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Sailing into Ambuscade


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I helped Christopher lower the runabout tender boat into the water and we all boarded it at the transom of the sailboat. He told us that there was a small public dock at Cockburn Town for the landing of tender boats. Customs met us at the dock. English is their official language and they accept U.S. dollars. We were told that all boaters must follow the same passport requirements that apply to air travelers, therefore a valid passport is required. Lucinda, our customs officer also informed us that any drug or substance that's illegal in the United States or the United Kingdom is also highly likely to be illegal in the Turks and Caicos as well and there are stiff penalties for those found in possession of such substances, even small quantities. Since we had nothing to declare, we went shopping. The girls hit several boutiques and stores while Christopher and I searched out some additional provisions, especially fresh pineapple.

On our return trip, the girls were almost giddy sharing with us the interesting finds they'd seen and sampled. I handed up the provisions and clipped the winch lines to the tender. Christopher lifted the smaller boat onto the deck with me in it. Once it was secured and after some more wine and casual conversation, we all settled down for the night.

Just as I had anticipated, Kirsty was soaking wet and ready for a heavy-duty sex session. She first mounted me in the woman-above 69 position where she worshipped my cock while I consumed her nectar. She insisted that we cum at the same time so we gently patted each other as a signal to time our orgasms. Of course, we were again treated to exultant moans and groans from the next room. They were much louder than the night before. Kirsty attacked me fervently and wrought my eventual fourth orgasm of the night, an extreme rarity for me. We had sex in nearly every position we knew. She was a tigress and more than lived up to her promise to me to make me happy.

"There should be a new word for happiness," she giggled. I couldn't argue with her.


The next morning on Day 3 of our journey, I was pleasingly awakened by my wife delivering a stellar blow job. For some reason, her oral fixation was suddenly greater than in the past. I was pretty sure that I knew the source of her newfound fascination but I again reminded myself that it shouldn't matter where she gets her appetite as long as she brings it home to me. She drained me completely before we took separate showers to start the day afresh. She insisted on showering first so she could assist Laurene with breakfast preparations.

When I dried off after my shower, I was greeted by an unwelcome surprise. A brand new Speedo was awaiting me on the bed while my topless wife was waiting for me to appear with a glass of wine in her hand. Ignoring the Speedo, I searched through the drawers and closet. Every stitch of my clothing was missing. Apparently, she had stashed it elsewhere.

"This isn't funny, Kirsty. Where are my clothes?"

"Everything you need to wear today is on the bed, sweetheart. Together, Laurene and I picked out a new Speedo swimsuit for you from a store on the island yesterday. I'm 100% certain that it will fit you perfectly and won't accidentally rip as the last one did."

"As I already told you, honey, I don't want to wear a Speedo. I just want my regular swim trunks or the same shorts that I wore yesterday."

"I'm sorry sweetheart but the laundry is still backed up. Everything of yours is in to be washed except for this Speedo. It's brand new and we both think you will look super sexy in it. Go ahead and try it on," she insisted.

"And why aren't all of your clothes in to be washed as well?"

"To be honest, most of my clothes are in to be washed as well except for all of my panties. If you really don't want to wear this adorable Speedo, feel free to wear a pair of my panties instead, if that is your wish."

"This is getting old, Kirsty. You know damn good and well I'll never choose to wear your panties. And aren't you getting an early start with the wine?"

"If you don't want to wear panties then you're just going to have to go with the flow today and wear this Speedo. Come on, Steve. Bend a little. Don't be such a spoiled sport. We've been having fun with our swimsuits. It's time you joined us and became a team player. I love their wine. They brought many bottles of my very favorite as well as some super expensive vintages. I can let my hair down on this trip and not worry at all about alcohol consumption because we're with our best friends after all and there's no one else around to worry about if I get too drunk. Living in the moment is a gift, that's why they call it the present."

"I see. And where's your top? You're not going out like that are you?"

"I sure am! We all took a vote yesterday and agreed that today would be a topless day. No shirts for you guys and no tops for us girls. Be sure to use plenty of sunscreen."

"I never voted or agreed to any such thing!"

"You silly man. The three of us outnumber you, so your vote wouldn't have changed the outcome of the vote in any way. Get with the program, Steve, and relax; have fun with it like we are."

"I want to state categorically that I am dead set against you going topless out, today or any other day. I can't control what they do, but I should have some sway with you."

"I'm not going to be the only one not topless today, Steve, so you're just going to have to get used to the idea. Look how well it worked out for you last night. Didn't we have the time of our lives? You know we did, and it's all because of how we were dressed yesterday. This should make it even more adventurous and fun for us. You know you're dying to see Laurene topless. I know where your eyes go when you're around her. Come on, be a good sport and go along with this liberating pursuit."

"I'll say it again, Kirsty. I don't want you to go topless out there. If you do so against my wishes, it will make me unhappy. You swore that you were going to do everything in your power to make me happy during this trip. You going topless will make me very unhappy, and I don't appreciate you tricking me to get me into this flimsy Speedo. The thought of you being topless in front of Christopher sickens me. Please don't go through with this, honey."

"We figured you might be nervous at first, so your initial reluctance is to be expected. Once you're freely interacting with all of us, you'll have a blast, the same as us. I'm going to go help get breakfast going. I expect you to put that Speedo on and join us out in the common area. Don't make me have to come get you, Steve. Do this for me, please!" And she exited the room topless, wearing only the tiny triangular patch of purple cloth of her micro bikini bottom. I was definitely unhappy about that.

My sartorial options were limited. Kirsty had come completely out of her shell with no inhibitions. Was it the wine talking? As for me coming out of my shell, not so much, at least not yet. I tried on the Speedo and was disgusted at how tightly it fit. All of my genitals were keenly highlighted by the flimsy fabric. I took inventory of everything available to me and saw my pocketknife on top of the dresser. I had an idea. I took a towel and cut some holes along one of the long sides. Then I cut a strip of cloth about an inch wide off the full length of a second towel. I weaved the makeshift belt through the makeshift belt-loop holes in the towel, then wrapped it around my waist and cinched the belt. This way, the Speedo swimsuit served as my underwear underneath the secured towel.


Next, I took another extra-large bath towel and cut a slit in it in the center about a foot in length. I then slipped my head into the opening and draped the towel in front of and behind me, wearing it as a toga with another makeshift belt around my waist to secure it as well. In the mirror, I looked like an ancient Roman. I heard audible groans from all three of them when I entered the galley for breakfast.

"You've got to be kidding me. Steve, are you intentionally trying to insult our hosts?" Kirsty implied.

"Of course, not. I'm simply staying within my comfort zone."

"Do you plan to pay for those ruined towels?" Christopher suggested.

"I'll deduct the value of your towels from the value of my missing clothes," I fired back.

I noted their immense disappointment as all three of them rolled their eyes at me. Laurene was distractingly topless. There was no way I could circumvent having a full-blown erection and preserve any sense of dignity if I remained anywhere near her for any length of time. Christopher seemed only too happy to blatantly stare at my pint-sized wife. Even though Kirsty was short like a pixie, she was a perfectly proportioned Barbie doll in every way and a thing of beauty to anyone who saw her.

"Christopher, I have a favor to ask of you, man to man as my friend."

"What's that?" He half-heartedly inquired.

"For reasons unknown to me, our wives have decided to suddenly become exhibitionists and I am opposed to it. Kirsty is not going topless for me, because I asked her not to do it. That means that the only reason for her to go topless today is to inflame your interest in her and that bothers me. I give you my word that I'll ignore Laurene in her current topless state in hopes of discouraging this behavior and would appreciate it if you'd pay no attention to Kirsty in return."

"Steve, I'm a red-blooded male, as you know and I'm not blind. If a woman wants to put herself on display and I happen to be around, I'm not going to ignore what my eyes want to see. By the same token, I do not share your modesty about the ladies strutting their stuff in front of us. You have my explicit permission to ogle and stare at Laurene's womanly attributes all you want. You'll not hear a word of complaint from me."

"I see. Be that as it may, then I'll avoid both of them. At least the girls will know that one of us is trying to observe a modicum of decorum." Our discord was noticeable. Laurene tried to change the subject to diffuse the tension in the room.

"Breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes," she informed. "We have plenty for everyone."

Eager to make a quick exit, I poured myself a very large glass of orange juice. "Don't worry about making anything for me. I'll just go up on deck and sip on this orange juice for my breakfast. You three take your time and fix whatever you like. Call me when you're done. I insist on cleaning up the galley by myself and let you three take a well-earned break from chores so you can get started enjoying your day." With that, I made a swift departure and left the three near-naked exhibitionists down in the galley to themselves, much to their chagrin. Kirsty quickly followed behind me.

"You embarrassed me in front of them, Steve. Don't be such a prudish asshole. Get back down there and apologize to our friends. You look ridiculous wearing those stupid towels. Take them off and get with the program."

"You think I embarrassed you? The only time I was ever more embarrassed than moments ago was when another man proposed to my then-girlfriend in front of me and she said yes. You know that story. Why are you doing this, Kirsty? Am I not enough for you anymore? It is crystal clear to me that another man has captured your attention."

"This is not the same as that and you know it. She left you for another man. I'm not leaving you or going anywhere. This is simply an exercise in being free in our own skin. We shouldn't be ashamed of our bodies. You're making way too big of an issue of this. If you know what's good for you, you had better apologize to them within the next five minutes. Relax a little and have fun with us, honey. We all want you to be a part of this, not separate from us. Remember, five minutes."

I took my time and enjoyed my orange juice, taking in the beautiful panorama that surrounded the sailboat. I defied the five-minute warning. After twenty-five minutes had elapsed, the three joined me up on the deck with their evident disappointment in my behavior, palpable.

"We made as big of a mess as we could in the galley. You asked for it, so clean-up duty is yours. Knock yourself out, Steve," an angry Kirsty commanded.

"Gladly. I thank you three from the bottom of my heart. Now, if you'll excuse me, I may be gone for a good while enjoying my solitude as I thoroughly clean the galley. Any job worth doing is worth doing well."

The fact that I enthusiastically embraced their punitive act as a favor pissed them all off. I wasn't down in the galley for more than three minutes when Laurene appeared bare-breasted with her clearly defined camel toe stating that she wanted to help me.

"I'll accept your help if you'll cover yourself while we're working together. Deal?"

"No deal," she glibly stated. "Did you forget that Christopher and I own this boat? I can be anywhere I want at any time without restriction. I want to be here with you, topless while we clean the galley together," she insisted.

"Excuse me, please, Laurene. Mother Nature is calling me. I need to use the restroom." I didn't wait for a response. I left her alone as I entered the bedroom that Kirsty and I shared, grabbed the book I had been reading, and confined myself inside the adjoining locked restroom. Thirty minutes later Kirsty was knocking on the door.

"Why do you have to act like a two-year-old baby? You can come out now, Steve. The three of us finished cleaning the galley. We didn't want to leave you sequestered there for hours. We're going scuba diving again. You know you don't want to miss that. Come on out. Get your butt up on deck and get your gear on so we can all enjoy another great dive." Then she left me to my decision.

I made my way up on deck where they were donning their gear in preparation for the dive. I went through my dive storage locker and located my dive skin, which, in essence, is a thin, form-fitting, one-piece full-length swimsuit made from stretchy, breathable material whose primary purpose is to protect my skin from potential irritants underwater i.e. jellyfish, etc. I retreated to our bedroom cabin and concealed my toga outfit where it would not be easily located. Then I put on my dive skin over the miniscule Speedo. The dive skin is much more concealing than the Speedo alone. Back on deck, no one objected to my use of a dive skin which was a relief.

Kirsty and Laurene put on their buoyancy compensators, also called a BC which are jackets with inflatable bladders to which the air tank is mounted. The diver adds air to the jacket to achieve neutral buoyancy in the water to offset a weight belt. Fortunately, the BCs concealed their breasts from view. Their swimsuit bottoms were still clearly visible but at least there was some covering. The plan today was to swap dive partners. Kirsty would be diving with Christopher as he spearfished while Laurene would be my dive buddy as she took pictures with her underwater camera. I had no objections since they were now both somewhat decently attired in my estimation.

We decided not to use the underwater scooters on this dive because they do not lend themselves well to spearfishing or underwater photography. We were diving on a reef at an average depth of 65' (20 meters). Because the underwater visibility was exceptional, even though Christopher and Kirsty were exploring several hundred feet away from us, none of us ever lost sight of one another. Christopher ran across an octopus crawling along the reef and visually signaled Laurene to come to see it. We swam over to where they were. Before he pointed out the octopus, he posed for a few snaps with the nice-sized silver snapper fish he had speared. Satisfied that his feat had been heralded, he drew her attention to the slithering creature.

Laurene was completely occupied with taking copious pictures of the octopus with her underwater camera which was attached to her Scubapro BC by a 4' rope lanyard tether so that it wouldn't become lost if she inadvertently dropped it. Shortly afterward, an ominous threat suddenly appeared. Christopher dropped his speared fish and immediately bolted for the surface as quickly as he could, leaving the three of us behind. Kirsty instantly followed proper diver protocol to always stick with her dive buddy and quickly surfaced as well. Christopher and I had both seen three whitetip reef sharks enter our field of view and move in our direction. Whitetips generally don't grow much longer than 5' (1.6 meters) in length, however, they have a nasty reputation for being very aggressive toward humans and they can do considerable damage by biting their prey. I remembered that Christopher had previously discussed immediately surfacing and boarding the boat upon encountering any whitetips or other threatening sharks to avoid injury due to our being isolated out in the ocean. A hospital would not be readily available. Better to play it safe.

I tried my best to attract Laurene's attention but she was captivatingly engrossed in her photography. After several very firm shoulder taps, she finally looked over at me and I pointed to two of the sharks coming right toward us from different directions. She immediately panicked and instantly dropped her camera and began scissoring her fins urgently trying to swim to the surface. Christopher and my wife paused their ascent just below the boarding ladder, prepared for a quick exit, and helplessly watched our fate unfold from a safe distance. I wasn't about to leave Laurene behind. When she dropped it, her camera had fallen and was swept into a small crevasse within the coral reef. It was lodged and, even with all her might, she was unable to pull it free. I saw her eyes grow as big as saucers and heard her scream through her regulator in the water now in major panic mode. The sharks were humping their backs signaling their impending threat as they were approaching us from two different paths. The blood from Christopher's speared catch had drawn them to us. I instinctively pulled out my dive knife from the scabbard attached to my lower leg, intending to cut the camera lanyard and free her from the tether. In her panic, it hadn't occurred to Laurene to try to pull enough slack in the line to unhook the snap from her BC. She was frightfully screaming, thrashing, and swimming nowhere as hard as she could, forcing the jammed tether too tightly to be released.

Sensing that the shark would reach her before I could get the lanyard severed, I quickly lunged forward and placed my body between Laurene and the nearest advancing shark. Four more whitetips appeared from nowhere and began circling our perimeter. I knew enough about sharks and had learned that many of them close their inner eyelids as a protective measure right before taking a bite from their prey. When I saw the eyelid closure, I knew I had to respond immediately to the threat to mitigate the situation. I abandoned the thought of her lanyard and sharply stabbed my dive knife to the hilt into the gills of the shark on the side of its head. The impaled shark immediately turned away twisting and writhing to try to dislodge the instrument of its pain and injury. The second shark was nearly upon me but jerked its head away upon seeing its ally become injured. I harshly slammed my elbow down across its snout and it took off like lightning. The injured shark was bleeding profusely from the gills where I'd stabbed him. It squirmed, wriggled, and thrashed in the water trying to rid itself of the embedded knife. Sharks are amazingly sensitive to the scent of any blood in the water and shortly began attacking the wounded member. Soon a feeding frenzy began as all of the other sharks took advantage of the situation.


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