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Sailing into Ambuscade


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Suddenly Steve exhibited a surprised reaction as he looked in shock toward the gangway from the upper deck and fearfully exclaimed, "Who are you, what do you want?" All three of them were holding their breath at this point. They were about to learn what happened. At that very instant, the recording went dark and stopped. There was no more footage for them to view. This greatly concerned them as the video led them to believe that someone, possibly pirates, had come aboard and discovered Steve in his ignominy. What happened after that? There were no more answers, only more questions. They re-watched that part three times but nothing new came of it. There was nothing to suggest what transpired other than the boat was boarded and likely stolen. No other information was available.

Once she regained her composure, Kirsty realized that this was her first chance to use a phone to make any calls.

"Hello, Jenna? This is Kirsty," she sobbed upon hearing the welcoming familiar voice. "How are Amelia and Eric? Can I talk to them please?"

"Oh, hi, Kirsty. The children are fine but they're at a birthday party right now at an amusement park. I won't pick them up for two more hours. You sound upset. Is everything okay?"

"It's just that I'm so happy to hear your lovely voice. But I'm afraid I have some terrible news, Jenna. It's about Steve. He's missing. He stayed behind on the boat while I visited the island with the Belvederes. The sailboat has simply vanished with Steve on it. This is important. Has anyone called to ask for a ransom of any kind for him? You can tell me even if the police are involved. I need to know, Jenna."

"Oh, no! You say the sailboat and Steve are missing? That's terrible! No ma'am. I haven't received any calls about any ransom nor heard from the police. Do you want me to tell the children about this development?"

"Oh no, please, Jenna, don't tell them anything about this. It may be nothing but until he turns up somewhere, I'm about to go out of my mind with worry."

"I'm so sorry that you have had to deal with this awful situation, Kirsty. At least you're safe. If I do hear anything from the authorities, how do I get in touch with you? The number you're calling from is unfamiliar to me. Shall I call your regular cellphone?"

"Unfortunately, no. I left my cellphone on the boat so I no longer have it. This number is for the hotel we're staying at in Montserrat. I've called Steve's phone a hundred times but it immediately goes to messages. I don't mean to alarm you, Jenna. I hope we get concrete answers soon. Our replacement passports will be available on Monday at the embassy, so we'll pick them up and fly back to Tampa then. I'll contact you with information about our arrival time so you can pick me up when we land. I won't have any luggage. I'm looking forward to seeing you and the kids," she truthfully declared.

"I understand. I'll wait for your call on Monday with the details."

Jenna was proud of herself. She had not told a single lie nor had she betrayed Steve either. But she knew in her heart that she would rather lie her ass off than betray Steve in any way. She immediately informed him of Kirsty's call.

Shortly after hearing about Jenna's informative conversation with my wayward wife, my phone rang yet again.

"Hello, Steve. This is Brandt Carling and I have some more information for you."

"Great. What's the latest from your end?"

"I had a facsimile copy of the disposition of their drug case in Montserrat emailed to me. You were right. Mr. Belvedere must have used his considerable influence to reduce their sentence. All three of them signed a plea agreement where they entered a plea of guilty to felony possession of illegal drugs in exchange for their mere two weeks time served and a five-year ban from the island, basically a slap on the wrist. Only the uber-wealthy can pull off such a stunt."

"That's exactly the information I was looking for, Brandt. Can you make me a clear copy of that document? I need to put it to use today."

"You can have my original, Steve. I'll just make a copy for our records in case something happens to your original."

"Fantastic. I'll be there in twenty minutes to pick it up."

I took the rest of the afternoon off work and took the document straight to Geraldine.

"Yes, Steve, this should work, for a while anyway," she informed.

"How long do you think?"

"The thing about temporary restraining orders (TRO) is that they're temporary. Yes, the fact that your wife has recently pled guilty to possession of drugs would give any husband pause about her current suitability as an influence in your children's lives. But one mistake does not warrant a lifetime ban from their lives. Judges are loathe to separate children from their mothers except in extreme cases of abuse. I've handled cases similar to this before. I'll push for a three-month TRO and then likely settle for half of that, six weeks. That'll give you a month and a half of not having to deal with her. The TRO will cover you and your workplace as well as the children and their schools. That's about the best I can do for you under the circumstances."

"Would it help our case if you mention that I'm filing for divorce from her for infidelity?"

"Florida judges do take adultery into account during custody disputes but that's not yet been legally established. I'll mention that you'll be able to prove it when your case comes up to see if they will extend the TRO any longer."

"Thanks, Geraldine. I just want to keep her at bay until their criminal trial date comes up. Thank you for all of your hard work on my behalf. Now to the other point, Jenna said Kirsty will fly into Tampa sometime Monday. I'll let you know her arrival time as soon as we find out. Can you be prepared to serve her divorce papers as she comes through the gate and the TRO at the same time?"

"That's what we do, Steve. We'll be ready to go first thing. I'll have a server on standby. What do you think she'll do when she learns that you're alive and she can't go home?"

"She'll hate me for keeping her in the dark about my status, I'm sure but I don't care. She won't suffer financially. The wealthy Belvederes will welcome her with open arms. They have a huge mansion."

The following Monday morning, the replacement passports made their way to the U.S. Embassy in Barbados and were immediately picked up with appreciation. With passports in hand, the trio was finally able to arrange for air travel back to Tampa. They, too, had a short layover in Miami before the last leg to Tampa flew them home. Kirsty had let Jenna know that their arrival time in Tampa would be at 2:15 pm so that Jenna could pick her up. The Belvederes had arranged for separate transportation home. Kirsty had been short-tempered with them given the fact that she had listened to them and now her husband was missing without a clue to his whereabouts. As she deplaned and exited the gate into the main terminal, she was met by a perky-looking college-age student carrying a picture of her.

"Are you Kirsty Walters?"

"Yes, I am. Did Jenna send you to pick me up?"

"No ma'am. Ms. Walters, you have been served," she said flatly as she handed her the first manila envelope. "I'm not finished yet, Ms. Walters. You are also being served with this temporary restraining order forbidding you to come within 500 feet (152 meters) of Amelia Walters, Eric Walters, and Steve Walters which specifically includes your former residence, your husband's employer, and the children's schools. Do you understand what I just said, Ms. Walters?"

"Wha.., my husband's alive? Is Steve alive?! IS HE?" Kirsty demanded.

"I'm not at liberty to respond to any questions, Ms. Walters. Do you understand and acknowledge the protective restraining order as I have represented to you?" Kirsty nodded her head in a fugue state.

"I need to hear you say the words, Ms. Walters. Do you understand and agree to the restraining order as presented to you?"

"Yes. I understand," she replied in a state of complete shock.

"Thank you. This service has been recorded on my phone for verification." The server then left the scene.

Christopher and Laurene rushed over to Kirsty when they saw her begin to swoon. He caught her in his arms just before she fell. Unable to speak, she just handed him the papers. Anxious to learn anything about Steve, Christopher read and re-read the forms. Kirsty recognized and agreed that it was definitely her husband's signature on the divorce forms that were dated three days prior. That meant that not only was Steve alive, but he had been home long enough to develop the divorce petition and restraining order. That implies that he had his passport to travel back to the U.S. They were mystified by this revelation. Steve was divorcing Kirsty just as he indicated he would. The protection order was for seven weeks until the hearing was scheduled to determine its continuance or cancellation. What devastated her more was that the protection order prohibited her from having contact of any kind with her family. She sobbed loudly as that revelation sunk in. She was relieved on one hand by the realization that Steve was alive, yet angrily distraught that he was divorcing her and keeping the kids at bay for the next seven weeks. That was unconscionable to her.


As Christopher offered for Kirsty to stay with them at their home until things could be sorted out, four people walked up on them. Three were uniformed officers and one was in a suit. Without fanfare, they handcuffed the trio, cited the criminal charges, and read them their rights. A shocked Christopher admonished the girls to say nothing. Their attorney would represent them. As expected, the attorney arranged for them to be released on bail within ninety minutes. Money talks. The Belvederes took Kirsty to their mansion and set her up with anything she needed.

Christopher surmised that Steve must be in Tampa. With his whereabouts now known, Christopher made some phone calls to set some actions in motion. He was going to get to the bottom of what was going on. Now that Steve was no longer missing, where was their Sea Chariot Sailboat? More importantly, where was their beloved painting? Only one person would have the answers and Christopher was going to get them.

Later that evening after supper, the doorbell to the Walters' residence rang. Jenna normally goes to the door but Steve had warned her away from answering the door until further notice. Two official-looking men dressed in expensive suits awaited him on the porch.

"Are you Steve Walters?"

"Yes, that's me. What can I do for you gentlemen?"

"We'd like you to come with us, sir. Your name has come up in an inquiry and you're needed to answer some questions about a recent trip you took on a sailboat."

"Are you two with the police department?" They just looked at each other and did not respond to the question.

"I'm sorry, sir, we're going to have to insist that you come with us right now," as one of them reached for my elbow.

I quickly drew back before he could get a good hold. "Neither of you are with the police department or you would have already presented your I.D. You have no authority to take me anywhere. If you try to take me by force, not only will the police be called by my family, but my video doorbell camera has recorded your faces for the police to use in your apprehension and prosecution for kidnapping. I have nothing further to say," as I slammed the door in their faces. They looked stunned for several moments as they considered their next step. Realizing that my threats were valid, they left empty-handed. I figured that they had to be working for Christopher. Well, Christopher will just have to wait his turn to talk to me when I think the time is right.

Two days later Geraldine called.

"Jenna can be there, Steve, but you and your children cannot."

"Be where?"

"Kirsty has gone through proper channels and she wants to collect her clothes and toiletries etc. She's entitled to her things but she cannot violate the restraining order. Tomorrow at 10 am, I'll let her in your house and make sure she follows proper protocol. A police officer will be on hand as well, as a standard measure. Can you drop a spare key by my office before you go home from work today?"

"I'll be sure and do that, Geraldine. Thanks for having my back. Tomorrow's Saturday. Jenna and I will be gone before ten and won't return until that evening. We'll make a day of it."

"I expect her to be done before noon. I have things to do tomorrow, too, you know."

"I understand completely. Don't forget to add it to my bill."

"Oh, I won't forget," she laughed.

= = = = = = =

Geraldine called me at 1 pm the next day while the four of us were out playing recreational golf.

"She finally left. It took longer than I thought. She was crying nearly every step she took. I kept her out of the kids' rooms or she would have been there all day."

"I can imagine that it was an emotional experience for her, being so close to her family, yet so far away."

"She must have asked me ten times in different ways how you managed to get off the boat and back to the U.S. and she asked if I knew where the boat was. I explained to her that I am your divorce attorney and represent you only in that area."

"That's the Belvederes talking. I'm sure they put her up to that, though she may be curious how I got back here."

"You're probably right. Speaking of the Belvederes, they brought her to your home and insisted that they help her pack her things. I had to use the police officer to convince them to remain outside the house until Kirsty was finished. They seemed antsy to get inside the house as if they wanted to look for something specific."

"Geraldine, I can honestly tell you that whatever they are looking for is not in my home. Thank you for protecting the sanctity of my abode."

"Glad to do it, Steve. It's part of my special customer service," she chuckled. "I stuck with her like glue. She took only what I was convinced belonged to her."

"That's fine. I don't need her things in the house to remind me of her anyway. I say good riddance."

The following Tuesday morning at 9 am, I received a call at work from a very upset Jenna.

"Steve, I'm scared and don't know what to do," she cried.

"What's going on, Jenna, are you and the kids safe?"

"Yes, we're okay so far. A whole bunch of people who say they are from the FBI are here. They handed me a bunch of papers calling it a search warrant. I read through it and it says they have permission by a judge to search the entire premises, every room of the house. They're throwing everything around and emptying drawers on the floor! The house is a mess, Steve. What do you want me to do?"

"Okay, Jenna. Give me the name and contact number on the search warrant so I can check it out. Then I want you to take the kids and don't return to the house until I call you. Use my credit card to keep yourselves busy all day, got it?"

"Okay, Steve. Got it. Thank you." Then she provided me the warrant number and information I requested before leaving the house as directed.

I called and checked on the authenticity of the search warrant. It was valid. They were investigating a complaint of a missing sailboat worth ten million dollars and a painting valued at forty million dollars. I think the painting was their foremost objective but they were authorized to search anywhere they wished for clues to the whereabouts of the sailboat. I'm sure my computer and all of my papers would be taken in as evidence. Fortunately, I knew for a fact that they would find nothing. I had replaced the hard drive on my PC already and restored it from a previous backup that I had made before Kirsty and I had departed for the trip. The old hard drive suffered the same fate as the two I took from the boat. I did have the disc at home with the downloaded software recording package but it was totally legitimate. There were no clues left for them to find.

I called Jenna on my way home and asked her to pick up some takeout on her way home for supper for all of us this evening, advising her that I would meet them at the house. I arrived shortly before they did. The house was a huge mess. It bore the appearance that a hurricane had blustered through the entire residence and left everything amiss in its wake. No room was spared, not even the children's rooms. I apologized to them for what had happened within the sanctity of our home. After eating, the kids were surprisingly resilient as all four of us became industrious and straightened up most of the house. We began with the kids' rooms and worked outward from there. I wondered what would happen next now that their search warrant had been carried out. I soon found out.

Thursday morning at 8:30 am, my supervisor called me to his office.

"Steve, these gentlemen are from the FBI and are conducting an investigation. They seem to believe that you may be able to offer some insight into a case that they're working on. We're in good shape here. I've told them that you're free to accompany them for as long as they need you. I hope you can be of some assistance to them."

"I appreciate that, Harlan. Before I leave with them, could I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, Steve, what is it?"

"Just to make sure that all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed, would you mind calling our in-house attorney Frank Stratton, and ask him to meet me where they're taking me?"

"Will do, Steve. I have their card. Is this the address you're taking him, gentlemen?" They nodded affirmatively.

When we walked outside, they asked me to ride with them in their vehicle. I conveyed that I didn't plan to be with them for very long and would drive separately behind them unless I was under arrest. They reluctantly acceded to my wish. After parking at the downtown facility, I was tediously escorted through a maze of corridors and by many holding cells before finally being conducted to an interview room for questioning. I believe they were trying to intimidate me with the perceived heaviness of the situation. They took their time offering me coffee, water, or soda. I chose soda.

"I believe that you know why you're here, Mr. Walters. I'm agent Gregson and with me is agent Caruthers."

"I have no idea, gentlemen. Please fill me in if you wouldn't mind."

"Very well. It has been brought to the agency's attention that you and your wife were recently hosted by Christopher and Laurene Belvedere on their sailboat on a trip to the Caribbean. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir. It is."

Is it also true that on or about the evening of July 6, your wife accompanied the Belvederes to the pier on the island of Montserrat while you alone remained behind on the sailboat?"

"Yes, sir. That is also correct." At that moment, Frank Stratton entered the interview room with us. He handed both agents his business card and addressed them.

"Good morning gentlemen. My name is Frank Stratton and I am Mr. Walter's attorney. Is my client presently under arrest?"

Agent Gregson replied, "Not at this time, Mr. Stratton, but that could change at any time. We're investigating the theft of a ten-million-dollar sailboat and a forty-million-dollar painting. Both crimes are serious Class-'A' felonies. We believe your client may be the only material witness who can clarify what happened to those very expensive items."

"While I appreciate that you must do your job, I must also do mine. Unless my client is under arrest, he will answer no more of your questions without first scheduling an appointment through my office. Either inform us of your definitive evidence beyond mere speculation that he has participated in a crime, or we walk out of here right now. Which is it, gentlemen?"

Agent Gregson reluctantly rolled his eyes indicating his frustration and said, "Mr. Walters, you're free to go. Thank you for stopping by."

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