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Scent of a Woman


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I made my way to the kitchen. Lauren was seated at the breakfast bar, typing on a lap-top. The coffee maker gurgled away on the counter as I took a seat on a stool across from Lauren.

"Just recording a few notes, hon. Coffee will be ready in a minute" she said.

"No problem. So, beautiful, what did you have in mind for today?" I asked innocently.

Lauren looked up from her computer with a look of pure joy on her face. "Well, handsome, I thought we could at least get out of here for a little while. We could head into town and pick up some things. Obviously we need to go to your place first and let you change into something more casual." Lauren's voice lowered a little and she cast her eyes toward the counter top, before saying in an embarrassed-like voice "Hon, I enjoyed your company so much last night, I would like you to come back here and spend the evening with me again."

As soon as those words left her mouth I involuntarily and shyly responded "Me too."

Lauren clicked the lap-top shut, smiled at me and rose to pour two large mugs of coffee. "Cream or sugar?" she asked.

"Black for me, please."

Lauren joined me at the counter and we sipped our coffee, chatting and laughing the entire time.

Once we had our fill of coffee, Lauren graciously excused herself to take a quick shower and slip into some winter appropriate clothes.

As my lovely mature host sauntered down the hall, she glanced over her shoulder and said "Seth, honey, be a dear and put your clothes on once I'm in the shower, then wait for me on the couch."

Again, as if under some kind of spell, I waited a few minutes before walking to Lauren's bedroom, putting on my clothes, and returning to the living room and sitting in the same place I had the night before where I waited patiently for her to return.

"Are you ready to go, hon?" she asked. Lauren was dressed in jeans and a turtle neck sweater with a Tartan plaid flannel shirt over the top. Somehow this enchanting older woman even made this casual attire appear elegant. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a pony tail that made her neck appear gracefully long, even though it was covered by the cowl of her sweater. She wore little, if any, makeup, yet she was as beautiful as she was the night before.

Of course she had also applied some more of that maddeningly delicious perfume, and my head began to spin with desire the instant it reached my olfactory nerve.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?" she asked as she fastened a dangly earing to her left lobe.

"How do you make jeans and a flannel shirt so sexy?" I asked.

"Mmm, baby, that's so sweet of you to say. Good genetics, I guess. Would you be a dear and warm the car up for us?"

Again without thinking I made my way to the garage and started the Subaru before returning to the kitchen, where I found Lauren tapping on the keyboard once again.

"Thought of a couple of things in the shower that I needed to record before I forgot" she said before again clicking the laptop shut. "Shall we?" she asked before grabbing our coats from the closet and heading to the garage.

Lauren again sat in the passenger seat meaning it was up to me to drive.

"Baby, we'll head to the restaurant to get your car first, then I'll follow you to your place so you can change and pick up a few things" she instructed.

"That works for me, but you'll have to direct me back to the restaurant."

Lauren pressed the button on the console causing the garage door opened behind us. As I backed the car out I was surprised to see the snow had already been plowed. Lauren must have seen me raise my eyebrows because she was quick to point out that she has a crew contracted to keep her driveway clear. "It's just too long for me to try to handle on my own" she added.

As I pointed the car down the long drive, Lauren slipped her left hand into my right and held it all the way into town. Somehow, that simple act seemed to me to be extraordinarily intimate.

Lauren directed me back to the restaurant with the typical, "Take the next left" and "Right at the stop sign" commands, all the while gently and lovingly stroking her thumb against my hand.

Once we were back at my car, Lauren got out of the passenger side, gave me a peck on the lips, and said "Why don't you start your car and join me while it warms up."

As if I was on auto-pilot, I unlocked my car, started it and turned on all of the defrosters before joining Lauren in her car.

I had just closed the door when Lauren threw herself at me and began passionately kissing me. Her arms were around my neck as she crushed her torso to mine. "I've wanted to do that all morning, honey."

I flashed her a smile of unadulterated pleasure. "Me too" I managed before closing in for more of her. Again, our physical contact coupled with her perfume had my cock straining inside my boxers.

We made out like high-schoolers while my car warmed and the snow melted.

"Oh, sweetheart, I love the way you kiss me. I wish we could stay here and make out all day, but we have things to do" she confessed. Her face was still very close to mine, her eyes darted back and forth, up and down as she studied my eyes and face. Mine did the same as I drank in her subtle beauty.

I opened the door to exit her car. Again, I wanted to stay and hold her but I was compelled to get in my own car. "I'm only a few blocks from here."

"I'm right behind you!" she said.

Lauren pulled in behind me and got out of her car just as my leather soled dress shoes lost friction in the snow and I fell flat on my back in the driveway.

"Are you okay baby? Seth, honey are you alright? Oh my God, you fell so hard!" Lauren was kneeling next me in the snow, a look of true concern on her face.

"I'm alright. Really. Nothing more than a bruised ego" I quipped.

Lauren showered my face with kisses. "Oh thank goodness!" Kisses. "Thank goodness!" More kisses. "I thought for sure you would have been badly hurt!" Still more kisses. "Let me help you up and get you inside."

Once inside my meager little apartment, Lauren embraced me closely and whispered in my ear "I'm so glad you're alright. I thought for sure I'd be taking you to the E.R." Lauren dropped her arms until they were wrapped around my lower back. She squeezed, her cheek on my shoulder. I winced, and she noticed.

"Nothing more than a bruised ego my ass!" she said. "Let me take you into the bedroom so you can undress and I'll have a look at your back."

I held her hand and led her to my tiny bedroom where I stripped off my shirt so she evaluate my injury.

"Be a dear and bend over the bed Seth" she gently demanded. I unquestioningly complied. I thought I heard a raspy sigh escape from her throat. Lauren pressed her pelvis against my ass and held it there as she began pressing on the flesh of my back. I was getting hard again.

"Does it hurt here?" she would ask each time she pressed her fingers into my skin. I answered in the negative until she pressed on a spot near my upper right hip. I winced and pushed back against her. Again I thought I heard her sigh.

"Looks to be just a bruise. It's probably going to hurt for a while. Why don't you get undressed and get in the shower. The warm water might make it feel better."

Lauren left the bedroom while I undressed and turned on the shower. Despite the discomfort in my back, I was rock hard again. Lauren's hands on my flesh had turned me on like nothing I've known.

Once the water was hot I pulled back the curtain and got in. I let the spray fall on my hip, the warm water seemingly loosening up the area.

Suddenly the shower curtain was pulled back. "How we doin' in here?"

I turned to see Lauren standing just feet from me, shirt sleeves rolled up like she was ready to get to work. My cock was throbbing, hard as a rock, standing straight up in front of me. The humidity of the shower seemed to make her perfume a physical entity that enveloped my whole body. It was making me delirious.

"Did I do that?" she asked, her eyes fixed on my raging erection. A wicked smile crossed her lips as her eyes traveled back up to mine. Her eyes were on fire with desire, and the look caused my heart to race. "Now is the time, Seth honey. Let Lauren take care of this for you."

Any apprehension I may have had disappeared as soon as those words left her mouth. My arms dropped to my side. I stood like a man paralyzed, unable to move as I watched Lauren extend her delicate hand and wrap it around my achingly hard cock.

"You've wanted this since last night, haven't you baby?" she purred as her hand began to glide up and down the shaft. "You've been longing for me to touch you like this. Did I tease you too much honey?" she again purred as she increased the tempo and pressure of her stroking. "You don't mind though, do you Seth?" Lauren stopped speaking while she continued stroking me. Her eyes were fixed on mine, and at that moment I felt completely, utterly powerless to resist her.

"Trust me Seth, I'll make it all better." Again she was silent as she stroked my cock and peered into my very soul. "Here's what's going to happen Seth. I'm going to stroke your very beautiful cock until you cum." Again she paused as if waiting for the words to sink in. "You're going to have a massive, explosive cum, aren't you honey?"

I nodded. Barely.

Lauren maintained a perfect rhythm as she manipulated my penis, lustfully staring into my eyes the entire time. I was transfixed by her gaze, unable to look away even if I wanted to.

"Cum for me Seth. Be a good lover and cum" she pled.

In seconds, great ropes of semen rocketed from the end of my cock. Most of my load went straight into the air and fell harmlessly to the shower floor. But some of it ran down my cock and onto Lauren's hand. Once my cock stopped spewing, Lauren removed her hand and licked my cum off of it before pulling me to her and kissing me with her sperm coated lips and tongue. I instinctively swallowed the semen Lauren had deposited in my mouth.

"You did wonderfully Seth" Lauren praised. It was hard to hear her as my ears were still ringing from the incredible orgasm I had just had. "Now, be a good lover and finish washing up. When you're done put on some casual clothes and pack a bag with a few days' worth of clothes and toiletries, please. I'll be waiting for you on your bed."

Once out of the shower, I did as Lauren had asked. Once my overnight bag was packed Lauren beckoned me to join her on the bed.

As I reclined on my side next to her she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. "Did that make you feel better honey?"

"It was incredible Lauren. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm like that before."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

We kissed again for a few minutes when Lauren detected my burgeoning erection. "I see you want more, don't you honey? Now is not the time though."

Again my erection deflated almost immediately. Why the fuck did this keep happening, and what was causing it? I was starting to get pissed.

We loaded my things into Lauren's car, and I drove us to the market. Lauren told me she loved to cook, and went about picking out fresh pastas, vegetables, cheeses, and meats. Lauren asked me to go pick out several bottles of wine, and to be sure to include whites and reds. "Get a bottle of scotch for yourself, too" she shouted as I walked away.

We returned to her home, unloaded the car and put things away in her kitchen. It was getting late when we both realized we hadn't eaten lunch. Lauren got started cooking while I sat at the counter and chatted with her, both of us sipping a delightfully crisp white wine. Again I found myself struck by how easy it was to talk to her, and how much I enjoyed just being with her. Of course, I still wanted to bed her. But at this point it wasn't the driving force. I was content to just spend time with this wonderful woman.

We had a delightful dinner of fettuccine alfredo with fresh vegetables and chicken. After dinner we again sat on the couch, this time a little more intimately. I was sitting in the same place, but Lauren sat next to my legs and reclined back on my lap, resting her head on the arm of the couch so she was looking up into my face. We held hands and gently touched each other. The only light was her Christmas tree.

"Seth?" Lauren quietly asked breaking the silence. "You do realize I'm old enough to be your mom, right?"

I paused, letting brain process the question, trying to figure out where she was going with it. "I suppose you are, but it never crossed my mind until you mentioned it."

There was a pregnant pause until she asked "Are you spending time with me just so you won't be alone?"

"Lauren," I replied, not having to even try to be sincere. "I am here because I enjoy being with an intelligent, witty woman. And it doesn't hurt that I find you to be irresistibly attractive."

My words caused Lauren's face to simply glow. "I like being with you too. I think we are developing a very nice relationship."

Lauren then put her arms around my neck and pulled me close for a deep, loving kiss.

"Come, it's time for bed" she said as she sat up and swung her legs off the couch. I followed her down the hall to her room. I excused myself to use the bathroom. When I returned, Lauren was already in bed with the covers pulled up around her neck.

"I know how much you love my perfume so I put some on. You don't mind" she said very matter of factly. She didn't even have to tell me. The exotic aroma was evident as soon as I entered the bedroom. "Why don't you take you boxers off before you get in bed" she suggested. My hands instantly went to the waistband of my shorts and slid them down my legs. I slid between the sheets trying not to allow any cold air in.

Lauren lifted her head slightly and I slipped my right arm under her so her head rested on my bicep. She moved closer to me when I felt the hard peaks of her nipples press into my chest. My eyes went wide with surprise.

"You like?" she asked.

"Oh Lauren, they feel wonderful pressed against me."

Lauren's right hand glided down my side until it found cock. Her fingers quickly wrapped around it's girth.

"This guy says my breasts feel good too" she said as her dainty fist began reciprocating on my cock.

Lauren kissed me with her tongue as she very slowly fisted my manhood.

She broke our kiss momentarily. Gazing into my eyes she said "I noticed you have a lot of hair down there. We'll do something about that tomorrow."

"Of course" I replied.

As we returned to our kiss, my mind raced. What did I just agree to? "Of course"? Really? I have never trimmed my pubic hair!

My internal self-scolding was interrupted when I heard Lauren say "I want you to make love to my breasts and nipples while I stroke your cock."

I didn't have to be told twice and was instantly licking and sucking her tit flesh and nipples. Lauren rolled slightly to her back to give me better access to her ample bosom. I was in heaven. Lauren continued to tug my cock while I lavished attention on her wonderful breasts.

While mouthing Lauren's incredible orbs, I moved my left hand down her side and toward her sex. I wanted to touch her so bad, to feel her moistness and to bring her the same pleasure she was bringing my cock.

"I can cum just from having my tits worshipped. You don't need to touch anything else."

Instantly my desire to touch her pussy was gone. This was getting unnerving.

I continued to make oral love to her breasts, alternating from one to the other and from smooth delicate flesh to her hard rubbery nipples.

"Fuck baby! That feels so good! Suck on one nipple and roll the other" she insisted. Her wish was my command so I sucked her left nipple while I rolled the right between my thumb and fore finger. "That's it baby! Ohhh YEEESSSS! Your mouth is so good! You're making me cum Seth! Cum with me!" Even though I didn't think I was close to my orgasm, when Lauren screamed "I'M CUMMMING!" my cock exploded in her hand. Thick jets of my white hot cum splattered on her belly and thighs.

"Ohhh baby! That was perfect! You did me so good!" she exclaimed as she rolled on top of me and forced my legs apart, trapping my still hard cock between our abdomens and smearing my daddy juice between us. Lauren attacked my mouth with hers as she gently thrust her pelvis against mine. It was a new sensation for me, and I was enjoying it.

"Play with my ass cheeks and suck on my nipples baby!"

Both of my hands were instantly on her ass. It was then I realized she was wearing satiny boy shorts. My mouth consumed her thick, long nipples as I squeezed and played with her voluptuous ass.

"Oh my God! This feels so fucking good! It's been so long since I've felt like this! You made me cum so good baby! You'll do me like this again!"

"Oh Lauren, of course I will! That was the most incredible sex I've had. I have never had a woman cum just from having her breasts sucked."

"I'm special that way honey. I can't wait for you to learn all of my special secrets!"

Lauren was still thrusting into my pelvis, my cum lubricating my cock as it slipped between our torsos. "What other secrets do you have?" I asked.

"You'll find out in time, baby. Now it's time for us to have a deep, restful sleep."

Lauren extricated herself from between my legs and snuggled up to me. We held each other closely and drifted off to a peaceful rest.


The following day, Lauren followed up on her desire to groom my pelvic region more to her liking. She started with a small battery powered hair clipper and removed a majority of the wiry black hair that surrounded my cock. She then coated my cock and scrotum with a thick gel that smelled exactly like her perfume. I felt myself losing control of my inhibitions and my cock stiffen at her touch.

"Spread your legs for me honey" Lauren gently instructed. Without a thought I instantly spread my legs as far as they would go. "Pull your knees up toward your chest for me baby" was her next request which was also honored without delay. Lauren then spread more of the gel in the crack of my ass. When her fingers brushed against my hole my cock twitched and strained. "You like it when I touch you there" she stated. "Have you been touched there before?" she asked.

"Unh-unh" I managed to croak through my suddenly dry mouth.

Lauren continued to rub my against my sphincter with two fingers all the while gazing on me with a look of wicked amusement.

"You'll need to hold really still for this next part honey." With a ladies razor in her right hand, she began the task of removing the hair from my balls and the crack of my ass. When my shearing was complete, Lauren wiped my privates down with a towel and applied a warm, white cream to all of my exposed parts. "This will prevent all of that nasty hair from coming back" she said as she continued to massage my genitals.

"Would you like me to take care of this?" Lauren asked, her hand now pistoning up and down my achingly hard shaft.

"Yes" I answered.

"Oh baby, you can do better than that! Tell me what you want me to do."

"I want you to suck my cock Lauren. I want to cum in your mouth" I answered.

"That's not going to happen now honey" she replied, and the thought of her blowing me instantly vanished.

SON OF A BITCH! It happened AGAIN! How was she able to do this to me?

"You want me to stroke your cock and massage your asshole until you cum" she instructed.

"I want you to stroke my cock and massage my asshole until I cum" I parroted.

Was she a fucking Jedi? How in the name of all that is good and holy did she make me say that to her!?

"I thought you'd like that" she said and proceeded to masturbate me until cum erupted from my cock and landed with successive splats on my chest and belly.

"There, there. Now that you feel all better, hop in the shower and clean yourself up. Inspect my handiwork in the mirror and let me know what you think. I'll be in the kitchen."

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