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Sarah Returns Home Ch. 03


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When they arrived home, Sarah threw open the passenger door as soon as the car stopped, crashed through her mother's front door and ran all the way to her bedroom. If Sandy hadn't been pretending to be as shocked as the rest of the family he would have enjoyed seeing her bottom wobble beneath her short dress as she hurried up the stairs but he wasn't sure just how his new mother-in-law was going to react to her daughter's latest embarrassment so he restricted himself to a quick glance as Sarah's smooth legs disappeared up the stairs.

Sarah, meanwhile, buried herself under the covers on her bed and wept at the injustice of the whole situation. She could hear raised voices rising up from the living room, her mother's and sister's mostly, and decided she would never leave the safety of this room ever again. Impractical though she knew that was, in her current state it seemed to be the only way she could escape the blackmailing tendencies of her nephew and brother-in-law.

After a while the voices downstairs quietened down and the next thing she heard was footsteps on the stairs. She had been expecting her mother to come up at some point and to reprimand her but what was surprising was the fact that she heard three sets of feet coming nearer to her room. As she huddled under the covers in the mistaken belief that they may offer her some protection from her mother's wrath, she was shocked when the older woman burst into her room; shocked, not because she was there but shocked because she was accompanied by Linda and Sandy and her brother-in-law was carrying one of the hard-backed chairs from the kitchen.

"Get out of bed, Sarah," her mother commanded sternly.

She didn't even try to argue but eased back the covers before standing there, shame-facedly, in front of them. She couldn't bear to look at either her mother or her sister and if she had seen Sandy's smug grin then she might have said something she knew she would have regretted later. So she hung her head low and waited her fate.

"As long as I have lived, I have never been so ashamed. I have spent the last few days telling all my friends how you were a reformed character and was looking forward to introducing you to young Father Murphy. But now, and I can hardly bear to think about it, you have disgraced me, you have disgraced yourself, you have disgraced your whole family. And even worse, you have done so in the middle of our Church. Well, as long as you are staying under my roof, I will not allow this sort of behaviour. I'm sorry it has come to this, Sarah, but you have earned yourself a spanking. Now you know what to do."

Sarah's head came up in shock at her mother's words; had she heard right? Did she really say she was going to spank her? She had been spanked as a child but she was a grown woman now; there was no way she was going to submit to such humiliation. But even as she said these words to herself, she knew what she was going to do. Her mother had always insisted on her being spanked on her bare bottom across her mother's lap and suddenly she knew what the chair from the kitchen was for.

Her mother sat down, smoothed down her own skirt and waited. Linda and Sandy had the good grace not to stare at her but she also realised that her mother intended to complete her humiliation by spanking her before her sister and brother-in-law. She couldn't believe this was actually going to happen even as she got into position at her mother's side. Lifting her short dress to reveal her black knickers, she pleaded with her mother one last time not to do this in front of them both. Her mother answered by simply patting her lap and waited for Sarah to lay herself there.

Even as she lay down, she could hear her mother tutting at the sight of her ridiculously small knickers but when Sarah felt her the older woman's hands at the waistband she nearly burst into tears. Standing behind her Linda and Sandy were going to have a perfect view of her bottom, of her spanking, of her shame. Looking up for a second, she saw Linda's horrified face in the mirror but what angered her was the almost ecstatic look on her brother-in-law's face as he looked forward to seeing her cheeks turn red.

Her mother of course ignored her pleas, her sobs, even her first tears as she slipped her daughter's black knickers down, warning Sarah that she didn't want any trouble as she did so. As if going deliberately slowly to make her ordeal as excruciating as possible, the older woman eased the back strap from between her daughter's cheeks. Sandy thought the view was amazing but he couldn't allow his pleasure to show on his face. Thankfully, the three women in the Tucker family seemed intent only in the spanking and didn't notice the huge bulge at the front of his trousers. He couldn't have controlled that even if he'd wanted to.

As her mother pulled her knickers further down, she felt the gusset peeling from her sticky pussy and she knew the older woman would be able to see all too clearly the signs of her earlier arousal. If she was totally honest with herself, she knew that her lips weren't only wet from having exposed herself in Church; there was a tingling in her pussy even now which belied the shame she felt of lying across her mother's lap as a grown woman, waiting to be spanked.

As she slid her daughter's tiny knickers down her smooth legs, her mother could indeed see that they were wet from Sarah's own juices and she wondered, not for the first time, why she had been cursed with a wanton slut for a daughter. She could feel Sarah trembling on her lap but she wasn't sure if her daughter was ashamed or excited.

Linda knew that she was both. She had argued with her mother downstairs about doing this; she had argued with her about having Sandy present but now, seeing her sister exposed in such a humiliating way, she knew her own knickers were becoming wet and she didn't understand why. She could share her sister's shame; she didn't know why she was sharing her husband's arousal, which was very obvious from the erection he was trying hard to conceal.

As Sarah felt her knickers sliding down as far as her ankles, she knew she was no longer covered and instinctively lifted one foot and then the other to allow her mother to slip them off. She couldn't see what her mother did next but she heard her sister gasp as the older woman turned her knickers inside out, examining them, noticing for the first time the soaking wet crotch, sniffing in disdain before nonchalantly handing them to her son-in-law. Sandy would have loved to have sniffed them too but knew that his wife was now watching him so he tried to secretly stuff them into his pocket, hoping for a chance to use them later.

It had been a long time since Sarah's mother had spanked anyone but the old thrill had returned and she issued her next instruction, one designed to deliberately humiliate her daughter just as Sarah had humiliated her in Church.

"Spread your legs for me, Sarah. I'm sure you can remember the proper position for a spanking."

The tears were falling easily now as she slowly moved her legs apart, knowing that Linda and Sandy now had an even better view. They would be able to see between her cheeks, between her legs, her dirtiest hole and her dripping slit. Then the spanking began.

Her mother was not the type to start off slowly and then build up. She was a strong woman and from the very first slap Sarah was reminded of how much a spanking was designed to punish, to hurt, just as much as it was designed to humiliate and to shame. Very quickly she could hear herself moaning, feel herself wriggling on her mother's lap and then, even worse, she shuddered as she began to kick her legs, opening her most intimate areas to all three of them. The worst thing of all was, however, the fear that any one of the audience of three would notice the newly forming moisture on her pussy lips and the juices smearing across her thighs.

It seemed to go on for ever and the older woman only stopped when she grew tired, admitting to herself that she was not as young as she used to be. As she lifted her punished daughter from her lap she instructed her to stand in the corner like a naughty schoolgirl and to hold her dress up so that anyone could see her red bottom. With that, she simply got up off the chair and walked out, eager to get back to her own bedroom to change her own knickers which were unaccountably soaking.

Linda also disappeared back to her bedroom to perform exactly the same task. She had never known her pussy to leak so much, she had never known her scent to smell so strong and she had never wanted to Sandy as much as she did right then.

Sandy, however, had hidden himself in the bathroom and locked the door. His cock had never felt so hard and, as he dropped his trousers and sat on the toilet, he wrapped Sarah's knickers around it and began to wank. In no time at all he could feel his balls tingling and he shot his spunk all over the bathroom floor, feeling like a teenager again. He cleaned up his mess from the floor using his sister-in-law's tiny thong one last time before making sure he was decent and returning them to her bedroom.

Sarah was still standing in the corner where she had been told to stay by her mother. She looked round at the sound of her smiling brother-in-law coming back into the room. Not saying a word, he dropped her knickers on to the bed and lifted the kitchen chair before taking it back downstairs. Sarah watched as he left the door wide open, realising that John could return at any moment and take a long look at the results of his aunt's recent punishment.

Her face burned as red as her cheeks when she thought of her nephew staring at her red bottom but she knew that he was just as likely to take a photo of her and share it with his friends. She had to return to the States as soon as possible but she had one more thing to do before Sandy allowed her to leave.

Part 4

Sarah stood outside her sister's bedroom door. The rest of the house was quiet now but she knew from the noise they had just finished making that Linda and Sandy were still awake. She had not been allowed to join the rest of them at dinner earlier in the evening but Sandy had volunteered to bring her meal to her on a tray. It was then and only then that she had been given permission by her mother to sit down again.

She wasn't sure that she had wanted to sit down after the spanking she had received but she was glad to lower her dress over her punished cheeks and protect them from the hungry gaze of her brother-in-law. He had instructed her on the part she had to play tonight, her last night in her mother's house and, if she played her part well, he would give her all the photos and videos he had of her.

As instructed, she was dressed only in her silk robe and waited until the newly married couple were finished their noisiest sex yet. Sarah wondered if her sister knew she was as loud as she was when she screamed in orgasm. She wondered if she herself made as much noise and hoped that she didn't, given what she was about to do. Waiting a few more minutes to make sure they had finished, she opened the door.

"Sarah! What the......?"

"Shh. Can't you see her eyes aren't focussed? She must be sleep walking again. We mustn't do anything to startle her."

"Ok. But what does she think she's doing?"

"She must think this is her room. Move over, I think she's going to get into bed with us again."

The last thing Linda wanted to do was to make room in her bed for her sister, especially as she and Sandy had just had the most amazing sex and he was still lying on top of her. In fact, his cock was still buried deep in her pussy and when he began to shuffle across the bed, she didn't have any choice but to move with him. It was embarrassing that they were both naked as her sister got into bed with them but it was even more embarrassing when she realised that Sarah was naked too. When her sister allowed her robe to slide down her back, her red cheeks were exposed to them once more, reminding them of the spanking her mother had delivered that afternoon. As if she needed reminding; she was sure that was why Sandy had been so aroused when he came to bed and she knew it was why her pussy had been so wet. She could feel Sandy's cock begin to stiffen and twitch inside her and she wondered just how far he was going to let this go. Did he really intend to let Sarah sleep here with them tonight?

Sarah knew that she had to get this just right.

If Linda suspected for even a moment that she was awake then she would be finished. She couldn't allow herself to react to anything her sister or hated brother-in-law said or did. It was bad enough lying naked next to her equally naked sister but seeing Sandy lying on top of her, knowing that his cock was probably still filling his sister's pussy, nearly convinced her to call the whole thing off. But she knew she had no choice. She didn't trust Sandy and she was convinced she couldn't leave tomorrow without those photos. Rather than lying down and pretending to go to sleep, however, she sat back against the headboard and began to mumble as if she was talking to someone.

"What's she saying?"

"Shh! Don't wake her. If she gets a fright and wakes your mother, we'll all have some explaining to do."

Linda was feeling very uncomfortable about all this and not just because Sandy was still lying on top of her. She could feel his cock growing within her and she knew he was getting turned on at the sight of her naked sister. What was worse was she realised she was becoming just as aroused as her husband. When Sarah opened her legs wide she was sure Sandy would stop it now but what Sarah said next almost made her flip.

Her sister was breathing deeply, muttering under her breath, as she began to stroke her pussy and Linda couldn't help but look. She watched her sister part her legs even wider; she watched her sister's hand reach down between her sensitive lips; she watched her sister's finger slip easily between those lips and she wondered if her sister was thinking about her the way she was about Sarah. Her words told her exactly what she was thinking about.

"I want this so much."

"What do you want, Sarah? Tell us."

"Don't encourage her, Sandy. I think she's going to masturbate right here in front of us."

"I want you to watch me. I want you to touch me, Linda."


Sandy clamped his hand quickly down over his wife's mouth, smothering her yell.

"Be quiet! She's just dreaming."

"Did you hear what she said? She wants me to watch her. To! Touch! Her!"

"Maybe she's talking about another Linda. Anyway, it's just a dream. It doesn't mean anything."

Linda wasn't so sure but she knew her sister's words had excited her new husband because he had started to slowly move in and out of her cum-filled pussy again and she wasn't sure she wanted him to stop.

Sarah pretended to be staring into space but she couldn't help but notice that Sandy had begun to fuck her sister again. How could he do that? That wasn't part of the plan? Even so, she knew that she was getting more wet by the second and she could smell the scent of sex from the couple lying next to her and from her own pussy. She felt overcome with embarrassment as she continued to masturbate, her left hand reaching up to her breasts and twisting her engorged nipples, one after the other, between her thumb and forefinger.

"I want to watch you, too, Linda, she said. " I want us to do this together. Do it with me, Linda."

"Oh my God! I can't believe I'm hearing this. She wants me to masturbate with her!".

"I think your pussy is a bit busy at the moment, darling" grinned Sandy, as he began to thrust into his new wife with any ever greater sense of urgency. Linda knew she was just as aroused even before her hips began to move upwards to meet his downward plunges. She had never even thought of her sister like this but it was the hottest thing she could ever have imagined. Listening to her sister, watching her sister, was driving her to the edge of a massive orgasm.

"Do it, Linda. Cum with me! I'm going to cum, Linda. Cum with your sister!"

That should rule any thoughts that she was talking to another Linda, thought Sarah. Even so, this had to be the most embarrassing experience of her life. She was lying naked in her sister's bed, in her mother's house, her sister and brother-in-law fucking beside her and all the time she had to pretend she was coming on to her sister. Yes, her pussy was wet; yes, she was about to cum but she wanted to be anywhere but here and knew she would never be able to look either of them in the eye ever again.

She closed her eyes then, unable to pretend any longer that the sight of her sister being fucked was not affecting her. Pushing two fingers deep into her pussy, she slowly worked them in and out while she clawed at her nipples. For a second she wondered if she could dare to lower her aim an inch or two and tease her dirtiest hole as Sandy had suggested but that was the one thing he had given her any choice over and she knew it was her pussy she needed to attend to.

A third finger joined the other two and she could feel her pussy walls start to spasm around them. Her left hand abandoned her nipples and moved quickly down to her aching clit, circling it, teasing it. She knew she was nearly there so she rubbed harder on her most sensitive button and her back arched in pleasure.

And then she came. Tears run down her face; tears of relief, tears of humiliation but she pushed her fingers deeper into her pussy; she rubbed her clit harder than she had ever rubbed it and she came as she lay lying beside her naked sister and brother-in-law. And she wasn't the only one.

If Sandy's roar and Linda's squeals of orgasm didn't waken their mother, never mind the neighbours, then nothing would. She was so turned on she could feel her juices squirting out around her fingers and wondered how Linda was going to explain the state of her bedding to their mother. Following Sandy's very last instruction, she removed her fingers from her pussy, licked off her juices and sighed.

"You taste wonderful, Linda."

With that her sister came again before collapsing into a deep, sex induced sleep. Sandy slipped out of his wife's pussy and smiled at his sister-in-law.

"You were wonderful, Sarah. Better than I could ever have imagined."

"So now you'll delete all the evidence as we agreed?"

"Delete? Oh, sorry Sarah, you've misunderstood. I'll certainly be giving you a COPY but I'll be keeping the originals. Just in case we ever come to visit you."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Made me hard and have to cum jets of sperm.

I would want to do the same thing but have her suck me clean and hard afterwards and then cum deep against her cervix.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I shot a massive load of cum.

After all of that business, I would have totally eaten Sarah's wet pussy out and given a long amount of attention to her dirtiest hole. Licking and sucking it until my tongue was numb. Then Id'e bury my

cock balls deep in her ass and gently stroke away until I coated her colon with my man goo. Then I would suck and lick her bunghole clean.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Better than porn

Omg this story totally made me orgasm like three times

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