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SAMBA Pt. 07


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Ryan was consumed by the burning desire to have Mrs Wheeler again. She eclipsed all and every memory of every other woman. At last, he knew what it was like to touch a grown woman intimately.

Next time, he had been promised not only those boobs to play with, but to suck on as well. He tried to imagine what that would be like. He thought of Mark and how his friend had access to all that female perfection. If it were him, Ryan thought, he'd not be able to leave Mrs Wheeler alone for a single minute of each day.

He was stunned when Mark told him how he had gone on a course to teach him how to have sex with his mom. It seemed doubly unfair to Ryan that not only had he lost his mom, but now he was learning what they could do with their sons.

These last couple of years, Ryan had struggled with his motivation and he had all but given up on the opposite sex. Now suddenly his fortune had changed. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Ryan had something to look forward to.

Ryan went to bed that night unable to think of anything other than Mrs Wheeler. He jerked off furiously and lasted less than a minute before he sprayed his sheets, his brain burning feverishly with images of her breasts and the curves of her lush body.


Back at the Wheeler house, it had been a relatively normal evening after Ryan had left. Mark got down to his studies while Mandy prepared the family meal. Dan returned from work and after eating, the family each did their own thing.

Mandy remained elated after introducing Mark's friend to the basics of the SAMBA method. She may not have been Ryan's mom but she was perhaps the closest thing he had and it had been clear that the boy was completely blown away by this small sample of what was possible. Her nipples had stayed stiff for a long time and still tingled long after dinner. Seeing Ryan come out of his shell just a little had been incredibly rewarding.

Nevertheless, Mandy was just one woman, whose prime responsibility was her son. She knew that Mark, while sympathetic to his friend's needs, had only agreed to her helping Ryan so long as it didn't affect the quantity or quality of his bonding activities. She had hoped to get other SAMBA moms involved and after this initial success, and with Ryan wanting to learn more, it was time to ask her friends if they were prepared to join in the effort the expand Ryan's education. Getting her phone, she called Claire.

"Hi, Mandy! What's up?" said Claire as she answered the call.

"Hey there, Claire. How's everything with you guys?"

"Same old, I guess. I'm still disappointed with Jim for not agreeing to co-sleeping but...that's where we are. I can't tell Scott I failed to make it happen as he'd be devastated. He's been counting on joining me in my bed eventually. This is so unfair on him."

"Hang in there," said Mandy sympathetically. "In the meantime, just keep doing what you can for Scott. Being a SAMBA mom never stops. Listen, I'm feeling a little guilty now, but I was hoping you could do something for me..."

"Oh?" Claire replied curiously.

"It's more doing something for someone else - I'm just asking on their behalf."

"Sure. Go on."

"It's about Mark's friend from school, Ryan. The poor boy's mom passed away several years ago. Anyway, he's never been the same kid since and he's had many of the issues that have affected our boys. But he's not badly behaved - he's just become so withdrawn."

"That's sad. At least our boys haven't had to cope with that."

"I spoke to Dr Dearlove about Ryan and she said he was the ideal candidate for SAMBA except for -"

"...having no mom." finished Claire.

"Exactly. So, I've decided to make myself useful and fill in where I can. I want to give Ryan the next best thing to having a real mommy experience."

"Oh my god, Mandy! You're such an amazing person!" exclaimed Claire, praising her friend.

"We started today. Mark brought him around after school and I started Ryan out with some light bonding activities."

"What did you do?" asked Claire, intrigued.

"I let him play with my boobs. He spent a good ten minutes feeling them up. He loved it, Claire! And right before my eyes, I saw that sad kid get a bit of his confidence back!"

"Wow! That's awesome! I can't think of a better start for him to learn what a mom is all about," said Claire, also thinking about how exciting it must also be for a mom to take the inexperienced teen on this journey.

"That's what I thought. Something to ease him into it in a fun and natural way. You should have been there! Seeing that face of his light up was something else."

"That's similar to how Dr Dearlove introduced us to bonding at the academy."

"That's what I thought. The priority is to start by getting him to appreciate a mom, what she can offer and how it's very different for older boys like him, compared to what he was used to."

"You have to make the right start. Even with Dr Dearlove's instructions, Scott is not always as grateful as I would like. I know that I have duties, and he has rights, but they've got to see it as a partnership."

"I get that. It's always a battle to keep Mark in check too. Teens are always testing the boundaries!" said Mandy with a somewhat exasperated shake of her head.

Claire laughed, knowing all too well the demands of having a teen boy with a seemingly inexhaustible sex drive. "So, what's next?"

"I promised Ryan that next time he can suck on my boobs. I think I'll need to set aside a little more time so that he can relax, get to know them, and me, with no pressure."

"That sounds perfect if you do it somewhere cosy and comfortable."

"That's what I thought. Anyway, the reason I need your help -"

"You want me to spend some time with Ryan?" Claire asked

"Yeah. Don't feel you have to agree. I chose to take this on, so I've only got myself to blame. Ryan needs help, but I do have my commitments with Mark. I was hoping to spread the load - perhaps Jess as well. With three of us, it should be easy."

"Okay. Let me think it over. I'd have to juggle Jim, Scott and work to make it happen. I can't speak for Jess, but I will ask her. She would have it easier what with those easy-going twins and no husband."

"Honestly, no rush. I'm taking it slow with Ryan in any case."

"I'm already looking forward to your update. It's such a beautiful thing when they get to see what our bodies are like and the boys find out all the things they can do!"

"I'll be sure to let you know. Bye, Claire."

"Bye, Mandy."


That night when Mark and Mandy got into bed, the teen was as ever drawn to his mother's delicious curves. As he often did, he ran his hands down her smooth belly, as well as caressing her waist and hips. Mandy had the classic hourglass figure, with the magic ratio that males were instinctively drawn to.

"Still not bored of this old body?" Mandy asked, teasingly.

"Never, Mom. It's as good as it gets," replied Mark, gripping her waist and giving it a good squeeze. "And I think Ryan agrees," Mark added somewhat disapprovingly.

"How do you know?"

"Mom, his eyes were almost popping out. He's super excited about next time."

"Well, I should hope so. It is meant to be fun, after all. I get the feeling you're a little possessive about my body - am I right?"

Mark shrugged. "I just feel it's meant to be one mom, one son, that's all. But It's not like Ryan is any competition and It's good to watch a younger guy with older women, even if it is my mom."

"That's because it's how things should be. Remember the classes at the academy? Dr Dearlove has always stressed how compatible we are across the age gap. It's natural for you boys to be with older women. I liked watching you with Mrs Reece, for example - you were great together."

"Do you think Dad will ever see it that way? Could he enjoy seeing me play with you, Mom?"

"I'm not sure, honey. I'd love nothing better than for him to see his wife become the woman she's meant to be. I think he is beginning to get curious about what happens behind the bedroom door, but we don't want to push him too far, too fast."

"Sooner or later, Dad's gonna have to accept things have changed. You're mine now, Mom," said Mark, as his hands wandered all over his mom's full curves.

Mandy smiled, flattered at her son's strong feelings for her. "Is that so, young man? We do SAMBA for your benefit Mark, but your dad will always be my husband," she said, even though she knew there was some truth in what Mark had said, it was important to keep him grounded.

Mark sat up in bed and pulled at his mom.

"C'mon, Mom, sit up. I want to do what Ryan was doing earlier and I can't jiggle those boobs so much if you're lying down."

Mandy was starting to feel pretty tired, but it was impossible to refuse her son's request given that she'd allowed another boy to play with her breasts that afternoon. She sighed and sat up crossed-legged on the mattress facing Mark.

"Go for it," said Mandy, putting her shoulders back and chest thrust out.

Mark replicated his friend's earlier activities, only without the other boy's hesitancy. Mark knew exactly what he could do with those titties, and what they could do for him. Chrissy Nielsen's may have been bigger and bouncier, but he still had greater affection for his mom's pair.

"Are you getting Mrs Reece involved with Ryan too?" Mark asked, secretly hoping they could pass his friend off to someone else.

"I spoke to her tonight. She hopes she can make it work. Things are tricky at home with Scott. She wanted them to get on to the co-sleeping plan but her husband won't allow it."

"That must suck," said Mark as he tugged in his mom's nipples. "Mr Reece shouldn't be coming between them. He doesn't need her as Scott does."

Mandy sighed sadly. "We know that. But unless Dr Dearlove can intervene somehow, all we can do is hope that he comes around and understands that a good father is required to make sacrifices for the well-being of the family."

"You've gotta admit that's a typical dad move - always blocking and never thinking about the big picture," sniffed Mark dismissively.

"You're being a little unfair. Your dad's been pretty good to you so far. He's paid for SAMBA and allowed us to try the co-sleeping plan."

Mark released his mom's rubbery nipples and her breasts sprang back to their natural shape. The teen then slapped his mom's left boob lightly.

"Ooow, be careful, Mark! You can do that, but just be gentle," warned Mandy.

Mark repeated the slap, now to the right, then back to the left. His mom's weighty boobs jiggled about as if on springs.

"Hell, yeah!" exclaimed Mark, his face lighting up.

That particular fancy satisfied for the moment, Mark resumed rubbing and pinching his mom's nipples.

"You know Mark, I don't think my breasts have had so much attention in my life until we started SAMBA," said Mandy, wincing a little as Mark handled her roughly

"Really, Mom? What's wrong with Dad?" asked Mark, genuinely puzzled - after all, if he'd had this access to his mom's boobs before SAMBA he'd have been grabbing them all of the time.

"I don't know, honey. I mean, he likes them, but not like you do."

"It makes me so happy when you get them out for me, Mom."

"Awww, that's what they're here for!" said Mandy. She looked down and noticed Mark had sprung a hard-on. "It's late now. Why don't I lie down, you get behind me and pump my pussy while you hold on to these boobies, huh?"

"Not up the ass?" Mark asked hopefully, always looking for the chance to fuck her tightest hole.

"Not tonight, baby. Mommy is very tired."

Mark let his mom turn away and turn out the light as she lay on her side. Mark spooned up behind her, his prick leading the way. He felt a moment of regret as he passed his mom's anus and slid up her wet cunt. He adored that gripping rear entrance beyond anything else in the world, but even Mark was feeling too tired to be bothered with prep or lube. Reaching around her took her big firm boobs in his hands and began to slowly hump his mom.

The bedclothes rustled with the couple's slow and leisurely fuck, the bed barely making a squeak. What was left of Mark's energy was directed to a steady back-and-forth heave of his young hips. His earlier desire for anal sex was forgotten, and Mark sighed deeply with contentment as he plunged in and out of his mom's warm and wet pussy. It was, after all, just like coming home.

Mark all the while was using his strong hands to massage his mother's breasts, as she lay limply in his arms. Soon Mark noticed his mom's head loll as they fucked and he realized that she had fallen asleep.

Many long strokes later, the bed now squeaking faintly with his ragged thrusts, an exhausted Mark finally reached his climax, digging his fingers hard into his mom's tits. His whole body was rigid with closed eyes and a scrunched-up face, as his shaft jerked several times in its wet sheath, his hot cum gushing against her cervix.

"Mommm!" Mark gasped weakly, even though she was beyond hearing him.

Slowly the teen relaxed while his cock continued to throb in his mom's cunt for the next few minutes. Mark slowly drifted off to sleep pressed against her back, thinking happy thoughts about how lucky he was to have a mom that understood exactly what a boy his age needed at bedtime.


Within seconds of the alarm stopping in the morning, Mark's hands were all over his mom's body.

"You're relentless!" Mandy giggled, though somewhat sleepily.

"I never want to miss out on a minute with you, Mom," Mark replied.

Was it still a novelty and would the appeal wear off? That's what Mandy pondered as her son's hands roved over her curves. Not even in the early days of her marriage had Dan been so obsessed. Poor Claire was missing out big time by not having Scott wake up next to her. Being able to enjoy some mom-son bonding at the start of each day seemed like such a simple thing that every family could benefit from. Even so, such moments couldn't last forever.

"You need to get ready soon, Mark. Why don't you help me put my plug in me?" said Mandy, using the subtle power of persuasion. If she'd simply told him to get up, Mark would only have complained and started the day in a bad mood.

Mark reacted positively to the suggestion, and when Mandy lifted her butt into the air, Mark picked up the butt plug and with loving care, eased the bulb through her sphincter so that the tight ring did not so much snap shut but slowly swallowed it up.

"Mmmmmm...feels good," purred Mandy.

"Look's great too, Mom!" said Mark, keeping her butt cheeks held open.

The boy stooped down and stared intently at the crystal base embedded in his mom's ass for a moment as if to commit the sight to memory for the rest of the day.

"Okay, time to go shower, Mark."

Mark slid off the bed, his penis firm but not yet fully engorged. Once upon a time, Mark would have been checking his phone before getting up, but playing with his mom's body sure beat that. When he stepped into the shower, Mark whistled happily. Life couldn't get much better, he decided. In time he hoped to banish his dad from his mom's bed permanently. The idea of spending those long weekend mornings lying in bed with his mother made his young cock throb. His dad had always told him it was good to set yourself long-term goals and Mark couldn't think of anything better to aim for.


When Mark got downstairs, he was surprised to find his dad still around.

"Hi Dad, what are you still doing here?"

"Good morning, Mark. I've got a meeting out of town today, so no point in heading straight to the office," said Dan. He paused a moment, watching as his son started rummaging in the cupboards for his breakfast. "I've been thinking a lot about our little chat last week."

"What about it, Dad?"

"I was worried after that I may have embarrassed you. We've never really talked about how you are growing up. I sometimes forget that you're not a little boy anymore."

"It's okay, Dad."

"I thought that perhaps we needed a little more time to discuss what you're going through. There's been big changes around here and I wouldn't want you to think I was ignoring it. I know Mom has been great with you, but I think in matters like these I can maybe understand you better."

"Dad, I think I'm coping better than you think," said Mark trying to hide a smirk.

"I still remember how confusing things could be when I was your age. As I said last time, there's no shame in getting aroused. And if we're being honest, there's no woman I'd rather have you look up to than your mom. It makes me feel better knowing that you can acknowledge what a wonderful woman she is."

"Yeah, she's really beautiful, Dad."

"I'm glad you agree and you can be so open with me. It makes me feel much more comfortable now that you are spending so much time with Mom. Are there...things about Mom that you notice more than others?" Dan asked cautiously.

"Well..." Mark paused, unsure how much he should confess to his dad.

"Go on, Mark, you can say what you think."

"She's got nice boobs," Mark admitted.

"Yeah, she has!" Dan chuckled at his son's seemingly innocent confession. "I'll share a little secret with you - it's the first thing I noticed about her when we met!"

"I bet it was, Dad," laughed Mark.

"And they've stayed in shape all these years. God knows how, but they have."

"I'm glad they have, Dad. They look so springy when mom gets undressed and into bed!" said Mark with boyish enthusiasm.

"Enjoy the view, Mark," Dan laughed along with his son. "You'll be lucky to find any as good as Mom's."

Mark relaxed, enjoying being able to share some of his feelings about his mom and get his dad's approval.

"I'm pleased we've had this talk, Dad. It's great to be understood and not have to hide my feelings," said Mark with relief.

"And it's good to talk to you man to man. So, is it Mom's boobs you're thinking about when you...you know...?"


"Oh, is there something else about Mom you like?"

"Well...she does have a nice ass too. You don't mind me saying do you?"

Dan knew he couldn't fault Mark for stating the obvious. It was a simple fact that his wife had an incredible ass. Anywhere Mandy went, every straight male would notice it, so naturally Mark would too.

"Of course not. It means you're a normal young man. Guys talk about that stuff all the time with each other," said Dan, giving his son a reassuring fatherly pat on the shoulder.

"Like how Mom's ass is bouncy like her boobs!" Mark sniggered.

"Well, yeah!" Dan laughed, joining in with his son's merriment. "But don't say that to your mom. Women are funny about things like that."

"Don't worry, Dad. SAMBA teaches us to appreciate our moms."

"I'm pleased the SAMBA course is working for you. And that you're opening up with me. It's good to share your feelings, Mark. I've got to say, you're less uptight than you were before, and easier to get along with."

"Everything is much better now, Dad," said Mark sincerely.

"Good," Dan nodded. "I'm glad we had this conversation. Anytime you need to talk about Mom's body, I'm here Mark. Any way I can help give you the start I never had, just ask."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Okay, I need to get to work. Say bye to Mom and I'll see you both later."


It was during lunch at school that day that Ryan approached Mark.

"Hi, Mark. I was wondering when I could come over to your place again?" Ryan asked nervously.

"Ha! You mean, see my mom again, more like!" Mark teased.

"Please, Mark, you got to be honest with me. Did your mom mean there'd be more? You're not all just screwing around with me?"

"Hey, man, relax. I'm your friend, aren't I? And Mom would never mess with someone like that - especially about the bonding stuff."

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