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Sally, Summer of Sex Ch. 24


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As she finished, Marlene came over and sat beside Mark opposite her daughter. "Enjoying the show big boy?" She placed her hand on his cock. Sally released Mark's head. He looked over and smiled, making no reply. Sally had been grabbing the bottom of her tank top throughout her dance and pulling it up to just below her aureoles, then pulling it tightly back down but now she quickly pulled it completely off. Kneeling in front of Mark she told him to save it for her and rubbed her nipples on his face.

Some of the guys in the stage seats had tossed a few bills on the stage. Sally decided to share the love and went around, spreading her legs for a crotch examination by each of the guys as the song reached a close.

"All right, Sabrina," the announcer yelled. "You guys want to see her totally naked?" The sensual beat of "I Want Your Sex" began as the announcer said, "Not that there's a lot more to see."

Sally kept to the beat with wild and forceful pelvic thrusts and body movements. She pulled her panties down a bit and then up, tightly, forcing them into her vulva every few beats. She danced over to Mark and pulled the crotch aside, revealing her substantial labia that had only been hinted at through the damp lace. She did that a couple of times and then pulled her panties to her knees. Standing with her legs together she gyrated her hips and legs to the beat causing the panties to slowly drop. They reached her feet. She pulled one foot loose and then presented the panties to Mark with her other leg outstretched. Mark accepted them while admiring the large flaps of her minor labia protruding from the neatly trimmed crotch.

Sally took a quick tour of the stage and then lay down in front of Mark with her legs spread in front of him. She reached down and spread her labia wide, exposing her clit and vaginal entrance. Inserting her fingers she spread her vagina to the point he could have seen her cervix if it weren't so dark. She smiled widely at him as she scooted toward him, her legs dropping off the edge of the stage. She moved her butt to the edge and pulled his face into her. He could smell the female sexual scent and his nose went between the flaps, and came away very damp.

"Sally," Sarah motioned to her. Sally swung her crotch toward her friend who drove two fingers into her cunt and began massaging her clit and vaginal walls. Withdrawing the fingers, she presented them to Mark for him to lick. Marlene said, "my turn" and did the same. Sally swung back to Mark. took his hand and drove two fingers inside her. As he removed them she motioned that he should let Sarah lick those off. Then the other hand to be sucked off by Marlene. As the song wound down she once again toured the stage, showing off her vulva to all those around it.

After the song was over she went to Mark and retrieved her shirt, skirt and panties. As she put them on she invited Sarah and Marlene to collect the cash on the stage. "I got your manager's permission to do this, but he told me not to take any money. Maybe you can distribute it to the other girls."

She led Mark to a table away from the stage. "You like my dance?"

"Of course, You got me going. I was surprised when they announced you as a amateur night winner. I guess you've done this before."

"Well, not that routine. I've had a special amateur night dance I use, as a schoolgirl."

"Have you done it long?" Mark expected that she'd been at it for a while and that maybe that was how Sarah had gotten into stripping.

"Not too long. I started after Sarah started dancing. She encouraged me to enter the amateur night contest."

"And you won?"

"Yep, first time. I had some help from Sarah and her mom."

"Hi, Mr Horton," Sarah had returned with her mother.

"Quite a demonstration, Sally," Marlene added. "You two thinking of a little extra action in back?"

"No, thanks," Sally stated firmly. "We really need to get going. We have places to go, things to do."

"I bet!" Sarah said, "THINGS to do! Kind of like SALLY to DO, huh, Mr Horton?" She gave him an obvious, knowing wink.

Mark had no reply. as Sally rose saying, "I just wanted to show him where you guys worked. Then I had the idea of the dance. But really, we need to get going. I bet he wouldn't mind if you guys called sometime."

"No, I guess not," Mark mumbled as they moved to the door.

"You can always come by here," Marlene said as she followed them to the door. "I'll give you extra special attention; make sure you have a very happy day."


"That was a kick!" Sally laughed as she got into the car.

"It was something," Mark agreed. "Do you do that often?"

"Do what?"

"Come here and strip."

"Oh, no, that was just for you. It's really illegal." She smiled at him and before he could get on his seat belt, she unbuckled and unzipped his trousers.

"Sally ... " he remonstrated, "I have to drive."

"I'm not giving you a blowjob or anything. Just want to keep you ready," she laughed as she pushed her hand through the fly of his boxers and cupped his testicles. She loved feeling the hard balls and rotating them in their wrinkly leather sac. His were particularly hairy besides, so she gently pulled at the hairs.

He realized there would be no stopping her and backed the car out. "Illegal?"

She was more interested in exploring his testicles and had pushed both balls up into their abdominal sockets so she could stretch and squeeze his ball sack. She answered absentmindedly, "You're supposed to have a strippers license to work there. Maybe it's okay for amateurs, don't really know, The manager said it was okay. That's probably why he said not to take any of the cash."

He found he needed to concentrate on his driving. Blow job or not, what she was doing with his sexual parts was getting distracting. Now she had teased one of his balls out of its hiding place and was gently squeezing it. She was always fascinated by how the balls were completely loose inside their sack. When she had first read about them she had assumed they were firmly attached and had been completely surprised when her first experience playing with them had shown otherwise. She squeezed gently and rotated the firm oval egg. She remembered how she had made a few of her first partners scream in pain when she had squeezed too tightly. Guys seemed so strong and tough but they had that one extreme vulnerability. That was one of her first realizations of the power she had over them.

She stopped massaging his testicles and now just had her hand cupped around them feeling them moving . She loved how guys' testicles rotated around inside the scrotum. To her it was like they were so excited they couldn't keep still.

Mark pulled into the space in front of the room.

Sally bounced out of the car and skipped into the room, leaving Mark to get his trousers into a semblance of modesty before walking in himself.

She quickly lit the candles and positioned herself enticingly on the bed before Mark entered.

He mumbled the single word, "bathroom," and went in with barely a notice of her preparations.

As she waited she considered her next move. Her original thought was that he'd jump right onto the bed and they'd wrestle each other out of their clothes. Now, she decided to be naked when he came out. She pulled off her tank top and stepped out of her skirt, kicking off her shoes. She decided to leave the panties on. The lights were off and the room was illuminated only by the flickering candles.

As Mark came out she jumped up from the bed and put her arms around him. He hugged her back and she sneaked one hand into his slacks and around to the front. "Let's get you out of these clothes, she said, pulling away and unbuttoning his shirt. Then unbuckling and unzipping his slacks she pulled them down. She gently pushed him onto the bed so she could remove his shoes and socks. She took his slacks and, out of consideration, took them to the closet to hang up. He followed her over, taking off his shirt and handing it to her. As she hung that up he reached around her and massaged her slight breasts, manipulating the large nipples between his fingers. "Mmmmm," she hummed. leaning her body back into his and encouraging one of his hands to move down.

He caressed her abdomen and pressing her flat belly pulled her back into his hardened cock. She continued her hum of enjoyment, holding the back of his hands with hers. At her urging he moved his hand down, pausing at the edge of her panties. He lifted his fingers slightly so they slid over the edge and he cupped her genitals with his left hand massaging them through the cloth. He had his right arm around her so that he fingers of his right hand massaged her left nipple while his wrist rubbed her right nipple. Her hum became a lower pitched moan.

She wasn't very heavy so he easily lifted her by her crotch, steadying her with the hand around her chest and placed her on the bed facing him. He pulled off his undershirt.

"Mr Horton!" Sally exclaimed, "You're really ripped."

"You've seen me naked before."

"Yeah, but, well, I was looking elsewhere."

"And where might ..." He stopped, realizing exactly what she was talking about.

"I'm kinda obsessed over penises. Yours is so nice and thick." She reached out one hand to stroke the tent in his boxers. She moved the other to the waistband.

"Not yet," Mark stated, calmly moving her hand away. He lay down on the bed and slid her next to him, hugging her tightly. He felt her substantial, hard nipples pushing into his chest and allowed her to rub his penis with her leg. Meanwhile he continued to massage her genitals through the insubstantial lace panties.

Sally became more and more aroused. The feeling of his chest hair against her nipples, the hard cock against her leg and his hand at her crotch all combined to great effect. She could feel her panties getting damp and cold from the dampness. She moaned in synch with his fingers moving over her panties.

Mark sensed her excitement and decided it was time to make a change. A quick move and his hand was inside her panties. There he could push between her labia and into her vagina. He lightly pinched and massaged the ample flaps. As her excitement rose he drove his finger up her vagina to her cervix. A few strokes and he located her G spot. Two fingers inside her and his thumb on her clit brought her quickly to orgasm. Her abdomen quivered in ecstasy as she squealed with pleasure. He didn't let up until her vibrating body was reduced to twitching with his strokes.

"Oh my God!" Sally exclaimed as she caught her breath. "God! that felt fabulous. My turn." She popped up, grabbed his waistband and pulled the boxers free of his cock. It was rock hard and just as she remembered it, 5 inches long but almost two inches thick with a conical tip that was perfect for spreading a vagina to receive the thick member. She opened her mouth as wide as she could but could only get a little more than the tip in. She held the shaft with her hand as she licked and sucked at as much of his cock she could.

Mark didn't just lie there and enjoy her ministrations. He grabbed her waist and lifted her over him. Her vulva with its pillowy major labia and ample minor labia flaps were positioned so he could lick away at them. Inserting his tongue into her vagina, using it to flick at the soft flaps and to stimulate her hardened, large clit he enjoyed the slightly sour, slightly sweet flavor.

If it had been a contest, Mark would have won. Or maybe it was more accurate to say that Sally won. Within a few minutes she was once again squirming in the throes of orgasm. Mark applied his tongue exclusively to her clit as vaginal moisture ran down his chin. As her contractions eased he concentrated on getting as much as possible of the tasty fluid into his mouth.

"God, Mr Horton, let me give you some pleasure."

Mark had to take a second to swallow before responding, "Nothing is more fun that getting you going and hearing your screams of delight. Besides, If you get me off, the evening will be over."

With both arms around her, he lifted and stood up. She was head down with his cock in her face. Like she was a baton in the hands of a twirler, he flipped her right side up and, with almost no effort to position her properly, slid her down over his cock. Despite its thickness, her soaking wet and receptive vagina allowed its full entry with no difficulty.

"Ahhh, that's wonderful," he told her in complete honesty as she gasped with pleasure of her own. He jogged her up and down on his tool. She helped with her arms around his neck, pulling up and allowing herself to slide back down. Her hard nipples rubbed up and down on his hairy chest to their mutual pleasure. She was in a greatly excited state and once again she came. As the throes of orgasm started, he jammed her down hard, her clit pushing against the base of his cock. He immediately laid her on the bed with himself on top and pushed in even harder. Sally was gasping for breath and as she caught it, he began thrusting in and out in the standard missionary position,

Their tongues intertwined and each fought for control of the others mouth. Sally didn't believe it as she came again. This time he withdrew and allowed her to come down from her ecstasy. He knew that if his cock remained inside the soft, throbbing vessel he would cum himself. He was having too much fun to allow that yet.

"God, Mr. Horton! FUCK! God, Mr Horton!" Sally caught her breath.

"I have to stop for a bit, I'm too excited," Mark was short of breath himself. "Don't want it over yet. There's more we can do," he gasped out in short bursts.

"FUCK, Mr Horton! FUCK! God!" Sally had only the two topics.

"And I better get a condom on if we're to do this any more. Even what we just did, I should have worn one."

"God, Mr. Horton! Fuck!"

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