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Satisfaction Pt. 01 - A New Feeling


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Back inside Jade was already busy slinging drinks left and right. She had just started her shift and in less than 5 minutes had made 300 dollars. She smiled, noticing the looks of jealousy on a few of the other bottle girls' faces. Most of them were pretty, some were even hot, but none were her. Her captivating beauty was so famous that guys would rather wait for her to take their order than have another girl do so. She was in the middle of serving a group of older gentlemen from the finance district that was located on the lower east side of the city when she noticed her.

A gorgeous black woman in a tight fitting white dress staring directly at her with a big smile on her face. The woman was smoking hot, to the point Jade saw her as the only other woman in the club that was on her level with a close runner up being a spanish woman in a tight green dress, celebrating her birthday in the VIP section. Jade went back to the bar ready to fulfill the next order slip when her friend Maze came up to her.

"Yo, Jade!"

"What's up?"

"Table number 9 is waiting for you!"

"9? You mean the one with the..."

"The hot black chick in the white dress, yeah that one."

"Well I'm busy right now she'll have to wait a few..."

"Jade, she already bought 2 bottles of the most expensive champagne we have and said she'll match your tip to the bill."

Jade stopped going through the order slips and quickly did the math. At 2 bottles of Ace of Spades Rosè Magnum the woman already had a tab of 10,000 dollars. The standard tip amount for the bottle girls was 20%, meaning that if the woman bought no other drink for the rest of the night her tip without the match would be a whopping 2,000 dollars. With a new found purpose Jade ignored the guys at the bar calling her name and went straight for table number 9.

As she got closer she began to realize just how tall the woman was. Still sitting down on the soft couch she was nearly as tall as herself despite wearing boots with thick soles. She also got a better look at her chest which like her own housed large perky breasts. The dress the woman was wearing hugged her figure tightly, showing off her fantastic hourglass figure. It was actually tight enough for Jade to see the outlines of some of her smooth but powerful muscles the woman had which were no doubt acquired through years of hard work in the gym. Jade took the woman's appearance in one more time, loving the fact she was both gorgeous and in fantastic shape.

She walked up to the woman whose eyes had not left Jade's body once the entire time she had been approaching her. Jade could tell by the way the woman was staring at her that she was getting undressed in whatever sexual fantasy was going on in the woman's mind. She had plenty of people undress her in their minds in the past but never so blatant to the point they continued to stare after she noticed. The woman had a level of confidence that even Jade found herself somewhat shrinking beneath. Jade sat down next to her but before she could even say anything the woman licked her lips and spoke first.

"God, you're so fuckin' hot! Probably the hottest woman I've seen in a while."

"Oh? Why thank you! Can say the same for you. Can't remember the last time I had any competition in this place."

"Competition? Ha, I like that. What's your name?"

"Jade, you?"

"Tyra! Gotta say, Jade. I was impressed with how you handled that sleazebag outside earlier."

"Y-You saw that?"

"When you kicked him in his ball, ground on them like you were putting out a cigarette bud, and spat in his. The whole shabang! I love feisty women!"

"Ugh, the guy was a fucking creep and he disrespected my husband which is something I wasn't gonna let slide."

"Married huh? How long?"

"3 years. 3 "amazingly happy" years."

Tyra noticed the clear displeasure in Jade's voice when talking about her marriage, letting her know she was ripe for the taking. She put a hand on Jade's thigh which didn't go unnoticed by her. A part of her wanted to respectfully take Tyra's hand off her thigh but she knew if she did the big tip waiting for her would walk out the door. Jade's acceptance of Tyra's touch let the woman know she could proceed further.

Tyra scooted herself closer to Jade until the two were side by side before putting her arm around her.


"Ugh, god. They're so dense, sometimes."

"Y'know from the outside looking in you don't seem thrilled to be settled down."

Jade wasn't sure why but Tyra made her feel comfortable. As if it were okay to discuss everything wrong with her marriage, something she'd never done with anyone. There was also Tyra's smell. It was a light feminine scent but had a certain weight to it that was similar to that of an alpha male but far superior in every aspect including the level of arousal it induced. With every inhale Jade took Tyra's pheromones made her more and more relaxed to the point she felt more at home with her than she did with Bobby. Jade poured herself a glass of the expensive champagne, chugging it down in one gulp. She looked at Tyra's beautiful face and the way her eyes were staring intensely into her own. Jade opened her mouth to speak, meaning to give Tyra another compliment on her beauty but instead began pouring out her dissatisfaction with her husband.

"My husband's a good...no a great husband."

"He's a great husband? From the way you sounded I thought..."

"He just sucks as a man!"

Jade closed her eyes and let out a sigh, feeling relieved that she had finally told someone the truth. However, in that moment when her eyes were closed she missed the devilish grin that had quickly formed on Tyra's face after hearing her statement about her husband. Tyra brought Jade closer to her and knew everything was going smoothly by the fact Jade not only let it happen but proceeded to rest her head on Tyra's shoulder.

"Tell me, Jade! How's hubby...lacking?"

"Where do I start? He always takes care of me, which is really nice but he won't let me do anything. Cleaning, nope! Pay bill, not happening! We're married, we're supposed to split everything but he won't let me lift a finger to help with anything. Not to mention he's so...submissive. Like he'll never take charge, never voice anything he doesn't like. It's so frustrating. He's never..."


"Oh my god, yesss!"

"Is he at least any good when it comes to...Y'know."

Tyra had a good feeling about what the answer was already but wanted to hear it come from Jade whose face turned a bit red before answering.

"Uh...He...He tries."

"Meaning he's horrible."

"I...I wouldn't say..."

"The answer's all over your face, girl. Tell me, does he at least have a good sized dick."


"Ouch, horrible technique and he's got a baby carrot for a dick. But hey, it's okay!"

"How's that..."

Jade didn't even finish her sentence when she felt Tyra bring her hand back to her thigh before slowly sliding it up towards her crotch. She wasn't a fan of girl on girl fun but Tyra was having an effect on her that she'd never felt with anyone else before. It was affecting her judgment to the point she didn't stop Tyra when she began rubbing her pussy through her pants.


"It's okay 'cause I'm here now. I'll take care of you, Jade!"

"I...I'm married. T-This...This is wrong."

"What's wrong is leaving a hottie like you unsatisfied but don't worry I'll fix that! I'll give you what you need."

Jade was in heat for the first time in years. Her conscious was screaming at her to stop, to not give herself to another person. She weakly brought her hand up to push herself away but Tyra simply took Jade's hand and brought it to her mouth where she devoured her ring finger. Jade felt Tyra's tongue masterfully circle her finger before pulling it out of her mouth where she noticed that her wedding band was gone. She looked at Tyra who opened her mouth showing the gold wedding band on her tongue before letting it slide off into her glass of champagne. As if time had slowed, Jade watched as Tyra's big lips began closing in and knew that once they reached her own she'd give in to her but it was too late. Tyra's lips smushed themselves against her own where the moment she relaxed Jade's mouth was invaded by her tongue. Her eyes grew heavy as she was being taken, dominated in the way she had craved for years.

Jade was so into things that she didn't even register the fact that she had spread her legs for Tyra or more importantly that the woman's hand had begun sliding into her pants. She felt Tyra's large fingers rub against the lips of her pussy, causing her to become wet far faster than she had with anyone else. Her labia was being played with and it made her level of arousal skyrocket to a level she'd only reached while actually having sex with her ex boyfriend. Yet Tyra's fingers alone were quickly eclipsing the pleasure she felt with him. Then suddenly without warning Tyra slowly slid two of her fingers into Jade's sopping pussy whose grip was tighter than any other woman she'd been with.

"OoOoOoHhHhhh, F-Fuck!!!"

"Mmm, you're tight!"

Jade was getting fingered in the middle of the club and was beyond thankful that the table in front of them prevented anyone from seeing a majority of what was happening. To everyone else around them they were just making out and it was the fact that everyone was around them that was making it increasingly hotter for Jade. The fingers that Tyra currently had inside of her were already leagues better than anything any man had done, especially Bobby. Even his skills at eating pussy never made her feel this good.

After about 5 minutes of having her pussy fingered Jade felt a sensation she hadn't felt in all the years she'd been with Bobby. A growing pleasureful pressure that was coming from deep within her. Her pussy slowly started tightening around Tyra's fingers and in that moment she knew exactly what it was.

"Fuck! Oh fuck, I'm...I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna..."

"Do it for me, baby!"

Tyra smiled while kissing Jade, feeling her rapidly approaching her growing climax. She increased the speed at which her fingers were getting pumped into Jade and decided to make her feel even better by using her palm to rub against horny woman's clitoris. The stimulation was too much and for the first in 3 years Jade experienced the euphoric mind shattering pleasures of an orgasm.

"OoOoOhHh, Fffffuuuuuugggghhhhhh!!!"

Jade's body shuddered as her pussy clamped down with the force of a hydraulic press around Tyra's fingers. Tyra's entire hand instantly became soaked as Jade's pussy began gushing its sticky juices non stop but Tyra never stopped pumping her fingers. For almost a full minute Jade experienced the best pleasure of her life and didn't care if anyone saw her. By the time it was over she was panting hard and even had a light sheen of sweat on her. Tyra broke the kiss and simply stared into Jade's eyes, loving the fact she had accomplished her goal for the night.

'I got her hooked! She'll be thinking about me all night! Hmp, even when she's in bed with her tiny dicked hubby!'

Jade simply leaned into Tyra, catching her breath and basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. The inside of her leather pants drenched with her own vaginal fluids running down her thighs. She was happy she had chosen to wear the leather pants on her and not a tight dress like she had originally planned. If she had the dress along with the seat beneath her would have been completely soaked and visible to everyone around them. She watched as Tyra took her hand out her pants, her fingers now covered in sticky strings of clear vaginal juices. Tyra brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked them clean in front of Jade who blushed as if she were confessing her crush to someone. Their brief session was everything Jade needed and then some but the blissful feeling she was experiencing didn't last long as her eyes caught a glimpse of her wedding band in the champagne glass. A tsunami of shame and guilt quickly washed over her as the realization of what she'd done hit her. Feeling terrible she quickly got to her feet and grabbed the champagne, taking her ring out of it before leaving.

"I...I gotta go!"

"Sure thing, I'll have your friend Maze give me your number."


"See you around...Princess!"

Jade's body shuddered and her pussy released one final gush of its love nectar at the fact she had been called a princess. It was such an innocent yet slutty thing to be called and made her heart beat fast with excitement. Tyra watched as Jade went behind the bar and grabbed her bag before making a beeline for the employee door. Her eyes zeroed in on Jade's ass before the door shut behind her.

'And she's got a great ass. I'll give her a few days... a week tops before she gives in. God, she's fucking perfect. If it's as good as it looks I might just keep her.'

Tyra looked down at the growing lump between her legs. Her fun with Jade had left her in a beyond horny state in which she desperately needed to fuck someone. She scanned the room and saw a girl in a tight green dress angrily walk into the bathroom, leaving behind her boyfriend who was sitting in the VIP section, talking to another woman. Tyra got up not caring that it looked like she was smuggling a bottle between her legs and began making her way to the bathroom. Along the way a few women noticed her bulge and went wide eyed at the sight of her massive bulge. She even saw a fellow futa flirting sitting in the back of the club with her head tilted back in pleasure. It was only when Tyra noticed the two pairs of feet sticking out from underneath the table did she realize the futa had two girl's slurping on her cock.

Once Tyra made it to the bathroom she saw the in service sign on the door and flipped it over, making everyone think the bathroom was closed. She walked inside and quietly locked it before turning around to see the girl she had followed by the sink crying. Now closer to her Tyra was able to see that she was latina and had an amazing ass similar to Jade's. The green dress she was wearing outlined her body perfectly, making not only her butt look great but accentuating her curvy figure in a slutty way which was no doubt the goal. She wasn't as perfect as Jade who was a full package but she was still a top tier catch and one Tyra was ready to use to satiate her urges. She watched as the woman fixed her dress, causing her ass to jiggle and Tyra licked her lips before going in for the kill.

"Hey, you okay?"

"No! Today's my birthday! It was supposed to be my special day but Brain, my asshole of a boyfriend, is out there talking to some skank instead of me. I got all pretty for nothing!"

"That's not true. He may not appreciate how you look but I definitely do."


"Of course! You're super hot and I hope you don't mind me saying but you got one hell of an ass!"

"T-Thanks! I'm Cuban, so...the booty's all natural. My name's Fernanda by the way."

"Tyra and don't mention it."

"I can't believe he's out there talking to that bitch! Like...I'm way prettier and my dress is nicer than hers. And just like you said I got a really phat ass! Like, do you see how it fills my dress out."

"Mmm, I do!"

"Be honest, if you were a guy, you'd kill to get your hands on an ass like this, right?"

"Ooh, I'd do more than just get my hands on it!"

"Exactly! That idiot's always begging me to let him stick in my ass and y'know what...I was about to let him when we got home but not anymore."

"Wow, an ass that amazing and nothings been in there?"

"Not even a finger! Hmp, and to think I was gonna let him take my anal virginity!"

"Enough about him, how about you and I have some fun? Y'know...Take your mind off Brian."

"You mean...I dunno...Don't get me wrong you're really hot but I'm not...really...in...into...Que...Que es eso?"

Fernanda had finally noticed the throbbing bar between Tyra's legs and quickly found herself unable to tear her eyes away from it. It was more than double the length of her boyfriend's penis and even more in terms of girth, plus it was still growing. Tyra loved the way Fernanda's demeanor changed upon seeing her bulge. She was now biting her lip while crossing her legs in vain attempt at hiding her arousal. Tyra smiled, reaching into her own cleavage and pulling out 2 XXL condoms that made Fernanda gulp in fear. One look at her face and Tyra knew Fernandal's boyfriend would be sticking his tiny dick into a cave once she was done with her. Tyra slowly walked up to Fernanda and gently took her hand, leading her into the stall closest to the bathroom door before seating her on the toilet. The birthday girl was now eye level with the biggest bulge she'd ever seen and began sweating once she saw it rapidly grow in size, tenting Tyra's dress obscenely.

"Now...about that anal virginity of yours!"

"W-Wait, you wanna...T-There's no way it'll fit!"

"I'll make it fit!"

"H-Hehe...Y-You're joking...right?"

The music was loud and people were practically yelling over it to talk to one another. There was no possible way for anyone to hear the mixed cries of pain and pleasure coming from the out of service bathroom in the corner of the club. Something Tyra was happy about since Fernanda's cries had gotten louder and were now bordering on screams but her reason for doing so was understandable. Her virgin ass was currently stretched around a cock so big that a pornstar would have required a week of preparation before even attempting to take it.


"OoOoOoHhH, it's so tight! You finally took the head of my cock! OoOoHhH, I'm gonna get nice and deep in this phat Cuban Ass!"


"Take it, Bitch!"

After about 2 hours Tyra exited the bathroom, feeling relieved and gave Fernada's boyfriend a big smile who smiled back not knowing what had been transpiring less than 20 feet away from him. She walked over to the bar and closed her tab making sure that Jade got the tip she had promised before leaving. Jade's friend Maze thanked Tyra for her patronage and served the guest in front of her before heading to the restroom. As she made her way there she saw Fernanda's boyfriend confused, asking other people if they had seen his girlfriend. Maze rolled her eyes at the fact the man was shocked that his girlfriend hadn't stayed next to him while he was entertaining another woman. She entered the restroom and was immediately taken back by the heavy aroma of semen that filled the room. She took a step forward and looked down after feeling that she had stepped on something wet.

"Ew, what the fuck is...Wait...Is this...B-But...there's so much and it's...it's way too thick to be..!"

She followed the trail of what she was struggling to accept to be cum to the stall closest to the door. She noticed a woman's legs were inside along with her handbag on the floor. The door was closed but still unlocked. Maze nervously raised a hand to open the door but stopped upon hearing an exhausted and barely audible voice on the other side.

"Uuuggghhh! Uuuggghhh, god!"

Now knowing that the person inside the stall was awake Maze hesitated to open the door but her curiosity spurred her forward to do so. She slowly pushed the door open and her jaw dropped at the scene in front of her.

"Ho-ly shit!"

Fernanda was limply splayed out on the toilet seat with her dress hiked up over her waist with breasts hanging out. Her pussy had what looked like a used condom hanging out of it with more of the thick cum she had stepped on pouring out of it. On top of her head was another used condom, this one the size of a softball with it slowly leaking its contents all over Fernanda's face. However the biggest shock was Fernanda's ass. The woman's asshole was bright red, letting Maze know it was beyond sore and it was gaping with cum even thicker than the one in the condoms pouring out of her into the toilet. Maze looked at Fernanda's stomach and how it was distended slightly, giving her a first trimester bump that was no doubt a result of the massive load still making its way out of her ass. Her butthole was oscillating non stop trying to close itself but remained as wide as an Arizona bottle cap.

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