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Sailing into Ambuscade


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He let me take a turn at it. I played around with it, getting a feel of having it respond to my wishes. I raised it immediately above the top of the masthead looking straight down at the deck. Then as the drone tracked its position, I had the camera slowly pan 360 degrees, taking in the ocean from horizon to horizon. Christopher informed me that the battery life was touted as an hour, but he seldom pushed it beyond 45 minutes to be safe. His toy was a very expensive version. He docked it back in its cradle after thirty minutes of flight time and it automatically began recharging. He removed a memory chip from the drone camera and inserted it into the onboard boat video system down in the cabin. The playback was just as clear as the original pristine transmission. He gave the chip to Kirsty and me as a present, informing us that he had a generous supply of memory chips onboard. He put a new one in the drone camera a bit later.

Christopher demonstrated how he had entered the navigational coordinates into the onboard computer and set it for smooth sailing on the first day but informed us that he'd set it for a bit more aggressive sailing on the second day of our journey. Kirsty and I were amazed at how the sailboat practically operated itself. Christopher, however, checked on operations at regular intervals to ensure proper performance. We discovered that our cell phones had no reception out at sea but the Belvederes had satellite internet service onboard that could operate from anywhere in the world, and it provided wireless access for our phones to latch on to, so we were never incommunicado. The simple wireless password was Belvedere.

The weather was glorious with smooth and calm seas. The girls served sandwiches to order for lunch but cooked a world-class dinner for the evening meal. Laurene kept their three wine glasses topped off all day. I'm a teetotaler. I have nothing against alcohol consumption by anyone else. I simply never developed a taste for any variety, though I've tried many kinds. I do love frozen fruit smoothies and drank many non-alcoholic versions of daiquiris etc. There was an 80-inch (200 cm) television display in the main cabin area to watch TV or movies as a group, as well as 48-inch (120 cm) televisions in each of the four stateroom quarters.

On our first evening together they continued consuming expensive wines while we watched two movies on the boat's theater system. Kirsty was true to her word. When we finally retired for the night, she made me cum three times. I'm usually only good for twice in a single night, but she managed to squeeze three out of me to give our oceangoing venture a glorious kickstart. The wine must have lubricated her libido because she must have cum four or more times herself. It didn't hurt that we could clearly hear the Belvederes going at it hot and heavy in the next room. We quickly learned that Laurene is especially vocal in the bedroom before we finally drifted off to sleep.


We slept in a bit on the morning of day 2 of our adventure. I was surprised at how stable the boat was to sleep in. Yes, there was some side-to-side rocking in response to the waves but it was almost rhythmic and, surprisingly, didn't negatively impact our slumber. I was prepared to enjoy another great day with what clearly now were our best friends. We could smell bacon, eggs, and sausage cooking, so we knew that the Belvederes were preparing breakfast for us. Yet I wasn't quite prepared to see what my wife had put on to wear that day. It must have been something she and Laurene had purchased while shopping together because I had never seen it before, nor would I have ever approved of her wearing it out in public.

"Kirsty, when did you get that swimsuit? You're not honestly contemplating wearing that outside of this room are you?" I asked incredulously.

"What? Don't you like the color? I thought you liked purple on me."

"It's not the color I object to and you know that. That swimsuit is nothing more than three small triangular patches of thin spandex that barely cover your private parts. Did you? You had to have! Did you shave your bush this morning so you could wear that swimsuit?"

"Of course, I did, sweetheart. I don't want to appear obscene with my crotch hair spilling out all around my suit bottom. There's no way you can convince me that you don't love this swimsuit on me."

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you wear that outside of this room. First of all, your hairy bush was one of your intimate treasures I've always truly loved, and now you've taken that away from me without a word. Secondly, you don't even own lingerie as skimpy as that swimsuit you're now wearing. And third, you've always hated thongs and never wore one for me. Now you're perfectly okay with that string up your butt? Don't you realize that if you bend over, your asshole will be on full display? What gives?"


"Do you think I need your permission to wear something? This isn't the 1950's, Steve. I'll wear whatever I want wherever I want and you can't stop me. As far as my bush goes, I was hoping that you'd like the change in scenery and that it would be an arousing bit of fresh-looking landscape for you to partake of. I still have a tiny landing strip that should still be noticeable when I'm naked. Laurene and I both purchased identical swimsuits before we left to come on this trip. The only difference is that mine is purple and hers is red, your favorite color. I'm sure she's wearing hers right now. She and I agreed to wear them today just to be a little frisky around our guys. Besides, I can get a better overall tan in this suit," she added.

"I know it's not the 1950's, Kirsty, but that swimsuit shows too much of your body as far as I'm concerned. The fabric is so thin it might as well be transparent. Your nipples are clearly outlined through the tiny patches of purple fabric, and your camel toe slit is also unmistakable. I don't care if Laurene or any other woman I'm not married to dresses like a slut if that's what she wants to do, but I don't want my wife sinking to that level. If this is the way she influences you, perhaps we should reconsider our friendship with them."

"Don't be a stick in the mud, Steve. This is our once-in-a-lifetime vacation and it's time for us to let our hair down and be a little more unconstrained out here in the middle of nowhere. There isn't another vessel for twenty miles (32 km) in all directions. It's just the four of us here now on this luxurious sailboat that the Belvederes are generously sharing with us. They're our best friends. Come on, honey. Loosen up a little and let's enjoy ourselves. Besides, it's not just us girls. You and Christopher will also be wearing the Speedo swimsuits we bought for you guys. Here's yours. Your regular suit is in the laundry to be washed anyway. Go ahead, babe. Put it on and let me see what a hunk my man is in that thing," she suggestively stated.

I looked down, amazed, at the Speedo she tossed on the bed for me to wear. It was purple like hers but the size of it contained less fabric than most of the panties that she typically wears. Just to appease her, I tried it on. My genitals were unmistakably evident. The outline of my cock and even the bulbous protrusions announcing my balls left nothing to the imagination of anyone in my vicinity.

"Surely, you don't think I'm going to wear this outside of this room, do you?"

She patted my ass gently as she moved to leave our room, "You don't have any other choice, sweetheart. I'll give you a minute to get used to it. I think you look awesome! Don't keep us waiting. I'm sure breakfast is already prepared. Don't let it get cold."

She left me to my thoughts which were a whirlwind. She's dumped too much on me too soon. I guess the girls figured blindsiding me would preclude any objections I might have offered. I checked. No other swimsuit was available to me other than the Speedo I was wearing. I didn't care for the predicament I'd been placed in. I strongly disliked that she was parading around in nearly nothing in front of Christopher. Best friends or not is immaterial. I removed the Speedo, took my pocketknife, and sliced it into four pieces, rendering it useless, and tossed it in the trash can. Then I sought out a pair of boxers and short pants I had brought with me. These could get wet and I would have no concern about it. I slipped a t-shirt on and headed to the galley for breakfast.

The scene that greeted me would arouse practically any red-blooded male within proximity. My eyes were drawn like a magnet to the lovely Laurene Belvedere. Though she is eight years older than Christopher, she looks like she belongs in the pages of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Nothing of her D-cup breasts was concealed except for her nipples themselves. Kirsty was truthful about their matching swimsuits, although, with Laurene being much more top-heavy than my wife, she was revealing much more of herself to my eyes than Kirsty was to Christopher. Laurene's camel toe was clearly discernable when I gave her a quick look. Her body was superbly proportioned, except for her large chest which I considered a great asset on her. Laurene is 5 feet 6 inches tall (168 cm) and towered over Kirsty much as Christopher towered over me.

Laurene's libidinous appearance was expected and she did not disappoint. When she turned her back to me, I saw a large tattoo clearly displayed on her left butt cheek. It was of a sailboat with two sails unfurled, with the initials C.B. on the left sail and her initials, L.B. on the spinnaker. But the real shocker was Christopher. He was stocky alright. He was sporting the heavily muscled physique of a professional bodybuilder. The shirtless man was revealing himself in an intimidating way. We'd seen his bulging arm muscles before when he wore T-shirts, but this shirtless, flawless specimen of man's potential was completely unanticipated. His pecks were enormous and his clearly defined six-pack was the epitome of perfection. I looked like a runt next to him. I have a runner's lithe form in comparison. I'm in great shape physically with excellent stamina, but anyone who saw me next to Christopher would immediately chuckle at me. His red Speedo was exactly like the one I'd been provided. His tumescent genitals seemed to be straining to escape captivity. I couldn't blame him for being partially aroused with the two scantily clad models prancing around the room.

"You weren't born with that body, Christopher," I insinuated. "Clearly, you built it. Quite an impressive accomplishment."

"Thanks, Steve. You're right. Ingrid is my personal trainer when we're not sailing. She calls my body her work of art, her crowning achievement. I spend many hours in our home gym building muscle and trying to stay in shape. She administers my HRT and human growth hormone therapies as well as tightly controlled doses of steroids to support my musculature. She monitors me daily during our 3-month stints on land at home and provides fixed doses for me to self-administer during our 3-month sea excursions. Ingrid has encouraged me to enter bodybuilder competitions to get ranked, but I can't stay away from the call of the sea long enough to become involved in that scene. One of the staterooms here onboard is my gym away from home. I work out every day to stay toned. Laurene seems to be happy with my body and that's what's most important to me."

There was no doubt in my mind that Kirsty was excessively ogling Christopher's physique. She sheepishly glanced at me after I caught her staring at him and gave me a wan guilty smile. She also made it clear that she was disappointed in my attire.

"Why are you wearing that? What happened to the Speedo I bought for you, honey? You looked so good in it."

"Sorry, babe. It was too small for me and it ripped when I tried adjusting it. So there will be no Speedo wearing by me this trip, I'm afraid." I announced tongue in cheek.

"It ripped? That was supposed to be really stretchy fabric. That doesn't make sense."

"Check the trash can if you like. It ripped so I helped it rip some more. I'm fine with what I'm wearing."

"Well, I'm not fine with what you're wearing. You're way overdressed. At least take off your T-shirt and try to get with the program here."

"I'm not overdressed, Kirsty. You're the one who's underdressed in my opinion." I looked outside through a porthole, "It's so nice outside, I think I'll just take my plate and eat it on the deck." With that remark, I made my exit from the scantily clad club.

Three minutes later, Laurene showed up carrying a large glass of orange juice. "Kirsty said you enjoy OJ with your breakfast, so I brought you a glass."

I was standing while eating. "I only have two hands, Laurene, and I need them to hold the plate and fork to eat with."

"No problem, Steve. I'm only too happy to stand with you here and hold it for you as we bask in the glory of this beautiful morning." She moved to stand in front of me obviously to give me plenty to look at besides the ocean. I walked to the side of the deck, leaned against the railing, and looked straight ahead. Unfazed by my move, she sauntered up beside me.

"Kirsty told me that red was your favorite color. That's why I bought this swimsuit, to please you, Steve. Do you not like what you see?"

Not wishing to insult my host, I considered my response. "No question about it, Laurene, you're a drop-dead gorgeous woman. No man in his right man can look at you dressed as you are without lusting after you. Please accept my sincere apology but that's why I have to look away. I will never do anything that won't pass the wife test, so I can't allow myself to become aroused by you if I expect my wife, in turn, not to allow herself to become aroused by your husband, although I'm pretty sure it may be too late for that already."

"Kirsty was right. You're a Boy Scout who's wound pretty tight. Relax, Steve, and free yourself to feel whatever comes naturally to your body. Of course, I want you to look at me. That's why I wore this for you. Christopher can see me in the buff all he wants, so this is no treat for him. It's special just for you, silly."

"If that's true, then that means that my wife is intentionally wearing next to nothing for another man right now. Here's my plate, Laurene. I've lost my appetite. I'll skip the orange juice for now if that's okay. I think I'll just walk around on the deck for a while if you don't mind."

She ignored my remark. "You're right, Steve. It's too beautiful of a day to be inside. We'll all join you out here when the galley is cleaned up." She took my plate and disappeared into the cabin.

I was uncomfortable with the situation. Why? Laurene hadn't exactly come on to me, but she made it clear that she'd hoped to arouse me. Is that what the girls were doing? Trying to use the other's husband to get turned on, and then later take the appetite to bed with their mate to be slaked later? Hadn't I already concluded that's what happened before already? If that's the case, then why is this bothering me? Am I being too rigid as they suggest? I decided to pull back my negative thoughts and continue to observe, looking for patterns. After all, they were nice enough to invite us to share in this two-week excursion at no expense to us.

One thing different about the boat is that it had deployed a huge billowing spinnaker sail which was leading us more rapidly on our journey. We were in approximately 1-1/2' (46 cm) waves in open sea. The Scopolamine patches we'd applied two days before embarking were doing a great job of inhibiting sea sickness. On this, our second day of non-stop sailing, I was beginning to get my sea legs and was managing to cope with shifts and surges with aplomb.

True to her word, Laurene and the others joined me on deck within fifteen minutes. No one complained about me not helping in the galley. The girls stretched out in chaise lounge chairs on the tanning deck toward the bow. Christopher deployed the drone again as we headed toward our first destination port. He had it doing loops, rolls, and flips, entertaining the girls. He made it buzz me a couple of times but I simply ignored it. After getting no reaction from me, he stopped buzzing me. I coated my neck, arms, and legs in high SPF suntan lotion to prevent overexposure. Then I took a chair mid-ship and began reading a novel I'd put off far too long. Once Christopher became tired of the drone, he spent much of the day laughing and cutting up with the girls. I saw Kirsty motion her hand at me to join them several times. My libido didn't need abetting. I could manage Kirsty just fine behind closed doors without being fueled by lust for another woman.

I checked my phone and noticed that I'd received an email from co-worker, Ross Gertsky, wishing me a good time on my sailing vacation. He indicated that there were no major fires that needed tending and that I should just enjoy myself. Each evening, Jenna put Amelia and Eric on a short video to us describing their day and how much fun they were having without parental units. Jenna, too, sent us her love and let us know that she sorely missed us and couldn't wait until we were back home, safe and sound where we belonged. Aside from Kirsty, Jenna is the single sweetest, and most thoughtful person I know. We're so lucky to have her in our lives. Several times during the day, Kirsty expressed her extreme disappointment about my keeping to myself away from the three of them. She called me rude, indicating that I was hurting their feelings. I did not respond to her remarks, frustrating her more.

Christopher called on me to perform my job and drop anchor. We were within a mile of the Turks and Caicos Islands. All sails were silently rolled back into storage by the automated control system. All four of us were excited to come to a stop finally and take in our surroundings. We had a nice dinner and I helped clean up this time. I kept my eyes to myself or on Kirsty, avoiding looking at Laurene and Christopher as much as practical though I was congenial with conversation among the three of them. Since it remained daylight until nearly 9 pm, we decided to scuba dive the surrounding coral reefs. Christopher surprised us by bringing out four, not two underwater scooters.

He looked over at Kirsty and me, "Okay, you two, you've heard Laurene and me speak glowingly about these scooters. You've also indicated that you have rented scooters a few times in the past on some of your previous dives. No, we're not giving them to you, but we invite you to use them anytime you wish. These babies are the ScubaJet Pro for scuba diving. When fully charged, they can achieve a maximum underwater speed of 4.5 mph (7.25 kph) with an average ride time between 2 to 4 hours. Play with them to your heart's content. They have a tether affixed to make it easy to hang onto them and not get separated. So, are you in, or out?"

"Oh, we're most definitely in, Christopher. We thank you and Laurene for thinking of us in this way. This dive is going to be even more fun than we thought!" I gushed.

The Elkhorn coral was amazing and in great health. The vibrant underwater life nearly took my breath away. We used up all of our allotted bottom time on the one dive and exchanged stories of the breathtaking sights we'd all taken in during the dive. We had a blast with the scooters. It was a near-perfect dive. Christopher managed to spear more than a dozen fish and proudly displayed his catch on deck. He asked me to help clean them. I was happy to do so since I'm sure I'd be enjoying them after they were cooked.

We collectively agreed to visit Grand Turk. Much of the ocean off the west coast beaches of English Point and Cockburn Town Beach at Grand Turk are suitable for anchoring. Christopher informed us that there were no marinas dedicated to private yachts and boats. We all changed into casual clothing for the excursion to the island. Laurene sealed off the passageway leading into the cabin and locked it up tightly. Christopher had previously visited the Pelican box clandestinely and handed me $300.00 of the cash that we had placed there for safekeeping in case we needed any spending money. I was very pleased that he wasn't insisting on them paying for everything. Dutiful husband that I was, I handed our $300.00 over to Kirsty.

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