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Scheherazade and the King Ch. 02


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"Two weeks at the least."

"You may have five days," Shariyar said sharply. "She is not to leave the medical quarters or have contact with anyone other than yourself and your nurses. If Jafar attempts to come near her, you will report him to me."

Hazim glowered but nodded.

The king instructed one of his guards to stay and carry the girl to the infirmary before turning on his heel, his cloak billowing out behind him as he stalked off through the palace.


Scheherazade's eyes fluttered open and, for a moment, she wondered whether she was in heaven. The sunlight was so bright, the room she was in so white, and every part of her body seemed bathed in a healing warmth... And then her wandering eyes found Hazim's face.

The doctor smiled warmly down at her: "Good morning, Scheherazade."

The girl murmured in response.

"Here, have some water," Hazim said, gently lifting her head so that she could drink from the cup he pressed to her lips.

Scheherazade gulped down the water greedily, draining the glass in seconds.

"Thank you," she whispered hoarsely.

"Shhh, rest your voice," Hazim admonished gently.

Scheherazade sighed deeply and nodded, thanking Hazim with a wordless smile after he refilled the glass with more water and brought it for her.

"Scheherazade?" the doctor asked hesitantly after she finished drinking. "I have some questions for you."

"All right," the girl breathed. Even though her throat felt raw from screaming, Scheherazade was determined to answer all the doctor's questions.

"Don't speak, just nod or shake your head," he said with a sympathetic smile. "I just want to learn more about you."

Scheherazade nodded, thankful that she would not have to strain her voice any further.

"You told me that your tattoos were part of a Daarken ritual," Hazim said.

The girl nodded, her gaze sombre.

"I have only ever read about this ritual," the doctor said. "And, like most others in my profession, I only ever thought it to be a myth."

Scheherazade shook her head vigorously.

"I know, I know," Hazim said earnestly. "I believe you, my dear."

Reassured, the girl sighed.

"But I can't even imagine what you must have endured for you to require that level of healing."

Scheherazade looked away, her bright eyes overcome with a shadow that seemed to come from inside.

"Do you know who hurt you?" Hazim asked gently.

The girl nodded but did not turn her face back towards the old man.

"Do you know how you came to be in his power?"

Scheherazade shook her head.

"Do you know who you are?"

Another shake of her tousled, blonde head.

"Do you want to know?"

Scheherazade's azure eyes met his suddenly. The question in them was clear:Do you know?

"I do not know who you are," Hazim said apologetically, his heart heavy as Scheherazade hung her head in disappointment.

"But," he continued, "I might be able to help you find out."

The girl looked up at him again, her deep blue eyes filled with hope.

"I have friends and contacts across the globe," he said. "If you let me transcribe your tattoos and sketch your likeness, perhaps someone in my circle will know who you are."

Grateful tears filled Scheherazade's eyes and she nodded, reaching out a hand for Hazim to hold. She squeezed his hand and then lay back in bed, lifting her arms above the sheets so that the doctor could see her tattoos while she slept. Then the exhausted girl closed her azure eyes and drifted back into slumber.


Hazim shot out of his seat at the booted footsteps he heard approaching his infirmary. The old man glowered at the door as it was opened wide for the King of kings.

"What are you doing here?" He growled at Shariyar. "You promised my five days to heal her. She has barely had a day's rest."

"And five days you shall have," the king snarled in response, his temper rising to meet Hazim's.

The doctor exhaled sharply as he sat back down at his desk: "What do you want then, Your Highness?"

Shariyar's nostrils flared at the blatant mockery in the Hazim's tone but he managed to keep his rage in check.

"I am here for a story," he said.

"Her voice is hoarse from screaming, yet you would have her entertain you with stories?" Hazim scowled.

"I can find another use for her if you'd prefer," Shariyar sneered.

"If you so much as lay a finger on her - "

"Hazim!" Shariyar interrupted. "If you wish to keep your life, then I suggest you not finish that sentence."

The doctor snapped his mouth shut angrily.

"Lead me to the girl," he commanded.

Hazim glared at the king as he motioned down the corridor: "She is in the last room on the left."

Shariyar gestured for his guards to remain with Hazim and then stalked down the white-washed hallway. He threw open the curtain to Scheherazade's room and found himself captured immediately in the girl's sapphire stare.

"Hello gypsy," he murmured.

"Shariyar," she muttered.

"I am here for the rest of Qadir's story," he said, sitting down at the edge of her cot.

"So I heard," she said.

Hazim had not been exaggerating when he said the girl's voice was strained from screaming. It almost hurt Shariyar to hear the way her words grated against the back of her throat... Almost.

Shariyar looked at the girl expectantly, waiting for her to pick up where she had left off.

"When you stopped, Mo was in the desert," he offered. "Qadir laughed because his camel, Noor, bit him."

"I know," she said simply.

Shariyar's brow furrowed when she said nothing.

"Well?" He asked agitatedly. "What happened next?"

"I can barely speak," the girl murmured. "I cannot tell you a story with my voice like this."

"I order you to," Shariyar said dangerously.

"Order me all you want," she whispered. "That will not change what I am physically capable of."

"I am being patient with you, gypsy," the king said. "I am giving you five days to recover."

"And I am grateful," she said quietly.

"Then you will finish the fucking story," he growled. "Now!"

"Come back tomorrow," Scheherazade said. "Tomorrow my voice will be rested."

"Tomorrow?" The King asked incredulously.

"Tomorrow," she nodded. "And I promise, you will get your story."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Urgh the king is horrid!!!

BigotedeFocaBigotedeFoca6 months ago

The wait for that dish best served cold, is becoming excruciating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
waiting for redemptions

weighing up whether to continue, the cruelty is not really my scene but I want to see Scheherazade come out of it whole and safe. Not liking either the king of jafar each weak in their own manliness. you do write a good story that has been asking whats next for all of them

kris10ekris10eover 10 years ago
He's an ASS!

I do not like nor do I even care that he has been wronged! He is a pig of a man and deserves all the pain he has had inflicted upon himself and the pain he has bestowed on others. I hope he suffer a far worse fate then he truly deserve! And Jafar needs to grow some balls....why is she the only one that will stand up to him and why can't they just run off to another land....oh...wait. ...he's like king of 48 Countries 9th my goodness do they truly have to continue to put up with him. He's misery serves him right! He's the true definition of "misery loves company" lol. I really don't give a flying funk about what happen to him....he's been this monster all his life. ..He just has no reason to hide who he really is. A MONSTER! ! psssst.... I'm so into this story it wonderful....I do hope it's finished or your continousation is being upload as I great read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I love the story. I can't decide if I love or hate the king. But I do know I don't want her with Jafar. It's too vanilla. Hope she changes the king.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I hope Scheherazade can change Shariyar to a better person. And I seriously hope she will not fall madly in love with him and endure all that shit he is going to put her through with submission. It would be great if she falls for him but not so that she will justify his actions and accept them. He is such a bastard right now, but hot at least ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Beyond brutal

I just detest the male lead - his wife cheated on him; she tried to kill him and in doing so was killed herself. One could argue that was poetic justice served. But this misogynistic asshole deserves death a million times over. He has murdered 150 innocent women. He has raped, tortured and abused the heroine so badly that redemption is out of the question for him. He certainly does not deserve it, and she deserves better than a life sentence with an abusive woman hating rapist. It is actually frightening just how much hate spews out of him for any and all women, regardless of anything they have or have not done. All I'm hoping for at this point is for her to gut him with the first sharp object she finds and escape to a life of peace and happiness away from any of the pathetic men who have stood by and watched as she was tortured and brutalised.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Please I know it's annoying but please update as fast as you can this is the best story I've read so far on this website and I've read a lot- it has a proper story and good grammar and I'm addicted! Everyone can just stop saying it's violent- that's the point it's more accurate so piss off. It's clearly an original story as well and as a woman I find this turns me on more than most if the stories on here- keep up the great work!

jennyb2492jennyb2492over 10 years ago

I am continuing to enjoy this story very much. Yes, it's violent. If you don't like that, go read another story. Millenialfox, I suggest you simply delete the comments that accuse you of doing things you haven't done. It's one thing to criticize the quality of the writing - those comments can be legitimate ones, but I haven't seen any comments about your superb writing at all. The other comments don't deserve to remain, and if you don't know how to delete them, feel free to email me and I will be happy to assist you.

Now I'm going to go promote your story in my comments, and no one can accuse you of doing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love this story!

I love this story! I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chapter, and check back all the time! You're a very gifted writer, and I can't wait to read more!

millenialfoxmillenialfoxover 10 years ago

I've tried searching for the comments people have been accusing me of posting to other author's stories and I can't seem to find them to flag them as inappropriate. I do not believe that insulting one person's work in order to plug another person's is appropriate in any way and I do not condone such comments. Literotica has a "similar stories" feature for a reason.

millenialfoxmillenialfoxover 10 years ago
Chapter 3 on its way

Thanks to all those who have offered constructive criticism and worthwhile comments. Chapter 3 has been submitted for approval!

To those who were concerned about the level of violence in this chapter, I have to remind you all that the original Shariyar was not a nice guy. In the original story, he killed 150 women before getting to Scheherazade and only decided not to kill her after they had already had children together. That being said, I will try to bear in mind the level of violence in future scenes.

As for those who seem to think I sit around monitoring Literotica all day making up identities and commenting on my own submissions or trolling other authors' works, I assure you that I neither have the time nor the inherent idleness required for that.

21stcenturymisfit21stcenturymisfitover 10 years ago

I highly doubt that Millenialfox is commenting on her own story as an anonymous user or on another author's page. First: because Literotica tracks IP addresses like any website on the Internet does it is literally impossible for users to post more than one comment as an Anonymous user but as many as they want if they want to use their own Usernames. Second: Scheherazade and the King is a popular story so except a lot of comments which is not foreign on a website where users can post comments freely! Third: this is Scheherazade and the King, if you want to talk about the Rebellious Slave, go leave a comment for HisPet. Fourth: I can guarantee to you that Scheherazade and the King takes a lot of time and wonderfully placed effort to construct which means Millenialfox does not have the time to pretend to do anything. Literotica is an amateur story writers website so HisPet would not be on Literotica if she had the writing skills and backbreaking time consuming talent to be a Bestseller (No offense to HisPet though because she is an amazing writer with beautiful story telling skills). You are shallow and a noob for disrespecting an author on this site. I bet your spineless back that you have not even posted a sentence of your own writing on Literotica. You claim that you don't want to be bothered with an ID because Literotica is a porn site but I bet you're on Literotica more than any of the users who have an ID. You just stalk authors and talk mindless shit when all any author wants on Literotica is a decent critique and ideas that will aid them in sharpening their vocabulary and breathing more lifeblood into their stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Author, stop commenting on your story everywhere, whether as Anon, or creating identities. You can see the date. Jesus Christ, your comment sounds exactly the same as in the Rebellious Slave, where you're telling readers to stay away from HisPet and read Scheherazade! Jeez, there's no way you can compare the shallowness of this story and the noob writing to HisPet's amazing story. Her heroine is the kind of heroine that make bestseller lists. Yes, she's away, and that's her prerogative. Don't insult her there and mention that people should stay away and read your own story; then repeat the same comment here. Authors on Lit might disappear and come back, it's not like you're paying for these stories.

PS: this isn't a compliment as I'm commenting as Anon, I just can't be bothered to have an ID on a porn site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Anonymous Commenters

A lot of the anonymous comments or critique are attacks on your characters, which is the ultimate compliment for a writer. To be able to create vividly lifelike characters that anger your readers or inspire them. Your writing is phenomenal and unique. Please keep up the great work and complete the story in its entirety because its a great tale. It's so obnoxious how some writers on Literotica start stories only to leave their fans hanging. I understand that writers have lives outside of writing but readers also have lives outside of reading but if we as readers can keep coming back so can the writers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Is this like Bloodsong? The author creating identities to comment? How pathetic. Amazing story, kill da woman

cuntakintecuntakinteover 10 years ago

This is amazing. You're so talented. I haven't read anything like this - just so captivating and morbid and raw - in months. Keep posting because you are beyond talented. God, I love authors like you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is so good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I don't like Jafar.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Please update soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I love a good non-consent story, and this isn't one

What is so great about this story? The fact that it's Arabian Nights? Because other than that it's pure torture, it isn't even non-consent, it's just lousy woman-beating. Women like rape fantasies, but this? It isn't BDSM, and what's more, it's done to poor Scheherazade. Replace her with Snowhite, Ariel, or Cinderella, and people will be less forgiving I guess. Yes, yes but this category takes all of that. And I disagree. Non-consent doesn't mean torture, and that in a story that's written in a redundant way with way too many adjectives. Half of it can just be skipped, just like the first chapter. There's something about a woman lying broken and wounded on a hospital bed that just makes me sad. I guess as a guy I'm just not misogynistic enough. Good work, keep beating the woman till she's dead. Or even worse, give her Stockholm Syndrome to make her look dumb. Or give her a spine in the eleventh hour, at this point nothing would surprise me. That's the way to go as a writer, lol. So sexy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Does Anyone Know How To Say The Main Character's Name?

lol just a little thought I had. Other than that though, great story! Looking forward to ch 3 :D

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