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Sarah's Story Ch. 01

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Family realises their little angel isn't who they thought.
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It was raining as a huge wave came over the bow of the boat, nearly sweeping me away with it. My boyfriend Jordan called to me from the safety of the top deck to ask if I was ok. I turn around and head back to the top deck before the next wave hits and hug Jordan then whisper in his ear "I'm fine, slightly cold but fine, ok baby?" Jordan smiles down at me and takes my hand in his and starts to walk back to our apartments that we're sharing with Jordan's brother and his family.

We're heading back to our apartments when a warning comes over the intercom.

"Attention passengers please make your way back to your apartments and stay there until further notice. We have just picked up a severe storm on the radar and are requesting that all passengers stay in their designated areas until further notice. Thank you."

We enter the lounge area just as the warning ends and then I look at Jordan, then to his brother Mitchell, who's feeding his 3 month old son, before turning back to the door, opening it and walking up the hall to the Captain's quarters to speak with my father.

I knock on the door, and hear my father call "Come in" before opening the door and entering.

My father is standing at his window watching the waters below swirl angrily around the boat.

He turns to face me and holds his arms out for me. I walk around his desk and into his arms and hug my father back.

"Daddy, Jordan proposed to me. And I told him I needed to think about it. What do I do?" I ask.

My father leans back to look me in the eyes before saying "Do you love him Sarah? Will you be there for him the way your mother was there for me? Or the way that Katherine was there for Mitchell before she died? Are you ready for that?"

I look my father square in the eyes. "Yes daddy, I'm ready."

I swiftly leave my fathers' quarters and bump into my older brother Simon.

"Whoa little sister, where's the fire?" asks Simon, jokingly. I just smile at Simon and jog down the hall to my apartments.

I open my door and walk in to be greeted by Mitchell's oldest son running towards me, giggling excitedly, before he collides with my lower legs, tackling me to the ground.

Jordan and Mitchell walk out of baby Connors' room in time to see me hit the floor with Damien wrapped around my legs.

"Damien, get off Sarah and go have a bath so you can get ready for bed, ok buddy?" says Jordan while Mitchell gives me a hand up.

"Okee unca Jordan" says Damien before hugging me again and racing off to the bathroom.

Mitchell laughs at his oldest son's enthusiasm about bath time before turning to look at me. "You ok Sare? He knocked you down pretty hard." asks Mitchell. I look at Mitchell and smile. "I'm fine, it's nothing more than what Simon and Edward's kids do to me and they're older and stronger than little Damien, so I'm fine. Thank you for asking anyway."

I walk over to Mitchell and give him a hug before turning to Jordan and kissing him. "I'm going to have a shower and go to bed. Travelling on my fathers' boats always exhausts me. Goodnight all" I say and walk towards my bedroom.

I get into my room, close the door behind me and flick the light switch on, to find my brother Edward sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"Oh Edward!!!! You scared me. What are you doing here??? I thought you were helping Simon and father. Is something wrong?" I ask anxiously.

"No Sarah, nothing is wrong. Father told me that you're accepting Jordan's marriage proposal. Why?" Edward asks looking at me, his eyes lighting up with some unknown emotion.

I look at my brother with confusion all over my face as I tried to figure out why the most protective and loving of my brothers' was questioning my choice. Then it dawned on me why and I walk over to Edward and sat on his lap, wrapping myself around him.

"Oh Edward, you didn't think we'd be able to keep this up did you? It was bound to end sooner or later. I'm so sorry Edward, I never wanted to hurt you." I murmured in my brothers ear.

Edward wraps his arms around me and tilts my head up so I'm looking him in the eye. I try to hide my face from Edward but his hand catches my chin and tilts my face back up to look him in the eye. Edward never takes his eyes off mine as he lowers his mouth across mine and kisses me passionately. I resist at first but give in to my inner passions and start to kiss Edward back. I feel Edward's hands moving on my legs and forcing me to straddling him while he sits on my bed.

As Edward and I are kissing, my hips start to gyrate on his crutch and I feel a stirring in his pants. Edwards' hands grasp my hips firmly and pull me harder against him as I'm gyrating, and he starts to thrust upwards to meet my body. As we started to kiss even more deeply I feel Edward's cock rubbing along my ass crack and slit through his jeans.

Edward pulls back from me, his lips swollen from kissing me so passionately, and lifts me up into his arms. He walks over to my door and leans down so I may lock it. Then walks to my front door and we lock that too.

After locking the doors, Edward walks back to the bed, still carrying me, and lays me gently down on the satin bed cover. His fingers lightly tracing the shape of my breast as he moves his hands over my body.

Edward leans across me to my bedside table to pick up my remote and turns on my stereo, which then plays all my favourite songs at random to stop anyone hearing what we are about to do.

Edward then turns to face me again. "Are you sure you want to do this Sarah? I mean, you are engaged now and I don't want to make you unfaithful to Jordan. Are you sure you want to make love with me one last time?" Edward questions me as he traces a finger over my calf muscle gently, looking me square in the eyes.

I lean up and wrap my fingers around the collar of Edward's shirt and slant my mouth against him urgently for a moment, before pulling back and saying "Yes Edward. I am sure about my decision. Please make love to me one last time. Please Edward; I need you in me now!"

That was all Edward needed to hear. His mouth slanted against mine and kissed me with an urgency and desire that rocks me to the core. His hands moving up, and pulling my now saturated sheer red panties down. Edward breaks our kiss only to move my panties to his nose, and inhale my aroma, before throwing them across the room to my clothes hamper, and returns to undressing me.

I feel Edward's hand under me as he rolls me onto my stomach to get better access at the zipper on the back of my dress. I shudder lightly as the zipper releases my dress and I feel the satin slither across my skin.

As I feel my dress leave my body I roll over onto my back and smile up at Edward. "Your turn to strip now big brother, I want to feel skin on skin, nothing in between." I murmur, my eyes never leaving his.

Edward pulls back and looks at my body in admiration. My pale cream coloured skin had a faint flush to it, my cherry coloured nipples sticking out with my piercings highly prominent.

My emerald green eyes flash with lust as I watch Edward slowly and teasingly remove his clothing. My tongue runs along my ruby lips as I lick them. I lean up to help my brother remove the last remaining clothes on his body before wrapping my arms and legs around him and kissing him passionately on the lips.

Edward rolls over so he's lying on his back while I'm sitting astride him. Edward reaches his hand down between us and positions his cock at my opening and I slide down onto him.

We gasp in time with each other as Edward pulls me down on his cock, fast and hard, slamming against my cervix.

My head lolls back, as I try not to shriek in joy at the pleasure my brother is giving me.

As I start to ride Edward hard and fast, we hear a knock at the door.

"Sarah, may I come in my love?" calls Jordan.

I look at Edward, and leap up off him while straightening my clothes and urging him towards my ensuite.

I make sure the door is shut before unlocking my front door and talking to Jordan.

"What's up baby? I was just about to have my something wrong?" I ask Jordan.

"Can I join you for your shower Sarah? I want to watch you and wash you myself." Jordan replies, looking me square in the eyes.

I study Jordan for a moment or two before sighing and meeting Jordan's eyes.

"Not tonight my love, I just want to have a fast shower and go to bed. I'm really tired. Plus Father and Simon said we should make Port just after midnight tonight so I want to have slept enough that I'll be able to help them. We're about five or six hours away from Port so I need sleep, and so do you. You know you always sleep for almost a day after travelling."

Jordan looks me over taking in the tiredness in my eyes and nods his head once before retreating from my room to talk with his brother.

I lock my door once again and go straight to my ensuite to have a shower and find Edward fully naked getting into the shower.

"Eddy, what are you doing?"

Edward looks over his shoulder at me and smiles before replying "I have Jordan to thank for the idea. When he asked you if he could shower with you I decided that I wanted to do that so I will be showering with my baby sister and washing her body, making her nice and clean."

"Such as what brother dearest?" I ask quietly while sliding my clothes off my body and joining him in the shower.

Edward reaches around me to shut the door before reaching behind himself to turn the water on, saturating both of us.

Edward reached up above himself to grab the liquid soap and pours some into his hands. He then starts to run his hands over my shoulders and hips, gently massaging my body.

I lean back into his body, enjoying the feeling of having someone with me that I love and trust. Edwards hands start to become more adventurous as he's washing my body. They move to the front and cup my breasts, lightly massaging my nipples. I lean back harder into his body and one hand starts to slide down my stomach.

Edward stops there before asking me "Is this ok Sare? Or would you prefer me to stop?"

I lean further back into my brother, curling one of my hands up around his neck before pulling his lips down to mine and kissing him gently.

"It's fine my love, please keep going." I whisper.

Edwards hand slides lower across my stomach until his hand starts to bend under me, at the same time I turn in his embrace so I am able to face him, allowing him ease of access to my body. His fingers gliding against my skin, parting me and sliding into my centre.

His fingers start to fill me, probing lightly. Teasing me, drawing me ever closer, sending me towards the brink. Then his fingers pull away, as he starts to slide lower down my body.

My breath catches in my chest as his tongue starts to explore my centre. His tongue slides in and out gently, before sucking my clit between his lips and nibbling it softly, pulling lightly, until my back starts to arch in pleasure, my hands holding him against my cunny.

"Edward, please? MORE!!!!!!" I beg breathlessly as he explores my body with his tongue, his hands tracing lightly over my thighs.

Edward pulls back abruptly, meeting my eyes, a smile sneaking across his face.

"Why should I continue Sarah? You're engaged to Jordan and you're also my sister. Give me one good reason why I should continue what I started."

I groan with longing before trying to pull his face up to mine. Edward resists me, and starts to move away but I quickly wrap my legs around him, keeping him pressed hard against my body, rolling my hips slightly, my weight supported on Edwards hips and hands.

"I don't want you to stop because I need you Edward. Isn't it obvious? As much as I love Jordan and want to raise a family with him, I can't stop thinking about you. You introduced me to love, and I will always love you dearly. You know as well as I do that if Daddy and Simon found out we would both be disowned. I couldn't bear to know that I was the reason for Daddy to do that to you. I couldn't bear the thought of Simon being disgraced by something I did. I don't even know what it is that caused you to want me in the first place, I only know I'm glad you wanted me."

After saying that Edward looks stunned and doesn't even go to stop me from leaving the shower. I grab my bathrobe from behind the door, wrap it around myself and walk back into my room. I curl up on my bed with the teddy that Edward bought me for my birthday and turned the music on my player up. Just as Edward walked out of my ensuite my favourite song started to play.

"Why do you insist on listening to that garbage Sarah? It's a terrible excuse for music. What is there about it that fascinates you?" Edward says, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Well you see, the songs I listen to are songs that can refer back to me in many different ways Eddy, for example, 'heaven' by DJ Sammy. The first verse is so fucking fitting for me right now." I reply, not meeting my brothers' eyes.

"And what does it say then Sarah?" Edward asks, sitting down next to me.

I look at my brother, then away again, before standing up and restarting the song.

"It says 'baby, you're all that I want, when you're lying here in my arms. I'm finding it hard to believe, we're in heaven'. Happy? Why couldn't you have just listened to it yourself without getting me to tell you, its not like you can't hear it yourself."

Edward looks at me, then surprises me by quoting 'Thinking about our younger years, there was only you and me. We were young and wild and free. Now nothing can take you away from me, we've been down that road before, but that's over now. You keep coming back for more.' stands up, walks over to my door, unlocks it, and leaves my room.

I stand up, walk over to my door and slam it shut before collapsing on the floor crying. My music player changes song to "Don't say you love me" and I start crying even harder than I already was because I know in my heart, my brother hates me for what just happened and will never make love to me again.

I hear a knock at my door over my music but I ignore it and turn my music up, also changing the song. I hear a click in my door and I look up in time to see my brother Simon opening my door.

"You might want to put some clothes on Sare-bear, Jordan might get annoyed at me for seeing my baby sister naked before he does." Simon jokes as he shuts my door behind him and makes his way over to my bed to sit down.

I look at Simon for a few seconds before I feel the tears welling up in my eyes, and starting to spill over, streaming down my face, onto my breasts and down my stomach. "Sweetie, what happened? Did you and Jordan have a fight? What is it?" Simon begs me dropping off the bed onto his knees beside me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Why don't you go talk to Edward, its his fault. I just want to go to bed. I can't take any more of this shit, I just want to sleep some before we make port. If you want answers go pester him." I reply, sobbing slightly before pushing Simon towards my door.

Simon leaves my room, shutting the door behind him, only to run into Edward as he is coming back to my room to talk to me.

"Simon, what are you doing here? I thought you were on the bridge helping father." Edward asks, surprised all over his face.

"Why wouldn't I be here Edward? I came to talk to our sister only to find her on the floor crying and when I asked her what was wrong she said ask you because it is your fault. What the fuck did you do her?" Simon responds with so much venom in his voice that Edward flinches away.

"I cant tell you that out here Simon, I don't want everyone to know. As it is I dint want to tell you about it either because you and Father would disown me and Sarah for it but now I guess I've got to tell you don't I?" Edward says, staring at my door as if it is a way for him to escape.

I open my door and walk out into the corridor just as Jordan and Mtchell walk out to see what the commotion is.

"How about you and Simon go back to the brig to help Father and leave me the fuck alone and stop asking if I'm ok. How does that sound for a plan? All I wanted was a decent nights sleep before we make Port, but no, even that is too much to ask isn't it?

And Simon, I will explain it later, I don't care what your reaction will be because you deserve to know what a cunt your brother can be to your own sister. Now all of you fuck off. I want to sleep." and slam my bedroom door shut, just as my father rounds the corner to find out what all the commotion is.

"What's going on here then aye? I could hear someone yelling from the brig? And where's my little princess Sarah?" Captain John says quietly, looking at everyone individually, assessing their expressions, before moving past them an knocking on my door.

"I said to leave me the fuck alone, or can't you listen?" I yell from my room.

"Sarah, open your door now young lady and do not take that fucking tone with me" comes John's reply.

My door opens and I step out to greet my Father, burying my face in his chest to hide my renewed tears, and mumble "I'm so so sorry daddy, I really am."

John's arms tighten around me, as he looks over his shoulder at both of my brothers, and motions for them to go into my room.

"Go back to bed Jordan. Mitchell, I'm sorry we woke you. Its probably her grief over her mother. I'll take care of it from here. Get some sleep,. I'll need you both on the brig at 0530 hrs. to help with the arrival." John says over top of me as he steers me towards my bed, kicking the door shut behind him.

My father sits me on my bed, where I manoeuvre myself so I'm as far away from him and my brothers as my bed permits, before curling up into a ball and crying.

"Edward, what did you do to her? I heard Simon going on at you just before I got here. Now what the fuck did you do to your sister?" my father snarls at him, angrily.

"We just argued Father, that's all. Honestly, I don't understand why she's so upset by it. It's not like we haven't argued before, we are brother and sister after all." Edward says, not meeting John's eyes.

I look up from where I'm sitting. "Bullshit Edward, I'm sick of hiding the truth from our family. Just fucking tell him the truth already."

John looks between Edward and me, before sitting down on my bed. "What do you have to tell me exactly?"

I look at Edward, before getting off my bed and walking to my ensuite. "Edward and I have been sleeping together for the last 5 years. Is that what you wanted to hear? Edward took my virginity and the miscarriage you all thought was to Jordan last year was Edward's too. Are you happy now?" and I shut my ensuite door behind me locking it so no one can follow me.

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2275jr2275jrover 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

i think she did ok for her FIRST CHAPTER! there is still more to come, i've seen her every day, sitting at her laptop, writing ideas down on the notepad beside her, then going back through her stories to see if they're ok or not for her stories.......she's doing quite well so far for a beginner in my opinion

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Oh dear I too was completely confused by having such a

proliferation of names thrown at me. But at least I'm a six year old idiot so that's ok.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

A brig is a ship's jail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

quote from:Anonymous

"lost - far to many names in such a short story , I couldnt keep up"

Well that suggests you're either a six-year-old or an idiot.

bloodlust281290: Nice one, please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Too Involved with bad terminology

You refer to the Brig where the captain controls the vessel. You are looking for the word Bridge which is the deck from where the officer controls the ship. A Brig is the shortened word for Brigantine - this is a two masted vessel square rigged on both with a lower fore-and-aft sail on the main mast with a gaff and boom. Also your story had far too many characters. In general a short story should only have up to four people in it but it's better with less.

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