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Season's Eatings Ch. 05

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More breakfast in bed.
5.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/04/2019
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

Richard has survived breakfast in bed with mother-in-law Sylvia. Now he can move on and get his day started. Or can he?

And Merry Christmas to all my readers!


Second Breakfast

Thankfully Sylvia didn't really leave me that long under the covers. Which is just as well, because I was feeling like a drowned rat. I waited in that wet, dark, smelly space, where once again I could feel her petting my head from above the covers.

I went back to kisses and even some simple licks at her direction. But this was more about making me endure confinement in the pussy cave. Maybe if she hadn't just had such a healthy climax or had no real plans, I might have suffered longer. And maybe she was just ready for her morning meal.

Whatever the reason, she soon released me from her bed. As I climbed out I almost stood to stretch before I caught a look from her reminding me I was to be on my knees in her room. On my knees I stretched and twisted as best I could to settle my body.

"Now Ricky. You've already had your breakfast. Now it's time for me to have mine. I'd like two eggs over easy, an English muffin with apple butter, some bacon, sausage, and a glass of milk. Oh and how about some strawberries; just a few."

"I'm not sure we have any apple butter Mommy Dearest. And I don't think we have any strawberries. I think we have blueberries?"

"I didn't ask for blueberries, did I? Well clearly we'll need to stock up for breakfasts as well as for our dinners. Do the best that you can and we'll go from there. Pity, it was starting out to be such a wonderful day."

"Thank you Mommy Dearest. I'll be back shortly."

She waved her hand at me but she had already moved on, disappointed I wouldn't be able to provide for her exacting needs. I shuffled naked on my knees out of the bedroom closing the door behind me. I then stood up and made my way naked toward the kitchen.

I considered getting dressed to cook; perhaps not fully but to at least put something on. But I also considered I would just be taking it off again as soon as I had to return with breakfast and putting clothes on and taking them off was only wasting precious time which might be used against me.

So with a little extra care, I began to prepare breakfast for Sylvia in the nude. The only things I had on were my new collar and the borrowed purifier. As I was standing over the oven watching the eggs it suddenly hit me that being naked in the kitchen, collared and caged, cooking for my mother-in-law, I was more of a house slave than the master of my castle.

I mean I never really played at being a slave, although Sylvia certainly treated me like one at times. I couldn't spend too much time thinking about it though, as I had to keep an eye on breakfast and get it to her as soon as it was ready.

I found we had apple jelly and I also grabbed a few other choices in jams and preserves. We had apples and oranges but that was really our only fruit options. I thought we might be overdoing the apples if I gave her slices instead of strawberries. I kept the oranges in mind and decided I would offer them to her when I returned with her tray.

When it was all ready I placed it on one of our small folding trays. Thinking back, I'm sure the breakfast trays we had, ideal for breakfast in bed, were a gift from Sylvia to us; or to Beth. At least the tray wasn't going to be a problem.

As I approached the door to her bedroom I realized this was going to be a little more challenging. Opening the door with tray in hand was a balancing act in itself. Remembering that I had to enter on my knees added a level of complexity.

It was awkward and I made a mental note I would have to think about how to make it easier for me to enter her room, constantly on my knees. But soon I was shuffling across the carpet to the side of her bed, tray in hand.

I was hoping she would take it from me, but she appeared to be waiting for me to place it over her lap. This too was difficult from the floor on my knees. With a little work and a lacking in grace I managed to set the tray down for her. Thank God I didn't spill the milk.

I gave her a quick rundown of her options and asked if she had any interest in orange slices. Of course she did not. She then dismissed me and I shuffled my way back out of her room.

I involuntarily let out a big sigh in the hallway and then rose and headed to our bedroom. I had made it through the morning's service. I then thought about the word 'service' and what it meant to me here and now and what it would mean during Sylvia's stay.

When I reached our bedroom I was a little surprised Beth was still in bed. I expected to find her half dressed, or in the shower, maybe brushing her teeth. But she was still snug under the covers.

She had mentioned the possibility of sleeping in this morning even though she hadn't been up late last night. And while it had been suggested I needed to show her 'my appreciation', by Sylvia, there wasn't much of that which occurred.

I came into the bedroom last night wincing and made a line for the bathroom to check my back. Beth had stopped me and asked me to come to bed. I did and tried to explain as gently as I could about my back and what had happened.

Beth first took a look and agreed they were serious marks. She said it could almost make her jealous. Then she told me it would be okay and went to hug me. But when she hugged me it just lit up the fire in my back.

I tried to explain and told her while the hug sounded like a good idea it probably wasn't the best given my current condition. In turn she just called me a big baby and gave me another longer, deeper hug.

She did show some sympathy however in that she didn't have a need for sex or have any sexual demands of me. She said she understood it was hard to keep her mother satisfied and she would be okay with just some simple cuddling and kissing.

I didn't want to argue that the cuddling would again be a concern for my back. And I did in fact want to be close to my wife and kiss her and show her how much I loved her.

So we kissed and cuddled and I tried not to think of the pain in my back any time she squeezed me close. She mentioned the possibility of sleeping in and after awhile we both drifted off to sleep.

Then this morning I was quiet and careful as I slipped out of bed and made my way to Sylvia's room. I left Beth to sleep and knew I would catch up with her later. Now I had been through my ordeal with Mommy Dearest, and had cooked her breakfast. Now maybe I could get my own day started.

"So how's Mother? All taken care of?"

"Yes she's fine. Although she's not happy we don't have apple butter; or any strawberries."

"Mmm. Strawberries do sound good right now."

I just gave her a look that said 'not you too' and headed to the dresser to get some clothes. She in turn rolled over to watch me.

"So, big plans for the day?"

"Well your mother has given me a list of chores. I'm going to have to work out the menu for this week's dinners and see if she approves. Then I'll have to make a list for the grocery store. That's also going to have to include apple butter, and I sense that both of you would like me to pick up some strawberries."

"Oh yes please. And don't just get one of those small packages."

"And she also wants me to help her unpack today. I'm not quite sure how involved that will be or how long it will take. Plus I also have to pick up some fresh flowers and a nice vase for her room because she thinks it's a 'little stale'."

I rolled my eyes at that. I was actually going to have to get her fresh flowers and I knew, at least for this visit, that was now going to be a thing and added to my growing list of responsibilities.

"And I still want to clean up a little in the garage and was hoping to watch some football before I have to start preparing dinner."

It was going to be a full day and of course Sylvia could always throw more at me without any notice. When she arrived the day before I knew my weekend was in jeopardy.

"Well that sounds like you have a full day ahead of you. You're going to need your strength. It seems the least I can do is offer you second breakfast."

I turned around to see my wife lying on her side. She had pulled back the covers to reveal her body down to her knees, covered in her flimsy, maroon negligee. It was an invitation to join her in bed, but more than that it was an invitation to join her in bed to eat her pussy, as I had already done, well presumably, for her mother.

"You must be joking."

"Not at all. Well okay, I was making a joke about 'second breakfast' from that movie, but now that Mother is taken care of, both your breakfast and hers, it seems only fair that I'm not left out. I mean I suppose you could look at this as third breakfast, but it's the second one for you. So why don't you take those clothes back off, crawl into bed, and let me offer you something else to eat."

I could tell she wasn't joking; she was serious. And she had a point. Her mother had taken more than a little of my time and maybe she was beginning to feel left out. And I love my wife and love doing things for her; it's just that I felt I could use a break. I wasn't sure I had the stamina to satisfy both these women.

But then what choice did I have? I removed my shirt and underwear; I hadn't quite made it to pants yet. Once again I was naked except for collar and purifier and I crawled into bed next to my wife.

As I crawled in I slipped down toward the bottom and moved into the expected position.

"Here, help me remove the bottoms."

She planted her feet and lifted her hips a fraction of an inch off the bed as she slipped the lower piece of lingerie over her round backside. Then it was like a small circus act as I ducked under the garment as it crossed the short distance between her legs, legs which then rose and bent and turned allowing for the silky material to reach her ankles and then be pulled free and flung across the room. Well they didn't fly far, being akin to a transparent scarf of some night time magician.

But while she was maneuvering she was also kicking up and tossing the sheets and covers around. A cave is not the sort of thing one drops on someone, but that's what it felt like. The silky attire removed, the covers came down on top of me.

I couldn't do that again and in the span of less than a second I was reliving my morning with Sylvia. I pulled the covers back behind my head, perhaps a little too quickly and looked up at Beth. She sensed something was going on.

"I just need to be able to breathe. Plus I want to be able to see you."

She didn't press the matter but she gave me a look indicating she knew there was more to it than what I had offered. She grabbed the top edge in her hands and smoothed it across my shoulders. Satisfied that I wouldn't be plunged into darkness, I looked upon my next meal.

Now Beth likes to have her pussy eaten. Not as often as her mother perhaps and she isn't as demanding but she does get excited at the prospect. However with my face now inches from her and the momentary fear of the covers abated, I could see she was already very aroused.

She wasn't just a little wet. She was already leaking; practically dripping onto the sheets below. After the initial surprise at this discovery my mind raced a quick calculation. Beth hadn't just come up with the idea when I mentioned my day. In fact now I began to suspect she had planned this, to some degree, as early as last night, when she mentioned the possibility of sleeping in.

After I made my conclusions I looked up at her, letting her know I was aware of her unusual wetness. She in turn looked back with a challenge as if to say 'yeah, and what are you going to do about it.' Clearly what I was going to do about it was...lean in and lick that pussy just like she wanted me to.

She gave a triumphant smile followed by a satisfied sigh. It didn't rate as a battle of wills, but she had won just the same. For my part I began to deliver the spoils, with lips and tongue, kissing and licking her all over and scooping up the dew already present.

This was more comfortable lovemaking. While I was tired from my ordeal with Sylvia, now I didn't have any threat hanging over me and I was confident in my ability to please my wife. Thus I could also enjoy her pussy without fearing it.

I was soon finding my rhythm and we were both being lifted on clouds of sexual bliss. My lips danced with hers and we kissed a special kiss. Sometimes I was chasing after her and at others she was chasing me.

"I'm such a good wife. I make sure my husband is well fed."

And it was true; Beth did give me her pussy frequently. We had a healthy, happy sex life. And this moment was a reminder that Sylvia wouldn't get between us.

"Yeth oo do. And yeth ah ahm."

I lifted up for just a moment but Beth's pussy chased after my mouth and tongue, hampering my speech.

"Shush Dear. Don't talk with your mouth full."

She patted my head as she said it and I was reminded that although they had their differences, mother and daughter did have some things in common.

"Keep eating. You'll need your strength today and I don't want it to be said I didn't do my part. Eat up. I'll let you know when you may be excused."

Both women liked to play their little games. I think I rolled my eyes, but I was soon back to the task in front of me. I could play games too. I attacked her pussy with renewed enthusiasm, catching her off guard.

"Ooh someone is hungry. Well go on. Get in there!"

And I did. I got in there. I got in deep. I knew how to make this pussy come and it was time to remind her. My lips and tongue went into overdrive. I licked and sucked and dove in deep. She was going to remember this.

"Yes! Yes!"

She didn't say much but it was clear she wasn't joking now. I was getting to her and she was rapidly approaching her climax. I didn't let up. She was almost there; and then I felt it.

It was a twinge under my chin. I didn't come to a full stop but I may have paused ever so slightly. It wasn't common but it was a feeling I had felt before. It was the sign of a strain or cramp just moments away, of the soft tissue beneath my jaw.

And then I felt a second tightness just below my ear. Sylvia had worked me to the point of aches in mouth and jaw before. In the short time she had been her I had been put to work several times and now right after an intense morning with Sylvia I was working furiously on Beth. It was taking its toll.

But I was so close and I had a point to make. I couldn't stop now. I tried to work my jaw side to side without raising an alarm from above. I made a few quick faces and hoped I could go just a little longer without cramping.

Those last crucial seconds stretched on and on. I knew I was close, really close, but I was also fighting to keep my body under control. I think I extended the final charge at least a little. Maybe Beth would think I was trying to hold out to give her just a little more in that final moment.

But the final moment did come. And with it so did Beth. It wasn't a geyser or even a spray. Beth didn't 'squirt' but she had an orgasm all the same. I felt her body twitching and convulsing and knew I had done my job.

She held my head as she had done so many times before. One hand on the back to keep me from getting away, and another on my forehead to keep me from going overboard on her now super sensitive sex.

I was glad I could provide for her and thanked my stars I was able to cross the finish line before by muscles revolted. As she eased off the summit, I too shifted into lower gear as I gently kissed her.

Her hands eventually relaxed along with her body and a sigh of satisfaction left her lips. Fearing cramping elsewhere in my body or simply my jaw locking up and having to explain myself, I made to extricate myself from her legs and the bed and make a trip to the bathroom where I could attempt to soothe my muscles in private.

But that was not to be.

"Hold on there Tiger. You haven't been excused yet. I think you still need another helping."

I lay there motionless, praying this was another joke, more teasing, anything other than an actual suggestion I had more to do. As I lay in wait, she just smiled down at me and she popped her eyebrows a couple times.


"Richard, there are starving kids in Africa. You should be thankful for what you have to eat. And you shouldn't let any go to waste."

I tried to crack a smile but mentally I was preparing myself for another round. This was when she should have told me it was all just a joke and I was taking her too seriously. But she didn't tell me that. She just looked on expectantly waiting for me to resume my mouthwork.

"Let's start off nice and slow. You know you shouldn't eat too fast. Besides' there's plenty available."

She didn't laugh out loud but clearly she was amusing herself. I was less amused. I took a couple deep breaths and then reached out my tongue once more. Working nice and slow might keep me here longer, but it was also what I needed to keep from getting lockjaw.

I was much more conscious of my mouth and jaw now. With each lick or kiss I feared my body would go on a painful strike. So slowly and deliberately I worked her pussy.

So far it was working and Beth wasn't in a hurry for more, and yet I knew when the time came I would be called upon to pick up the pace; a pace which would once again endanger the proper working of my muscles. I needed a plan.

I did some slow sucking of her lips. Actually everything now was being done slower. Each lick took its time. It made me think what if you played a porn film on super slow motion? I did find that idea a little amusing. But that still didn't solve my problem.

I tried sticking out my tongue and not moving it, but rather just nodding my head to move my tongue against her. It didn't feel quite right and my tongue still wanted to move around.

"Okay, you can eat a little faster. You don't want to be here all night, do you?"

I had mixed feelings. Forget the joke about me being there all night, I was happy to get closer to completing this task but I still didn't have an answer that would keep my body from turning this into a much more uncomfortable scene. Not only was the physical discomfort a concern but having to explain the problem and not being able to offer the satisfaction she was seeking would not lead to a happy moment.

I started to speed up, somewhat reluctantly, and then I had an idea. I gave her a deep kiss as if I was trying to get my lips inside hers, and pressed my face into her. I held it there a moment but then backed off to take a deep breath. Then I was right back in there.

This time I ducked slightly and let my nose rub against her clit as I shook my head from side to side. When I pulled back I took a long lick between her lips and up to that all important bud. One lick done and I came back with my nose, this time trying to push it inside while her clit moved along the bridge.

It made me think of my earlier ordeal with Sylvia, and that's probably what had sparked the idea. Sylvia had been so busy fucking my face that my tongue was of little concern by comparison. Then it had been Sylvia's idea, but this time it was mine.

I let my nose replace my tongue for most of the action and pushed my whole face into her. I also left my mouth loosely open and minimized the movement of my jaw. Instead I was using nose and face to attack the pussy.

I think Beth was questioning my choice of actions but she didn't tell me to stop. And I decided I wouldn't give her that option. If I was going to do this, then I was going to do it right. I would show her what her little tiger could do.

Between my deep breaths and my determination I think I even growled a little. In response her hand found its mark at the back of my head. I ignored it. Her hand wasn't going to hold me or slow me. I pushed my face in hard and then shook it vigorously as if I could throw her from the bed.


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