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Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles Ch. 08A

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Settling In.
8.6k words

Part 8 of the 22 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/20/2010
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Yup, this is it, the first part of the final chapter. It's a long one so I decided to split it up in two parts for easy reading. I have submitted them at the same time so fingers crossed they'll go live at the same time. Many thanks go towards Jazcullen and The Guild, if it wasn't for them you may had to wait a bit longer for the big finale. Last but certainly not least, a big thank you goes to Asylumseeker for all the time he's put in for being an awesome editor.

I will be taking a short break from writing and enjoy a bit of my vacation with the husband and kids. However I already started on the next story, so you see, I am working on it.

If you want to be more up to date with what I'm doing, I've created a Yahoo group, you're free to join and have a good time there. You'll be kept updated with how the writing is going and you'll get notified on new chapters that have been submitted.

But without further ado, have a nice read and I hope you all enjoyed reading the story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Comments, feedback and voting are more then welcome.

Greetings Mokkelke.

Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles: Dominic Saint Ives - Whelan

Chapter Eight : Settling in.

Alright, just one thing, if one of them tries to challenge you, don't respond, they know better than to challenge a newly turned wolf, they know you can't fully shift until the next full moon and then they have to wait another two weeks, so you get accustomed to shifting and your wolf. If one dares to do so, I'll handle it, ok?

That's a deal, let's get this show on the road, she replied.

Fran squeezed his hand reassuringly, letting him know she'd be fine. She got out of the car and waited until Nick was with her again. She noticed quite a few people around the main house, a lot more than she had seen on her two previous visits here.

On the porch there was a small group talking amongst themselves, each one of them trying to look her over when they thought she wasn't looking. She gave each one a polite smile, but something inside her told her not to look away, to wait until the other person did just that. Fran smiled inwardly, it was probably her wolf that knew her mate was an Alpha and that she had to act like an Alpha's mate and show no submissive behavior.

You know I gave Arabella the day off and that we would be back tomorrow at work, but what about we take the rest of the week off. Then I can introduce you to the pack and they can get to know you? I'm sure your boss would understand if you start a week later, Nick mentally told her. It will calm most of them and if we throw them a little party it's a nice opportunity to all get acquainted in a relaxed setting?

That would be a nice thing to do, Fran replied agreeably.

Squeezing her hand this time, Nick turned around so he was facing most of the people around them. With a crystal clear voice he announced for all to hear: "You are right in assuming this lovely lady at my side is my mate. Her name is Francesca Ontario, and yes she's newly turned as well, your senses aren't fooling you. Now I know all of you will want to introduce yourselves and you'll get that opportunity tomorrow. We will be hosting a little party in the afternoon and the whole pack is welcome to join us. I can trust you all to let your family know and we'll be expecting you all around one o'clock."

A murmur was heard from the several little groups that had found their way towards the mansion. Most of them looked their way, respectfully nodded and then turned around, going back to whatever it was they were doing before they came here.

Only a few females remained and it was getting clear they were some of the singles that remained in the pack. Fran could feel the curiosity emanating from most of them, there was only just one that didn't seem curious, but she was raging with anger. As if the woman felt Fran's gaze on her, she turned around and looked at her, rage visible in her eyes.

Nick felt the shiver going through Fran and he searched for what it was that had his mate on edge so suddenly. His eyes falling upon the tall blond woman, a low rumbling started in his chest. That woman was trouble with a capital t and things weren't looking that good when the woman started to saunter in their direction. Hips swaying seductively from side to side, her hair loosely over her shoulders, her clothes barely covered any of her curves.

She's trouble, Fran. I hoped she wouldn't be here, last I heard she was out of the country, she must have gotten back today. Whatever she says, don't let her lure you into a verbal fight unless you are a hundred percent sure you can corner her. If not, then stay silent and just keep looking at her. Whether she likes it or not, she has to show you respect, he told her while he put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

I'll be the smart one today and let you do the talking, I'm afraid I'll say things I may regret later on and that is not how I want to start here. If she wants to cause trouble that is her choice, not mine. And if she thinks I'm weak by letting you do the talking she'll have another think coming later on, Fran replied firmly, her eyes never leaving the approaching blond woman.

Stopping in front of them, the blond woman eyed her up, raised a brow and looked defiantly at her. It was clear she wanted to start a fight and wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted. Little did she know she was in for the verbal slapping of a lifetime.

"So this is the little nobody that has wiggled her way into our pack, I thought better of you, Nick," she spoke softly, deliberately refusing to address him appropriately by his title. The blond noticed the twitch on Fran's face, hoping she would take the bait, she lashed out again.

"I really thought you would at least take a full wolf as mate, someone like me. You know how good we had it in the past, remember?" she teased, reaching out to stroke Nick's chest.

What the hell is this tramp talking about, Nick? she asked him, her eyes never leaving the woman in front of her. And who the hell does she think she is, talking crap like that?

Sadly, she's the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. You know when they say 'If I could turn back time'? This is such a time. Just after I came back from my search for my mate, I was lost. One night I had it so bad I got drunk, I mean really piss drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. She took advantage of that and wiggled her way into my bed. I don't know much of what happened between us, I was that drunk. Since that day she assumed that one day I would take her as my mate, but from then on I avoided her like the plague, he explained.

Forget about me being the smart one and shutting up today. If she wants a reply, she can have one and I hope she better shut up once I'm done, because if she doesn't, I swear to God, I'll rip her throat out the first chance I get, she replied heatedly. What's her name?

Dolores, he answered, a smile appearing on his face.

"Now you listen to me, you little hussy, and I warn you, don't let me repeat myself," Fran started, at the same time grasping Dolores' hand before it could reach Nick. "Just because you took advantage of someone decades ago does not mean you have any claim on them whatsoever. I, on the other hand, have."

Reaching over, she bared Nick's neck and pointed at the marks.

"That means he is mine and mine alone. If I ever see you trying to drape yourself over him like a common hussy again, I won't be held responsible for my actions. He is your Alpha, so you better start acting accordingly. Start showing some respect instead of trying to sell yourself, it doesn't suit any self respecting woman. Did I make myself clear?" she ended her speech, surprising herself at how calmly and firmly she said all those things and what she said even.

She felt strong, relaxed, sure of herself and knowing that whatever she said was spot on. Fran kept her eyes on Dolores the entire time and was still gazing at her, waiting until the blond would capitulate and divert her eyes.

Dolores wanted and started to say something but a low growl next to Fran stopped it immediately. Looking at Fran she had to admit she had spunk and seemingly didn't run away from an argument. It was also clear she was being protective of her mate, doing so without thinking about it as if it was second nature.

She knew when she couldn't win and decided to let have Fran this little victory. Lowering her eyes, she nodded to both of them with respect.

"I apologize for my behavior, it won't happen again," Dolores spoke softly.

"It's ok," Fran said calmly. "I can understand where you're coming from, but you of all people should know what it means to someone of your kind to find their mate, especially after a long time of searching and giving up hope. I'm still amazed by a lot of things and I still need to learn a lot. WE accept your apology and I hope in the future we'll get along better. Maybe soon we can get together and you can fill me in on some little things?" she ended, surprising Dolores again.

Are you sure you want that, Fran? Nick asked.

Think I made my point clear, there is no use in holding a grudge. Believe it or not, you ARE quite a catch my dear, she replied. I have a feeling if we become friends, then the rest of the pack will be a walk in the park.

"I don't know, are you sure?" Dolores asked, playing along.

"Yes, I'm sure, else I wouldn't ask. Something tells me I'll be spending quite a bit of time here in the future, maybe we can go and grab some lunch one of these days and you can tell me more about the pack," she answered.

"In that case, I'd be honored," Dolores agreed to the given opportunity of getting to know Fran better.

"That's settled then ladies, but now, if you'll excuse us, we have some other matters to discuss in private. I'll make sure Fran gets your number, then you can set something up later in the week. I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon," Nick intervened.

Seeing the little sparks in his eyes, Fran knew all too well which private things he wanted to discuss. Quickly she waved to the people that still lingered around the mansion, while Nick pulled her with him. The smile on her face proof for the people around that there wasn't going to be much discussing done.

Once inside, it wasn't long before Nick had her in his arms, his lips devouring hers. Only when he needed oxygen did he release his firm lips from her luscious mouth, which was deliciously swollen from his kisses.

"You amaze me, sweetheart, the way you put her in her place and after that you're even being kind to her," he said, letting their foreheads touch. "I think the rest of the pack won't be a big issue if you can handle Dolores."

"Well, I did have a little bit of help" she grinned. "There was a certain wolf that quite didn't agree with how Dolores was flaunting herself over you. I just lost it a little when she talked so condescending about me and I didn't think it would be fair to let you put her straight then. I mean what would that say about me if I can't even verbally defend myself?"

"You did just fine, it reminds me never to have a fight with you. I don't want to be on the receiving end of the dagger you sent her way just now," he chuckled lightly.

"You know what not to do then, my dear," she teased, getting his joyous laughter as response.

"Come, let's sort our work for this week and organize that barbecue, I'm sure Arabella will be surprised, it's the first time in decades she'll be seeing me take some time off work, the look on her face today was already worth millions," he amusedly told her.

"And I'm sure there will be a few other things to discuss. One thing I'll say straight away, I am not giving up my job, family or friends, so if one of them is an issue, you better find a way to work with it. You know I won't tell about what you are. Sorry, about what we are. I'm aware there will be some immediate changes, some will be puzzled by them and I'll deal with that. But never ask me to give up my friends and family," she ended her speech.

Pulling her next to him on the couch, he turned her towards him and looked her straight in the eyes. He had realized by now that getting a new P.A. wasn't going to be the best move and he actually liked the idea of having Fran with him all the time.

"One, you were hired as my new P.A., that's what you'll stay, so if I need to travel, you'll come with me. Being far apart would tear our wolves apart. That's one issue cleared. As for your friends and family, I will not ask you to abandon them and I know you won't tell. Just in a few decades you have to limit the contact because they will start to notice you aren't aging as fast as a human. But even then we can work around it and sort something out. Does that ease your worries, my sweet? I want you to be happy, not miserable and left alone and deprived from your friends and relatives," he responded with a vivid speech of his own.

Somehow he had a feeling he would be seeing a lot more of her friends, remembering bits and pieces of the prophecy dream she had the other day, who was he to go against what was meant to be. One little detail was etched in his mind and he made a mental note to make work of that little detail.

"Yeah, that's comforting. I wouldn't know how else to cope," she spoke in relief.

"But let's get organizing now, I'll call Arabella and you get started on the barbecue? If you look on my desk you'll find a list of the pack owned stores and restaurants nearby. If you can contact them and let them know there is a barbecue on the schedule for tomorrow for the whole pack, they'll know what to do then and what to bring. Is that a deal?" he asked.

"That I should be able to manage, though I didn't think I would already start as your P.A. so soon," she pouted, the joy evident in her eyes. "And here I was thinking I could be lazy for another week. I tell you, I'm not seeing the perks yet of sleeping with the boss," she continued her teasing.

"Think twice before you say that," Nick said firmly before he filled her mind with a lot of things he would be doing with her later. He could see a blush creeping up her face and her eyes dilate. He chuckled loudly when Fran quickly turned, got up and swiftly strode out of the living room towards his home office.

Closing his eyes, he couldn't help but smile. He was sure of it now, one day that woman would be the death of him and he wouldn't think twice about it, she was damn well worth it. She surprised him many times today. First with their mating, then putting Dolores in her spot, and just now with her teasing. He wasn't complaining, he was overjoyed, to say the least.

Knock, knock? he suddenly heard in his mind. A faint smile on his face he replied. Who's there?

Me, who else, you silly. Just wanted to let you know that if you plan on doing what you just showed me, you better get that gorgeous ass of yours moving. I only had to make one phone call and they assured me they would take care of everything. So you see I've got nothing to do now.

His breath got caught in his throat with the images she sent next. A trail of clothes from his study leading towards his bedroom, she ended with letting him see her backside naked, while she slowly placed herself in his bed. Seeing her tempting curves and picking up the thin trail of her arousal he quickly got up.

Reaching in his pocket he speed dialed Arabella. Impatiently he tapped the floor with his booted foot.

"Hello, Nick, what I can I do for you?" came the calm reply on the other end after ringing once. Arabella knew what happened today was something special and when she saw who it was that called, she picked up the phone immediately.

"I'll be gone for the rest of the week, so will Fran. She's my mate, can you believe it? Anyways, sort what's needed, if anything comes up call Chris or Ed, they can take care of it. But I need to go now, have urgent matters to deal with. See you next week," he said in one breath and hung up before Arabella could even reply.

He dropped the phone on the coffee table and hurried over to his bedroom, stripping his clothes off along the way, making a second trail next to Fran's discarded clothes. Stopping in front of his bed, he only had his black boxer shorts on, but it wasn't doing a good job of containing his erect flesh.

"Looks like someone is overdressed, don't you think?" Fran seductively said while getting on her hands and knees and crawling towards him on the edge of the bed.

Stopping in front of him, she sat on her knees. Her hand teasingly traveled over his chest down to his abdomen. Tucking one finger in his boxers, she gave them a gently tug downwards, releasing his throbbing flesh that proudly saluted her.

"Someone is happy to see me," she said, using the so well known saying.

Reaching out she put her hand around him, moving it up and down slowly. Nick closed his eyes and enjoyed her movements. He stifled a breath when he felt her hot mouth covering one of his nipples. He braided his fingers through her long locks, cupping her head, guiding her sweet kisses over his torso.

Nick, I don't know what it is, but I need you inside of me. Like now!

Looking down he saw the golden sparks in her eyes and he realized what was happening. He didn't think it was possible so fast, but it seemed her wolf's libido was melting together with her own and intensifying her feelings tenfold. It normally took about a week before this change happened.

Smiling at her, he lowered himself to capture her lips in a tantalizing kiss.

It's ok sweetie. Seems your wolf is a bit faster in adapting and merging with you than normal. And let's just say we have a healthy sex drive. I'm glad we took the rest of the week off now, he explained briefly.

Are you now? And what will we be doing then the rest of the week?

Do I really have to tell you? I'd rather show it, one position at a time.

Releasing her lips, he gently pushed her on her back. Starting a slow sensuous path of hot kisses, he lingered a bit, giving her breasts some needed attention. He licked, sucked, nipped and squeezed them, everything forcing passionate moans from Fran.

Traveling down, he dipped his tongue in her belly button. She shrieked out in laughter.

That tickles!

Being generous he licked around it before continuing his downward path towards the sweet valley between her thighs. He knelt in front of the bed, taking in her sweet aroma. His hands tucked under her knees, he spread her legs, making her open up completely and unable to hide her nicely trimmed pussy. Inhaling her scent again, he looked down on her sweet pink lips that glistened with her juices.

His eyes traveled up, he saw her looking at him, her own eyes half closed but still filled with passion and desire. Giving her a devilish grin, he winked at her and licked his lips. Then he bent down and ever so slowly he licked the outsides of her labia, pausing when he passed her clit, giving it a few quick twirls with the tips of his tongue.

This was only the start of the many orgasms he would be giving her and that he would be receiving from her.


Nick stepped in the shower behind Fran, grabbing the big sponge and started lathering up her back.

"Morning, sweetheart," he huskily spoke next to her ear.

"Morning," she replied. "Though I'm not sure if half past eleven is really morning, it's nearly noon already."

Turning around, she took the sponge from him and rewarded him with the same treatment he had given her back just seconds before. Letting her eyes roam over his impressive chest, she couldn't help but smile. He sure had done his best to work his way through the mental images he had sent her yesterday. She had been more then a willing participant.

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