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Sara & Laura Ch. 02


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That was probably from the crying, though, she thought, wetting her fingers with her hair and washing the residue away as best she could. She shifted in her seat and her skirt squelched beneath her.

"Geeze Laura, what have you done to me..." she murmured as she wiped her eyes. Slowly, Sara stopped and stared at herself. What had Laura done to her. Laura had seen, well, almost seen, her cock. Something which was known only to herself and her doctor, previously. Emotionally it felt a little less heavy now. Someone else could help her carry it, someone so beautiful, confident, and intelligent. Someone who really understood her, she thought. Sara remembered how scared she was just to go in only last week, compared to how excited she was to go next time. She wanted to talk to her, to tell her all the things she'd been feeling over the years, to get help and get better.

Oh god, and the smell of her skin, came a thought from her deep unconscious. Her heart leaped in her chest in response. Her panties, though mostly protected from the rain, seemed to grow tighter on her again. She needed to get home, and quickly.

"What the fuck is wrong with me!" she shouted to herself as she threw her car into drive and sped out from her parking spot. She felt out of control now, a hungry beast awakened inside of her. Maybe it was making up for lost time, maybe it was just naturally insatiable. She needed it to be quiet for now. Sara put her foot down on the accelerator and sped across town back home.


The door clicked shut in the office as Sara fled down the hall. Laura was left alone, leaning on her desk and staring at the door.

What an odd question, she thought, standing and circling around her desk. Sitting down, she opened her slim laptop and fired up her word processor. She began to type.

Session 2 - Great progress. Patient shows great desire for personal growth, and-

Laura stopped typing, frowning to herself. Mashing the backspace key, she retreaded her steps.

Session 2 - Great progress. Sara shows great desire for personal growth, and opened up admirably. Faced her fears and allowed me to see-

She stopped again. Laura stared at the screen for a moment, then closed the laptop. She wasn't in the mood to write up her session notes right now. She leaned back in the chair and opened the bottom drawer of her desk, pulling out Sara's personal file. She thumbed past the questionnaire pages to Sara's medical information. Her eyes drifted over the pages of form-filled data to the pertinent hand-written note at the bottom.

Ms. Colwitt possess both male and female genitalia. There do not appear to be any ill effects towards her health thus far. Ms. Colwitt identifies as a woman.

Laura placed the pages on her desk and ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. This was new for her. She thought back to her days in med school. Hermaphrodites is what they had called them back then, though the term was cold and clinical and largely fallen out of use. More recent, less scholarly work, had called them "futanari", a japanese term. Try as she might, Laura found it hard to classify people. This patient was Sara, nothing more, nothing less. She was cute and shy, and, in her own words, a neurotic mess, but Laura felt especially drawn to her. Initially, she assumed, it was the sad scared puppy attitude that had drawn her to Sara. Laura liked to think she was a naturally caring, nurturing person.

And after this session...

The whole scenario ran through her head on loop, the images coming unbidden and remaining despite her efforts to clear it from her mind. She was a professional, she was supposed to have distance. Even given her rather unique field and approach to sex therapy, sexual contact was just a tool, to be used as sparingly as possible.

But she hadn't known about Sara. Nothing in her files had been terribly specific, as was expected. Laura rested her head in her hands, elbows on her desk. She began the loop again. Sara was staring at her breasts. It was intentional, she told herself, to gauge Sara's reaction. Sara was upset at being caught. She sat down next to Sara to try and comfort her, to offer support. She had seen patients cross their legs the way Sara had before. It was a subconscious effort to repress their sexual response. Common in people with anxieties about sex. All she had wanted to do was encourage Sara to not hold it back so much.

What she hadn't expected was the monster Sara had been hiding. The way it leaped up like that, hiding temptingly beneath a tented skirt, in a word, enormous. Laura shifted in her chair, crossing her legs and then laughing at herself for her own subconscious repression. She felt hot. The air was stuffy in her office. Was the A/C broken again? Without opening her eyes, she popped another button of her shirt open. It helped a little, exposing more of her large breasts to the air, but not quite enough. Even when Sara was crying, when she hugged her around the waist and sobbed, it remained rock hard. She hadn't meant to keep staring at it the way she did, and she was glad Sara remained unaware. She couldn't imagine how Sara walked around with such a huge cock dangling between her legs. Laura shifted in her chair again. She had maintained her composure while Sara was around, but all she could think about now was what it would feel like to wrap her hands around Sara's cock, to stroke or suck her off on the couch, to see and touch what was assuredly a record-setting-

Laura opened her eyes and shook her head. She knew she had to stop. She had another patient in... she wasn't sure how long. Slowly, Laura re-buttoned her top and fixed her hair. Having made herself presentable, she walked across the office and opened the door to the waiting room.

"Rachel?" she said to the receptionist. It was too warm out here too.

"Yes Laura?"

"When's my next appointment?"

Rachel clicked the mouse of her computer and stared at the screen for a moment. "Not for another two hours, there was a cancellation." she said matter-of-factly.

"Can you book Ms. Colwitt for another session? Same time next week." It seemed so far away now. The receptionist turned to the screen and typed for a moment. Laura stared into space and her mind drifted back to Sara. She suddenly realized Rachel had been talking. "Sorry, what was that?"

"I said was there something else you wanted?"

Yes, she thought, there really truly was something she wanted, despite her intentions. "No," she said absentmindedly, then added "I think I'm going to take a nap for a while. Hold my calls?"

"Yes ma'am," Rachel said brightly. Laura returned to her office, closing the door softly behind her.

Two hours, she thought, that's a lot of time alone...

She crossed back to her desk, feeling a heat inside her belly. She slid the top drawer of her desk opened and withdrew a black nylon drawstring bag. She teased the drawstrings apart and reached in, retrieving a slim black silicone wand. Replacing the bag in the desk, she walked to the couch and lay down upon it. It was hardly big enough to accommodate her large stature, but it was comfortable all the same. Slowly, as though unsure of her actions, she undid the buttons of her top and let it fall open. There was no way she could focus without taking care of some business first. She slid one finger under the button of her pants and unfastened it. Folding her knees up, she slid the black khakis down and out of the way, along with her silk panties. She pressed a hidden button on the black wand and it sprung to life, vibrating determinedly, and lowered it to her clit.

She squirmed and bit back a moan as she made contact, holding the wand to her clit and massaging her pussy with her other hand. She was positively dripping, had soaked through her panties down to her pants already. Only a moment later she felt a shiver run up her body that told her she was already getting close.

"Oh Sara," she whispered to herself, "what have you done to me?" she had had a lot of sex over the span of her life. Her fair share of it as part of her job. She had feared that she had combined the two, and might not derive so much pleasure from it, but in this moment, she was twenty again, barely able to control herself and wildly aroused. She gritted her teeth and moaned agonizingly as an orgasm rolled over her, every muscle in her body contracting as it rocked her, her nerves lit with icy fire.

So fast, she thought, no time at all. That would have been the end of it, should have been enough for now. But her subconscious showed her what she wanted, and this wouldn't be enough now. Sara had to have been a foot long, and thick to boot.

Would it even fit? It's just so much cock, Laura thought, then bit her lip. The heat in her belly reignited. She rolled over and put the vibrator back to her clit. Only minutes later, her second orgasm landed, the earth-shaking impact of it leaving her quivering and sweating.

It's not enough, she thought, beginning again, this just isn't enough.


Sara peeled into the underground parking of her building, nearly colliding with the wall as she slammed on the brakes and killed the engine. She was still soaked head to toe, but her other needs were so much more imminent. Her cock strained hard against her panties, even as she leaped from the car and raced across the parkade to the elevator. As she rounded the corner, she saw two people, an elderly couple she thought lived two floors below here, waiting for the elevator. Panic and terror flooded her as the old woman turned around to the commotion and waved at Sara.

Can't have people around, she thought madly, too much risk of exposure.

"Hi! I'm taking the stairs!" she called out across the parkade as she pivoted and raced to the stairs opposite the elevator before her neighbours could respond. 8 floors up, 24 flights of stairs, and the nice old couple probably thought she was rude and weird for shouting at them across the parkade, but she didn't really care at the moment. She flew up the thankfully empty stairwell, her feet barely touching the ground, trailing large wet footprints in the plush carpet. Pausing momentarily at her floor, she listened for activity beyond. Silence. Sara held her breath and flung the door open, running down the hall to her door. If anyone was there, she hoped to fly by them fast enough that they wouldn't notice anything amiss.

Aside from the lunatic tearing around the building, she thought.

Sara was out of breath by the time she came to a shuddering stop outside her door. Awkwardly fumbling with her keys, she flung the door open and slammed it behind her, locking it and sliding the deadbolt into place. Silence again. With some difficulty, she peeled her shirt off, throwing it to the floor with a wet slap. Sara strode across the living room towards the bathroom, leaving small puddles and a trail of wet clothes in her wake, her shirt, her bra, and her skirt, though hopping out of that with her cock so enormously hard was a challenge. She looked down at herself as she cleared the last few steps to the bathroom. Her nipples stood on end, though she wasn't sure if it was from the cold or being turned on, and her skin was covered in tiny goose pimples. Her cock stood straight out, a compass needle to her destination, a brutish appendage on her otherwise slim and lithe body.

She closed the bathroom door behind her out of habit and padded across the tile floor quickly and carefully.

No running no running no running, she thought, her urge for safety still guiding her rational self.

She spun around the opaque glass divider, nearly lunging for the water control. It came out cold for a split second and Sara shrieked, jumping back from the spray. A little shiver ran through her body. She held out her hand to feel when the water had gotten hot enough, jumping back into the spray once it had. She filled her hands with body wash and began to scrub herself down, warming herself, and trying her best not to think about what had happened. She lathered her neck, breasts, arms, stomach, and legs, specifically avoiding her cock. She didn't want to deal with it like this.

You're an adult, she told herself, you have some goddamn self control.

She apparently wasn't convincing anyone, not even herself. Her cock was painfully hard, a primal part of her brain begging her to touch it, to feel it, to release a little of the sexual pressure she was feeling.

"No! Fucking no," she told herself, "she's your therapist, you're not jerking off while thinking about your therapist," she balled up a fist and pounded on the wall lightly. She tried to think of nothing, to ignore how aroused she was.

She was back on the couch, her cock fully erect and throbbing beneath her skirt, but she wasn't crying. Laura was sitting next to her, the smell of her skin filling Sara's brain, pushing out reason and self control. Laura's hand was on her knee, so close, too close to avoid the temptation. Sara raised her skirt. She wanted Laura to see it, to know the effect she had had.

No, no, that's not what happened, Sara thought, water streaming down her face.

"Oh Sara," Laura said in a low, breathy voice, "that must be so much for you to deal with." Then her hand was wrapped around it, and Sara felt it tense and tighten more. Her hand was so warm. "Sometimes it's best just to face these things head on," she whispered into Sara's ear. Sara felt Laura's tongue trace the outside of her ear, hot breath on her skin.

Sara opened her eyes in her bathroom. Her left hand still balled in a fist against the wall, her right hand gripping her cock, not quite encompassing the whole girth.

"Fuck," she said, half-groaning as she slid down the wall onto the floor and began to work her engorged member. Her hips made little jumps as she ran her hands up and down the length of the shaft, a built-in reflex giving her instructions. She kept her pace quick, trying to finish as fast as possible to put this behind her. She leaned into her imagination, hoping to spur herself on quicker. Laura's beautiful face, her plump lips kissing the swollen purple head. Her smooth delicate hands wrapped around it. Sara frantically stroked her cock. She felt hotter than the water from the shower. Her breathing was heavy and ragged, she could feel something inside her tensing up, ready to leap out. She thought of how Laura had bent over so temptingly behind her desk to retrieve the box of sex toys. The sight of her large, round ass stretching out the tight black skirt, slowly wiggling back and forth-

Sara suddenly felt the last of her breath escape her body autonomously, as a bolt of lightning rode from the base of her cock up her spine. She flinched, every muscle in her body spasming as her orgasm burst out. Thick ropes of cum shot out across the shower, splattering against the glass divider. Sara let out a choked, shuddering cry of ecstasy that reverberated loudly. She felt a dribble of the thick silver-white liquid spill down her shaft and over her hand, but she didn't move, sitting on the floor trying to catch her breath.

She was still hard. More to the point, she was still achingly aroused. It just wasn't enough.

"Fuck, come on," she said sadly, wrapping her tired hands around her girth again. She thought she felt harder than before, if that were possible, and her balls felt heavy and overfull. "Just stop it already!" Still she went back to it, stroking her angrily-hard cock desperately. She wondered what Laura would look like naked, bent over her desk, her hips swaying back and forth.

"Do it," Laura whispered, "fuck me, Sara,"

Sara was crippled by another orgasm only moments later. Her mind conjured up Laura's beautiful, delicate face being showered by Sara's orgasm. The silver-white liquid landed thickly on her face. A long tongue slipped out between her full, pouty lips and lapped at the cum it could reach.

She was still hard. Something had to be done. Sara stood up. Her legs felt weak and jellied, but she strode out of the bathroom with purpose, slipping into the cold air of her bedroom trailing puddles behind her as she went. She snatched the box from her bedside table and dumped the contents out onto her bed, dripping onto the clean white sheets. She grabbed the vibrator and the fleshlight from the bed, one in each hand, and walked determinedly back to the bathroom. She was freezing, but the part of her that cared was far away right now.

Sara fell to her hands and knees beneath the spray of water. She pushed a button on the vibrator and it hummed cheerfully. She lowered the wand and began to insert it into her pussy. She was so wet, even without the shower, and it slipped in easily. She relished the feeling of buzzing deep inside her, the walls of her vagina clamping down and squeezing around it greedily.

"Oh!" she said, a little surprised at how ready she was for it, despite everything. She gripped the fleshlight in both hands. She had never used one before, never even really thought of it. Sara thought one was supposed to use lube, but she didn't keep any in the house, and her cock was slick with mingled cum and precum anyways. The entrance was designed to look like a vagina, molded from pink silicone with somewhat realistic lips and folds. She pressed the head of her cock to it and with horror saw a problem emerge.

She might be too big. She knew she was bigger than average, but she was longer than the entire length of the fleshlight, plastic outer casing and all, not to mention almost as wide as the silicone insert to boot. How was she supposed to fit inside this?

"No, fuck, come on," she muttered. She was almost ready to cry again. The first two orgasms were supposed to calm her down, not build her up more. She pushed against the unyielding entrance, desperate now, and noticed a small bloom of uncharacteristic anger inside, directed at Laura. It was her fault, she reasoned, Laura's fault for getting her to open up like this, for teasing her, even though she likely hadn't meant to. Sara tightened her grip on the plastic casing, whiteknuckled, and made one last rough attempt at penetration.

When the silicone stretched to its very limit and the head of her cock slipped inside, Sara felt the air leave her body in one great gust. She had been kneeling on the tiled shower floor, and the shock of sudden ingress caused her to topple over to her side. Water rained directly onto her face. The fleshlight was so tight around her, she felt like she couldn't breathe. The plastic and silicon unit bobbled at the end of her cock, now essentially stuck on. Slowly, Sara pushed herself up to her hands and knees and caught a few shuddering breaths. Placing one hand on the end, she forced herself deeper into it, her body filled with a hungry flame, threatening to devour her, as the fleshlight swallowed her, inch by girthy inch. Sara reached the bottom of the toy before she hit the base of her cock, but she didn't care. All she could feel was how it she stretched the silicon out, every bump and fold teasing and wringing her as she moved within it.

Sara placed one arm on the floor and rested her head in the crook of her elbow, making something resembling a greek omega with her frame. She felt delirious, between the thick steam, the heat inside of her, and the fleshlight that was nearly cutting off her circulation. Slowly she thrust her hips forward and back, fighting against the toy with every inch, grinding it out and in, like trying to put on a shoe three sizes too small. She heard someone moaning in the bathroom, but was certain it couldn't be her. She didn't make sounds like an animal in heat. She couldn't make such a throaty, guttural groan so unashamedly.

Time passed meaninglessly, caught in the grips of her own desire and the hypnotic back-and-forth pistoning of her hips. Her head swam with visions of Laura, thoughts of what she'd like to do to her floating up out of the now sex-crazed depths of her hazy mind. Sara became dimly aware of the threat of a truly earth-shaking orgasm looming on the horizon, but could do nothing to slow down her rapidly-increasing pace. It was out of her control now, some baser part of her having hijacked her motor system. Her breathing had become ragged, and her thrusts lacked rhythm, too close to the edge for anything resembling discipline.

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