine months later, she gave birth to our lovely daughter, Amelia. Eighteen months after Amelia, we brought Eric into the world. Unless we developed a change of heart, two children were plenty for us. To help out, our mothers came down and spent two weeks apiece after the birth of each child to help Kirsty recover. We were very fortunate that St. Joseph's offered in-house childcare for employees and families of patients, which was a blessing for us. Kirsty took the children to work and brought them home with her. If she ever had any conflict requiring her to work longer hours, then I was her backup to pick them up on my way home, freeing her to address any emergency situations.

When Amelia was old enough to start kindergarten, we had to make a decision. We didn't want her to have an inconsistent schedule, depending upon Kirsty's and my work situations and daycare, so we elected to hire a nanny/housekeeper/cook to present a consistent pattern and presence to Amelia now, and to Eric when he became old enough to start school. The question was, who we could trust with our home and our most precious treasures, our children. Though we interviewed quite a few applicants together, Kirsty insisted on having the final say in the matter citing her maternal instincts as the keenest guide in this situation. I couldn't argue with that.

Gloria Sanchez was one of the nurses who worked under Kirsty at the hospital. She was a single mother with six children whose husband had left her three years earlier for a younger woman and fled back to Mexico to avoid child support and alimony. No other men were interested in dating a woman with six children. Gloria made decent wages as a nurse but still struggled alone to make ends meet every month, doing the best she could for her family. Her daughter, Jenna, had recently turned eighteen and graduated high school but didn't yet know what she wanted to do with her life. Her mother was financially unable to pay for her college and her grades were insufficient for grants or scholarships. Jenna had helped her mother care for her five siblings and had been taught to cook at an early age. Housekeeping was second nature to her.

Gloria asked Kirsty if we would interview Jenna and she gave her the highest accolades concerning competence, punctuality, and reliability, all important attributes. She had a bubbly personality that reminded me a bit of Kirsty. My wife asked her to come to our home on Saturday to provide a paid hands-on demonstration of her skills and compatibility test with Amelia and Eric. She told her to pretend that we weren't there as we observed her in our home. The kids took to her immediately and she made the entire day fun for them. Jenna also made short work of cleaning the bathrooms spotlessly when the kids were down for their nap. She'd gone through our refrigerator and pantry to familiarize herself with the type of foods we had on hand. She prepared an evening meal to die for all by herself.

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