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School Musical Ch. 02

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After the show... there's the morning after.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/26/2015
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- 1 -

The girls' unexpected appearance had nearly stopped my heart. There I was, dressed as a girl, on my knees between the legs of my extremely drunk co-star, the fresh taste of thick cum in my mouth, my hand still wrapped around his softening dick - and two girls admiring the whole scene with wide grins. I jumped up from the beanbag and rushed out of the den in a panic. A delighted laugh from Rosie followed me, and I frantically wiped a sleeve across my mouth in case evidence of what had just happened might have dribbled onto my chin.

Thankfully the surprise had also caused my fierce erection to subside, making it a little less obvious to the party guests that something was going on. But I still felt as if a thousand eyes were fixed knowingly on me as I stumbled to the bathroom and locked the door. The taste of Stuart's cum both appalled and fascinated me as I stared at myself in the mirror, my heart racing. I scrabbled for some toothpaste and rinsed my mouth several times.

There was a knock on the door, making me jump. 'Mike? Let me in!'.

It was Clara, of course. I wanted to say no, but she was also my ride home. And perhaps, someone to shield me from the humiliation if the whole party already knew. I sighed and unlocked the door, letting her slip inside. She was grinning ear to ear.

'Oh my God!' she squealed, 'Look at you, you're such a naughty slut!'

'For fuck's sake shut up,' I said, blushing furiously.

'Oh come on Mike that was so hot!', she said. 'You totally went for it with Stuart!'

'Seriously Clara, just stop it. Why the hell did you sneak in there?! I can't believe this. What the hell do I do now?' I stared at her in a panic. 'I just want to go home.'

'Dude why? Don't wreck the party, come on.'

She glared at me, hands on hips, and I reflexively wiped my lips again. Clara's eyes widened and she smirked.

'Mike what's on your mouth? Is that Stuart's jizz on you?!' She made a little squeal and clapped her hands.

I stormed out of the bathroom, skirt swishing and probably showing off Clara's panties to anyone in the corridor. Unsure what to do, I marched straight to the kitchen and demolished a beer in about three swigs. I leaned against the fridge, and felt a little better after that. The guys and girls coming in and out of the kitchen paid me little mind, and continued to smile at my outfit and congratulate me on the show. I got another beer, even though I was already a bit too drunk, and started to zone out a bit.

'I said, did you enjoy it?'

I came back to my senses with a jolt. A guy from school I didn't know was talking to me, and I hadn't noticed.

Enjoy what... hang on.

'What?' I said, frowning at him angrily, enough that he looked a bit taken aback.

'Enjoy the show, was it fun?' he said, smiling.

'Oh,' I said, 'yes... yeah it was good man. Sorry, I'm a bit spaced out.'

'No worries,' he said, and clinked his beer against mine. I remembered him now, he was Chance, who I'd had some classes with the year before. We chatted for a while, and with Stuart not having reappeared, I relaxed a bit and enjoyed the music. But after a few minutes, I realised Chance was standing uncomfortably close to me, and his hand seemed to keep brushing the hem of my skirt, not far from my crotch. I was also trapped in a corner next to the fridge, and sure enough, during a particularly loud song he leaned forward to repeat something he'd said, and I felt his hand slide onto my hip, resting on my panties. I felt him breathe heavily into my ear and realised he was even drunker than me... but was he seriously trying to put the moves on me right there in the kitchen, in front of everyone? I pushed him away and squirmed out, fleeing in search of Clara.

I found her out the front chatting with friends, and demanded she drive me home immediately. Something in my eyes or tone must have been fairly convincing, because she didn't question me or press the issue - just grabbed her bag and announced it was getting too late.

We didn't talk on the drive back to my house. When the car stopped, I looked at her and swore her to secrecy. She put her hands up defensively and promised me, but I didn't hold out much hope; she was clearly still trying to hold back the giggles. And Rosie was a horrible gossip.

I had snuck into the house and crept upstairs to my room before even remembering that I'd had the whole argument with Clara while sitting in her passenger seat dressed in her panties that I hadn't given back. When I pulled them off to go to bed, I noticed there was a wet patch in the crotch where I'd leaked a little pre-cum at some stage. It was the last thing I was thinking about when I went to sleep.

- 2 -

I spent the weekend by myself, but not quietly.

When my parents were out the next morning, I found I had an uncontrollable urge to recover my musical outfit from where I'd stashed it in the cupboard. I soon found myself standing in the bathroom, smoothing my hands over the feminine shirt and the skirt, my dick straining hard again inside Clara's slightly soiled panties. I looked a bit of a mess with the makeup now smeared and rubbed, but as I turned and looked at myself, I felt happy and comfortable. The feeling of air between my legs felt like freedom, and I loved the way the skirt sat on my ass and brushed back and forth slightly if I swung my hips.

I reached down and rubbed my cock gently under my skirt, pretending to masturbate like a girl, rolling my hips slightly against my hand. With my other hand, I grabbed my chest and twisted one nipple, pretending it was a breast. Watching myself doing this in the mirror was too much, and within moments I had my cock out and was jerking it violently. My head filled with visions of myself, Stuart, the darkened room, the smell of weed, and the heavy taste of a big cock thrusting into my mouth. I wished I could suck a cock right now. I imagined it pulsing in my mouth. I jammed myself forward, balls squishing against the edge of the basin cabinet, and shot a powerful load of cum which made a mess of the tap and mirror.

Panting, I stood there, slightly dizzy and surprised - I couldn't recall ever cumming so hard in my life. But the urge was fading, and I quickly stashed the outfit and ran a shower so I could get on with my day.

Clara left me alone all weekend, which was just fine with me. I played games, watched some TV, jerked off repeatedly, and kept going back to the cupboard to slip into her panties. Dressing up was giving me a serious buzz, and I found myself wondering how I might get hold of some more clothes to dress in once I'd returned the outfit to the school. At the same time, I was troubled by a creeping sense of dread which increased as Sunday night approached, and I started thinking about Monday morning. Would the girls have told their friends? Surely Stuart wouldn't have? Who would know? What would people think? And what on earth would I do if I ran into them all?

- 3 -

In the end I just dodged the problem for half the week, pretending to be sick, until my mum finally lost patience and ordered me back to school. It was fair enough with final exams looming. I'd ignored a stream of text messages from Clara in the meantime, as well as one ominous text from Rosie which simply read "...!".

Getting dressed for school was a bit uninspiring now I had to revert to my regular underparts and school trousers, but I was grateful that my waxed legs wouldn't be on show to the world as mum dropped me off at the school gates. I was running late for morning assembly, which was a good start - I avoided getting cornered by the girls until at least morning recess. Looking at my schedule, I had maths with Stuart in the second period, and that created a tight ball of anxiety in my stomach.

To my relief, Stuart seemed perfectly normal when we arrived at class, and only casually acknowledged me. It shouldn't really have been a surprise; we weren't friends and he'd never hung out with me before the school musical rehearsals. I sat with my regular friends in class, and apart from the predictable jokes about the dance scene and whether I was now gay for Stuart, it seemed like life might just go on like normal. I hoped they didn't notice me blushing when I thought about how close the teasing was to reality, and I wondered how long Clara and Rosie would really keep their mouths shut. And at the same time, sitting there in class, struggling to concentrate on the lesson, I wondered why I felt so strangely disappointed.

'Mike, you can't just keep avoiding me all term,' said Clara.

It was Thursday after school, and she'd finally tracked me down inside the school gym where I was trying to escape attention until people had gone home.

'Look,' she said, 'we've been friends for six years. I would hope you've got a bit better sense than to ruin a friendship over something this trivial.'

'Trivial?!, I said "Clara I fucking...'

I looked around hastily to make sure nobody was listening, and lowered my voice to a whisper.

'I fucking blew the most popular football player in school!', I hissed. 'What the hell am I going to do the rest of the term?'

'Jeez Mike,' she said, 'it won't be the first or last blowjob Stuart gets this year. Stop making a big deal of it.'

I stared at her, unable to think of any meaningful response.

'Come on," she said, grabbing my arm. 'Let's go grab a milkshake and chill out at the park. I won't tease you about it, OK?'

I sighed, defeated. Milkshakes at the park was one of our traditions; we'd spent a lot of time there over the years just killing time and chatting after school. I nodded and we wandered down to the shops and then the park, not talking much along the way. We sat on our favourite park bench and drank our shakes.

'I don't think you should be embarrassed Mike,' said Clara eventually. 'We're not living in the 1960's or something. I think it was cool. You should get to do what you want.'

'I don't know if that's what I want though,' I said. 'It just kind of happened... and now it's super awkward.'

'Well let me ask you about it', she said. 'I mean, you're clearly not gay, for starters.'

Clara had been my confidante for a long time, and could probably list off just about every girl I'd ever had a crush on, let alone kissed.

'Well, no'.

'Right - but you like girly clothes, by the looks. And you got off on sucking someone's cock. So maybe you're bi. Or maybe you just like having some fun. You don't have to pigeon hole yourself based on one night.'

'I know, but...' I paused, then figured well, why not just be honest. 'The thing is, I really enjoyed it. Like, the whole thing. Getting dressed with you. When you... um... jerked me off. When Stuart was rubbing on me dancing.'

'Ha! I knew it.' Clara put a hand on my shoulder, not unkindly. I shrugged and gave a helpless laugh.

'Well then,' she said, 'I guess we just have to help you find more fun.'

We sat there for a while not talking, until it started to get dark. As we went to leave, I remembered something and rummaged in my school bag to fish out her panties. I glanced around to check we were alone, and held them out to her.

'Um, I washed them.' I said, but Clara just laughed again.

'Babe you have to start a wardrobe somewhere,' she said, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I was blushing again as I stuffed the panties back in my bag, and walked back across the park to head home.

- 4 -

By the weekend Clara had already begun working on a plan to bring me out of my shell. She invited me round to her house, and despite her parents being home, locked us both in her room and had me start trying on various outfits. I found myself lounging happily on the bed with her wearing a skimpy bra and panties, and wishing this could be my life every day. We laughed about the party, she told me dirty stories about the guys she'd been with, and before I left she put makeup on me and admired the job in the bathroom.

I had become so comfortable during the process that I wasn't even erect - my dick was just nicely firm and filling out the panties as a smooth bulge between my legs. I stood there with her feeling very happy and girly, turning a little to look at myself in the mirror. Clara was wearing just a t-shirt and panties, though to be honest I'd hardly registered that she wasn't wearing anything else, until she whispered in my ear: 'Hey Celia. I need you to do me a favour'.

I looked at her and she glanced downwards, drawing my eyes to her crotch. Her baby pink panties had gone a much darker colour between her legs, and she was pressing two fingers gently against herself.

'Baby I'm super wet,' she breathed into my ear. 'I want you to go down on me.'

I stared at her, a little stunned, but didn't resist when she placed her other hand on the top of my head and firmly pushed me down onto my knees. My face was right up close to her crotch and I could smell her sex as she tugged her panties down. Clara was completely shaved smooth, and a clear string of fluid stretched from her pussy to the wet material as it pulled away.

I had a strange mix of feelings: arousal, affection, gratitude, and a healthy dose of lust. Clara was my friend and a bit more like a sister than a girlfriend, and that just made it seem even naughtier as I reached out and took one ass cheek in each hand. She was beautifully firm and smooth to hold, and I leaned in and carefully traced the very tip of my tongue up her slit. She moaned softly and thrust her hips forward, one hand gripping my hair. My cock had become hard and red hot in my panties and I opened my mouth hungrily and began to make out with her pussy for all I was worth. I didn't think of myself as Mike anymore, but as Celia... as her girlfriend... two close girlfriends who'd decided to have a naughty affair in the upstairs bathroom.

I lapped hungrily at Clara's cunt, and she began to ride my face with her hips, smearing juice all over my mouth and nose, and making a quiet grunting noise as she became more and more excited. Then she stiffened, jammed her pussy hard against my face and made a high pitched noise. Her hips bucked and a jet of liquid squirted directly into my face, splashing everywhere and running down my neck and chest.

'Jesus!' She said, panting and pulling away. Her legs trembled lightly and she held onto my head for balance. Clara looked down at me and laughed.

'Wow,' she said. She leaned down and gave me a slow kiss on the lips, running her tongue around to taste the liquid she'd squirted. 'You can sure do that again.'

Clara helped me stand up, and when I looked into the mirror, I was an amazing mess - hair spiked, face smeared with juices and makeup, my bra streaked with liquid, my cock still pressing out in my panties. I didn't know what to say, but felt a strong sense of accomplishment, and affection for Clara. She was turning me into some kind of half-girl, half sex toy... and I could not have been any happier.

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skirtsonguysskirtsonguysabout 3 years ago

Please continue. Don't wait six years to make a sequel lol

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